File: Formatting\FormattingEngineTests.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Indentation;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor.Commanding.Commands;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Formatting;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Formatting)]
public sealed class FormattingEngineTests(ITestOutputHelper output) : CSharpFormattingEngineTestBase(output)
    private static OptionsCollection SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping()
        => new(LanguageNames.CSharp)
            { IndentationOptionsStorage.SmartIndent, FormattingOptions2.IndentStyle.Smart },
            { AutoFormattingOptionsStorage.FormatOnTyping, false },
            { AutoFormattingOptionsStorage.FormatOnCloseBrace, false },
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539682")]
    public void FormatDocumentCommandHandler()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int x;$$
                int y;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int x;$$
                        int y;
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539682")]
    public void FormatDocumentPasteCommandHandler()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int x;$$
                int y;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int x;$$
                        int y;
        AssertFormatWithPasteOrReturn(expected, code, allowDocumentChanges: true);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/547261")]
    public void FormatDocumentReadOnlyWorkspacePasteCommandHandler()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int x;$$
                int y;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int x;$$
                int y;
        AssertFormatWithPasteOrReturn(expected, code, allowDocumentChanges: false);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/912965")]
    public void DoNotFormatUsingStatementOnReturn()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        using (null)
                                using (null)$$
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        using (null)
                                using (null)$$
        AssertFormatWithPasteOrReturn(expected, code, allowDocumentChanges: true, isPaste: false);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/912965")]
    public void FormatUsingStatementWhenTypingCloseParen()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        using (null)
                                using (null)$$
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        using (null)
                        using (null)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/912965")]
    public void FormatNotUsingStatementOnReturn()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        using (null)
                                for (;;)$$
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        using (null)
                                for (;;)$$
        AssertFormatWithPasteOrReturn(expected, code, allowDocumentChanges: true, isPaste: false);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/977133")]
    public void DoNotFormatRangeOrFormatTokenOnOpenBraceOnSameLine()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public void M()
                        if (true)        {$$
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public void M()
                        if (true)        {
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoNotFormatRangeButFormatTokenOnOpenBraceOnNextLine()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public void M()
                        if (true)
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public void M()
                        if (true)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1007071")]
    public void FormatPragmaWarningInbetweenDelegateDeclarationStatement()
        var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        Func <bool> a = delegate ()
                #pragma warning disable CA0001
                            return true;
        var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        Func<bool> a = delegate ()
                #pragma warning disable CA0001
                            return true;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/771761")]
    public void FormatHashRegion()
        var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
        var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/771761")]
    public void FormatHashEndRegion()
        var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
        var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/987373")]
    public async Task FormatSpansIndividuallyWithoutCollapsing()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public void M()
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public void M()
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
                        if (true) { }
        using var workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.CreateCSharp(code);
        var subjectDocument = workspace.Documents.Single();
        var spans = subjectDocument.SelectedSpans;
        var document = workspace.CurrentSolution.Projects.Single().Documents.Single();
        var syntaxRoot = await document.GetRequiredSyntaxRootAsync(CancellationToken.None);
        var options = CSharpSyntaxFormattingOptions.Default;
        var node = Formatter.Format(syntaxRoot, spans, workspace.Services.SolutionServices, options, rules: default, CancellationToken.None);
        Assert.Equal(expected, node.ToFullString());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1044118")]
    public void SemicolonInCommentOnLastLineDoesNotFormat()
        var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                // ;$$
        var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                // ;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideSingleLineRegularComment_1()
        var code = """
                class Program
                                              //        {$$
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                                              //        {
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideSingleLineRegularComment_2()
        var code = """
                class Program
                                              //        {$$   
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                                              //        {   
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideMultiLineRegularComment_1()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(int          a/*         {$$       */, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(int          a/*         {       */, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideMultiLineRegularComment_2()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(int          a/*         {$$
                        */, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(int          a/*         {
                        */, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideMultiLineRegularComment_3()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(int          a/*         {$$    
                        */, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(int          a/*         {    
                        */, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideSingleLineDocComment_1()
        var code = """
                class Program
                                              ///        {$$
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                                              ///        {
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideSingleLineDocComment_2()
        var code = """
                class Program
                                              ///        {$$   
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                                              ///        {   
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideMultiLineDocComment_1()
        var code = """
                class Program
                                              /**        {$$   **/
