File: ExtractMethod\ExtractMethodTests.LanguageInteraction.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.UnitTests;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.ExtractMethod;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.ExtractMethod)]
public partial class ExtractMethodTests
    [Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.ExtractMethod)]
    public sealed class LanguageInteraction : ExtractMethodBase
        #region Generics
        public async Task SelectTypeParameterWithConstraints()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    object MyMethod1<TT>() where TT : ICloneable, new()
                        [|TT abcd; abcd = new TT();|]
                        return abcd;
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    object MyMethod1<TT>() where TT : ICloneable, new()
                        TT abcd = NewMethod<TT>();
                        return abcd;
                    private static TT NewMethod<TT>() where TT : ICloneable, new()
                        return new TT();
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task SelectTypeParameterWithAllowsRefStructAntiConstraint()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    void MyMethod1<TT>(TT tt) where TT : IDisposable, allows ref struct
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    void MyMethod1<TT>(TT tt) where TT : IDisposable, allows ref struct
                    private static void NewMethod<TT>(TT tt) where TT : IDisposable, allows ref struct
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task SelectTypeParameter()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    public string Method<T, R>()
                        T t;
                        R r;
                        [|t = default(T);
                        r = default(R);
                        string s = "hello";|]
                        return s;
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    public string Method<T, R>()
                        T t;
                        R r;
                        string s;
                        NewMethod(out t, out r, out s);
                        return s;
                    private static void NewMethod<T, R>(out T t, out R r, out string s)
                        t = default(T);
                        r = default(R);
                        s = "hello";
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task SelectTypeOfTypeParameter()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    public static Type meth<U>(U u)
                        return [|typeof(U)|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    public static Type meth<U>(U u)
                        return NewMethod<U>();
                    private static Type NewMethod<U>()
                        return typeof(U);
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task SelectTypeParameterDataFlowOut()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                using System.Linq;
                class Program
                    public class Test
                        public int i = 5;
                    public string Method<T>()
                        T t;
                        [|t = (T)new Test();
                        t.i = 10;|]
                        return t.i.ToString();
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                using System.Linq;
                class Program
                    public class Test
                        public int i = 5;
                    public string Method<T>()
                        T t;
                        t = NewMethod<T>();
                        return t.i.ToString();
                    private static T NewMethod<T>()
                        T t = (T)new Test();
                        t.i = 10;
                        return t;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/528198")]
        public async Task BugFix6794()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int i = 2;
                        C<int> c = new C<int>(ref [|i|]) ;
                    private class C<T>
                        private int v;
                        public C(ref int v)
                            this.v = v;
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int i = 2;
                        C<int> c = GetC(ref i);
                    private static C<int> GetC(ref int i)
                        return new C<int>(ref i);
                    private class C<T>
                        private int v;
                        public C(ref int v)
                            this.v = v;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/528198")]
        public async Task BugFix6794_1()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int i;
                        C<int> c = new C<int>(out [|i|]) ;
                    private class C<T>
                        public C(out int v)
                            v = 1;
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        int i;
                        C<int> c = GetC(out i);
                    private static C<int> GetC(out int i)
                        return new C<int>(out i);
                    private class C<T>
                        public C(out int v)
                            v = 1;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task SelectDefaultOfT()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                using System.Linq;
                class Test11<T>
                    T method()
                        T t = [|default(T)|];
                        return t;
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                using System.Linq;
                class Test11<T>
                    T method()
                        T t = GetT();
                        return t;
                    private static T GetT()
                        return default(T);
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        #region Operators
        public async Task SelectPostIncrementOperatorExtractWithRef()
            var code = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return [|i++|];
            var expected = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return NewMethod(ref i);
                    private static int NewMethod(ref int i)
                        return i++;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task SelectPostIncrementOperator()
