File: Completion\CompletionProviders\SymbolCompletionProviderTests_NoInteractive.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Completion.Providers;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Completion.CompletionProviders;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Language.Intellisense.AsyncCompletion.Data;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Completion.CompletionSetSources;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Completion)]
public class SymbolCompletionProviderTests_NoInteractive : AbstractCSharpCompletionProviderTests
    internal override Type GetCompletionProviderType()
        => typeof(SymbolCompletionProvider);
    private protected override Task VerifyWorkerAsync(
        string code, int position, string expectedItemOrNull, string expectedDescriptionOrNull,
        SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind, bool usePreviousCharAsTrigger, char? deletedCharTrigger, bool checkForAbsence,
        int? glyph, int? matchPriority, bool? hasSuggestionItem, string displayTextSuffix,
        string displayTextPrefix, string inlineDescription, bool? isComplexTextEdit,
        List<CompletionFilter> matchingFilters, CompletionItemFlags? flags = null, CompletionOptions options = null, bool skipSpeculation = false)
        return base.VerifyWorkerAsync(code, position,
            expectedItemOrNull, expectedDescriptionOrNull,
            SourceCodeKind.Regular, usePreviousCharAsTrigger, deletedCharTrigger, checkForAbsence,
            glyph, matchPriority, hasSuggestionItem, displayTextSuffix,
            displayTextPrefix, inlineDescription, isComplexTextEdit, matchingFilters, flags, options);
    public async Task IsCommitCharacterTest()
        => await VerifyCommonCommitCharactersAsync("class C { void M() { System.Console.$$", textTypedSoFar: "");
    public void IsTextualTriggerCharacterTest()
        VerifyTextualTriggerCharacter("Abc $$X", shouldTriggerWithTriggerOnLettersEnabled: true, shouldTriggerWithTriggerOnLettersDisabled: false);
        VerifyTextualTriggerCharacter("Abc$$ ", shouldTriggerWithTriggerOnLettersEnabled: true, shouldTriggerWithTriggerOnLettersDisabled: false, showCompletionInArgumentLists: true);
        VerifyTextualTriggerCharacter("Abc$$ ", shouldTriggerWithTriggerOnLettersEnabled: false, shouldTriggerWithTriggerOnLettersDisabled: false, showCompletionInArgumentLists: false);
    public async Task SendEnterThroughToEditorTest()
        await VerifySendEnterThroughToEnterAsync("class C { void M() { System.Console.$$", "Beep", sendThroughEnterOption: EnterKeyRule.Never, expected: false);
        await VerifySendEnterThroughToEnterAsync("class C { void M() { System.Console.$$", "Beep", sendThroughEnterOption: EnterKeyRule.AfterFullyTypedWord, expected: true);
        await VerifySendEnterThroughToEnterAsync("class C { void M() { System.Console.$$", "Beep", sendThroughEnterOption: EnterKeyRule.Always, expected: true);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task GlobalStatement1()
        => await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"System.Console.$$", @"Beep");
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task GlobalStatement2()
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
            using System;
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation3()
        => await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"using System.Console.$$", @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation4()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            class C {
            #if false 
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation5()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            class C {
            #if true 
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation6()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            using System;
            class C {
            // Console.$$
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation7()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            using System;
            class C {
            /*  Console.$$   */
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation8()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            using System;
            class C {
            /// Console.$$
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation9()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            using System;
            class C {
                void Method()
                    /// Console.$$
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation10()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            using System;
            class C {
                void Method()
                    /**  Console.$$   */
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation11()
        => await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod("string s = \"Console.$$")), @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation12()
        => await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"[assembly: System.Console.$$]", @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation13()
        var content = """
            class CL {}
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content), @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation14()
        => await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<[Console.$$]T> {}"), @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation15()
        var content = """
            class CL {
                void Method() {}
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content), @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation16()
        => await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<Console.$$"), @"Beep");
    public async Task InvalidLocation17()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            using System;
            class Program {
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    string a = "a$$
            """, @"Main");
    public async Task InvalidLocation18()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            using System;
            class Program {
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    #endregion // a$$
            """, @"Main");
    public async Task InvalidLocation19()
        await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
            using System;
            class Program {
                static void Main(string[] args)
            """, @"SByte");
    public async Task InsideMethodBody()
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
            using System;
            class C {
                void Method()
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task UsingDirectiveGlobal()
        => await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"using global::$$;", @"System");
    public async Task InsideAccessor()
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
            using System;
            class C {
                string Property
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task FieldInitializer()
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
            using System;
            class C {
                int i = Console.$$
            """, @"Beep");
    public async Task FieldInitializer2()
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
            class C {
                object i = $$
            """, @"System");
    public async Task ImportedProperty()
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C {
                void Method()
                   new List<string>().$$
            """, @"Capacity");
    public async Task FieldInitializerWithProperty()
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C {
                int i =  new List<string>().$$
            """, @"Count");
    public async Task StaticMethods()
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
            using System;
            class C {
                private static int Method() {}
                int i = $$
            """, @"Method");
    public async Task EndOfFile()
        => await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"static class E { public static void Method() { E.$$", @"Method");
    public async Task InheritedStaticFields()
        var code = """
            class A { public static int X; }
            class B : A { public static int Y; }
            class C { void M() { B.$$ } }
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync(code, "X");
        await VerifyItemExistsAsync(code, "Y");
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDescriptionWhenDocumentLengthChanges()
        var code = """
            using System;
            class C 
                string Property
            """;//, @"Beep"
        using var workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.CreateCSharp(code);
        var testDocument = workspace.Documents.Single();
        var position = testDocument.CursorPosition.Value;
        var document = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(testDocument.Id);
        var service = CompletionService.GetService(document);
        var options = CompletionOptions.Default;
        var displayOptions = SymbolDescriptionOptions.Default;
        var completions = await service.GetCompletionsAsync(document, position, options, OptionSet.Empty);
        var item = completions.ItemsList.First(i => i.DisplayText == "Beep");
        var edit = testDocument.GetTextBuffer().CreateEdit();
        edit.Delete(Span.FromBounds(position - 10, position));
        var currentDocument = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetDocument(testDocument.Id);
        Assert.NotEqual(currentDocument, document);
        var description = service.GetDescriptionAsync(document, item, options, displayOptions);