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                                              /**        {   **/
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideMultiLineDocComment_2()
        var code = """
                class Program
                                              /**        {$$   
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                                              /**        {   
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideMultiLineDocComment_3()
        var code = """
                class Program
                                              /**        {$$
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                                              /**        {
                                       static void Main(int a, int b)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideInactiveCode()
        var code = """
                class Program
                                                        #if false
                    static void Main(string[] args)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                                                        #if false
                    static void Main(string[] args)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideStringLiteral()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        var asdas =     "{$$"        ;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        var asdas =     "{"        ;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideCharLiteral()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        var asdas =     '{$$'        ;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        var asdas =     '{'        ;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void NoFormattingInsideCommentsOfPreprocessorDirectives()
        var code = """
                class Program
                        #endregion // a/*{$$*/    
                        static void Main(string[] args)
        var expected = """
                class Program
                        #endregion // a/*{*/    
                        static void Main(string[] args)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void ColonInSwitchCase()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int f = 0;
                                 case     1     :$$    break;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int f = 0;
                            case 1:    break;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void ColonInDefaultSwitchCase()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int f = 0;
                            case 1:    break;
                                    default    :$$     break;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int f = 0;
                            case 1:    break;
                            default:     break;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void ColonInPatternSwitchCase01()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                                          case  int  i            :$$    break;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                            case int i:    break;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void ColonInLabeledStatement()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                            label1   :$$   int s = 0;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                    label1: int s = 0;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoNotFormatColonInTargetAttribute()
        var code = """
                using System;
                [method    :$$    C]
                class C : Attribute
        var expected = """
                using System;
                [method    :    C]
                class C : Attribute
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoNotFormatColonInBaseList()
        var code = """
                class C   :$$   Attribute
        var expected = """
                class C   :   Attribute
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoNotFormatColonInThisConstructor()
        var code = """
                class Goo
                    Goo(int s)   :$$   this()
        var expected = """
                class Goo
                    Goo(int s)   :   this()
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoNotFormatColonInConditionalOperator()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        var vari = goo()     ?    true  :$$  false;
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        var vari = goo()     ?    true  :  false;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoNotFormatColonInArgument()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        Main(args  :$$  args);
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        Main(args  :  args);
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoNotFormatColonInTypeParameter()
        var code = """
                class Program<T>
                    class C1<U>
                        where   T  :$$  U
        var expected = """
                class Program<T>
                    class C1<U>
                        where   T  :  U
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoNotSmartFormatBracesOnSmartIndentNone()
        var code = """
                class Program<T>
                    class C1<U>
        var expected = """
                class Program<T>
                    class C1<U>
        var globalOptions = new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp)
            { IndentationOptionsStorage.SmartIndent, FormattingOptions2.IndentStyle.None }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, globalOptions);
    [Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.SmartTokenFormatting)]
    public void StillAutoIndentCloseBraceWhenFormatOnCloseBraceIsOff()
        var code = """
                namespace N
                    class C
                             // improperly indented code
                             int x = 10;
        var expected = """
                namespace N
                    class C
                             // improperly indented code
                             int x = 10;
        var globalOptions = new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp)
            { AutoFormattingOptionsStorage.FormatOnCloseBrace, false }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, globalOptions);
    [Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.SmartTokenFormatting)]
    public void AutoIndentCloseBraceWhenFormatOnTypingIsOff()
        var code = """
                namespace N
                    class C
                             // improperly indented code
                             int x = 10;
        var expected = """
                namespace N
                    class C
                             // improperly indented code
                             int x = 10;
        var globalOptions = new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp)
            { AutoFormattingOptionsStorage.FormatOnTyping, false }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, globalOptions);
    [WpfFact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.SmartTokenFormatting)]
    public void KeepTabsInCommentsWhenFormattingIsOff()
        // There are tabs in this test case.  Tools that touch the Roslyn repo should
        // not remove these as we are explicitly testing tab behavior.
        var code =
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        return;		/* Comment preceded by tabs */		// This one too
        var expected =
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        return;		/* Comment preceded by tabs */		// This one too
        var globalOptions = new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp)
            { AutoFormattingOptionsStorage.FormatOnTyping, false }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, globalOptions);
    [WpfFact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.SmartTokenFormatting)]
    public void DoNotKeepTabsInCommentsWhenFormattingIsOn()
        // There are tabs in this test case.  Tools that touch the Roslyn repo should
        // not remove these as we are explicitly testing tab behavior.
