// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion.Providers;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Completion.Providers;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Completion.CompletionProviders;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Implementation.IntelliSense.AsyncCompletion;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Completion.CompletionSetSources;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Completion)]
public partial class SymbolCompletionProviderTests : AbstractCSharpCompletionProviderTests
internal override Type GetCompletionProviderType()
=> typeof(SymbolCompletionProvider);
public async Task EmptyFile(SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind)
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"$$", @"String", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: sourceCodeKind);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"$$", @"System", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: sourceCodeKind);
public async Task EmptyFileWithUsing(SourceCodeKind sourceCodeKind)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
""", @"String", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: sourceCodeKind);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
""", @"System", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: sourceCodeKind);
public async Task NotAfterHashR()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"#r $$", "@System", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task NotAfterHashLoad()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"#load $$", "@System", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task UsingDirective()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"using $$", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"using $$ = System", @"System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"using $$", @"System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"using T = $$", @"System");
public async Task InactiveRegion()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
class C {
#if false
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
class C {
#if false
""", @"System");
public async Task ActiveRegion()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
class C {
#if true
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C {
#if true
""", @"System");
public async Task InactiveRegionWithUsing()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
#if false
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
#if false
""", @"System");
public async Task ActiveRegionWithUsing()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class C {
#if true
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class C {
#if true
""", @"System");
public async Task SingleLineComment1()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
// $$
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
// $$
""", @"System");
public async Task SingleLineComment2()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
// $$
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
// $$
""", @"System");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
// $$
""", @"System");
public async Task MultiLineComment()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/* $$
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/* $$
""", @"System");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/* $$ */
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/* $$ */
""", @"System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/* */$$
""", @"System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/* */$$
""", @"System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/* */$$
""", @"System");
public async Task SingleLineXmlComment1()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/// $$
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/// $$
""", @"System");
public async Task SingleLineXmlComment2()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/// $$
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/// $$
""", @"System");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/// $$
""", @"System");
public async Task MultiLineXmlComment()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/** $$ */
""", @"String");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/** $$ */
""", @"System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/** */$$
""", @"System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/** */$$
""", @"System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class C {
/** */$$
""", @"System");
public async Task OpenStringLiteral()
var code = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod("string s = \"$$"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(code, [
public async Task OpenStringLiteralInDirective()
var code = "#r \"$$";
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(
code, [
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task StringLiteral()
var code = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod("string s = \"$$\";"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(code, [
public async Task StringLiteralInDirective()
var code = """
#r "$$"
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(
code, [
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task OpenCharLiteral()
var code = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod("char c = '$$"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(code, [
public async Task AssemblyAttribute1()
var code = @"[assembly: $$]";
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(code, [
public async Task AssemblyAttribute2()
var code = @"[assembly: $$]";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", code);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task SystemAttributeIsNotAnAttribute()
var content = """
class CL {}
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content), @"Attribute");
public async Task TypeAttribute()
var content = """
class CL {}
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content), @"AttributeUsage");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content), @"System");
public async Task TypeParamAttribute()
var code = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<[A$$]T> {}");
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(code, [
public async Task MethodAttribute()
var content = """
class CL {
void Method() {}
var code = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(code, [
public async Task MethodTypeParamAttribute()
var content = """
class CL{
void Method<[A$$]T> () {}
var code = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(code, [
public async Task MethodParamAttribute()
var content = """
class CL{
void Method ([$$]int i) {}
var code = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(code, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_EmptyNameSpan_TopLevel()
var source = @"namespace $$ { }";
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_EmptyNameSpan_Nested()
var source = """
namespace System
namespace $$ { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "Runtime", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_TopLevelNoPeers()
var source = """
using System;
namespace $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_TopLevelNoPeers_FileScopedNamespace()
var source = """
using System;
namespace $$;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_TopLevelWithPeer()
var source = """
namespace A { }
namespace $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "A", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_NestedWithNoPeers()
var source = """
namespace A
namespace $$
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(source, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_NestedWithPeer()
var source = """
namespace A
namespace B { }
namespace $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_ExcludesCurrentDeclaration()
var source = @"namespace N$$S";
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, "NS", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_WithNested()
var source = """
namespace A
namespace $$
namespace B { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_WithNestedAndMatchingPeer()
var source = """
namespace A.B { }
namespace A
namespace $$
namespace B { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_InnerCompletionPosition()
var source = @"namespace Sys$$tem { }";
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Unqualified_IncompleteDeclaration()
var source = """
namespace A
namespace B
namespace $$
namespace C1 { }
namespace B.C2 { }
namespace A.B.C3 { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(
source, [
// Ideally, all the C* namespaces would be recommended but, because of how the parser
// recovers from the missing braces, they end up with the following qualified names...
// C1 => A.B.?.C1
// C2 => A.B.B.C2
// C3 => A.A.B.C3
// ...none of which are found by the current algorithm.
// Because of the above, B does end up in the completion list
// since A.B.B appears to be a peer of the new declaration
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Qualified_NoPeers()
var source = @"namespace A.$$";
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(source, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Qualified_TopLevelWithPeer()
var source = """
namespace A.B { }
namespace A.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "B", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Qualified_TopLevelWithPeer_FileScopedNamespace()
var source = """
namespace A.B { }
namespace A.$$;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "B", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Qualified_NestedWithPeer()
var source = """
namespace A
namespace B.C { }
namespace B.$$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Qualified_WithNested()
var source = """
namespace A.$$
namespace B { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Qualified_WithNestedAndMatchingPeer()
var source = """
namespace A.B { }
namespace A.$$
namespace B { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Qualified_InnerCompletionPosition()
var source = @"namespace Sys$$tem.Runtime { }";
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_OnKeyword()
var source = @"name$$space System { }";
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_OnNestedKeyword()
var source = """
namespace System
name$$space Runtime { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7213")]
public async Task NamespaceName_Qualified_IncompleteDeclaration()
var source = """
namespace A
namespace B
namespace C.$$
namespace C.D1 { }
namespace B.C.D2 { }
namespace A.B.C.D3 { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(
source, [
// Ideally, all the D* namespaces would be recommended but, because of how the parser
// recovers from the missing braces, they end up with the following qualified names...
// D1 => A.B.C.C.?.D1
// D2 => A.B.B.C.D2
// D3 => A.A.B.C.D3
// ...none of which are found by the current algorithm.
public async Task UnderNamespace()
var source = @"namespace NS { $$";
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task OutsideOfType1()
var source = """
namespace NS {
class CL {}
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task OutsideOfType2()
var content = """
namespace NS {
class CL {}
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task CompletionInsideProperty()
var source = """
class C
private string name;
public string Name
name = $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task AfterDot()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"[assembly: A.$$");
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task UsingAlias()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"using MyType = $$");
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task IncompleteMember()
var content = """
class CL {
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task IncompleteMemberAccessibility()
var content = """
class CL {
public $$
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task BadStatement()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"var t = $$)c"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task TypeTypeParameter()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<$$");
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task TypeTypeParameterList()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<T, $$");
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task CastExpressionTypePart()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"var t = ($$)c"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ObjectCreationExpression()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"var t = new $$"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ArrayCreationExpression()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"var t = new $$ ["));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task StackAllocArrayCreationExpression()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"var t = stackalloc $$"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task FromClauseTypeOptPart()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from $$ c"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task JoinClause()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"var t = from c in C join $$ j"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task DeclarationStatement()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"$$ i ="));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task VariableDeclaration()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"fixed($$"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ForEachStatement()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"foreach($$"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ForEachStatementNoToken()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"foreach $$"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task CatchDeclaration()
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", AddInsideMethod(@"try {} catch($$"));
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task FieldDeclaration()
var content = """
class CL {
$$ i
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task EventFieldDeclaration()
var content = """
class CL {
event $$
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ConversionOperatorDeclaration()
var content = """
class CL {
explicit operator $$
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ConversionOperatorDeclarationNoToken()
var content = """
class CL {
explicit $$
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task PropertyDeclaration()
var content = """
class CL {
$$ Prop {
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task EventDeclaration()
var content = """
class CL {
event $$ Event {
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task IndexerDeclaration()
var content = """
class CL {
$$ this
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task Parameter()
var content = """
class CL {
void Method($$
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ArrayType()
var content = """
class CL {
$$ [
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task PointerType()
var content = """
class CL {
$$ *
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task NullableType()
var content = """
class CL {
$$ ?
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task DelegateDeclaration()
var content = """
class CL {
delegate $$
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task MethodDeclaration()
var content = """
class CL {
$$ M(
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task OperatorDeclaration()
var content = """
class CL {
$$ operator
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ParenthesizedExpression()
var content = @"($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task InvocationExpression()
var content = @"$$(";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ElementAccessExpression()
var content = @"$$[";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task Argument()
var content = @"i[$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task CastExpressionExpressionPart()
var content = @"(c)$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task FromClauseInPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task LetClauseExpressionPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in C let n = $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task OrderingExpressionPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in C orderby $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task SelectClauseExpressionPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in C select $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ExpressionStatement()
var content = @"$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ReturnStatement()
var content = @"return $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ThrowStatement()
var content = @"throw $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/760097")]
public async Task YieldReturnStatement()
var content = @"yield return $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ForEachStatementExpressionPart()
var content = @"foreach(T t in $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task UsingStatementExpressionPart()
var content = @"using($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task LockStatement()
var content = @"lock($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task EqualsValueClause()
var content = @"var i = $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ForStatementInitializersPart()
var content = @"for($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ForStatementConditionOptPart()
var content = @"for(i=0;$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ForStatementIncrementorsPart()
var content = @"for(i=0;i>10;$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task DoStatementConditionPart()
var content = @"do {} while($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task WhileStatementConditionPart()
var content = @"while($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ArrayRankSpecifierSizesPart()
var content = @"int [$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task PrefixUnaryExpression()
var content = @"+$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task PostfixUnaryExpression()
var content = @"$$++";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task BinaryExpressionLeftPart()
var content = @"$$ + 1";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task BinaryExpressionRightPart()
var content = @"1 + $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task AssignmentExpressionLeftPart()
var content = @"$$ = 1";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task AssignmentExpressionRightPart()
var content = @"1 = $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ConditionalExpressionConditionPart()
var content = @"$$? 1:";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ConditionalExpressionWhenTruePart()
var content = @"true? $$:";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task ConditionalExpressionWhenFalsePart()
var content = @"true? 1:$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task JoinClauseInExpressionPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in C join p in $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task JoinClauseLeftExpressionPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in C join p in P on $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task JoinClauseRightExpressionPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in C join p in P on id equals $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task WhereClauseConditionPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in C where $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task GroupClauseGroupExpressionPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in C group $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task GroupClauseByExpressionPart()
var content = @"var t = from c in C group g by $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task IfStatement()
var content = @"if ($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task SwitchStatement()
var content = @"switch($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task SwitchLabelCase()
var content = @"switch(i) { case $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task SwitchPatternLabelCase()
var content = @"switch(i) { case $$ when";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33915")]
public async Task SwitchExpressionFirstBranch()
var content = @"i switch { $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33915")]
public async Task SwitchExpressionSecondBranch()
var content = @"i switch { 1 => true, $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33915")]
public async Task PositionalPatternFirstPosition()
var content = @"i is ($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33915")]
public async Task PositionalPatternSecondPosition()
var content = @"i is (1, $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33915")]
public async Task PropertyPatternFirstPosition()
var content = @"i is { P: $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33915")]
public async Task PropertyPatternSecondPosition()
var content = @"i is { P1: 1, P2: $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task InitializerExpression()
var content = @"var t = new [] { $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClause()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<T> where T : $$"), @"System");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClause_NotStaticClass()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<T> where T : $$"), @"Console");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClause_StillShowStaticClassWhenHaveInternalType()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
static class Test
public interface IInterface {}
class CL<T> where T : $$
""", @"Test");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClause_NotSealedClass()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<T> where T : $$"), @"String");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClause_StillShowSealedClassWhenHaveInternalType()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
sealed class Test
public interface IInterface {}
class CL<T> where T : $$
""", @"Test");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClause_StillShowStaticAndSealedTypesNotDirectlyInConstraint()
var content = @"class CL<T> where T : IList<$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClauseList()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<T> where T : A, $$"), @"System");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClauseList_NotStaticClass()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<T> where T : A, $$"), @"Console");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClauseList_StillShowStaticClassWhenHaveInternalType()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
static class Test
public interface IInterface {}
class CL<T> where T : A, $$
""", @"Test");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClauseList_NotSealedClass()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<T> where T : A, $$"), @"String");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClauseList_StillShowSealedClassWhenHaveInternalType()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
sealed class Test
public interface IInterface {}
class CL<T> where T : A, $$
""", @"Test");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/30784")]
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClauseList_StillShowStaticAndSealedTypesNotDirectlyInConstraint()
var content = @"class CL<T> where T : A, IList<$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task TypeParameterConstraintClauseAnotherWhere()
var content = @"class CL<T> where T : A where$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task TypeSymbolOfTypeParameterConstraintClause1()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"class CL<T> where $$", @"T");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"class CL{ delegate void F<T>() where $$} ", @"T");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"class CL{ void F<T>() where $$", @"T");
public async Task TypeSymbolOfTypeParameterConstraintClause2()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"class CL<T> where $$", @"System");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class CL<T> where $$"), @"String");
public async Task TypeSymbolOfTypeParameterConstraintClause3()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"class CL<T1> { void M<T2> where $$", @"T1");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"class CL<T1> { void M<T2>() where $$", @"T2");
public async Task BaseList1()
var content = @"class CL : $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task BaseList2()
var content = @"class CL : B, $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task BaseListWhere()
var content = @"class CL<T> : B where$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task AliasedName()
var content = @"global::$$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task AliasedNamespace()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using S = System;", AddInsideMethod(@"S.$$")), @"String");
public async Task AliasedType()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using S = System.String;", AddInsideMethod(@"S.$$")), @"Empty");
public async Task ConstructorInitializer()
var content = @"class C { C() : $$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task Typeof1()
var content = @"typeof($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task Typeof2()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddInsideMethod(@"var x = 0; typeof($$"), @"x");
public async Task Sizeof1()
var content = @"sizeof($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task Sizeof2()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddInsideMethod(@"var x = 0; sizeof($$"), @"x");
public async Task Default1()
var content = @"default($$";
var source = AddUsingDirectives("using System;", content);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task Default2()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddInsideMethod(@"var x = 0; default($$"), @"x");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543819")]
public async Task Checked()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddInsideMethod(@"var x = 0; checked($$"), @"x");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543819")]
public async Task Unchecked()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddInsideMethod(@"var x = 0; unchecked($$"), @"x");
public async Task Locals()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"class c { void M() { string goo; $$", "goo");
public async Task Parameters_01()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"class c { void M(string args) { $$", "args");
public async Task Parameters_02(string prefix)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(prefix + "$$", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
public async Task Parameters_03(string prefix)
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(prefix + "$$", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task Parameters_04(string prefix)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(prefix + """
""", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
public async Task Parameters_05(string prefix)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
""" + prefix + "$$", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
public async Task Parameters_06(string prefix)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
""" + prefix + """
""", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
public async Task Parameters_07(string prefix)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("call(" + prefix + "$$)", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/55969")]
public async Task Parameters_TopLevelStatement_1()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"$$", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/55969")]
public async Task Parameters_TopLevelStatement_2()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
using System;
""", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/55969")]
public async Task Parameters_TopLevelStatement_3()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
using System;
""", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/55969")]
public async Task Parameters_TopLevelStatement_4()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"string first = $$", "args", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
public async Task LambdaDiscardParameters()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"class C { void M() { System.Func<int, string, int> f = (int _, string _) => 1 + $$", "_");
public async Task AnonymousMethodDiscardParameters()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"class C { void M() { System.Func<int, string, int> f = delegate(int _, string _) { return 1 + $$ }; } }", "_");
public async Task CommonTypesInNewExpressionContext()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class c { void M() { new $$"), "Exception");
public async Task NoCompletionForUnboundTypes()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class c { void M() { goo.$$"), "Equals");
public async Task NoParametersInTypeOf()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class c { void M(int x) { typeof($$"), "x");
public async Task NoParametersInDefault()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"class c { void M(int x) { default($$"), "x");
public async Task NoParametersInSizeOf()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M(int x) { unsafe { sizeof($$"), "x");
public async Task NoParametersInGenericParameterList()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class Generic<T> { void M(int x) { Generic<$$"), "x");
public async Task NoMembersAfterNullLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { null.$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterTrueLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { true.$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterFalseLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { false.$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterCharLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { 'c'.$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterStringLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { """".$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterVerbatimStringLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { @"""".$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterNumericLiteral()
// NOTE: the Completion command handler will suppress this case if the user types '.',
// but we still need to show members if the user specifically invokes statement completion here.