            var code = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return [|i++|];
            var expected = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return NewMethod(ref i);
                    private static int NewMethod(ref int i)
                        return i++;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task SelectPreIncrementOperator()
            var code = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return [|++i|];
            var expected = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return NewMethod(ref i);
                    private static int NewMethod(ref int i)
                        return ++i;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task SelectPostDecrementOperator()
            var code = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return [|i--|];
            var expected = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return NewMethod(ref i);
                    private static int NewMethod(ref int i)
                        return i--;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task SelectPreDecrementOperator()
            var code = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return [|--i|];
            var expected = """
                class A
                    int method(int i)
                        return NewMethod(ref i);
                    private static int NewMethod(ref int i)
                        return --i;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        #region ExpressionBodiedMembers
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedMethod()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class T
                    int m;
                    int M1() => [|1|] + 2 + 3 + m;
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class T
                    int m;
                    int M1() => NewMethod() + 2 + 3 + m;
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 1;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedOperator()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Complex
                    int real; int imaginary;
                    public static Complex operator +(Complex a, Complex b) => a.Add([|b.real + 1|]);
                    private Complex Add(int b)
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class Complex
                    int real; int imaginary;
                    public static Complex operator +(Complex a, Complex b) => a.Add(NewMethod(b));
                    private static int NewMethod(Complex b)
                        return b.real + 1;
                    private Complex Add(int b)
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedConversionOperator()
            var code = """
                using System;
                public struct DBBool
                    public static readonly DBBool dbFalse = new DBBool(-1);
                    int value;
                    DBBool(int value)
                        this.value = value;
                    public static implicit operator DBBool(bool x) => x ? new DBBool([|1|]) : dbFalse;
            var expected = """
                using System;
                public struct DBBool
                    public static readonly DBBool dbFalse = new DBBool(-1);
                    int value;
                    DBBool(int value)
                        this.value = value;
                    public static implicit operator DBBool(bool x) => x ? new DBBool(NewMethod()) : dbFalse;
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 1;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedProperty()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class T
                    int M1 => [|1|] + 2;
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class T
                    int M1 => NewMethod() + 2;
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 1;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedIndexer()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class SampleCollection<T>
                    private T[] arr = new T[100];
                    public T this[int i] => i > 0 ? arr[[|i + 1|]] : arr[i + 2];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class SampleCollection<T>
                    private T[] arr = new T[100];
                    public T this[int i] => i > 0 ? arr[NewMethod(i)] : arr[i + 2];
                    private static int NewMethod(int i)
                        return i + 1;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedIndexer2()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class SampleCollection<T>
                    private T[] arr = new T[100];
                    public T this[int i] => [|i > 0 ? arr[i + 1]|] : arr[i + 2];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class SampleCollection<T>
                    private T[] arr = new T[100];
                    public T this[int i] => NewMethod(i);
                    private T NewMethod(int i)
                        return i > 0 ? arr[i + 1] : arr[i + 2];
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedMethodWithBlockBodiedAnonymousMethodExpression()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => delegate (int x)
                        return [|9|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => delegate (int x)
                        return NewMethod();
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 9;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedMethodWithSingleLineBlockBodiedAnonymousMethodExpression()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => delegate (int x) { return [|9|]; };
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => delegate (int x) { return NewMethod(); };
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 9;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedMethodWithBlockBodiedSimpleLambdaExpression()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => f =>
                        return f * [|9|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => f =>
                        return f * NewMethod();
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 9;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedMethodWithExpressionBodiedSimpleLambdaExpression()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => f => f * [|9|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => f => f * NewMethod();
