File: Extensions\ContextQuery\TypeContextTests.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Extensions.ContextQuery;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.IntelliSense.CompletionSetSources;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Completion)]
public class TypeContextTests : AbstractContextTests
    protected override void CheckResult(bool validLocation, int position, SyntaxTree syntaxTree)
        => Assert.Equal(validLocation, syntaxTree.IsTypeContext(position, CancellationToken.None));
    public void EmptyFile()
        => VerifyTrue(@"$$");
    public void UsingDirective()
        => VerifyFalse(@"using $$");
    public void InactiveRegion()
            #if false 
    public void SingleLineComment1()
        => VerifyFalse(@"// $$");
    public void SingleLineComment2()
            class C { 
    public void MultiLineComment()
        => VerifyFalse(@"/*  $$   */");
    public void SingleLineXmlComment()
        => VerifyFalse(@"/// $$");
    public void MultiLineXmlComment()
        => VerifyFalse(@"/**  $$   */");
    public void OpenStringLiteral()
        => VerifyFalse(AddInsideMethod("string s = \"$$"));
    public void StringLiteral()
        => VerifyFalse(AddInsideMethod("string s = \"$$\";"));
    public void OpenCharLiteral()
        => VerifyFalse(AddInsideMethod("char c = '$$"));
    public void AssemblyAttribute()
        => VerifyTrue(@"[assembly: $$]");
    public void TypeAttribute()
            class CL {}
    public void TypeParamAttribute()
        => VerifyTrue(@"class CL<[A$$]T> {}");
    public void MethodAttribute()
            class CL {
                void Method() {}
    public void MethodTypeParamAttribute()
            class CL{
                void Method<[A$$]T> () {}
    public void MethodParamAttribute()
            class CL{
                void Method ([$$]int i) {}
    public void NamespaceName()
        => VerifyFalse(@"namespace $$");
    public void UnderNamespace()
        => VerifyFalse(@"namespace NS { $$");
    public void OutsideOfType()
            namespace NS {
            class CL {}
    public void AfterDot()
        => VerifyFalse(@"[assembly: A.$$");
    public void UsingAlias()
        => VerifyTrue(@"using MyType = $$");
    public void IncompleteMember()
            class CL {
    public void IncompleteMemberAccessibility()
            class CL {
                public $$
    public void BadStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = $$)c"));
    public void TypeTypeParameter()
        => VerifyFalse(@"class CL<$$");
    public void TypeTypeParameterList()
        => VerifyFalse(@"class CL<T, $$");
    public void CastExpressionTypePart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = ($$)c"));
    public void ObjectCreationExpression()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = new $$"));
    public void ArrayCreationExpression()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = new $$ ["));
    public void StackAllocArrayCreationExpression()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = stackalloc $$"));
    public void FromClauseTypeOptPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from $$ c"));
    public void JoinClause()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C join $$ j"));
    public void DeclarationStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"$$ i ="));
    public void VariableDeclaration()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"fixed($$"));
    public void ForEachStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"foreach($$"));
    public void ForEachStatementNoToken()
        => VerifyFalse(AddInsideMethod(@"foreach $$"));
    public void CatchDeclaration()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"try {} catch($$"));
    public void FieldDeclaration()
            class CL {
                $$ i
    public void EventFieldDeclaration()
            class CL {
                event $$
    public void ConversionOperatorDeclaration()
            class CL {
                explicit operator $$
    public void ConversionOperatorDeclarationNoToken()
            class CL {
                explicit $$
    public void PropertyDeclaration()
            class CL {
                $$ Prop {
    public void EventDeclaration()
            class CL {
                event $$ Event {
    public void IndexerDeclaration()
            class CL {
                $$ this
    public void Parameter()
            class CL {
                void Method($$
    public void ArrayType()
            class CL {
                $$ [
    public void PointerType()
            class CL {
                $$ *
    public void NullableType()
            class CL {
                $$ ?