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { 2.$$"), "Equals");
public async Task NoMembersAfterParenthesizedNullLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { (null).$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterParenthesizedTrueLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { (true).$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterParenthesizedFalseLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { (false).$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterParenthesizedCharLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { ('c').$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterParenthesizedStringLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { ("""").$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterParenthesizedVerbatimStringLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { (@"""").$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterParenthesizedNumericLiteral()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { (2).$$"), "Equals");
public async Task MembersAfterArithmeticExpression()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddUsingDirectives("using System;", @"public class C { void M() { (1 + 1).$$"), "Equals");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539332")]
public async Task InstanceTypesAvailableInUsingAlias()
=> await VerifyItemExistsAsync(@"using S = System.$$", "String");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539812")]
public async Task InheritedMember1()
var markup = """
class A
private void Hidden() { }
protected void Goo() { }
class B : A
void Bar()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539812")]
public async Task InheritedMember2()
var markup = """
class A
private void Hidden() { }
protected void Goo() { }
class B : A
void Bar()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539812")]
public async Task InheritedMember3()
var markup = """
class A
private void Hidden() { }
protected void Goo() { }
class B : A
void Bar()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539812")]
public async Task InheritedStaticMember1()
var markup = """
class A
private static void Hidden() { }
protected static void Goo() { }
class B : A
void Bar()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539812")]
public async Task InheritedStaticMember2()
var markup = """
class A
private static void Hidden() { }
protected static void Goo() { }
class B : A
void Bar()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539812")]
public async Task InheritedStaticMember3()
var markup = """
class A
private static void Hidden() { }
protected static void Goo() { }
class B : A
void Bar()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539812")]
public async Task InheritedInstanceAndStaticMembers()
var markup = """
class A
private static void HiddenStatic() { }
protected static void GooStatic() { }
private void HiddenInstance() { }
protected void GooInstance() { }
class B : A
void Bar()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540155")]
public async Task ForLoopIndexer1()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
for (int i = 0; $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "i");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540155")]
public async Task ForLoopIndexer2()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "i");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540012")]
public async Task NoInstanceMembersAfterType1()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Dispose");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540012")]
public async Task NoInstanceMembersAfterType2()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Dispose");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540012")]
public async Task NoInstanceMembersAfterType3()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Dispose");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540012")]
public async Task NoInstanceMembersAfterType4()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Dispose");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540012")]
public async Task StaticMembersAfterType1()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "ReferenceEquals");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540012")]
public async Task StaticMembersAfterType2()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "ReferenceEquals");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540012")]
public async Task StaticMembersAfterType3()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "ReferenceEquals");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540012")]
public async Task StaticMembersAfterType4()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "ReferenceEquals");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540197")]
public async Task TypeParametersInClass()
var markup = """
class C<T, R>
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "T");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540212")]
public async Task AfterRefInLambda_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
Func<int, int> f = (ref $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540212")]
public async Task AfterOutInLambda_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
Func<int, int> f = (out $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/24326")]
public async Task AfterInInLambda_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
Func<int, int> f = (in $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AfterRefInMethodDeclaration_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
String field;
void M(ref $$)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AfterOutInMethodDeclaration_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
String field;
void M(out $$)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/24326")]
public async Task AfterInInMethodDeclaration_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
String field;
void M(in $$)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AfterRefInInvocation_TypeAndVariable()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(ref String parameter)
M(ref $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AfterOutInInvocation_TypeAndVariable()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(out String parameter)
M(out $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/24326")]
public async Task AfterInInInvocation_TypeAndVariable()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(in String parameter)
M(in $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25569")]
public async Task AfterRefExpression_TypeAndVariable()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
ref var x = ref $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25569")]
public async Task AfterRefInStatementContext_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
ref $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25569")]
public async Task AfterRefReadonlyInStatementContext_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
ref readonly $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AfterRefLocalDeclaration_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
ref $$ int local;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AfterRefReadonlyLocalDeclaration_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
ref readonly $$ int local;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AfterRefLocalFunction_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
ref $$ int Function();
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AfterRefReadonlyLocalFunction_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
ref readonly $$ int Function();
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35178")]
public async Task RefStructMembersEmptyByDefault()
var markup = """
ref struct Test {}
class C
void M()
var test = new Test();
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35178")]
public async Task RefStructMembersHasMethodIfItWasOverriden()
var markup = """
ref struct Test
public override string ToString() => string.Empty;
class C
void M()
var test = new Test();
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35178")]
public async Task RefStructMembersHasMethodsForNameof()
var markup = """
ref struct Test {}
class C
void M()
var test = new Test();
_ = nameof(test.$$);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/53585")]
public async Task AfterStaticLocalFunction_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
static $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[InlineData("static extern")]
[InlineData("extern static")]
[InlineData("static unsafe")]
[InlineData("unsafe static")]
[InlineData("unsafe extern")]
[InlineData("extern unsafe")]
public async Task AfterLocalFunction_TypeOnly(string keyword)
var markup = $$"""
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
{{keyword}} $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[InlineData("static async")]
[InlineData("async static")]
[InlineData("async unsafe")]
[InlineData("unsafe async")]
[InlineData("extern unsafe async static")]
public async Task AfterLocalFunction_TypeOnly_Async(string keyword)
var markup = $$"""
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
{{keyword}} $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/60341")]
public async Task AfterAsyncLocalFunctionWithTwoAsyncs()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(string parameter)
async async $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/53585")]
[InlineData("(int, int)")]
[InlineData("async void")]
[InlineData("async System.Threading.Tasks.Task")]
[InlineData("int Function")]
public async Task NotAfterReturnTypeInLocalFunction(string returnType)
var markup = $$"""
using System;
class C
void M(String parameter)
static {{returnType}} $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25569")]
public async Task AfterRefInMemberContext_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
String field;
ref $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25569")]
public async Task AfterRefReadonlyInMemberContext_TypeOnly()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
String field;
ref readonly $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539217")]
public async Task NestedType1()
var markup = """
class Q
class R
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539217")]
public async Task NestedType2()
var markup = """
class Q
class R
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539217")]
public async Task NestedType3()
var markup = """
class Q
class R
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539217")]
public async Task NestedType4_Regular()
var markup = """
class Q
class R
"""; // At EOF
// Top-level statements are not allowed to follow classes, but we still offer it in completion for a few
// reasons:
// 1. The code is simpler
// 2. It's a relatively rare coding practice to define types outside of namespaces
// 3. It allows the compiler to produce a better error message when users type things in the wrong order
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Q", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "R", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539217")]
public async Task NestedType4_Script()
var markup = """
class Q
class R
"""; // At EOF
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Q", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "R", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539217")]
public async Task NestedType5()
var markup = """
class Q
class R
"""; // At EOF
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539217")]
public async Task NestedType6()
var markup = """
class Q
class R
"""; // At EOF
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540574")]
public async Task AmbiguityBetweenTypeAndLocal()
var markup = """
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Program
public void goo() {
int i = 5;
List<string> ml = new List<string>();
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "CompareTo");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/21596")]
public async Task AmbiguityBetweenExpressionAndLocalFunctionReturnType()
var markup = """
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
AwaitTest test = new AwaitTest();
class AwaitTest
List<string> stringList = new List<string>();
public async Task<bool> Test1()
await Test2();
return true;
public async Task<bool> Test2()
return true;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Add");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540750")]
public async Task CompletionAfterNewInScript()
var markup = """
using System;
new $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "String", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540933")]
public async Task ExtensionMethodsInScript()
var markup = """
using System.Linq;
var a = new int[] { 1, 2 };
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "ElementAt", displayTextSuffix: "<>", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541019")]
public async Task ExpressionsInForLoopInitializer()
var markup = """
public class C
public void M()
int count = 0;
for ($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "count");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541108")]
public async Task AfterLambdaExpression1()
var markup = """
public class C
public void M()
System.Func<int, int> f = arg => { arg = 2; return arg; }.$$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "ToString");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541108")]
public async Task AfterLambdaExpression2()
var markup = """
public class C
public void M()
((System.Func<int, int>)(arg => { arg = 2; return arg; })).$$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541216")]
public async Task InMultiLineCommentAtEndOfFile()
var markup = """
using System;
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Console", expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541218")]
public async Task TypeParametersAtEndOfFile()
var markup = """
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Outer<T>
class Inner<U>
static void F(T t, U u)
public static void F(T t)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "T");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/552717")]
public async Task LabelInCaseSwitchAbsentForCase()
var markup = """
class Program
static void Main()
int x;
switch (x)
case 0:
goto $$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "case 0:");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/552717")]
public async Task LabelInCaseSwitchAbsentForDefaultWhenAbsent()
var markup = """
class Program
static void Main()
int x;
switch (x)
case 0:
goto $$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "default:");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/552717")]
public async Task LabelInCaseSwitchPresentForDefault()
var markup = """
class Program
static void Main()
int x;
switch (x)
goto $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "default");
public async Task LabelAfterGoto1()
var markup = """
class Program
static void Main()
int Goo;
goto $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Goo");
public async Task LabelAfterGoto2()
var markup = """
class Program
static void Main()
int Goo;
goto Goo $$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Goo");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542225")]
public async Task AttributeName()
var markup = """
using System;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542225")]
public async Task AttributeNameAfterSpecifier()
var markup = """
using System;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542225")]
public async Task AttributeNameInAttributeList()
var markup = """
using System;
[CLSCompliant, $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542225")]
public async Task AttributeNameBeforeClass()
var markup = """
using System;
class C { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542225")]
public async Task AttributeNameAfterSpecifierBeforeClass()
var markup = """
using System;
class C { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542225")]
public async Task AttributeNameInAttributeArgumentList()
var markup = """
using System;
class C { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542225")]
public async Task AttributeNameInsideClass()
var markup = """
using System;
class C { $$ }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542954")]
public async Task NamespaceAliasInAttributeName1()
var markup = """
using Alias = System;
class C { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Alias");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542954")]
public async Task NamespaceAliasInAttributeName2()
var markup = """
using Alias = Goo;
namespace Goo { }
class C { }
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Alias");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542954")]
public async Task NamespaceAliasInAttributeName3()
var markup = """
using Alias = Goo;
namespace Goo { class A : System.Attribute { } }
class C { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Alias");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545121")]
public async Task AttributeNameAfterNamespace()
var markup = """
namespace Test
class MyAttribute : System.Attribute { }
class Program { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545121")]
public async Task AttributeNameAfterNamespace2()
var markup = """
namespace Test
namespace Two
class MyAttribute : System.Attribute { }
class Program { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545121")]
public async Task AttributeNameWhenSuffixlessFormIsKeyword()
var markup = """
namespace Test
class namespaceAttribute : System.Attribute { }
class Program { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545121")]
public async Task AttributeNameAfterNamespaceWhenSuffixlessFormIsKeyword()
var markup = """
namespace Test
class namespaceAttribute : System.Attribute { }
class Program { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545348")]
public async Task KeywordsUsedAsLocals()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var error = 0;
var method = 0;
var @int = 0;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
// preprocessor keyword
// contextual keyword
// full keyword
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545348")]
public async Task QueryContextualKeywords1()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var from = new[]{1,2,3};
var r = from x in $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545348")]
public async Task QueryContextualKeywords2()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var where = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };
var x = from @from in @where
where $$ == @where.Length
select @from;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545348")]
public async Task QueryContextualKeywords3()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var where = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };
var x = from @from in @where
where @from == @where.Length
select $$;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545121")]
public async Task AttributeNameAfterGlobalAlias()
var markup = """
class MyAttribute : System.Attribute { }
class Program { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(
markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545121")]
public async Task AttributeNameAfterGlobalAliasWhenSuffixlessFormIsKeyword()
var markup = """
class namespaceAttribute : System.Attribute { }
class Program { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(
markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25589")]
public async Task AttributeSearch_NamespaceWithNestedAttribute1()
var markup = """
namespace Namespace1
namespace Namespace2 { class NonAttribute { } }
namespace Namespace3.Namespace4 { class CustomAttribute : System.Attribute { } }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Namespace1");
public async Task AttributeSearch_NamespaceWithNestedAttribute2()
var markup = """
namespace Namespace1
namespace Namespace2 { class NonAttribute { } }
namespace Namespace3.Namespace4 { class CustomAttribute : System.Attribute { } }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AttributeSearch_NamespaceWithNestedAttribute3()
var markup = """
namespace Namespace1
namespace Namespace2 { class NonAttribute { } }
namespace Namespace3.Namespace4 { class CustomAttribute : System.Attribute { } }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Namespace4");
public async Task AttributeSearch_NamespaceWithNestedAttribute4()
var markup = """
namespace Namespace1
namespace Namespace2 { class NonAttribute { } }
namespace Namespace3.Namespace4 { class CustomAttribute : System.Attribute { } }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Custom");
public async Task AttributeSearch_NamespaceWithNestedAttribute_NamespaceAlias()
var markup = """
using Namespace1Alias = Namespace1;
using Namespace2Alias = Namespace1.Namespace2;
using Namespace3Alias = Namespace1.Namespace3;
using Namespace4Alias = Namespace1.Namespace3.Namespace4;
namespace Namespace1
namespace Namespace2 { class NonAttribute { } }
namespace Namespace3.Namespace4 { class CustomAttribute : System.Attribute { } }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AttributeSearch_NamespaceWithoutNestedAttribute()
var markup = """
namespace Namespace1
namespace Namespace2 { class NonAttribute { } }
namespace Namespace3.Namespace4 { class NonAttribute : System.NonAttribute { } }
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Namespace1");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542230")]
public async Task RangeVariableInQuerySelect()
var markup = """
using System.Linq;
class P
void M()
var src = new string[] { "Goo", "Bar" };
var q = from x in src
select x.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Length");
public async Task ConstantsInIsExpression()
var markup = """
class C
public const int MAX_SIZE = 10;
void M()
int i = 10;
if (i is $$ int
"""; // 'int' to force this to be parsed as an IsExpression rather than IsPatternExpression
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "MAX_SIZE");
public async Task ConstantsInIsPatternExpression()
var markup = """
class C
public const int MAX_SIZE = 10;
void M()
int i = 10;
if (i is $$ 1
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "MAX_SIZE");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInSwitchCase()
var markup = """
class C
public const int MAX_SIZE = 10;
void M()
int i = 10;
switch (i)
case $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "MAX_SIZE");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25084#issuecomment-370148553")]
public async Task ConstantsInSwitchPatternCase()
var markup = """
class C
public const int MAX_SIZE = 10;
void M()
int i = 10;
switch (i)
case $$ when
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "MAX_SIZE");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInSwitchGotoCase()
var markup = """
class C
public const int MAX_SIZE = 10;
void M()
int i = 10;
switch (i)
case MAX_SIZE:
case GOO:
goto case $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "MAX_SIZE");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInEnumMember()
var markup = """
class C
public const int GOO = 0;
enum E
A = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GOO");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInAttribute1()
var markup = """
class C
public const int GOO = 0;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GOO");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInAttribute2()
var markup = """
class C
public const int GOO = 0;
[System.AttributeUsage(GOO, $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GOO");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInAttribute3()
var markup = """
class C
public const int GOO = 0;
[System.AttributeUsage(validOn: $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GOO");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInAttribute4()
var markup = """
class C
public const int GOO = 0;
[System.AttributeUsage(AllowMultiple = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GOO");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInParameterDefaultValue()
var markup = """
class C
public const int GOO = 0;
void M(int x = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GOO");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInConstField()
var markup = """
class C
public const int GOO = 0;
const int BAR = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GOO");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542429")]
public async Task ConstantsInConstLocal()
var markup = """
class C
public const int GOO = 0;
void M()
const int BAR = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GOO");
public async Task DescriptionWith1Overload()
var markup = """
class C
void M(int i) { }
void M()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"void C.M(int i) (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})");
public async Task DescriptionWith2Overloads()
var markup = """
class C
void M(int i) { }
void M(out int i) { }
void M()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"void C.M(int i) (+ 2 {FeaturesResources.overloads_})");
public async Task DescriptionWith1GenericOverload()
var markup = """
class C
void M<T>(T i) { }
void M<T>()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M", displayTextSuffix: "<>", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"void C.M<T>(T i) (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.generic_overload})");
public async Task DescriptionWith2GenericOverloads()
var markup = """
class C
void M<T>(int i) { }
void M<T>(out int i) { }