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 9;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedMethodWithBlockBodiedParenthesizedLambdaExpression()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => (f) =>
                        return f * [|9|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => (f) =>
                        return f * NewMethod();
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 9;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedMethodWithExpressionBodiedParenthesizedLambdaExpression()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => (f) => f * [|9|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    Func<int, int> Y() => (f) => f * NewMethod();
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 9;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task ExpressionBodiedMethodWithBlockBodiedAnonymousMethodExpressionInMethodArgs()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    public int Prop => Method1(delegate()
                        return [|8|];
                    private int Method1(Func<int> p)
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    public int Prop => Method1(delegate()
                        return NewMethod();
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 8;
                    private int Method1(Func<int> p)
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task LeadingAndTrailingTriviaOnExpressionBodiedMethod()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    int M1() => 1 + 2 + /*not moved*/ [|3|] /*not moved*/;
                    void Cat() { }
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class TestClass
                    int M1() => 1 + 2 + /*not moved*/ NewMethod() /*not moved*/;
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return 3;
                    void Cat() { }
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        #region Patterns
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task PatternIsDisabled()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        object o = null;
                        if (o is Program [|p|])
            await ExpectExtractMethodToFailAsync(code);
        [Fact, WorkItem(11155, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
        public async Task AnonymousTypeMember1()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        var an = new { id = 123 };
                        Console.Write(an.[|id|]); // here
            await ExpectExtractMethodToFailAsync(code);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544259")]
        public async Task ExtractMethod_ConstructorInitializer()
            var code = """
                class Program
                    public Program(string a, int b)
                        : this(a, [|new Program()|])
            var expected = """
                class Program
                    public Program(string a, int b)
                        : this(a, NewMethod())
                    private static Program NewMethod()
                        return new Program();
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543984")]
        public async Task ExtractMethod_UnsafeAddressTaken()
            var code = """
                class C
                    unsafe void M()
                        int i = 5;
                        int* j = [|&i|];
            var expected = """
                class C
                    unsafe void M()
                        int i = 5;
                        int* j = GetJ(out i);
                    private static unsafe int* GetJ(out int i)
                        return &i;
            await ExpectExtractMethodToFailAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544387")]
        public async Task ExtractMethod_PointerType()
            var code = """
                class Test
                    static int x = 0;
                    unsafe static void Main()
                        fixed (int* p1 = &x)
                            int a1 = [|*p1|];
            var expected = """
                class Test
                    static int x = 0;
                    unsafe static void Main()
                        fixed (int* p1 = &x)
                            int a1 = GetA1(p1);
                    private static unsafe int GetA1(int* p1)
                        return *p1;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544514")]
        public async Task ExtractMethod_AnonymousType()
            var code = """
                public class Test
                    public static void Main()
                        var p1 = new { Price = 45 };
                        var p2 = new { Price = 50 };
                        [|p1 = p2;|]
            var expected = """
                public class Test
                    public static void Main()
                        var p1 = new { Price = 45 };
                        var p2 = new { Price = 50 };
                        p1 = NewMethod(p2);
                    private static global::System.Object NewMethod(global::System.Object p2)
                        return p2;
            await ExpectExtractMethodToFailAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544920")]
        public async Task ExtractMethod_StackAllocExpression()
            var code = """
                unsafe class C
                    static void Main()
                        void* p = [|stackalloc int[10]|];
            var expected = """
                unsafe class C
                    static void Main()
                    private static void NewMethod()
                        void* p = stackalloc int[10];
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539310")]
        public async Task Readonly_Field_WrittenTo()
            var code = """
                class C
                    private readonly int i;
                        [|i = 1;|]
            await ExpectExtractMethodToFailAsync(code);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539310")]
        public async Task Readonly_Field()
            var code = """
                class C
                    private readonly int i;
                        i = 1;
                        [|var x = i;|]
            var expected = """
                class C
                    private readonly int i;
                        i = 1;
                    private void NewMethod()
                        var x = i;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545180")]
        public async Task NodeHasSyntacticErrors()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                using System.Linq;