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        return;		/* Comment preceded by tabs */		// This one too
        var expected =
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        return;     /* Comment preceded by tabs */        // This one too
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.SmartTokenFormatting)]
    public void DoNotFormatStatementIfSemicolonOptionIsOff()
        var code =
                namespace N
                    class C
                        int x   =   10     ;$$
        var expected =
                namespace N
                    class C
                        int x   =   10     ;
        var globalOptions = new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp)
            { AutoFormattingOptionsStorage.FormatOnSemicolon, false }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, globalOptions);
    [Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.SmartTokenFormatting)]
    public void DoNotFormatStatementIfTypingOptionIsOff()
        var code =
                namespace N
                    class C
                        int x   =   10     ;$$
        var expected =
                namespace N
                    class C
                        int x   =   10     ;
        var globalOptions = new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp)
            { AutoFormattingOptionsStorage.FormatOnTyping, false }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, globalOptions);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    [Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.SmartTokenFormatting)]
    public void OpenCurlyNotFormattedIfNotAtStartOfLine()
        var code =
                class C
                    public  int     P   {$$
        var expected =
                class C
                    public  int     P   {
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    [Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.SmartTokenFormatting)]
    public void OpenCurlyFormattedIfAtStartOfLine()
        var code =
                class C
                    public  int     P
        var expected =
                class C
                    public  int     P
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void DoNotFormatIncompleteBlockOnSingleLineIfNotTypingCloseCurly1()
        var code = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property
                            get { return true;$$
        var expected = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property
                            get { return true;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void DoNotFormatIncompleteBlockOnSingleLineIfNotTypingCloseCurly2()
        var code = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property { get { return true;$$
        var expected = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property { get { return true;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void DoNotFormatIncompleteBlockOnSingleLineIfNotTypingCloseCurly3()
        var code = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property { get;$$
        var expected = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property { get;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void DoNotFormatCompleteBlockOnSingleLineIfTypingCloseCurly1()
        var code = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property
                            get { return true; }$$
        var expected = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property
                            get { return true; }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void DoNotFormatCompleteBlockOnSingleLineIfTypingCloseCurly2()
        var code = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property { get { return true; }$$
        var expected = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property { get { return true; }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void FormatIncompleteBlockOnMultipleLinesIfTypingCloseCurly1()
        var code = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property
                            get { return true;
        var expected = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property
                                return true;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void FormatIncompleteBlockOnMultipleLinesIfTypingCloseCurly2()
        var code = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property
                            get { return true;
        var expected = """
                namespace ConsoleApplication1
                    class Program
                        static bool Property
                                return true;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void DoNotFormatCompleteBlockOnSingleLineIfTypingSemicolon()
        var code =
                public class Class1
                    void M()
                        try { }
                        catch { return;$$
        var expected =
                public class Class1
                    void M()
                        try { }
                        catch { return;
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void FormatCompleteBlockOnSingleLineIfTypingCloseCurlyOnLaterLine()
        var code =
                public class Class1
                    void M()
                        try { }
                        catch { return;
        var expected =
                public class Class1
                    void M()
                        try { }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void FormatLockStatementWithEmbeddedStatementOnSemicolonDifferentLine()
        var code = """
                class C
                    private object _l = new object();
                    public void M()
                        lock (_l)
        var expected = """
                class C
                    private object _l = new object();
                    public void M()
                        lock (_l)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void FormatLockStatementWithEmbeddedStatementOnSemicolonSameLine()
        var code = """
                class C
                    private object _l = new object();
                    public void M()
                        lock (_l)      Console.WriteLine("d");$$
        var expected = """
                class C
                    private object _l = new object();
                    public void M()
                        lock (_l) Console.WriteLine("d");
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void FormatArbitraryNodeParenthesizedLambdaExpression()
        // code equivalent to an expression synthesized like so:
        // ParenthesizedExpression(ParenthesizedLambdaExpression(ParameterList(), Block()))