void M<T>()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M", displayTextSuffix: "<>", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"void C.M<T>(int i) (+ 2 {FeaturesResources.generic_overloads})");
public async Task DescriptionNamedGenericType()
var markup = """
class C<T>
void M()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "C", displayTextSuffix: "<>", expectedDescriptionOrNull: "class C<T>");
public async Task DescriptionParameter()
var markup = """
class C<T>
void M(T goo)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "goo", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) T goo");
public async Task DescriptionGenericTypeParameter()
var markup = """
class C<T>
void M()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "T", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"T {FeaturesResources.in_} C<T>");
public async Task DescriptionAnonymousType()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var a = new { };
var expectedDescription =
({{FeaturesResources.local_variable}}) 'a a
'a {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "a", expectedDescription);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543288")]
public async Task AfterNewInAnonymousType()
var markup = """
class Program {
string field = 0;
static void Main() {
var an = new { new $$ };
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Program");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543601")]
public async Task NoInstanceFieldsInStaticMethod()
var markup = """
class C
int x = 0;
static void M()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "x");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543601")]
public async Task NoInstanceFieldsInStaticFieldInitializer()
var markup = """
class C
int x = 0;
static int y = $$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "x");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543601")]
public async Task StaticFieldsInStaticMethod()
var markup = """
class C
static int x = 0;
static void M()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "x");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543601")]
public async Task StaticFieldsInStaticFieldInitializer()
var markup = """
class C
static int x = 0;
static int y = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "x");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543680")]
public async Task NoInstanceFieldsFromOuterClassInInstanceMethod()
var markup = """
class outer
int i;
class inner
void M()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "i");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543680")]
public async Task StaticFieldsFromOuterClassInInstanceMethod()
var markup = """
class outer
static int i;
class inner
void M()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "i");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543104")]
public async Task OnlyEnumMembersInEnumMemberAccess()
var markup = """
class C
enum x {a,b,c}
void M()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543104")]
public async Task NoEnumMembersInEnumLocalAccess()
var markup = """
class C
enum x {a,b,c}
void M()
var y = x.a;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529138")]
public async Task AfterLambdaParameterDot()
var markup = """
using System;
using System.Linq;
class A
public event Func<String, String> E;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
new A().E += ss => ss.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Substring");
[Fact, WorkItem(61343, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/61343")]
public async Task LambdaParameterMemberAccessOverloads()
var markup = """
using System.Linq;
public class C
public void M() { }
public void M(int i) { }
public int P { get; }
void Test()
new C[0].Select(x => x.$$)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"void C.M() (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "P", expectedDescriptionOrNull: "int C.P { get; }");
public async Task ValueNotAtRoot_Interactive()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task ValueNotAfterClass_Interactive()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C { }
expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task ValueNotAfterGlobalStatement_Interactive()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task ValueNotAfterGlobalVariableDeclaration_Interactive()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
int i = 0;
expectedDescriptionOrNull: null, sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task ValueNotInUsingAlias()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
@"using Goo = $$",
public async Task ValueNotInEmptyStatement()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(AddInsideMethod(
public async Task ValueInsideSetter()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
class C {
int Goo {
set {
public async Task ValueInsideAdder()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
class C {
event int Goo {
add {
public async Task ValueInsideRemover()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
class C {
event int Goo {
remove {
public async Task ValueNotAfterDot()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
int Goo {
set {
public async Task ValueNotAfterArrow()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
int Goo {
set {
public async Task ValueNotAfterColonColon()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
int Goo {
set {
public async Task ValueNotInGetter()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
int Goo {
get {
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544205")]
public async Task NotAfterNullableType()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
void M() {
int goo = 0;
C? $$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544205")]
public async Task NotAfterNullableTypeAlias()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
using A = System.Int32;
class C {
void M() {
int goo = 0;
A? $$
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task NotAfterNullableTypeAndPartialIdentifier()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
void M() {
int goo = 0;
C? f$$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544205")]
public async Task AfterQuestionMarkInConditional()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
class C {
void M() {
bool b = false;
int goo = 0;
b? $$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544205")]
public async Task AfterQuestionMarkAndPartialIdentifierInConditional()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
class C {
void M() {
bool b = false;
int goo = 0;
b? f$$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544205")]
public async Task NotAfterPointerType()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
void M() {
int goo = 0;
C* $$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544205")]
public async Task NotAfterPointerTypeAlias()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
using A = System.Int32;
class C {
void M() {
int goo = 0;
A* $$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544205")]
public async Task NotAfterPointerTypeAndPartialIdentifier()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
void M() {
int goo = 0;
C* f$$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544205")]
public async Task AfterAsteriskInMultiplication()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
class C {
void M() {
int i = 0;
int goo = 0;
i* $$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544205")]
public async Task AfterAsteriskAndPartialIdentifierInMultiplication()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
class C {
void M() {
int i = 0;
int goo = 0;
i* f$$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543868")]
public async Task AfterEventFieldDeclaredInSameType()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
class C {
public event System.EventHandler E;
void M() {
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543868")]
public async Task NotAfterFullEventDeclaredInSameType()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
public event System.EventHandler E { add { } remove { } }
void M() {
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543868")]
public async Task NotAfterEventDeclaredInDifferentType()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
class C {
void M() {
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task NotInObjectInitializerMemberContext()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
class C
public int x, y;
void M()
var c = new C { x = 2, y = 3, $$
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task AfterPointerMemberAccess()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
struct MyStruct
public int MyField;
class Program
static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
MyStruct s = new MyStruct();
MyStruct* ptr = &s;
// After @ both X and XAttribute are legal. We think this is an edge case in the language and
// are not fixing the bug 11931. This test captures that XAttribute doesn't show up indeed.
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
[WorkItem(11931, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task VerbatimAttributes()
var code = """
using System;
public class X : Attribute
{ }
public class XAttribute : Attribute
{ }
class Class3 { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(code, "X");
await Assert.ThrowsAsync<Xunit.Sdk.TrueException>(() => VerifyItemExistsAsync(code, "XAttribute"));
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task InForLoopIncrementor1()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
for (; ; $$
""", "Console");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task InForLoopIncrementor2()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
for (; ; Console.WriteLine(), $$
""", "Console");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task InForLoopInitializer1()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
for ($$
""", "Console");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task InForLoopInitializer2()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
for (Console.WriteLine(), $$
""", "Console");
[Fact, WorkItem(10572, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task LocalVariableInItsDeclaration()
// "int goo = goo = 1" is a legal declaration
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class Program
void M()
int goo = $$
""", "goo");
[Fact, WorkItem(10572, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task LocalVariableInItsDeclarator()
// "int bar = bar = 1" is legal in a declarator
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class Program
void M()
int goo = 0, int bar = $$, int baz = 0;
""", "bar");
[Fact, WorkItem(10572, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task LocalVariableNotBeforeDeclaration()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
class Program
void M()
int goo = 0;
""", "goo");
[Fact, WorkItem(10572, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task LocalVariableNotBeforeDeclarator()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
class Program
void M()
int goo = $$, bar = 0;
""", "bar");
[Fact, WorkItem(10572, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task LocalVariableAfterDeclarator()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class Program
void M()
int goo = 0, int bar = $$
""", "goo");
[Fact, WorkItem(10572, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task LocalVariableAsOutArgumentInInitializerExpression()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class Program
void M()
int goo = Bar(out $$
int Bar(out int x)
x = 3;
return 5;
""", "goo");
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Method_BrowsableStateAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static void Bar()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Method_BrowsableStateNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static void Bar()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Method_BrowsableStateAdvanced()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static void Bar()
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Method_Overloads_BothBrowsableAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static void Bar()
public static void Bar(int x)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 2,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Method_Overloads_OneBrowsableAlways_OneBrowsableNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static void Bar()
public static void Bar(int x)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Method_Overloads_BothBrowsableNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static void Bar()
public static void Bar(int x)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_ExtensionMethod_BrowsableAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static class GooExtensions
public static void Bar(this Goo goo, int x)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_ExtensionMethod_BrowsableNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static class GooExtensions
public static void Bar(this Goo goo, int x)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_ExtensionMethod_BrowsableAdvanced()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static class GooExtensions
public static void Bar(this Goo goo, int x)
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_ExtensionMethod_BrowsableMixed()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public static class GooExtensions
public static void Bar(this Goo goo, int x)
public static void Bar(this Goo goo, int x, int y)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_OverloadExtensionMethodAndMethod_BrowsableAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public void Bar(int x)
public static class GooExtensions
public static void Bar(this Goo goo, int x, int y)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 2,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_OverloadExtensionMethodAndMethod_BrowsableMixed()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public void Bar(int x)
public static class GooExtensions
public static void Bar(this Goo goo, int x, int y)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_SameSigExtensionMethodAndMethod_InstanceMethodBrowsableNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public void Bar(int x)
public static class GooExtensions
public static void Bar(this Goo goo, int x)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task OverriddenSymbolsFilteredFromCompletionList()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
D d = new D();
var referencedCode = """
public class B
public virtual void Goo(int original)
public class D : B
public override void Goo(int derived)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_BrowsableStateAlwaysMethodInBrowsableStateNeverClass()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
C c = new C();
var referencedCode = """
public class C
public void Goo()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_BrowsableStateAlwaysMethodInBrowsableStateNeverBaseClass()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
D d = new D();
var referencedCode = """
public class B
public void Goo()
public class D : B
public void Goo(int x)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 2,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_BrowsableStateNeverMethodsInBaseClass()
var markup = """
class Program : B
void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class B
public void Goo()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_GenericTypeCausingMethodSignatureEquality_BothBrowsableAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var ci = new C<int>();
var referencedCode = """
public class C<T>
public void Goo(T t) { }
public void Goo(int i) { }
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 2,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_GenericTypeCausingMethodSignatureEquality_BrowsableMixed1()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var ci = new C<int>();
var referencedCode = """
public class C<T>
public void Goo(T t) { }
public void Goo(int i) { }
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_GenericTypeCausingMethodSignatureEquality_BrowsableMixed2()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var ci = new C<int>();
var referencedCode = """
public class C<T>
public void Goo(T t) { }
public void Goo(int i) { }
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_GenericTypeCausingMethodSignatureEquality_BothBrowsableNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var ci = new C<int>();
var referencedCode = """
public class C<T>
public void Goo(T t) { }
public void Goo(int i) { }
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_GenericType2CausingMethodSignatureEquality_BothBrowsableAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var cii = new C<int, int>();
var referencedCode = """
public class C<T, U>
public void Goo(T t) { }
public void Goo(U u) { }
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 2,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_GenericType2CausingMethodSignatureEquality_BrowsableMixed()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var cii = new C<int, int>();
var referencedCode = """
public class C<T, U>
public void Goo(T t) { }
public void Goo(U u) { }
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_GenericType2CausingMethodSignatureEquality_BothBrowsableNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var cii = new C<int, int>();
var referencedCode = """
public class C<T, U>
public void Goo(T t) { }
public void Goo(U u) { }
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 2,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Field_BrowsableStateNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int bar;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Field_BrowsableStateAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int bar;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Field_BrowsableStateAdvanced()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int bar;
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[WpfFact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/674611")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Property_BrowsableStateNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int Bar {get; set;}
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Property_IgnoreBrowsabilityOfGetSetMethods()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int Bar {
get { return 5; }
set { }
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Property_BrowsableStateAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int Bar {get; set;}
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Property_BrowsableStateAdvanced()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int Bar {get; set;}
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Constructor_BrowsableStateNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public Goo()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Constructor_BrowsableStateAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public Goo()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Constructor_BrowsableStateAdvanced()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public Goo()
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Constructor_MixedOverloads1()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public Goo()
public Goo(int x)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Constructor_MixedOverloads2()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public Goo()
public Goo(int x)
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Event_BrowsableStateNever()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new C().$$
var referencedCode = """
public delegate void Handler();
public class C
public event Handler Changed;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Changed",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Event_BrowsableStateAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new C().$$
var referencedCode = """
public delegate void Handler();
public class C
public event Handler Changed;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Changed",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Event_BrowsableStateAdvanced()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new C().$$
var referencedCode = """
public delegate void Handler();
public class C
public event Handler Changed;
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Changed",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Changed",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Delegate_BrowsableStateNever()
var markup = """
class Program
public event $$
var referencedCode = """
public delegate void Handler();
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Handler",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Delegate_BrowsableStateAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
public event $$
var referencedCode = """
public delegate void Handler();
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Handler",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Delegate_BrowsableStateAdvanced()
var markup = """
class Program
public event $$
var referencedCode = """
public delegate void Handler();
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Handler",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Handler",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_BrowsableStateNever_DeclareLocal()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_BrowsableStateNever_DeriveFrom()
var markup = """
class Program : $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_BrowsableStateNever_FullyQualifiedInUsing()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
using (var x = new NS.$$
var referencedCode = """
namespace NS
public class Goo : System.IDisposable
public void Dispose()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_BrowsableStateAlways_DeclareLocal()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_BrowsableStateAlways_DeriveFrom()
var markup = """
class Program : $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_BrowsableStateAlways_FullyQualifiedInUsing()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
using (var x = new NS.$$
var referencedCode = """
namespace NS
public class Goo : System.IDisposable
public void Dispose()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_BrowsableStateAdvanced_DeclareLocal()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_BrowsableStateAdvanced_DeriveFrom()
var markup = """
class Program : $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_BrowsableStateAdvanced_FullyQualifiedInUsing()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
using (var x = new NS.$$
var referencedCode = """
namespace NS
public class Goo : System.IDisposable
public void Dispose()
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Class_IgnoreBaseClassBrowsableNever()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo : Bar
public class Bar
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Struct_BrowsableStateNever_DeclareLocal()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public struct Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Struct_BrowsableStateNever_DeriveFrom()
var markup = """
class Program : $$
var referencedCode = """
public struct Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Struct_BrowsableStateAlways_DeclareLocal()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public struct Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Struct_BrowsableStateAlways_DeriveFrom()
var markup = """
class Program : $$
var referencedCode = """
public struct Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Struct_BrowsableStateAdvanced_DeclareLocal()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public struct Goo
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Struct_BrowsableStateAdvanced_DeriveFrom()
var markup = """
class Program : $$
var referencedCode = """
public struct Goo
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Enum_BrowsableStateNever()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public enum Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Enum_BrowsableStateAlways()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public enum Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Enum_BrowsableStateAdvanced()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public enum Goo
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Interface_BrowsableStateNever_DeclareLocal()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public interface Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Interface_BrowsableStateNever_DeriveFrom()
var markup = """
class Program : $$
var referencedCode = """
public interface Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Interface_BrowsableStateAlways_DeclareLocal()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public interface Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Interface_BrowsableStateAlways_DeriveFrom()
var markup = """
class Program : $$
var referencedCode = """
public interface Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Interface_BrowsableStateAdvanced_DeclareLocal()
var markup = """
class Program
public void M()
var referencedCode = """
public interface Goo
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_Interface_BrowsableStateAdvanced_DeriveFrom()
var markup = """
class Program : $$
var referencedCode = """
public interface Goo
HideAdvancedMembers = false;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
HideAdvancedMembers = true;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_CrossLanguage_CStoVB_Always()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var referencedCode = """
Public Class Goo
End Class