                using System.Linq.Expressions;
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        Expression<Func<int>> f3 = ()=>[|switch {|]
            await ExpectExtractMethodToFailAsync(code);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545292")]
        public async Task LocalConst()
            var code = """
                class Test
                    public static void Main()
                        const int v = [|3|];
            await ExpectExtractMethodToFailAsync(code);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545315")]
        public async Task Nullable()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        int? q = 10;
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        int? q = 10;
                    private static void NewMethod(int? q)
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545263")]
        public async Task SyntacticErrorInSelection()
            var code = """
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        if ((true)NewMethod()[|)|]
                    private static string NewMethod()
                        return "true";
            await ExpectExtractMethodToFailAsync(code);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544497")]
        public async Task StackAllocExpression()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class Test
                    unsafe static void Main()
                        void* buffer = [|stackalloc char[16]|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class Test
                    unsafe static void Main()
                    private static unsafe void NewMethod()
                        void* buffer = stackalloc char[16];
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545503")]
        public async Task MethodBodyInScript()
            var code = """
                #r "System.Management"
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                using System.Linq;
                using System.Text;
                using System.Management; // WMI APIs
                var output = new StringBuilder();
                void CollectInfo(string title, string query, string[,] labelKeys)
                    [|var info = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);
                    foreach (var mgtobj in info.Get())
                        for (int row = 0; row < labelKeys.GetLength(0); row++)
                            output.AppendLine(labelKeys[row, 0] + mgtobj[labelKeys[row, 1]].ToString());
            var expected = """
                #r "System.Management"
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                using System.Linq;
                using System.Text;
                using System.Management; // WMI APIs
                var output = new StringBuilder();
                void CollectInfo(string title, string query, string[,] labelKeys)
                    NewMethod(query, labelKeys);
                void NewMethod(string query, string[,] labelKeys)
                    var info = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);
                    foreach (var mgtobj in info.Get())
                        for (int row = 0; row < labelKeys.GetLength(0); row++)
                            output.AppendLine(labelKeys[row, 0] + mgtobj[labelKeys[row, 1]].ToString());
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected, parseOptions: new CSharpParseOptions(kind: SourceCodeKind.Script));
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544920")]
        public async Task NoSimplificationForStackAlloc()
            var code = """
                using System;
                unsafe class C
                    static void Main()
                        void* p = [|stackalloc int[10]|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                unsafe class C
                    static void Main()
                        void* p = NewMethod();
                    private static void* NewMethod()
                        void* p = stackalloc int[10];
                        return p;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545553")]
        public async Task CheckStatementContext1()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class X
                    static void Goo(Func<X, byte> x, string y) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
                    static void Goo(Func<int?, byte> x, object y) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
                    const int Value = 1000;
                    static void Main()
                            [|Goo(X => (byte)X.Value, null);|] // Extract method
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class X
                    static void Goo(Func<X, byte> x, string y) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
                    static void Goo(Func<int?, byte> x, object y) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
                    const int Value = 1000;
                    static void Main()
                            NewMethod(); // Extract method
                    private static void NewMethod()
                            Goo(X => (byte)X.Value, null);
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545553")]
        public async Task CheckStatementContext2()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class X
                    static void Goo(Func<X, byte> x, string y) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
                    static void Goo(Func<int?, byte> x, object y) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
                    const int Value = 1000;
                    static void Main()
                            Goo(X => (byte)X.Value, null); // Extract method
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class X
                    static void Goo(Func<X, byte> x, string y) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
                    static void Goo(Func<int?, byte> x, object y) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
                    const int Value = 1000;
                    static void Main()
                    private static void NewMethod()
                            Goo(X => (byte)X.Value, null); // Extract method
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545553")]
        public async Task CheckStatementContext3()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class X