        var code = @"(()=>{})";
        var node = SyntaxFactory.ParseExpression(code);
        var expected = @"(() => { })";
        AssertFormatOnArbitraryNode(node, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task FormatLambdaWithDirective()
        var code = """
                namespace N
                    public class C
                        protected void Render()
                            if (outer)
                                    M(() =>
                #nullable enable
                                               if (inner)
        var expected = """
                namespace N
                    public class C
                        protected void Render()
                            if (outer)
                                M(() =>
                #nullable enable
                                        if (inner)
        await AssertFormatAsync(expected, code, spans: null);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task FormatLambdaWithComment()
        var code = """
                namespace N
                    public class C
                        protected void Render()
                if (true)
                            M(() => 
                                if (true)
                /* marker */
        var expected = """
                namespace N
                    public class C
                        protected void Render()
                            if (true)
                                M(() =>
                                    if (true)
                                        /* marker */
        await AssertFormatAsync(expected, code, spans: null);
    public async Task FormatAttributeAtEndOfFile(bool trailingNewLine)
        var endOfFile = trailingNewLine ? Environment.NewLine : "";
        var code = $@"using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly:SuppressMessage(""Globalization"", ""CA1308: Normalize strings to uppercase"", Justification = ""My reason"", Scope = ""member"", Target = ""~M:Method"") ] {endOfFile}";
        var expected = $@"using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
[assembly: SuppressMessage(""Globalization"", ""CA1308: Normalize strings to uppercase"", Justification = ""My reason"", Scope = ""member"", Target = ""~M:Method"")]{endOfFile}";
        await AssertFormatAsync(expected, code, spans: null);
        await AssertFormatAsync(expected, expected, spans: null);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentOpenBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff1()
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true)
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentOpenBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff2()
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true)
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true)
                        { }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentOpenBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff3()
        // We only smart indent the { if it's on it's own line.
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true){$$
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true){
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentOpenBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff4()
        // We only smart indent the { if it's on it's own line.
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true){}$$
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true){ }
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentOpenBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff5()
        // Typing the { should not affect the formating of the preceding tokens.
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if ( true )
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if ( true )
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentOpenBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff6()
        // Typing the { should not affect the formating of the preceding tokens.
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if ( true ){$$
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if ( true ){
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentOpenBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff7()
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentCloseBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff1()
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true)
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true)
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentCloseBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff2()
        // Note that the { is not updated since we are not formatting.
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true) {
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
                        if (true) {
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentCloseBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff3()
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M()
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M()
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void DoSmartIndentCloseBraceEvenWithFormatWhileTypingOff4()
        // Should not affect formatting of open brace
        var code =
                class Program
                    void M() {
        var expected =
                class Program
                    void M() {
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, SmartIndentButDoNotFormatWhileTyping());
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NullableReferenceTypes()
        var code = """
                class MyClass
                    void MyMethod()
                        var returnType = (_useMethodSignatureReturnType ? _methodSignatureOpt !: method).ReturnType;
        var expected = """
                class MyClass
                    void MyMethod()
                        var returnType = (_useMethodSignatureReturnType ? _methodSignatureOpt! : method).ReturnType;
        await AssertFormatWithBaseIndentAsync(expected, code, baseIndentation: 4);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void FormatGeneratedNodeInInitializer()
        var code = """
                new bool[] {
        var expected = """
                new bool[] {
                true == false, true
        var tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(code, options: TestOptions.Script);
        var root = tree.GetRoot();
        var entry = SyntaxFactory.BinaryExpression(SyntaxKind.EqualsExpression, SyntaxFactory.LiteralExpression(SyntaxKind.TrueLiteralExpression), SyntaxFactory.LiteralExpression(SyntaxKind.FalseLiteralExpression));
        var newRoot = root.InsertNodesBefore(root.DescendantNodes().Last(), [entry]);