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.VisualBasic);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_CrossLanguage_CStoVB_Never()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
var referencedCode = """
Public Class Goo
End Class
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 0,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.VisualBasic);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibType_NotHidden()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibType_Hidden()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibType_HiddenAndOtherFlags()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibType(System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags.FHidden | System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags.FLicensed)]
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibType_NotHidden_Int16Constructor()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibType_Hidden_Int16Constructor()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibType_HiddenAndOtherFlags_Int16Constructor()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new $$
var referencedCode = """
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibType((short)(System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags.FHidden | System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags.FLicensed))]
public class Goo
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Goo",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibFunc_NotHidden()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public void Bar()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibFunc_Hidden()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public void Bar()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibFunc_HiddenAndOtherFlags()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFunc(System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags.FHidden | System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags.FReplaceable)]
public void Bar()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibFunc_NotHidden_Int16Constructor()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public void Bar()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibFunc_Hidden_Int16Constructor()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public void Bar()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibFunc_HiddenAndOtherFlags_Int16Constructor()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFunc((short)(System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags.FHidden | System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags.FReplaceable))]
public void Bar()
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "Bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibVar_NotHidden()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int bar;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibVar_Hidden()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int bar;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibVar_HiddenAndOtherFlags()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVar(System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags.FHidden | System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags.FReplaceable)]
public int bar;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibVar_NotHidden_Int16Constructor()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int bar;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibVar_Hidden_Int16Constructor()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
public int bar;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem(7336, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task EditorBrowsable_TypeLibVar_HiddenAndOtherFlags_Int16Constructor()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
new Goo().$$
var referencedCode = """
public class Goo
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVar((short)(System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags.FHidden | System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags.FReplaceable))]
public int bar;
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "bar",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 0,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545557")]
public async Task TestColorColor1()
var markup = """
class A
static void Goo() { }
void Bar() { }
static void Main()
A A = new A();
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545647")]
public async Task TestLaterLocalHidesType1()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
public static void Main()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Console");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545647")]
public async Task TestLaterLocalHidesType2()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
public static void Main()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Console");
public async Task TestIndexedProperty()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
CCC c = new CCC();
// Note that <COMImport> is required by compiler. Bug 17013 tracks enabling indexed property for non-COM types.
var referencedCode = """
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class CCC
#Region "COM GUIDs"
Public Const ClassId As String = "9d965fd2-1514-44f6-accd-257ce77c46b0"
Public Const InterfaceId As String = "a9415060-fdf0-47e3-bc80-9c18f7f39cf6"
Public Const EventsId As String = "c6a866a5-5f97-4b53-a5df-3739dc8ff1bb"
# End Region
''' <summary>
''' An index property from VB
''' </summary>
''' <param name="p1">p1 is an integer index</param>
''' <returns>A string</returns>
Public Property IndexProp(ByVal p1 As Integer, Optional ByVal p2 As Integer = 0) As String
Return Nothing
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
End Set
End Property
End Class
await VerifyItemInEditorBrowsableContextsAsync(
markup: markup,
referencedCode: referencedCode,
item: "IndexProp",
expectedSymbolsSameSolution: 1,
expectedSymbolsMetadataReference: 1,
sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.VisualBasic);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/546841")]
public async Task TestDeclarationAmbiguity()
var markup = """
using System;
class Program
void Main()
var v;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "CommandLine");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12781")]
public async Task TestFieldDeclarationAmbiguity()
var markup = """
using System;
var v;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "CommandLine", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task TestCursorOnClassCloseBrace()
var markup = """
using System;
class Outer
class Inner { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Inner");
public async Task AfterAsync1()
var markup = """
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
async $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
public async Task AfterAsync2()
var markup = """
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
public async T$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/60341")]
public async Task AfterAsync3()
var markup = """
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
public async $$
public void M() {}
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/60341")]
public async Task AfterAsync4()
var markup = """
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
public async $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/60341")]
public async Task AfterAsync5()
var markup = """
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
public async $$
class Test {}
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task NotAfterAsyncInMethodBody()
var markup = """
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
void goo()
var x = async $$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Task");
public async Task NotAwaitable1()
var markup = """
class Program
void goo()
await VerifyItemWithMscorlib45Async(markup, "goo", "void Program.goo()", "C#");
public async Task NotAwaitable2()
var markup = """
class Program
async void goo()
await VerifyItemWithMscorlib45Async(markup, "goo", "void Program.goo()", "C#");
public async Task Awaitable1()
var markup = """
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
async Task goo()
var description = $@"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) Task Program.goo()";
await VerifyItemWithMscorlib45Async(markup, "goo", description, "C#");
public async Task Awaitable2()
var markup = """
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
async Task<int> goo()
var description = $@"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) Task<int> Program.goo()";
await VerifyItemWithMscorlib45Async(markup, "goo", description, "C#");
public async Task AwaitableDotsLikeRangeExpression()
var markup = """
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace N
class C
async Task M()
var request = new Request();
var m = await request.$$.ReadAsStreamAsync();
class Request
public Task<Stream> ReadAsStreamAsync() => null;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "ReadAsStreamAsync");
public async Task AwaitableDotsLikeRangeExpressionWithParentheses()
var markup = """
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace N
class C
async Task M()
var request = new Request();
var m = (await request).$$.ReadAsStreamAsync();
class Request
public Task<Stream> ReadAsStreamAsync() => null;
// Nothing should be found: no awaiter for request.
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task AwaitableDotsLikeRangeExpressionWithTaskAndParentheses()
var markup = """
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace N
class C
async Task M()
var request = new Task<Request>();
var m = (await request).$$.ReadAsStreamAsync();
class Request
public Task<Stream> ReadAsStreamAsync() => null;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task ObsoleteItem()
var markup = """
using System;
class Program
public void goo()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "goo", $"[{CSharpFeaturesResources.deprecated}] void Program.goo()");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/568986")]
public async Task NoMembersOnDottingIntoUnboundType()
var markup = """
class Program
RegistryKey goo;
static void Main(string[] args)
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/550717")]
public async Task TypeArgumentsInConstraintAfterBaselist()
var markup = """
public class Goo<T> : System.Object where $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "T");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/647175")]
public async Task NoDestructor()
var markup = """
class C
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Finalize");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/669624")]
public async Task ExtensionMethodOnCovariantInterface()
var markup = """
class Schema<T> { }
interface ISet<out T> { }
static class SetMethods
public static void ForSchemaSet<T>(this ISet<Schema<T>> set) { }
class Context
public ISet<T> Set<T>() { return null; }
class CustomSchema : Schema<int> { }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var set = new Context().Set<CustomSchema>();
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "ForSchemaSet", displayTextSuffix: "<>", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/667752")]
public async Task ForEachInsideParentheses()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "String");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/766869")]
public async Task TestFieldInitializerInP2P()
var markup = """
class Class
int i = Consts.$$;
var referencedCode = """
public static class Consts
public const int C = 1;
await VerifyItemWithProjectReferenceAsync(markup, referencedCode, "C", 1, LanguageNames.CSharp, LanguageNames.CSharp);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/834605")]
public async Task ShowWithEqualsSign()
var markup = """
class c { public int value {set; get; }}
class d
void goo()
c goo = new c { value$$=
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/825661")]
public async Task NothingAfterThisDotInStaticContext()
var markup = """
class C
void M1() { }
static void M2()
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/825661")]
public async Task NothingAfterBaseDotInStaticContext()
var markup = """
class C
void M1() { }
static void M2()
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7648")]
public async Task NothingAfterBaseDotInScriptContext()
=> await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(@"base.$$", @"ToString", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/858086")]
public async Task NoNestedTypeWhenDisplayingInstance()
var markup = """
class C
class D
void M2()
new C().$$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "D");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/876031")]
public async Task CatchVariableInExceptionFilter()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
catch (System.Exception myExn) when ($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "myExn");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/849698")]
public async Task CompletionAfterExternAlias()
var markup = """
class C
void goo()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "System", usePreviousCharAsTrigger: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/849698")]
public async Task ExternAliasSuggested()
var markup = """
extern alias Bar;
class C
void goo()
await VerifyItemWithAliasedMetadataReferencesAsync(markup, "Bar", "Bar", 1, "C#", "C#");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/635957")]
public async Task ClassDestructor()
var markup = """
class C
class N
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "N");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "C");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/635957")]
public async Task TildeOutsideClass()
var markup = """
class C
class N
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "C");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "N");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/635957")]
public async Task StructDestructor()
var markup = """
struct C
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "C");
[InlineData("record class")]
public async Task RecordDestructor(string record)
var markup = $$"""
{{record}} C
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "C");
public async Task RecordStructDestructor()
var markup = $$"""
record struct C
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "C");
public async Task FieldAvailableInBothLinkedFiles()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
int x;
void goo()
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "x", $"({FeaturesResources.field}) int C.x");
public async Task FieldUnavailableInOneLinkedFile()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="GOO">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
#if GOO
int x;
void goo()
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"""
({FeaturesResources.field}) int C.x
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Available)}
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj2", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "x", expectedDescription);
public async Task FieldUnavailableInTwoLinkedFiles()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="GOO">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
#if GOO
int x;
void goo()
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj3">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"""
({FeaturesResources.field}) int C.x
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Available)}
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj2", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj3", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "x", expectedDescription);
public async Task ExcludeFilesWithInactiveRegions()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="GOO,BAR">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
#if GOO
int x;
#if BAR
void goo()
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs" />
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj3" PreprocessorSymbols="BAR">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"""
({FeaturesResources.field}) int C.x
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Available)}
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj3", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "x", expectedDescription);
public async Task UnionOfItemsFromBothContexts()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="GOO">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
#if GOO
int x;
#if BAR
class G
public void DoGStuff() {}
void goo()
new G().$$
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="BAR">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj3">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"""
void G.DoGStuff()
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj2", FeaturesResources.Available)}
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj3", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "DoGStuff", expectedDescription);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1020944")]
public async Task LocalsValidInLinkedDocuments()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
void M()
int xyz;
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int xyz";
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "xyz", expectedDescription);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1020944")]
public async Task LocalWarningInLinkedDocuments()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="PROJ1">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
void M()
#if PROJ1
int xyz;
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"""
({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int xyz
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Available)}
{string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj2", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "xyz", expectedDescription);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1020944")]
public async Task LabelsValidInLinkedDocuments()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
void M()
LABEL: int xyz;
goto $$
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"({FeaturesResources.label}) LABEL";
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "LABEL", expectedDescription);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1020944")]
public async Task RangeVariablesValidInLinkedDocuments()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
using System.Linq;
class C
void M()
var x = from y in new[] { 1, 2, 3 } select $$
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) ? y";
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "y", expectedDescription);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1063403")]
public async Task MethodOverloadDifferencesIgnored()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="ONE">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
#if ONE
void Do(int x){}
#if TWO
void Do(string x){}
void Shared()
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="TWO">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"void C.Do(int x)";
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "Do", expectedDescription);
public async Task MethodOverloadDifferencesIgnored_ExtensionMethod()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="ONE">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
#if ONE
void Do(int x){}
void Shared()
public static class Extensions
#if TWO
public static void Do (this C c, string x)
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="TWO">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"void C.Do(int x)";
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "Do", expectedDescription);
public async Task MethodOverloadDifferencesIgnored_ExtensionMethod2()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="TWO">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
#if ONE
void Do(int x){}
void Shared()
public static class Extensions
#if TWO
public static void Do (this C c, string x)
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="ONE">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) void C.Do(string x)";
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "Do", expectedDescription);
public async Task MethodOverloadDifferencesIgnored_ContainingType()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="ONE">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
void Shared()
var x = GetThing();
#if ONE
private Methods1 GetThing()
return new Methods1();
#if TWO
private Methods2 GetThing()
return new Methods2();
#if ONE
public class Methods1
public void Do(string x) { }
#if TWO
public class Methods2
public void Do(string x) { }
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="TWO">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"void Methods1.Do(string x)";
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "Do", expectedDescription);
public async Task SharedProjectFieldAndPropertiesTreatedAsIdentical()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="ONE">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
#if ONE
public int x;
#if TWO
public int x {get; set;}
void goo()
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="TWO">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = $"({FeaturesResources.field}) int C.x";
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "x", expectedDescription);
public async Task SharedProjectFieldAndPropertiesTreatedAsIdentical2()
var markup = """
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="ONE">
<Document FilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"><![CDATA[
class C
#if TWO
public int x;
#if ONE
public int x {get; set;}
void goo()
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="TWO">
<Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="CurrentDocument.cs"/>
var expectedDescription = "int C.x { get; set; }";
await VerifyItemInLinkedFilesAsync(markup, "x", expectedDescription);
public async Task ConditionalAccessWalkUp()
var markup = """
public class B
public A BA;
public B BB;
class A
public A AA;
public A AB;
public int? x;
public void goo()
A a = null;
var q = a?.$$AB.BA.AB.BA;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task ConditionalAccessNullableIsUnwrapped()
var markup = """
public struct S
public int? i;
class A
public S? s;
public void goo()
A a = null;
var q = a?.s?.$$;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task ConditionalAccessNullableIsUnwrapped2()
var markup = """
public struct S
public int? i;
class A
public S? s;
public void goo()
var q = s?.$$i?.ToString();
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/54361")]
public async Task ConditionalAccessNullableIsUnwrappedOnParameter()
var markup = """
class A
void M(System.DateTime? dt)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/54361")]
public async Task NullableIsNotUnwrappedOnParameter()
var markup = """
class A
void M(System.DateTime? dt)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task CompletionAfterConditionalIndexing()
var markup = """
public struct S
public int? i;
class A
public S[] s;
public void goo()
A a = null;
var q = a?.s?[$$;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "System");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1109319")]
public async Task WithinChainOfConditionalAccesses1()
var markup = """
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
A a;
var x = a?.$$b?.c?.d.e;
class A { public B b; }
class B { public C c; }
class C { public D d; }
class D { public int e; }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "b");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1109319")]
public async Task WithinChainOfConditionalAccesses2()
var markup = """
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
A a;
var x = a?.b?.$$c?.d.e;
class A { public B b; }
class B { public C c; }
class C { public D d; }
class D { public int e; }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "c");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1109319")]
public async Task WithinChainOfConditionalAccesses3()
var markup = """
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
A a;
var x = a?.b?.c?.$$d.e;
class A { public B b; }
class B { public C c; }
class C { public D d; }
class D { public int e; }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "d");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/843466")]
public async Task NestedAttributeAccessibleOnSelf()
var markup = """
using System;
class X
class MyAttribute : Attribute
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "My");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/843466")]
public async Task NestedAttributeAccessibleOnOuterType()
var markup = """
using System;
class Y
class X
class MyAttribute : Attribute
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "My");
public async Task InstanceMembersFromBaseOuterType()
var markup = """
abstract class Test
private int _field;
public sealed class InnerTest : Test
public void SomeTest()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "_field");
public async Task InstanceMembersFromBaseOuterType2()
var markup = """
class C<T>
void M() { }
class N : C<int>
void Test()
$$ // M recommended and accessible
class NN
void Test2()
// M inaccessible and not recommended
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M");
public async Task InstanceMembersFromBaseOuterType3()
var markup = """
class C<T>
void M() { }
class N : C<int>
void Test()
M(); // M recommended and accessible
class NN
void Test2()
$$ // M inaccessible and not recommended
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "M");
public async Task InstanceMembersFromBaseOuterType4()
var markup = """
class C<T>
void M() { }
class N : C<int>
void Test()
M(); // M recommended and accessible
class NN : N
void Test2()
$$ // M accessible and recommended.
