File: src\Analyzers\CSharp\Tests\UseImplicitlyTypedLambdaExpression\UseImplicitlyTypedLambdaExpressionTests.cs
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Project: src\src\CodeStyle\CSharp\Tests\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UseImplicitlyTypedLambdaExpression;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.UseImplicitlyTypedLambdaExpression;
using VerifyCS = CSharpCodeFixVerifier<
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsUseImplicitObjectCreation)]
public sealed class UseImplicitlyTypedLambdaExpressionTests
    private static readonly LanguageVersion CSharp14 = LanguageVersionExtensions.CSharpNext;
    public async Task TestAssignedToObject()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        object a = (int x) => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestCastedToDelegate()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
            using System;
            class C
                void M()
                    object a = (Delegate)((int x) => { });
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestCastedToObject()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
            using System;
            class C
                void M()
                    object a = (object)((int x) => { });
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestAssignedToDelegate()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Delegate a = (int x) => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestAssignedToVar()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        var a = (int x) => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestAssignedToStronglyTypedDelegate()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int> a = [|(|]int x) => { };
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int> a = x => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestExplicitReturnType()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int> a = void (int x) => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestWithDefaultVAlue()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int> a = (int x = 1) => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestCastToStronglyTypedDelegate()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Delegate a = (Action<int>)([|(|]int x) => { });
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Delegate a = (Action<int>)(x => { });
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestCreationOfStronglyTypedDelegate()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Delegate a = new Action<int>([|(|]int x) => { });
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Delegate a = new Action<int>(x => { });
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestArgument()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M(Action<int> action)
                        M([|(|]int x) => { });
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M(Action<int> action)
                        M(x => { });
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestOverloadResolution()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M(Action<int> action)
                        M((int x) => { });
                    void M(Action<string> action)
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestModifier_CSharp13()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                delegate void D(ref int i);
                class C
                    void M()
                        D d = (ref int i) => { };
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp13,
    public async Task TestModifier_CSharp14()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                delegate void D(ref int i);
                class C
                    void M()
                        D d = [|(|]ref int i) => { };
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                delegate void D(ref int i);
                class C
                    void M()
                        D d = [|(|]ref i) => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestNested()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int> a = [|(|]int x) =>
                            Action<int> b = [|(|]int y) => { };
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int> a = x =>
                            Action<int> b = y => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestParams()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                delegate void D(params int[] x);
                class C
                    void M()
                        D d = [|(|]params int[] x) => { };
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                delegate void D(params int[] x);
                class C
                    void M()
                        D d = x => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestMultiLine()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int, int, int> a =
                            [|(|]int x,
                             int y,
                             int z) => { };
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int, int, int> a =
                             z) => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,
    public async Task TestAttribute()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class XAttribute : Attribute
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int> d = [|(|][X] int i) => { };
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                class XAttribute : Attribute
                class C
                    void M()
                        Action<int> d = [|(|][X] i) => { };
            LanguageVersion = CSharp14,