                    static void Goo(Func<X, byte> x, string y) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
                    static void Goo(Func<int?, byte> x, object y) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
                    const int Value = 1000;
                    static void Main()
                                Goo(X => (byte)X.Value, null); // Extract method
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class X
                    static void Goo(Func<X, byte> x, string y) { Console.WriteLine(1); }
                    static void Goo(Func<int?, byte> x, object y) { Console.WriteLine(2); }
                    const int Value = 1000;
                    static void Main()
                    private static void NewMethod()
                            Goo(X => (byte)X.Value, null); // Extract method
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545553")]
        public async Task CheckExpressionContext1()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class X
                    static int Goo(Func<X, byte> x, string y) { return 1; } // This Goo is invoked before refactoring
                    static int Goo(Func<int?, byte> x, object y) { return 2; }
                    const int Value = 1000;
                    static void Main()
                        var s = unchecked(1 + [|Goo(X => (byte)X.Value, null)|]);
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class X
                    static int Goo(Func<X, byte> x, string y) { return 1; } // This Goo is invoked before refactoring
                    static int Goo(Func<int?, byte> x, object y) { return 2; }
                    const int Value = 1000;
                    static void Main()
                        var s = unchecked(1 + NewMethod());
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return unchecked(Goo(X => (byte)X.Value, null));
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_Normal_SingleStatement()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        [|await Task.Run(() => { });|]
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        await NewMethod();
                    private static async Task NewMethod()
                        await Task.Run(() => { });
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_Normal_Expression()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        [|await Task.Run(() => { })|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        await NewMethod();
                    private static async Task NewMethod()
                        await Task.Run(() => { });
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_Normal_MultipleStatements()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        [|await Task.Run(() => { });
                        await Task.Run(() => 1);
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        await NewMethod();
                    private static async Task NewMethod()
                        await Task.Run(() => { });
                        await Task.Run(() => 1);
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_Normal_ExpressionWithReturn()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        await Task.Run(() => { });
                        [|await Task.Run(() => 1)|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        await Task.Run(() => { });
                        await NewMethod();
                    private static async Task<int> NewMethod()
                        return await Task.Run(() => 1);
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_Normal_ExpressionInAwaitExpression()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        await [|Task.Run(() => 1)|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        await NewMethod();
                    private static Task<int> NewMethod()
                        return Task.Run(() => 1);
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_Normal_StatementWithAwaitExpressionWithReturn()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        [|await Task.Run(() => 1);|]
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test()
                        await NewMethod();
                    private static async Task NewMethod()
                        await Task.Run(() => 1);
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_Normal_AwaitWithReturnParameter()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test(int i)
                        [|await Task.Run(() => i++);|]
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test(int i)
                        i = await NewMethod(i);
                    private static async Task<int> NewMethod(int i)
                        await Task.Run(() => i++);
                        return i;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_Normal_AwaitWithReturnParameter_Error()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public async void Test(int i)
                        var i2 = [|await Task.Run(() => i++)|];
            await ExpectExtractMethodToFailAsync(code);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_AsyncLambda()
            // this is an error case. but currently, I didn't blocked this. but we could if we want to.
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public void Test(Func<Task<int>> a)
                        Test([|async () => await Task.Run(() => 1)|]);
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public void Test(Func<Task<int>> a)
                    private static Func<Task<int>> NewMethod()
                        return async () => await Task.Run(() => 1);
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_AsyncLambda_Body()
            // this is an error case. but currently, I didn't blocked this. but we could if we want to.
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public void Test(Func<Task<int>> a)
                        Test(async () => [|await Task.Run(() => 1)|]);
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public void Test(Func<Task<int>> a)
                        Test(async () => await NewMethod());
                    private static async Task<int> NewMethod()
                        return await Task.Run(() => 1);
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AwaitExpression_AsyncLambda_WholeExpression()
            // this is an error case. but currently, I didn't blocked this. but we could if we want to.