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M");
public async Task InstanceMembersFromBaseOuterType5()
var markup = """
class D
public void Q() { }
class C<T> : D
class N
void Test()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Q");
public async Task InstanceMembersFromBaseOuterType6()
var markup = """
class Base<T>
public int X;
class Derived : Base<int>
class Nested
void Test()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "X");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/983367")]
public async Task NoTypeParametersDefinedInCrefs()
var markup = """
using System;
/// <see cref="Program{T$$}"/>
class Program<T> { }
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "T");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/988025")]
public async Task ShowTypesInGenericMethodTypeParameterList1()
var markup = """
class Class1<T, D>
public static Class1<T, D> Create() { return null; }
static class Class2
public static void Test<T,D>(this Class1<T, D> arg)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Class1<string, int>.Create().Test<$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Class1", displayTextSuffix: "<>", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/988025")]
public async Task ShowTypesInGenericMethodTypeParameterList2()
var markup = """
class Class1<T, D>
public static Class1<T, D> Create() { return null; }
static class Class2
public static void Test<T,D>(this Class1<T, D> arg)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Class1<string, int>.Create().Test<string,$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Class1", displayTextSuffix: "<>", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/991466")]
public async Task DescriptionInAliasedType()
var markup = """
using IAlias = IGoo;
///<summary>summary for interface IGoo</summary>
interface IGoo { }
class C
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "IAlias", expectedDescriptionOrNull: """
interface IGoo
summary for interface IGoo
public async Task WithinNameOf()
var markup = """
class C
void goo()
var x = nameof($$)
await VerifyAnyItemExistsAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/997410")]
public async Task InstanceMemberInNameOfInStaticContext()
var markup = """
class C
int y1 = 15;
static int y2 = 1;
static string x = nameof($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "y1");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/997410")]
public async Task StaticMemberInNameOfInStaticContext()
var markup = """
class C
int y1 = 15;
static int y2 = 1;
static string x = nameof($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "y2");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/883293")]
public async Task IncompleteDeclarationExpressionType()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void goo()
var x = Console.$$
var y = 3;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "WriteLine");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1024380")]
public async Task StaticAndInstanceInNameOf()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
class D
public int x;
public static int y;
void goo()
var z = nameof(C.D.$$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/1663")]
public async Task NameOfMembersListedForLocals()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var x = nameof(T.z.$$)
public class T
public U z;
public class U
public int nope;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "nope");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1029522")]
public async Task NameOfMembersListedForNamespacesAndTypes2()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var x = nameof(U.$$)
public class T
public U z;
public class U
public int nope;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "nope");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1029522")]
public async Task NameOfMembersListedForNamespacesAndTypes3()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var x = nameof(N.$$)
namespace N
public class U
public int nope;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "U");
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1029522")]
public async Task NameOfMembersListedForNamespacesAndTypes4()
var markup = """
using z = System;
class C
void M()
var x = nameof(z.$$)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Console");
public async Task InterpolatedStrings1()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var a = "Hello";
var b = "World";
var c = $"{$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "a");
public async Task InterpolatedStrings2()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var a = "Hello";
var b = "World";
var c = $"{$$}";
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "a");
public async Task InterpolatedStrings3()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var a = "Hello";
var b = "World";
var c = $"{a}, {$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "b");
public async Task InterpolatedStrings4()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var a = "Hello";
var b = "World";
var c = $"{a}, {$$}";
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "b");
public async Task InterpolatedStrings5()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var a = "Hello";
var b = "World";
var c = $@"{a}, {$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "b");
public async Task InterpolatedStrings6()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
var a = "Hello";
var b = "World";
var c = $@"{a}, {$$}";
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "b");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task NotBeforeFirstStringHole()
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(AddInsideMethod(
var x = "\{0}$$\{1}\{2}"
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task NotBetweenStringHoles()
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(AddInsideMethod(
var x = "\{0}\{1}$$\{2}"
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task NotAfterStringHoles()
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(AddInsideMethod(
var x = "\{0}\{1}\{2}$$"
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task CompletionAfterTypeOfGetType()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(AddInsideMethod(
"typeof(int).GetType().$$"), "GUID");
public async Task UsingDirectives1()
var markup = """
using $$
class A { }
static class B { }
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingDirectives2()
var markup = """
using N.$$
class A { }
static class B { }
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingDirectives3()
var markup = """
using G = $$
class A { }
static class B { }
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingDirectives4()
var markup = """
using G = N.$$
class A { }
static class B { }
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingDirectives5()
var markup = """
using static $$
class A { }
static class B { }
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingDirectives6()
var markup = """
using static N.$$
class A { }
static class B { }
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/67985")]
public async Task UsingDirectives7()
var markup = """
using static unsafe $$
class A { }
static class B { }
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticDoesNotShowDelegates1()
var markup = """
using static $$
class A { }
delegate void B();
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticDoesNotShowDelegates2()
var markup = """
using static N.$$
class A { }
static class B { }
namespace N
class C { }
delegate void D();
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/67985")]
public async Task UsingStaticDoesNotShowDelegates3()
var markup = """
using static unsafe $$
class A { }
delegate void B();
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticShowInterfaces1()
// Interfaces can have implemented static methods
var markup = """
using static N.$$
class A { }
static class B { }
namespace N
class C { }
interface I { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticShowInterfaces2()
// Interfaces can have implemented static methods
var markup = """
using static $$
class A { }
interface I { }
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/67985")]
public async Task UsingStaticShowInterfaces3()
// Interfaces can have implemented static methods
var markup = """
using static unsafe $$
class A { }
interface I { }
namespace N
class C { }
static class D { }
namespace M { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticAndExtensionMethods1()
var markup = """
using static A;
using static B;
static class A
public static void Goo(this string s) { }
static class B
public static void Bar(this string s) { }
class C
void M()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticAndExtensionMethods2()
var markup = """
using N;
namespace N
static class A
public static void Goo(this string s) { }
static class B
public static void Bar(this string s) { }
class C
void M()
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticAndExtensionMethods3()
var markup = """
using N;
namespace N
static class A
public static void Goo(this string s) { }
static class B
public static void Bar(this string s) { }
class C
void M()
string s;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticAndExtensionMethods4()
var markup = """
using static N.A;
using static N.B;
namespace N
static class A
public static void Goo(this string s) { }
static class B
public static void Bar(this string s) { }
class C
void M()
string s;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticAndExtensionMethods5()
var markup = """
using static N.A;
namespace N
static class A
public static void Goo(this string s) { }
static class B
public static void Bar(this string s) { }
class C
void M()
string s;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticAndExtensionMethods6()
var markup = """
using static N.B;
namespace N
static class A
public static void Goo(this string s) { }
static class B
public static void Bar(this string s) { }
class C
void M()
string s;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task UsingStaticAndExtensionMethods7()
var markup = """
using N;
using static N.B;
namespace N
static class A
public static void Goo(this string s) { }
static class B
public static void Bar(this string s) { }
class C
void M()
string s;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[WpfFact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7932")]
public async Task ExtensionMethodWithinSameClassOfferedForCompletion()
var markup = """
public static class Test
static void TestB()
static void TestA(this string s) { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "TestA");
[WpfFact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/7932")]
public async Task ExtensionMethodWithinParentClassOfferedForCompletion()
var markup = """
public static class Parent
static void TestA(this string s) { }
static void TestC(string s) { }
public static class Test
static void TestB()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "TestA");
public async Task ExceptionFilter1()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(bool x)
catch when ($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "x");
public async Task ExceptionFilter1_NotBeforeOpenParen()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(bool x)
catch when $$
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
public async Task ExceptionFilter2()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(bool x)
catch (Exception ex) when ($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "x");
public async Task ExceptionFilter2_NotBeforeOpenParen()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(bool x)
catch (Exception ex) when $$
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25084")]
public async Task SwitchCaseWhenClause1()
var markup = """
class C
void M(bool x)
switch (1)
case 1 when $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "x");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25084")]
public async Task SwitchCaseWhenClause2()
var markup = """
class C
void M(bool x)
switch (1)
case int i when $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "x");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/717")]
public async Task ExpressionContextCompletionWithinCast()
var markup = """
class Program
void M()
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
var x = ($$)
var y = 1;
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "i");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/1277")]
public async Task NoInstanceMembersInPropertyInitializer()
var markup = """
class A {
int abc;
int B { get; } = $$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "abc");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/1277")]
public async Task StaticMembersInPropertyInitializer()
var markup = """
class A {
static Action s_abc;
event Action B = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "s_abc");
public async Task NoInstanceMembersInFieldLikeEventInitializer()
var markup = """
class A {
Action abc;
event Action B = $$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "abc");
public async Task StaticMembersInFieldLikeEventInitializer()
var markup = """
class A {
static Action s_abc;
event Action B = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "s_abc");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5069")]
public async Task InstanceMembersInTopLevelFieldInitializer()
var markup = """
int aaa = 1;
int bbb = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "aaa", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5069")]
public async Task InstanceMembersInTopLevelFieldLikeEventInitializer()
var markup = """
Action aaa = null;
event Action bbb = $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "aaa", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33")]
public async Task NoConditionalAccessCompletionOnTypes1()
var markup = """
using A = System
class C
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33")]
public async Task NoConditionalAccessCompletionOnTypes2()
var markup = """
class C
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33")]
public async Task NoConditionalAccessCompletionOnTypes3()
var markup = """
class C
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
public async Task CompletionInIncompletePropertyDeclaration()
var markup = """
class Class1
public string Property1 { get; set; }
class Class2
public string Property { get { return this.Source.$$
public Class1 Source { get; set; }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Property1");
public async Task NoCompletionInShebangComments()
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync("#!$$", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync("#! S$$", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script, usePreviousCharAsTrigger: true);
public async Task CompoundNameTargetTypePreselection()
var markup = """
class Class1
void goo()
int x = 3;
string y = x.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "ToString", matchPriority: SymbolMatchPriority.PreferEventOrMethod);
public async Task TargetTypeInCollectionInitializer1()
var markup = """
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int z;
string q;
List<int> x = new List<int>() { $$ }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "z", matchPriority: SymbolMatchPriority.PreferLocalOrParameterOrRangeVariable);
public async Task TargetTypeInCollectionInitializer2()
var markup = """
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int z;
string q;
List<int> x = new List<int>() { 1, $$ }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "z", matchPriority: SymbolMatchPriority.PreferLocalOrParameterOrRangeVariable);
public async Task TargeTypeInObjectInitializer1()
var markup = """
class C
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
void goo()
int i;
var c = new C() { X = $$ }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "i", matchPriority: SymbolMatchPriority.PreferLocalOrParameterOrRangeVariable);
public async Task TargeTypeInObjectInitializer2()
var markup = """
class C
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
void goo()
int i;
var c = new C() { X = 1, Y = $$ }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "i", matchPriority: SymbolMatchPriority.PreferLocalOrParameterOrRangeVariable);
public async Task TupleElements()
var markup = """
class C
void goo()
var t = (Alice: 1, Item2: 2, ITEM3: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Bob: 9);
""" + TestResources.NetFX.ValueTuple.tuplelib_cs;
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14546")]
public async Task TupleElementsCompletionOffMethodGroup()
var markup = """
class C
void goo()
new object().ToString.$$
""" + TestResources.NetFX.ValueTuple.tuplelib_cs;
// should not crash
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
public async Task NoCompletionInLocalFuncGenericParamList()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
int Local<$$
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
public async Task CompletionForAwaitWithoutAsync()
var markup = """
class C
void M()
await Local<$$
await VerifyAnyItemExistsAsync(markup);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14127")]
public async Task TupleTypeAtMemberLevel1()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
""", "C");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14127")]
public async Task TupleTypeAtMemberLevel2()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
""", "C");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14127")]
public async Task TupleTypeAtMemberLevel3()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
(C, $$
""", "C");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14127")]
public async Task TupleTypeAtMemberLevel4()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
(C, $$)
""", "C");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14127")]
public async Task TupleTypeInForeach()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
void M()
foreach ((C, $$
""", "C");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14127")]
public async Task TupleTypeInParameterList()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
void M((C, $$)
""", "C");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14127")]
public async Task TupleTypeInNameOf()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
void M()
var x = nameof((C, $$
""", "C");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14163")]
public async Task LocalFunctionDescription()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
void M()
void Local() { }
""", "Local", "void Local()");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14163")]
public async Task LocalFunctionDescription2()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
using System;
class C
class var { }
void M()
Action<int> Local(string x, ref var @class, params Func<int, string> f)
return () => 0;
""", "Local", "Action<int> Local(string x, ref var @class, params Func<int, string> f)");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/18359")]
public async Task EnumMemberAfterDot()
var markup =
namespace ConsoleApplication253
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
static void M(E e) { }
enum E
// VerifyItemExistsAsync also tests with the item typed.