        AssertFormatOnArbitraryNode(newRoot, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task PositionalPattern()
        var code = """
                class MyClass
                    void MyMethod()
                        var point = new Point (3, 4);
                        if (point is Point (3, 4) _
                            && point is Point{x: 3, y: 4} _)
        var expected = """
                class MyClass
                    void MyMethod()
                        var point = new Point(3, 4);
                        if (point is Point(3, 4) _
                            && point is Point { x: 3, y: 4 } _)
        await AssertFormatWithBaseIndentAsync(expected, code, baseIndentation: 4);
    public async Task WithExpression()
        var code = """
                record C(int Property)
                    void M()
                        _ = this  with  {  Property  =  1  } ;
        var expected = """
                record C(int Property)
                    void M()
                        _ = this with { Property = 1 };
        await AssertFormatWithBaseIndentAsync(expected, code, baseIndentation: 4);
    public async Task WithExpression_MultiLine()
        var code = """
                record C(int Property, int Property2)
                    void M()
                        _ = this  with
                Property  =  1,
                Property2  =  2
                } ;
        var expected = """
                record C(int Property, int Property2)
                    void M()
                        _ = this with
                            Property = 1,
                            Property2 = 2
        await AssertFormatWithBaseIndentAsync(expected, code, baseIndentation: 4);
    public async Task WithExpression_MultiLine_UserPositionedBraces()
        var code = """
                record C(int Property, int Property2)
                    void M()
                        _ = this  with
                                Property  =  1,
                                Property2  =  2
                            } ;
        var expected = """
                record C(int Property, int Property2)
                    void M()
                        _ = this with
                            Property = 1,
                            Property2 = 2
        await AssertFormatWithBaseIndentAsync(expected, code, baseIndentation: 4);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void SeparateGroups_KeepMultipleLinesBetweenGroups()
        var code = """
                using System.A;
                using System.B;
                using MS.A;
                using MS.B;
        var expected = """
                using System.A;
                using System.B;
                using MS.A;
                using MS.B;
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code, new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp) { { GenerationOptions.SeparateImportDirectiveGroups, true } });
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void SeparateGroups_KeepMultipleLinesBetweenGroups_FileScopedNamespace()
        var code = """
                namespace N;
                using System.A;
                using System.B;
                using MS.A;
                using MS.B;
        var expected = """
                namespace N;
                using System.A;
                using System.B;
                using MS.A;
                using MS.B;
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code, new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp) { { GenerationOptions.SeparateImportDirectiveGroups, true } });
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void SeparateGroups_DoNotGroupIfNotSorted()
        var code = """
                using System.B;
                using System.A;
                using MS.B;
                using MS.A;
        var expected = """
                using System.B;
                using System.A;
                using MS.B;
                using MS.A;
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code, new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp) { { GenerationOptions.SeparateImportDirectiveGroups, true } });
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void SeparateGroups_GroupIfSorted()
        var code = """
                using System.A;
                using System.B;
                using MS.A;
                using MS.B;
        var expected = """
                using System.A;
                using System.B;
                using MS.A;
                using MS.B;
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code, new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp) { { GenerationOptions.SeparateImportDirectiveGroups, true } });
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void SeparateGroups_GroupIfSorted_RecognizeSystemNotFirst()
        var code = """
                using MS.A;
                using MS.B;
                using System.A;
                using System.B;
        var expected = """
                using MS.A;
                using MS.B;
                using System.A;
                using System.B;
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code, new OptionsCollection(LanguageNames.CSharp) { { GenerationOptions.SeparateImportDirectiveGroups, true } });
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void FormatImplicitObjectCollection()
        var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        $$List<int> list = new()
                            1, 2, 3, 4,
        var expected = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        $$List<int> list = new()
                            1, 2, 3, 4,
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public void PreserveAnnotationsOnMultiLineTrivia()
        var text = """
                namespace TestApp
                    class Test
                    /* __marker__ */
        var position = text.IndexOf("/* __marker__ */");
        var syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(text);
        var root = syntaxTree.GetRoot();
        var annotation = new SyntaxAnnotation("marker");
        var markerTrivia = root.FindTrivia(position, findInsideTrivia: true);
        var annotatedMarkerTrivia = markerTrivia.WithAdditionalAnnotations(annotation);
        root = root.ReplaceTrivia(markerTrivia, annotatedMarkerTrivia);
        using var workspace = new AdhocWorkspace();
        var options = CSharpSyntaxFormattingOptions.Default;
        var formattedRoot = Formatter.Format(root, workspace.Services.SolutionServices, options, CancellationToken.None);
        var annotatedTrivia = formattedRoot.GetAnnotatedTrivia("marker");
    public void FormatUserDefinedOperator()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public static C operator + ( C x, C y){