    public void DelegateDeclaration()
            class CL {
                delegate $$
    public void MethodDeclaration()
            class CL {
                $$ M(
    public void OperatorDeclaration()
            class CL {
                $$ operator
    public void ParenthesizedExpression()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"($$"));
    public void InvocationExpression()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"$$("));
    public void ElementAccessExpression()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"$$["));
    public void Argument()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"i[$$"));
    public void CastExpressionExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"(c)$$"));
    public void FromClauseInPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in $$"));
    public void LetClauseExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C let n = $$"));
    public void OrderingExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C orderby $$"));
    public void SelectClauseExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C select $$"));
    public void ExpressionStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"$$"));
    public void ReturnStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"return $$"));
    public void ThrowStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"throw $$"));
    public void YieldReturnStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"yield return $$"));
    public void ForEachStatementExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"foreach(T t in $$"));
    public void UsingStatementExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"using($$"));
    public void LockStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"lock($$"));
    public void EqualsValueClause()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var i = $$"));
    public void ForStatementInitializersPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"for($$"));
    public void ForStatementConditionOptPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"for(i=0;$$"));
    public void ForStatementIncrementorsPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"for(i=0;i>10;$$"));
    public void DoStatementConditionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"do {} while($$"));
    public void WhileStatementConditionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"while($$"));
    public void ArrayRankSpecifierSizesPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"int [$$"));
    public void PrefixUnaryExpression()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"+$$"));
    public void PostfixUnaryExpression()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"$$++"));
    public void BinaryExpressionLeftPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"$$ + 1"));
    public void BinaryExpressionRightPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"1 + $$"));
    public void AssignmentExpressionLeftPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"$$ = 1"));
    public void AssignmentExpressionRightPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"1 = $$"));
    public void ConditionalExpressionConditionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"$$? 1:"));
    public void ConditionalExpressionWhenTruePart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"true? $$:"));
    public void ConditionalExpressionWhenFalsePart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"true? 1:$$"));
    public void JoinClauseInExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C join p in $$"));
    public void JoinClauseLeftExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C join p in P on $$"));
    public void JoinClauseRightExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C join p in P on id equals $$"));
    public void WhereClauseConditionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C where $$"));
    public void GroupClauseGroupExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C group $$"));
    public void GroupClauseByExpressionPart()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C group g by $$"));
    public void IfStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"if ($$"));
    public void SwitchStatement()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"switch($$"));
    public void SwitchLabelCase()
                    case $$
    public void InitializerExpression()
        => VerifyTrue(AddInsideMethod(@"var t = new [] { $$"));
    public void TypeParameterConstraintClause()
        => VerifyTrue(@"class CL<T> where T : $$");
    public void TypeParameterConstraintClauseList()
        => VerifyTrue(@"class CL<T> where T : A, $$");
    public void TypeParameterConstraintClauseAnotherWhere()
        => VerifyFalse(@"class CL<T> where T : A where$$");
    public void BaseList1()
        => VerifyTrue(@"class CL : $$");
    public void BaseList2()
        => VerifyTrue(@"class CL : B, $$");
    public void BaseListWhere()
        => VerifyFalse(@"class CL<T> : B where$$");
    public void AliasedName()
        => VerifyFalse(AddInsideMethod(@"global::$$"));
    public void ConstructorInitializer()
        => VerifyFalse(@"class C { C() : $$");
    public void ExplicitInterfaceImplementationGeneric1()
        => VerifyFalse(@"class C { void IGoo<$$");
    public void ExplicitInterfaceImplementationGenericList1()
        => VerifyFalse(@"class C { void IGoo<T,$$");
    public void ExplicitInterfaceImplementationGeneric2()
        => VerifyTrue(@"class C { void IGoo<$$>.Method(");
    public void ExplicitInterfaceImplementationGenericList2()
        => VerifyTrue(@"class C { void IGoo<T,$$>.Method(");
    public void MemberDeclarationInScript()
        => VerifyOnlyInScript(@"private $$");