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "A");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "B");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task NotOnMethodGroup1()
var markup =
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task NotOnMethodGroup2()
var markup =
class C {
void M<T>() {M<C>.$$ }
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task NotOnMethodGroup3()
var markup =
class C {
void M() {M.$$}
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(markup);
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task DoNotCrashInExtensionMethoWithExpressionBodiedMember()
var markup =
public static class Extensions { public static T Get<T>(this object o) => $$}
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "o");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task EnumConstraint()
var markup =
public class X<T> where T : System.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Enum");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task DelegateConstraint()
var markup =
public class X<T> where T : System.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Delegate");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task MulticastDelegateConstraint()
var markup =
public class X<T> where T : System.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "MulticastDelegate");
private static string CreateThenIncludeTestCode(string lambdaExpressionString, string methodDeclarationString)
var template = """
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace ThenIncludeIntellisenseBug
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var registrations = new List<Registration>().AsQueryable();
var reg = registrations.Include(r => r.Activities).ThenInclude([1]);
internal class Registration
public ICollection<Activity> Activities { get; set; }
public class Activity
public Task Task { get; set; }
public class Task
public string Name { get; set; }
public interface IIncludableQueryable<out TEntity, out TProperty> : IQueryable<TEntity>
public static class EntityFrameworkQuerybleExtensions
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> Include<TEntity, TProperty>(
this IQueryable<TEntity> source,
Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath)
where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
return template.Replace("[1]", lambdaExpressionString).Replace("[2]", methodDeclarationString);
public async Task ThenInclude()
var markup = CreateThenIncludeTestCode("b => b.$$",
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, ICollection<TPreviousProperty>> source,
Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source,
Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefault", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
public async Task ThenIncludeNoExpression()
var markup = CreateThenIncludeTestCode("b => b.$$",
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, ICollection<TPreviousProperty>> source,
Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source,
Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefault", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
public async Task ThenIncludeSecondArgument()
var markup = CreateThenIncludeTestCode("0, b => b.$$",
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, ICollection<TPreviousProperty>> source,
int a,
Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source,
int a,
Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefault", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
public async Task ThenIncludeSecondArgumentAndMultiArgumentLambda()
var markup = CreateThenIncludeTestCode("0, (a,b,c) => c.$$)",
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, ICollection<TPreviousProperty>> source,
int a,
Expression<Func<string, string, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source,
int a,
Expression<Func<string, string, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefault", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
public async Task ThenIncludeSecondArgumentNoOverlap()
var markup = CreateThenIncludeTestCode("b => b.Task, b =>b.$$",
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, ICollection<TPreviousProperty>> source,
Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath,
Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> anotherNavigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source,
Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefault", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
public async Task ThenIncludeSecondArgumentAndMultiArgumentLambdaWithNoLambdaOverlap()
var markup = CreateThenIncludeTestCode("0, (a,b,c) => c.$$",
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, ICollection<TPreviousProperty>> source,
int a,
Expression<Func<string, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source,
int a,
Expression<Func<string, string, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Task");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefault", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
public async Task ThenIncludeGenericAndNoGenericOverloads()
var markup = CreateThenIncludeTestCode("c => c.$$",
public static IIncludableQueryable<Registration, Task> ThenInclude(
this IIncludableQueryable<Registration, ICollection<Activity>> source,
Func<Activity, Task> navigationPropertyPath)
return default(IIncludableQueryable<Registration, Task>);
public static IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty> ThenInclude<TEntity, TPreviousProperty, TProperty>(
this IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TPreviousProperty> source,
Expression<Func<TPreviousProperty, TProperty>> navigationPropertyPath) where TEntity : class
return default(IIncludableQueryable<TEntity, TProperty>);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefault", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
public async Task ThenIncludeNoGenericOverloads()
var markup = CreateThenIncludeTestCode("c => c.$$",
public static IIncludableQueryable<Registration, Task> ThenInclude(
this IIncludableQueryable<Registration, ICollection<Activity>> source,
Func<Activity, Task> navigationPropertyPath)
return default(IIncludableQueryable<Registration, Task>);
public static IIncludableQueryable<Registration, Activity> ThenInclude(
this IIncludableQueryable<Registration, ICollection<Activity>> source,
Func<ICollection<Activity>, Activity> navigationPropertyPath)
return default(IIncludableQueryable<Registration, Activity>);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Task");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefault", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithOverloads()
var markup = """
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace ClassLibrary1
class SomeItem
public string A;
public int B;
class SomeCollection<T> : List<T>
public virtual SomeCollection<T> Include(string path) => null;
static class Extensions
public static IList<T> Include<T, TProperty>(this IList<T> source, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> path)
=> null;
public static IList Include(this IList source, string path) => null;
public static IList<T> Include<T>(this IList<T> source, string path) => null;
class Program
void M(SomeCollection<SomeItem> c)
var a = from m in c.Include(t => t.$$);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1056325")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithOverloads2()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(Action<int> a) { }
void M(string s) { }
void Test()
M(p => p.$$);
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Substring");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GetTypeCode");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1056325")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithOverloads3()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(Action<int> a) { }
void M(Action<string> a) { }
void Test()
M((int p) => p.$$);
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Substring");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GetTypeCode");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1056325")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithOverloads4()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M(Action<int> a) { }
void M(Action<string> a) { }
void Test()
M(p => p.$$);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Substring");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GetTypeCode");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42997")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithTypeParameters()
var markup = """
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static void M()
Create(new List<Product>(), arg => arg.$$);
static void Create<T>(List<T> list, Action<T> expression) { }
class Product { public void MyProperty() { } }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "MyProperty");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42997")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithTypeParametersAndOverloads()
var markup = """
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static void M()
Create(new Dictionary<Product1, Product2>(), arg => arg.$$);
static void Create<T, U>(Dictionary<T, U> list, Action<T> expression) { }
static void Create<T, U>(Dictionary<U, T> list, Action<T> expression) { }
class Product1 { public void MyProperty1() { } }
class Product2 { public void MyProperty2() { } }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42997")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithTypeParametersAndOverloads2()
var markup = """
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static void M()
Create(new Dictionary<Product1,Product2>(),arg => arg.$$);
static void Create<T, U>(Dictionary<T, U> list, Action<T> expression) { }
static void Create<T, U>(Dictionary<U, T> list, Action<T> expression) { }
static void Create(Dictionary<Product1, Product2> list, Action<Product3> expression) { }
class Product1 { public void MyProperty1() { } }
class Product2 { public void MyProperty2() { } }
class Product3 { public void MyProperty3() { } }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42997")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithTypeParametersFromClass()
var markup = """
using System;
class Program<T>
static void M()
Create(arg => arg.$$);
static void Create(Action<T> expression) { }
class Product { public void MyProperty() { } }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GetHashCode");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "MyProperty");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42997")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithTypeParametersFromClassWithConstraintOnType()
var markup = """
using System;
class Program<T> where T : Product
static void M()
Create(arg => arg.$$);
static void Create(Action<T> expression) { }
class Product { public void MyProperty() { } }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GetHashCode");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "MyProperty");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42997")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaWithTypeParametersFromClassWithConstraintOnMethod()
var markup = """
using System;
class Program
static void M()
Create(arg => arg.$$);
static void Create<T>(Action<T> expression) where T : Product { }
class Product { public void MyProperty() { } }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "GetHashCode");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "MyProperty");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/40216")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaPassedAsNamedArgumentAtDifferentPositionFromCorrespondingParameter1()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void Test()
X(y: t => Console.WriteLine(t.$$));
void X(int x = 7, Action<string> y = null) { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Length");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/40216")]
public async Task CompletionForLambdaPassedAsNamedArgumentAtDifferentPositionFromCorrespondingParameter2()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void Test()
X(y: t => Console.WriteLine(t.$$));
void X(int x, int z, Action<string> y) { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Length");
public async Task CompletionForLambdaPassedAsArgumentInReducedExtensionMethod_NonInteractive()
var markup = """
using System;
static class CExtensions
public static void X(this C x, Action<string> y) { }
class C
void Test()
new C().X(t => Console.WriteLine(t.$$));
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Length", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
public async Task CompletionForLambdaPassedAsArgumentInReducedExtensionMethod_Interactive()
var markup = """
using System;
public static void X(this C x, Action<string> y) { }
public class C
void Test()
new C().X(t => Console.WriteLine(t.$$));
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Length", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script);
public async Task CompletionInsideMethodsWithNonFunctionsAsArguments()
var markup = """
using System;
class c
void M()
Goo(builder =>
void Goo(Action<Builder> configure)
var builder = new Builder();
class Builder
public int Something { get; set; }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
public async Task CompletionInsideMethodsWithDelegatesAsArguments()
var markup = """
using System;
class Program
public delegate void Delegate1(Uri u);
public delegate void Delegate2(Guid g);
public void M(Delegate1 d) { }
public void M(Delegate2 d) { }
public void Test()
M(d => d.$$)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
// Guid
// Uri
// Should not appear for Delegate
public async Task CompletionInsideMethodsWithDelegatesAndReversingArguments()
var markup = """
using System;
class Program
public delegate void Delegate1<T1,T2>(T2 t2, T1 t1);
public delegate void Delegate2<T1,T2>(T2 t2, int g, T1 t1);
public void M(Delegate1<Uri,Guid> d) { }
public void M(Delegate2<Uri,Guid> d) { }
public void Test()
M(d => d.$$)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
// Guid
// Should not appear for Uri
// Should not appear for Delegate
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/36029")]
public async Task CompletionInsideMethodWithParamsBeforeParams()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M()
Goo(builder =>
void Goo(Action<Builder> action, params Action<AnotherBuilder>[] otherActions)
class Builder
public int Something { get; set; }
class AnotherBuilder
public int AnotherSomething { get; set; }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/36029")]
public async Task CompletionInsideMethodWithParamsInParams()
var markup = """
using System;
class C
void M()
Goo(b0 => { }, b1 => {}, b2 => { b2.$$ });
void Goo(Action<Builder> action, params Action<AnotherBuilder>[] otherActions)
class Builder
public int Something { get; set; }
class AnotherBuilder
public int AnotherSomething { get; set; }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.TargetTypedCompletion)]
public async Task TestTargetTypeFilterWithExperimentEnabled()
ShowTargetTypedCompletionFilter = true;
var markup =
public class C
int intField;
void M(int x)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
markup, "intField",
matchingFilters: [FilterSet.FieldFilter, FilterSet.TargetTypedFilter]);
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.TargetTypedCompletion)]
public async Task TestNoTargetTypeFilterWithExperimentDisabled()
ShowTargetTypedCompletionFilter = false;
var markup =
public class C
int intField;
void M(int x)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
markup, "intField",
matchingFilters: [FilterSet.FieldFilter]);
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.TargetTypedCompletion)]
public async Task TestTargetTypeFilter_NotOnObjectMembers()
ShowTargetTypedCompletionFilter = true;
var markup =
public class C
void M(int x)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
markup, "GetHashCode",
matchingFilters: [FilterSet.MethodFilter]);
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.TargetTypedCompletion)]
public async Task TestTargetTypeFilter_NotNamedTypes()
ShowTargetTypedCompletionFilter = true;
var markup =
public class C
void M(C c)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
markup, "c",
matchingFilters: [FilterSet.LocalAndParameterFilter, FilterSet.TargetTypedFilter]);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
markup, "C",
matchingFilters: [FilterSet.ClassFilter]);
public async Task CompletionShouldNotProvideExtensionMethodsIfTypeConstraintDoesNotMatch()
var markup = """
public static class Ext
public static void DoSomething<T>(this T thing, string s) where T : class, I
public interface I
public class C
public void M(string s)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
ItemExpectation.Absent("DoSomething") with
DisplayTextSuffix = "<>"
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/38074")]
public async Task LocalFunctionInStaticMethod()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
static void M()
void Local() { }
""", "Local");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1152109")]
public async Task NoItemWithEmptyDisplayName()
var markup = """
class C
static void M()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(
markup, "",
matchingFilters: [FilterSet.LocalAndParameterFilter]);
public async Task CompletionWithCustomizedCommitCharForMethod(char commitChar)
var markup = """
class Program
private void Bar()
private void Foo(int i)
private void Foo(int i, int c)
var expected = $$"""
class Program
private void Bar()
private void Foo(int i)
private void Foo(int i, int c)
await VerifyProviderCommitAsync(markup, "Foo", expected, commitChar: commitChar);
public async Task CompletionWithSemicolonInNestedMethod(char commitChar)
var markup = """
class Program
private void Bar()
private int Foo(int i)
return 1;
var expected = $$"""
class Program
private void Bar()
private int Foo(int i)
return 1;
await VerifyProviderCommitAsync(markup, "Foo", expected, commitChar: commitChar);
public async Task CompletionWithCustomizedCommitCharForDelegateInferredType(char commitChar)
var markup = """
using System;
class Program
private void Bar()
private void Foo()
void Bar2(Action t) { }
var expected = $$"""
using System;
class Program
private void Bar()
private void Foo()
void Bar2(Action t) { }
await VerifyProviderCommitAsync(markup, "Foo", expected, commitChar: commitChar);
public async Task CompletionWithCustomizedCommitCharForConstructor(char commitChar)
var markup = """
class Program
private static void Bar()
var o = new P$$
var expected = $$"""
class Program
private static void Bar()
var o = new Program(){{commitChar}}
await VerifyProviderCommitAsync(markup, "Program", expected, commitChar: commitChar);
public async Task CompletionWithCustomizedCharForTypeUnderNonObjectCreationContext(char commitChar)
var markup = """
class Program
private static void Bar()
var o = P$$
var expected = $$"""
class Program
private static void Bar()
var o = Program{{commitChar}}
await VerifyProviderCommitAsync(markup, "Program", expected, commitChar: commitChar);
public async Task CompletionWithCustomizedCommitCharForAliasConstructor(char commitChar)
var markup = """
using String2 = System.String;
namespace Bar1
class Program
private static void Bar()
var o = new S$$
var expected = $$"""
using String2 = System.String;
namespace Bar1
class Program
private static void Bar()
var o = new String2(){{commitChar}}
await VerifyProviderCommitAsync(markup, "String2", expected, commitChar: commitChar);
public async Task CompletionWithSemicolonUnderNameofContext()
var markup = """
namespace Bar1
class Program
private static void Bar()
var o = nameof(B$$)
var expected = """
namespace Bar1
class Program
private static void Bar()
var o = nameof(Bar;)
await VerifyProviderCommitAsync(markup, "Bar", expected, commitChar: ';');
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49072")]
public async Task EnumMemberAfterPatternMatch()
var markup =
namespace N
enum RankedMusicians
class C
void M(RankedMusicians m)
if (m is RankedMusicians.$$
// VerifyItemExistsAsync also tests with the item typed.