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public static C operator +(C x, C y)
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code);
    public void FormatUserDefinedUnaryOperator()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public static C operator ++ ( C x){
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public static C operator ++(C x)
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code);
    public void FormatUserDefinedExplicitCastOperator()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public static explicit operator C ( int x){
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public static explicit operator C(int x)
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code);
    public void FormatUserDefinedOperatorOnType()
        var code = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator + ( I1 x, I1 y);$$
        var expected = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator +(I1 x, I1 y);
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void FormatUserDefinedUnaryOperatorOnType()
        var code = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator ++ ( I1 x);$$
        var expected = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator ++(I1 x);
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void FormatUserDefinedExplicitCastOperatorOnType()
        var code = """
                interface I1<T> where T : I1<T>
                    abstract static explicit operator string ( T x);$$
        var expected = """
                interface I1<T> where T : I1<T>
                    abstract static explicit operator string(T x);
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    public void FormatUserDefinedCheckedOperator()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public static C operator checked + ( C x, C y){
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public static C operator checked +(C x, C y)
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code, parseOptions: CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp12));
    public void FormatUserDefinedCheckedUnaryOperator()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public static C operator checked ++ ( C x){
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public static C operator checked ++(C x)
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code, parseOptions: CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp12));
    public void FormatUserDefinedExplicitCheckedCastOperator()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public static explicit operator checked C ( int x){
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public static explicit operator checked C(int x)
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code, parseOptions: CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp12));
    public void FormatUserDefinedCheckedOperatorOnType()
        var code = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator checked + ( I1 x, I1 y);$$
        var expected = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator checked +(I1 x, I1 y);
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, parseOptions: CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp12));
    public void FormatUserDefinedCheckedUnaryOperatorOnType()
        var code = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator checked ++ ( I1 x);$$
        var expected = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator checked ++(I1 x);
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, parseOptions: CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp12));
    public void FormatUserDefinedExplicitCheckedCastOperatorOnType()
        var code = """
                interface I1<T> where T : I1<T>
                    abstract static explicit operator checked string ( T x);$$
        var expected = """
                interface I1<T> where T : I1<T>
                    abstract static explicit operator checked string(T x);
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected, parseOptions: CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp12));
    public void FormatUnsignedRightShift()
        var code = """
                class C
                    public static C operator>>> ( C x, C y){
        var expected = """
                class C
                    public static C operator >>>(C x, C y)
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code);
    public void FormatCollectionExpressionAfterEquals()
        var code = """
                var   v  =   [  1  , 2  , 3  ]  ;
        var expected = """
                var v = [1, 2, 3];
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code);
    public void FormatCollectionExpressionAfterEquals2()
        var code = """
                class C
                    void M()
                        List<int> list = [     ]  ;$$
        var expected = """
                class C
                    void M()
                        List<int> list = [];$$
        AssertFormatWithView(expected, code);
    public void FormatUnsignedRightShiftOnType()
        var code = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator >>> ( I1 x, I1 y);$$
        var expected = """
                interface I1
                    abstract static I1 operator >>>(I1 x, I1 y);
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    [WpfFact, WorkItem("")]
    public void FormatLabeledStatementAfterColon()
        var code = """
            class C
                void M()
        var expected = """
            class C
                void M()
        AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(code, expected);
    private static void AssertFormatAfterTypeChar(
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string code,
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string expected,
        OptionsCollection? globalOptions = null,
        ParseOptions? parseOptions = null)
        using var workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.CreateCSharp(code, parseOptions: parseOptions);
        var subjectDocument = workspace.Documents.Single();
        var commandHandler = workspace.GetService<FormatCommandHandler>();
        var typedChar = subjectDocument.GetTextBuffer().CurrentSnapshot.GetText(subjectDocument.CursorPosition!.Value - 1, 1);
        var textView = subjectDocument.GetTextView();
        workspace.GlobalOptions.SetEditorOptions(textView.Options.GlobalOptions, subjectDocument.Project.Language);
        commandHandler.ExecuteCommand(new TypeCharCommandArgs(textView, subjectDocument.GetTextBuffer(), typedChar[0]), () => { }, TestCommandExecutionContext.Create());
        var newSnapshot = subjectDocument.GetTextBuffer().CurrentSnapshot;
        AssertEx.EqualOrDiff(expected, newSnapshot.GetText());