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public void Test(Func<Task<int>> a)
                        [|Test(async () => await Task.Run(() => 1));|]
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Threading.Tasks;
                class X
                    public void Test(Func<Task<int>> a)
                    private void NewMethod()
                        Test(async () => await Task.Run(() => 1));
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1064798")]
        public async Task ExpressionInStringInterpolation()
            var code = """
                using System;
                class X
                    public void Test()
                        var s = $"Alpha Beta {[|int.Parse("12345")|]} Gamma";
            var expected = """
                using System;
                class X
                    public void Test()
                        var s = $"Alpha Beta {NewMethod()} Gamma";
                    private static int NewMethod()
                        return int.Parse("12345");
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/859493")]
        public async Task ExpressionInYieldReturnStatement()
            var code = """
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                public class Test<T> 
                    protected class Node
                        internal Node(T item) { this._item = item; }
                        internal T _item;
                    protected Node _current = null;
                    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
                        Node _localCurrent = _current;
                        while (true)
                            yield return [|_localCurrent._item|];
            var expected = """
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                public class Test<T> 
                    protected class Node
                        internal Node(T item) { this._item = item; }
                        internal T _item;
                    protected Node _current = null;
                    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
                        Node _localCurrent = _current;
                        while (true)
                            yield return GetItem(_localCurrent);
                    private static T GetItem(Node _localCurrent)
                        return _localCurrent._item;
            await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task HandleFormattableStringTargetTyping1()
        const string code = CodeSnippets.FormattableStringType + """
            namespace N
                using System;
                class C
                    public void M()
                        var f = FormattableString.Invariant([|$""|]);
        const string expected = CodeSnippets.FormattableStringType + """
            namespace N
                using System;
                class C
                    public void M()
                        var f = FormattableString.Invariant(NewMethod());
                    private static FormattableString NewMethod()
                        return $"";
        await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task BrokenForeachLoop()
        var code = """
            using System;
            namespace ConsoleApp1
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        foreach ()
        var expected = """
            using System;
            namespace ConsoleApp1
                class Program
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                    private static void NewMethod()
                        foreach ()
        await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ExtractMethod_LocalVariableCrossingLocalFunction()
        var code = """
            using System;
            class C
                public void Test()
                    int x = 0;
                    [|void Local() { }
        var expected = """
            using System;
            class C
                public void Test()
                    int x = 0;
                private static void NewMethod(int x)
                    void Local() { }
        await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task Nullable_FlowAnalysisNotNull()
        var code = """
            class C
                public void M(C? c)
                    if (c == null)
        var expected = """
            class C
                public void M(C? c)
                    if (c == null)
                private static void NewMethod(C c)
        await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public Task SimpleUsingStatement()
        var code = """
            public class Goo : IDisposable
                void M2() { }
                void M3() { }
                string S => "S";
                void M()
                    using Goo g = [|new Goo();
                    var s = g.S;
                public void Dispose()
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
        var expected = """
            public class Goo : IDisposable
                void M2() { }
                void M3() { }
                string S => "S";
                void M()
                private static void NewMethod()
                    using Goo g = new Goo();
                    var s = g.S;
                public void Dispose()
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
        return TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task WhenClause_SwitchStatement()
        var code = """
            class C
                void DisplayMeasurements(int a, int b)
                    switch ((a, b))
                        case ( > 0, > 0) when [|a == b|]:
                            Console.WriteLine($"Both measurements are valid and equal to {a}.");
                        case ( > 0, > 0):
                            Console.WriteLine($"First measurement is {a}, second measurement is {b}.");
                            Console.WriteLine("One or both measurements are not valid.");
        var expected = """
            class C
                void DisplayMeasurements(int a, int b)
                    switch ((a, b))
                        case ( > 0, > 0) when NewMethod(a, b):
                            Console.WriteLine($"Both measurements are valid and equal to {a}.");
                        case ( > 0, > 0):
                            Console.WriteLine($"First measurement is {a}, second measurement is {b}.");
                            Console.WriteLine("One or both measurements are not valid.");
                private static bool NewMethod(int a, int b)
                    return a == b;
        await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task WhenClause_SwitchExpression()
        var code = """
            class C
                string GetMeasurements(int a, int b)
                    => (a, b) switch
                        ( > 0, > 0) when [|a == b|] => $"Both measurements are valid and equal to {a}.",
                        ( > 0, > 0) => $"First measurement is {a}, second measurement is {b}.",
                        _ => "One or both measurements are not valid."
        var expected = """
            class C
                string GetMeasurements(int a, int b)
                    => (a, b) switch
                        ( > 0, > 0) when NewMethod(a, b) => $"Both measurements are valid and equal to {a}.",
                        ( > 0, > 0) => $"First measurement is {a}, second measurement is {b}.",
                        _ => "One or both measurements are not valid."
                private static bool NewMethod(int a, int b)
                    return a == b;
        await TestExtractMethodAsync(code, expected);