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49072")]
public async Task EnumMemberAfterPatternMatchWithDeclaration()
var markup =
namespace N
enum RankedMusicians
class C
void M(RankedMusicians m)
if (m is RankedMusicians.$$ r)
// VerifyItemExistsAsync also tests with the item typed.
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49072")]
public async Task EnumMemberAfterPropertyPatternMatch()
var markup =
namespace N
enum RankedMusicians
class C
public RankedMusicians R;
void M(C m)
if (m is { R: RankedMusicians.$$
// VerifyItemExistsAsync also tests with the item typed.
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49072")]
public async Task ChildClassAfterPatternMatch()
var markup =
namespace N
public class D { public class E { } }
class C
void M(object m)
if (m is D.$$
// VerifyItemExistsAsync also tests with the item typed.
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "E");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "Equals");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49072")]
public async Task EnumMemberAfterBinaryExpression()
var markup =
namespace N
enum RankedMusicians
class C
void M(RankedMusicians m)
if (m == RankedMusicians.$$
// VerifyItemExistsAsync also tests with the item typed.
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49072")]
public async Task EnumMemberAfterBinaryExpressionWithDeclaration()
var markup =
namespace N
enum RankedMusicians
class C
void M(RankedMusicians m)
if (m == RankedMusicians.$$ r)
// VerifyItemExistsAsync also tests with the item typed.
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49609")]
public async Task ObsoleteOverloadsAreSkippedIfNonObsoleteOverloadIsAvailable()
var markup =
public class C
public void M() { }
public void M(int i) { }
public void Test()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"void C.M(int i) (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49609")]
public async Task FirstObsoleteOverloadIsUsedIfAllOverloadsAreObsolete()
var markup =
public class C
public void M() { }
public void M(int i) { }
public void Test()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"[{CSharpFeaturesResources.deprecated}] void C.M() (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/49609")]
public async Task IgnoreCustomObsoleteAttribute()
var markup =
public class ObsoleteAttribute: System.Attribute
public class C
public void M() { }
public void M(int i) { }
public void Test()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "M", expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"void C.M() (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})");
[InlineData("int", "")]
[InlineData("int[]", "int a")]
[Theory, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.TargetTypedCompletion)]
public async Task TestTargetTypeCompletionDescription(string targetType, string expectedParameterList)
// Check the description displayed is based on symbol matches targeted type
ShowTargetTypedCompletionFilter = true;
var markup =
public class C
bool Bar(int a, int b) => false;
int Bar() => 0;
int[] Bar(int a) => null;
bool N({{targetType}} x) => true;
void M(C c)
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(
markup, "Bar",
expectedDescriptionOrNull: $"{targetType} C.Bar({expectedParameterList}) (+{NonBreakingSpaceString}2{NonBreakingSpaceString}{FeaturesResources.overloads_})",
matchingFilters: [FilterSet.MethodFilter, FilterSet.TargetTypedFilter]);
[InlineData("IGoo", new string[] { "Goo", "GooDerived", "GooGeneric" })]
[InlineData("IGoo[]", new string[] { "IGoo", "IGooGeneric", "Goo", "GooAbstract", "GooDerived", "GooGeneric" })]
[InlineData("IGooGeneric<int>", new string[] { "GooGeneric" })]
[InlineData("IGooGeneric<int>[]", new string[] { "IGooGeneric", "GooGeneric" })]
[InlineData("IOther", new string[] { })]
[InlineData("Goo", new string[] { "Goo" })]
[InlineData("GooAbstract", new string[] { "GooDerived" })]
[InlineData("GooDerived", new string[] { "GooDerived" })]
[InlineData("GooGeneric<int>", new string[] { "GooGeneric" })]
[InlineData("object", new string[] { "C", "Goo", "GooDerived", "GooGeneric" })]
[Theory, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.TargetTypedCompletion)]
public async Task TestTargetTypeCompletionInCreationContext(string targetType, string[] expectedItems)
ShowTargetTypedCompletionFilter = true;
var markup =
interface IGoo { }
interface IGooGeneric<T> : IGoo { }
interface IOther { }
class Goo : IGoo { }
abstract class GooAbstract : IGoo { }
class GooDerived : GooAbstract { }
class GooGeneric<T> : IGooGeneric<T> { }
class C
void M1({{targetType}} arg) { }
void M2()
=> M1(new $$);
(string Name, bool IsClass, string? DisplaySuffix)[] types = [
("IGoo", false, null),
("IGooGeneric", false, "<>"),
("IOther", false, null),
("Goo", true, null),
("GooAbstract", true, null),
("GooDerived", true, null),
("GooGeneric", true, "<>"),
("C", true, null)
foreach (var item in types.Where(t => t.IsClass && expectedItems.Contains(t.Name)))
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, item.Name, matchingFilters: [FilterSet.ClassFilter, FilterSet.TargetTypedFilter], displayTextSuffix: item.DisplaySuffix);
foreach (var item in types.Where(t => t.IsClass && !expectedItems.Contains(t.Name)))
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, item.Name, matchingFilters: [FilterSet.ClassFilter], displayTextSuffix: item.DisplaySuffix);
foreach (var item in types.Where(t => !t.IsClass && expectedItems.Contains(t.Name)))
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, item.Name, matchingFilters: [FilterSet.InterfaceFilter, FilterSet.TargetTypedFilter], displayTextSuffix: item.DisplaySuffix);
foreach (var item in types.Where(t => !t.IsClass && !expectedItems.Contains(t.Name)))
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, item.Name, matchingFilters: [FilterSet.InterfaceFilter], displayTextSuffix: item.DisplaySuffix);
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task TestTypesNotSuggestedInDeclarationDeconstruction()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync("""
class C
int M()
var (x, $$) = (0, 0);
""", "C");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task TestTypesSuggestedInMixedDeclarationAndAssignmentInDeconstruction()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
int M()
(x, $$) = (0, 0);
""", "C");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task TestLocalDeclaredBeforeDeconstructionSuggestedInMixedDeclarationAndAssignmentInDeconstruction()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync("""
class C
int M()
int y;
(var x, $$) = (0, 0);
""", "y");
[Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public async Task TestTypeParameterConstrainedToInterfaceWithStatics()
var source = """
interface I1
static void M0();
static abstract void M1();
abstract static int P1 { get; set; }
abstract static event System.Action E1;
interface I2
static abstract void M2();
static virtual void M3() { }
class Test
void M<T>(T x) where T : I1, I2
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/58081")]
public async Task CompletionOnPointerParameter()
var source = """
struct TestStruct
public int X;
public int Y { get; }
public void Method() { }
unsafe class Test
void TestMethod(TestStruct* a)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/58081")]
public async Task CompletionOnAwaitedPointerParameter()
var source = """
struct TestStruct
public int X;
public int Y { get; }
public void Method() { }
unsafe class Test
async void TestMethod(TestStruct* a)
await a->$$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/58081")]
public async Task CompletionOnLambdaPointerParameter()
var source = """
struct TestStruct
public int X;
public int Y { get; }
public void Method() { }
unsafe class Test
delegate void TestLambda(TestStruct* a);
TestLambda TestMethod()
return a => a->$$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/58081")]
public async Task CompletionOnOverloadedLambdaPointerParameter()
var source = """
struct TestStruct1
public int X;
struct TestStruct2
public int Y;
unsafe class Test
delegate void TestLambda1(TestStruct1* a);
delegate void TestLambda2(TestStruct2* a);
void Overloaded(TestLambda1 lambda)
void Overloaded(TestLambda2 lambda)
void TestMethod()
=> Overloaded(a => a->$$);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/58081")]
public async Task CompletionOnOverloadedLambdaPointerParameterWithExplicitType()
var source = """
struct TestStruct1
public int X;
struct TestStruct2
public int Y;
unsafe class Test
delegate void TestLambda1(TestStruct1* a);
delegate void TestLambda2(TestStruct2* a);
void Overloaded(TestLambda1 lambda)
void Overloaded(TestLambda2 lambda)
void TestMethod()
=> Overloaded((TestStruct1* a) => a->$$);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/58081")]
public async Task CompletionOnPointerParameterWithSimpleMemberAccess()
var source = """
struct TestStruct
public int X;
public int Y { get; }
public void Method() { }
unsafe class Test
void TestMethod(TestStruct* a)
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, "X");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/58081")]
public async Task CompletionOnOverloadedLambdaPointerParameterWithSimpleMemberAccess()
var source = """
struct TestStruct1
public int X;
struct TestStruct2
public int Y;
unsafe class Test
delegate void TestLambda1(TestStruct1* a);
delegate void TestLambda2(TestStruct2* a);
void Overloaded(TestLambda1 lambda)
void Overloaded(TestLambda2 lambda)
void TestMethod()
=> Overloaded(a => a.$$);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/58081")]
public async Task CompletionOnOverloadedLambdaPointerParameterWithSimpleMemberAccessAndExplicitType()
var source = """
struct TestStruct1
public int X;
struct TestStruct2
public int Y;
unsafe class Test
delegate void TestLambda1(TestStruct1* a);
delegate void TestLambda2(TestStruct2* a);
void Overloaded(TestLambda1 lambda)
void Overloaded(TestLambda2 lambda)
void TestMethod()
=> Overloaded((TestStruct1* a) => a.$$);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public async Task OptionalExclamationsAfterConditionalAccessShouldBeHandled(string conditionalAccessExpression)
var source = $$"""
class MyClass
public MyClass? MyObject { get; set; }
public MyClass? MyValue() => null;
public static void F()
var m = new MyClass();
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "MyValue");
public async Task TopLevelSymbolsAvailableAtTopLevel()
var source = $$"""
int goo;
void Bar()
class MyClass
public static void F()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "goo");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "Bar");
public async Task TopLevelSymbolsAvailableInsideTopLevelFunction()
var source = $$"""
int goo;
void Bar()
class MyClass
public static void F()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "goo");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "Bar");
public async Task TopLevelSymbolsNotAvailableInOtherTypes()
var source = $$"""
int goo;
void Bar()
class MyClass
public static void F()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, "goo");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, "Bar");
public async Task ParameterAvailableInMethodAttributeNameof()
var source = """
class C
void M(int parameter) { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "parameter");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source, languageVersion: "10"), "parameter");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/60812")]
public async Task ParameterNotAvailableInMethodAttributeNameofWithNoArgument()
var source = """
class C
void M(int parameter) { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "parameter");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/66982")]
public async Task CapturedParameters1()
var source = """
class C
void M(string args)
static void LocalFunc()
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "args");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/66982")]
public async Task CapturedParameters2()
var source = """
class C
void M(string args)
static void LocalFunc()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "args");
public async Task ParameterAvailableInMethodParameterAttributeNameof()
var source = """
class C
void M([Some(nameof(p$$))] int parameter) { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "parameter");
public async Task ParameterAvailableInLocalFunctionAttributeNameof()
var source = """
class C
void M()
void local(int parameter) { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "parameter");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source, languageVersion: "10"), "parameter");
public async Task ParameterAvailableInLocalFunctionParameterAttributeNameof()
var source = """
class C
void M()
void local([Some(nameof(p$$))] int parameter) { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "parameter");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source, languageVersion: "10"), "parameter");
public async Task ParameterAvailableInLambdaAttributeNameof()
var source = """
class C
void M()
_ = [Some(nameof(p$$))] void(int parameter) => { };
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "parameter");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source, languageVersion: "10"), "parameter");
public async Task ParameterAvailableInLambdaParameterAttributeNameof()
var source = """
class C
void M()
_ = void([Some(nameof(p$$))] int parameter) => { };
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "parameter");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source, languageVersion: "10"), "parameter");
public async Task ParameterAvailableInDelegateAttributeNameof()
var source = """
delegate void MyDelegate(int parameter);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "parameter");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source, languageVersion: "10"), "parameter");
public async Task ParameterAvailableInDelegateParameterAttributeNameof()
var source = """
delegate void MyDelegate([Some(nameof(p$$))] int parameter);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "parameter");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source, languageVersion: "10"), "parameter");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/64585")]
public async Task AfterRequired()
var source = """
class C
required $$
await VerifyAnyItemExistsAsync(source);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task AfterScopedInsideMethod(bool useRef)
var refKeyword = useRef ? "ref " : "";
var source = $$"""
class C
void M()
scoped {{refKeyword}}$$
ref struct MyRefStruct { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "MyRefStruct");
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task AfterScopedGlobalStatement_FollowedByRefStruct(bool useRef)
var refKeyword = useRef ? "ref " : "";
var source = $$"""
scoped {{refKeyword}}$$
ref struct MyRefStruct { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "MyRefStruct");
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task AfterScopedGlobalStatement_FollowedByStruct(bool useRef)
var refKeyword = useRef ? "ref " : "";
var source = $$"""
using System;
scoped {{refKeyword}}$$
struct S { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "ReadOnlySpan", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task AfterScopedGlobalStatement_FollowedByPartialStruct(bool useRef)
var refKeyword = useRef ? "ref " : "";
var source = $$"""
using System;
scoped {{refKeyword}}$$
partial struct S { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "ReadOnlySpan", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task AfterScopedGlobalStatement_NotFollowedByType(bool useRef)
var refKeyword = useRef ? "ref " : "";
var source = $"""
using System;
scoped {refKeyword}$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "ReadOnlySpan", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
public async Task AfterScopedInParameter()
var source = """
class C
void M(scoped $$)
ref struct MyRefStruct { }
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "MyRefStruct");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/65020")]
public async Task DoNotProvideMemberOnSystemVoid()
var source = """
class C
void M1(){}
void M2()
public static class Extension
public static bool ExtMethod(this object x) => false;
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(MakeMarkup(source), "ExtMethod");
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList1(string underlyingType)
var source = "enum E : $$";
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
// Not accessible in the given context
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList2(string underlyingType)
var source = """
enum E : $$
class System
// class `System` shadows the namespace in regular source
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, "System", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
// Not accessible in the given context
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, underlyingType);
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList3(string underlyingType)
var source = """
using System;
enum E : $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
// Verify that other things from `System` namespace are not present
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList4(string underlyingType)
var source = """
namespace MyNamespace
enum E : global::$$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
// Not accessible in the given context
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList5(string underlyingType)
var source = "enum E : System.$$";
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
// Verify that other things from `System` namespace are not present
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList6(string underlyingType)
var source = "enum E : global::System.$$";
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
// Verify that other things from `System` namespace are not present
public async Task EnumBaseList7()
var source = "enum E : System.Collections.Generic.$$";
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(source);
public async Task EnumBaseList8()
var source = """
namespace MyNamespace
namespace System {}
public struct Byte {}
public struct SByte {}
public struct Int16 {}
public struct UInt16 {}
public struct Int32 {}
public struct UInt32 {}
public struct Int64 {}
public struct UInt64 {}
enum E : MyNamespace.$$
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(source);
public async Task EnumBaseList9()
var source = """
using MySystem = System;
enum E : $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "MySystem");
public async Task EnumBaseList10()
var source = """
using MySystem = System;
enum E : global::$$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, "MySystem");
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList11(string underlyingType)
var source = """
using MySystem = System;
enum E : MySystem.$$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
// Verify that other things from `System` namespace are not present
public async Task EnumBaseList12()
var source = """
using MySystem = System;
enum E : global::MySystem.$$
await VerifyNoItemsExistAsync(source);
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList13(string underlyingType)
var source = $"""
using My{underlyingType} = System.{underlyingType};
enum E : $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, $"My{underlyingType}");
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList14(string underlyingType)
var source = $"""
using My{underlyingType} = System.{underlyingType};
enum E : global::$$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, $"My{underlyingType}");
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList15(string underlyingType)
var source = $"""
using My{underlyingType} = System.{underlyingType};
enum E : System.$$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, $"My{underlyingType}");
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames))]
public async Task EnumBaseList16(string underlyingType)
var source = $"""
using MySystem = System;
using My{underlyingType} = System.{underlyingType};
enum E : MySystem.$$
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(source, $"My{underlyingType}");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/66903")]
public async Task InRangeExpression()
var source = """
class C
const int Test = 1;
void M(string s)
var endIndex = 1;
var substr = s[1..$$];
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/66903")]
public async Task InRangeExpression_WhitespaceAfterDotDotToken()
var source = """
class C
const int Test = 1;
void M(string s)
var endIndex = 1;
var substr = s[1.. $$];
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25572")]
public async Task PropertyAndGenericExtensionMethodCandidates()
var source = """
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class C
void M()
int foo;
List<int> list;
if (list.Count < $$)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25572")]
public async Task GenericWithNonGenericOverload()
var source = """
class C
void M(C other)
if (other.A < $$)
void A() { }
void A<T>() { }
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
public static readonly IEnumerable<object[]> PatternMatchingPrecedingPatterns = new object[][]
["is ("],
["is not"],
["is (not"],
["is not ("],
["is Constants.A and"],
["is (Constants.A and"],
["is Constants.A and ("],
["is Constants.A and not"],
["is (Constants.A and not"],
["is Constants.A and (not"],
["is Constants.A and not ("],
["is Constants.A or"],
["is (Constants.A or"],
["is Constants.A or ("],
["is Constants.A or not"],
["is (Constants.A or not"],
["is Constants.A or (not"],
["is Constants.A or not ("],
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_01(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} Constants.$$";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_02(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} Constants.R.$$";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_03(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} $$";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_04(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} global::$$";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
// In scripts, we also get a Script class containing our defined types
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source,
sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Regular);
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_05()
var expression = $"return $$ is Constants.A";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_06(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} Constants.$$.A";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_07(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} Enum.$$";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_08(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} nameof(Constants.$$";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_09(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} nameof(Constants.R.$$";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_10(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} nameof(Constants.$$.A";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_11(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} [Constants.R(Constants.$$, nameof(Constants.R))]";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_12(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} [Constants.R(Constants.$$), nameof(Constants.R)]";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_13(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} [Constants.R(Constants.A) {{ P.$$: Constants.A, InstanceProperty: 153 }}, nameof(Constants.R)]";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/70226")]
public async Task PatternMatching_14(string precedingPattern)
var expression = $"return input {precedingPattern} [Constants.R(Constants.A) {{ P: $$ }}, nameof(Constants.R)]";
var source = WrapPatternMatchingSource(expression);
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
private static string WrapPatternMatchingSource(string returnedExpression)
return $$"""
class C
bool M(string input)
public static class Constants
public const string
A = "a",
B = "b",
C = "c";
public static readonly string D = "d";
public static string E => "e";
public static void M() { }
public record R(string P)
public const string
A = "a",
B = "b";
public static readonly string D = "d";
public static string E => "e";
public int InstanceProperty { get; set; }
public static void M() { }
public enum Enum { A, B, C, D }
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/72457")]
public async Task ConstrainedGenericExtensionMethods_01()
var markup = """
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Extensions;
public static class GenericExtensions
public static string FirstOrDefaultOnHashSet<T>(this T s)
where T : HashSet<string>
return s.FirstOrDefault();
public static string FirstOrDefaultOnList<T>(this T s)
where T : List<string>
return s.FirstOrDefault();
class C
void M()
var list = new List<string>();
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefaultOnList", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefaultOnHashSet", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/72457")]
public async Task ConstrainedGenericExtensionMethods_02()
var markup = """
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Extensions;
public static class GenericExtensions
public static string FirstOrDefaultOnHashSet<T>(this T s)
where T : HashSet<string>
return s.FirstOrDefault();
public static string FirstOrDefaultOnList<T>(this T s)
where T : List<string>
return s.FirstOrDefault();
public static bool HasFirstNonNullItemOnList<T>(this T s)
where T : List<string>
return s.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefaultOnList", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefaultOnHashSet", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/72457")]
public async Task ConstrainedGenericExtensionMethods_SelfGeneric01()
var markup = """
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Extensions;
public static class GenericExtensions
public static T FirstOrDefaultOnHashSet<T>(this T s)
where T : HashSet<T>
return s.FirstOrDefault();
public static T FirstOrDefaultOnList<T>(this T s)
where T : List<T>
return s.FirstOrDefault();
public class ListExtension<T> : List<ListExtension<T>>
where T : List<T>
public void Method()
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefaultOnList", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefaultOnHashSet", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/72457")]
public async Task ConstrainedGenericExtensionMethods_SelfGeneric02()
var markup = """
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Extensions;
public static class GenericExtensions
public static T FirstOrDefaultOnHashSet<T>(this T s)
where T : HashSet<T>
return s.FirstOrDefault();
public static T FirstOrDefaultOnList<T>(this T s)
where T : List<T>
return s.FirstOrDefault();
public static bool HasFirstNonNullItemOnList<T>(this T s)
where T : List<T>
return s.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefaultOnList", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
await VerifyItemIsAbsentAsync(markup, "FirstOrDefaultOnHashSet", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/72457")]
public async Task ConstrainedGenericExtensionMethods_SelfGeneric03()
var markup = """
namespace Extensions;
public interface IBinaryInteger<T>
public static T AdditiveIdentity { get; }
public static class GenericExtensions
public static T AtLeastAdditiveIdentity<T>(this T s)
where T : IBinaryInteger<T>
return T.AdditiveIdentity > s ? s : T.AdditiveIdentity;
public static T Method<T>(this T s)
where T : IBinaryInteger<T>
return s.$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "AtLeastAdditiveIdentity", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(markup, "Method", displayTextSuffix: "<>");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task SwitchExpressionEnumColorColor_01()
const string source = """
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, Status Status)
public string StatusDisplay
return Status switch
public enum Status
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task SwitchExpressionEnumColorColor_02()
const string source = """
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, Status Status)
public string StatusDisplay
return this switch
{ Status: Status.$$ }
public enum Status
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task SwitchExpressionEnumColorColor_03()
const string source = """
namespace Status;
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, StatusEn Status)
public string StatusDisplay
return this switch
{ Status: Status.$$ }
public enum StatusEn
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task SwitchExpressionEnumColorColor_04()
const string source = """
using Status = StatusEn;
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, StatusEn Status)
public string StatusDisplay
return this switch
{ Status: Status.$$ }
public enum StatusEn
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task SwitchExpressionEnumColorColor_05()
const string source = """
using Status = StatusEn;
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, StatusEn Status)
public string StatusDisplay
const StatusEn Status = StatusEn.Undisclosed;
return this switch
{ Status: Status.$$ }
public enum StatusEn
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task ConstantPatternExpressionEnumColorColor_01()
const string source = """
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, Status Status)
public string StatusDisplay
if (Status is Status.$$)
public enum Status
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task ConstantPatternExpressionEnumColorColor_02()
const string source = """
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, Status Status)
public string StatusDisplay
if (Status is (Status.$$)
public enum Status
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task ConstantPatternExpressionEnumColorColor_03()
const string source = """
namespace Status;
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, StatusEn Status)
public string StatusDisplay
if (Status is (Status.$$)
public enum StatusEn
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task ConstantPatternExpressionEnumColorColor_04()
const string source = """
using Status = StatusEn;
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, StatusEn Status)
public string StatusDisplay
if (Status is (Status.$$)
public enum StatusEn
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75350")]
public async Task ConstantPatternExpressionEnumColorColor_05()
const string source = """
using Status = StatusEn;
public sealed record OrderModel(int Id, StatusEn Status)
public string StatusDisplay
const StatusEn Status = StatusEn.Undisclosed;
if (Status is (Status.$$)
public enum StatusEn
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(source, [
#region Collection expressions
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_BeforeFirstElementToVar()
var source = AddInsideMethod(
const int val = 3;
var x = [$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "val");
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_BeforeFirstElementToReturn()
var source =
using System;
class C
private readonly string field = string.Empty;
IEnumerable<string> M() => [$$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "String");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "field");
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_AfterFirstElementToVar()
var source = AddInsideMethod(
const int val = 3;
var x = [val, $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "val");
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_AfterFirstElementToReturn()
var source =
using System;
class C
private readonly string field = string.Empty;
IEnumerable<string> M() => [string.Empty, $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "String");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "field");
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_SpreadBeforeFirstElementToReturn()
var source =
class C
private static readonly string[] strings = [string.Empty, "", "hello"];
IEnumerable<string> M() => [.. $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "strings");
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_SpreadAfterFirstElementToReturn()
var source =
class C
private static readonly string[] strings = [string.Empty, "", "hello"];
IEnumerable<string> M() => [string.Empty, .. $$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "strings");
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_ParenAtFirstElementToReturn()
var source =
using System;
class C
private readonly string field = string.Empty;
IEnumerable<string> M() => [($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "String");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "field");
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_ParenAfterFirstElementToReturn()
var source =
using System;
class C
private readonly string field = string.Empty;
IEnumerable<string> M() => [string.Empty, ($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "String");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "field");
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_ParenSpreadAtFirstElementToReturn()
var source =
class C
private static readonly string[] strings = [string.Empty, "", "hello"];
IEnumerable<string> M() => [.. ($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "strings");
public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_ParenSpreadAfterFirstElementToReturn()
var source =
class C
private static readonly string[] strings = [string.Empty, "", "hello"];
IEnumerable<string> M() => [string.Empty, .. ($$
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "System");
await VerifyItemExistsAsync(source, "strings");
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/74327")]
[InlineData("record class")]
[InlineData("record struct")]
public async Task RecommendedPrimaryConstructorParameters01(string typeKind)
var markup = $$"""
namespace PrimaryConstructor;
public {{typeKind}} Point(int X, int Y)
public static Point Parse(string line)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/74327")]
[InlineData("record class")]
public async Task RecommendedPrimaryConstructorParameters02(string typeKind)
var markup = $$"""
namespace PrimaryConstructor;
public abstract {{typeKind}} BasePoint(int X);
public {{typeKind}} Point(int X, int Y)
: BasePoint(X)
public static Point Parse(string line)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/74327")]
[InlineData("record class")]
public async Task RecommendedPrimaryConstructorParameters03(string typeKind)
var markup = $$"""
namespace PrimaryConstructor;
public abstract {{typeKind}} BasePoint(int X);
public {{typeKind}} Point(int X, int Y)
: BasePoint(X)
public int Y { get; init; } = Y;
public static Point Parse(string line)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/74327")]
[InlineData("record class")]
[InlineData("record struct")]
public async Task RecommendedPrimaryConstructorParameters04(string typeKind)
var markup = $$"""
namespace PrimaryConstructor;
public {{typeKind}} Point(int X, int Y)
public static Point Parse(string line)
var n = nameof($$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/74327")]
[InlineData("record class")]
public async Task RecommendedPrimaryConstructorParameters05(string typeKind)
var markup = $$"""
namespace PrimaryConstructor;
public abstract {{typeKind}} BasePoint(int X);
public {{typeKind}} Point(int X, int Y)
: BasePoint(X)
public static Point Parse(string line)
var n = nameof($$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/74327")]
public async Task RecommendedPrimaryConstructorParameters06(string typeKind)
var markup = $$"""
namespace PrimaryConstructor;
public abstract {{typeKind}} BasePoint(int X);
public {{typeKind}} Point(int X, int Y)
: BasePoint(X)
public int Y { get; init; } = Y;
public static Point Parse(string line)
var n = nameof($$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/74327")]
[InlineData("record class")]
[InlineData("record struct")]
public async Task RecommendedPrimaryConstructorParameters07(string typeKind)
var markup = $$"""
namespace PrimaryConstructor;
public {{typeKind}} Point(int X, int Y)
public static int Y { get; } = 0;
public static Point Parse(string line)
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/74327")]
[InlineData("record class")]
[InlineData("record struct")]
public async Task RecommendedPrimaryConstructorParameters08(string typeKind)
var markup = $$"""
namespace PrimaryConstructor;
public {{typeKind}} Point(int X, int Y)
public static int Y { get; } = 0;
public static Point Parse(string line)
var n = nameof($$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task PartialPropertyOrConstructor(
[CombinatorialValues("class", "struct", "record", "record class", "record struct", "interface")] string typeKind,
[CombinatorialValues("", "public", "private", "static", "extern")] string modifiers)
var markup = $$"""
partial {{typeKind}} C
{{modifiers}} partial $$
await VerifyExpectedItemsAsync(markup, [
private static string MakeMarkup([StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string source, string languageVersion = "Preview")
return $$"""
<Project Language="C#" AssemblyName="Assembly" CommonReferencesNet6="true" LanguageVersion="{{languageVersion}}">
<Document FilePath="Test.cs">
public static IEnumerable<object[]> ValidEnumUnderlyingTypeNames()
yield return new object[] { "Byte" };
yield return new object[] { "SByte" };
yield return new object[] { "Int16" };
yield return new object[] { "UInt16" };
yield return new object[] { "Int32" };
yield return new object[] { "UInt32" };
yield return new object[] { "Int64" };
yield return new object[] { "UInt64" };