File: src\Analyzers\CSharp\Tests\UseCompoundAssignment\UseCompoundCoalesceAssignmentTests.cs
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Project: src\src\CodeStyle\CSharp\Tests\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UseCompoundAssignment;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.UseCompoundAssignment;
using VerifyCS = CSharpCodeFixVerifier<
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsUseCompoundAssignment)]
public class UseCompoundCoalesceAssignmentTests
    private static async Task TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(string testCode, string fixedCode)
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = testCode,
            FixedCode = fixedCode,
    private static async Task TestMissingAsync(string testCode, LanguageVersion languageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp8)
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = testCode,
            LanguageVersion = languageVersion,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net60,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestBaseCase()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            class Program
                private static string s_goo;
                private static string Goo => s_goo [|??|] (s_goo = new string('c', 42));
            class Program
                private static string s_goo;
                private static string Goo => s_goo ??= new string('c', 42);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMissingBeforeCSharp8()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class Program
                private static string s_goo;
                private static string Goo => s_goo ?? (s_goo = new string('c', 42));
            """, LanguageVersion.CSharp7_3);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRightMustBeParenthesized()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class Program
                private static string s_goo;
                private static string Goo => {|CS0131:s_goo ?? s_goo|} = new string('c', 42);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRightMustBeAssignment()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class Program
                private static string s_goo;
                private static string Goo => {|CS0019:s_goo ?? (s_goo == new string('c', 42))|};
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRightMustBeSimpleAssignment()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class Program
                private static string s_goo;
                private static string Goo => s_goo ?? (s_goo ??= new string('c', 42));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestShapesMustBeTheSame()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class Program
                private static string s_goo;
                private static string s_goo2;
                private static string Goo => s_goo ?? (s_goo2 = new string('c', 42));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNoSideEffects1()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class Program
                private static string s_goo;
                private static string Goo => s_goo.GetType() ?? ({|CS0131:s_goo.GetType()|} = new string('c', 42));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNoSideEffects2()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            class Program
                private string goo;
                private string Goo => [|??|] ( = new string('c', 42));
            class Program
                private string goo;
                private string Goo => ??= new string('c', 42);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNullableValueType()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            class Program
                void Goo()
                    int? a = null;
                    var x = a [|??|] (a = 1);
            class Program
                void Goo()
                    int? a = null;
                    var x = (int?)(a ??= 1);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestCastIfWouldAffectSemantics()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void M(int a) { }
                static void M(int? a) { }
                static void Main()
                    int? a = null;
                    M(a [|??|] (a = 1));
            using System;
            class C
                static void M(int a) { }
                static void M(int? a) { }
                static void Main()
                    int? a = null;
                    M((int?)(a ??= 1));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDoNotCastIfNotNecessary()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void M(int? a) { }
                static void Main()
                    int? a = null;
                    M(a [|??|] (a = 1));
            using System;
            class C
                static void M(int? a) { }
                static void Main()
                    int? a = null;
                    M(a ??= 1);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement1()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    [|if|] (o is null)
                        o = "";
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    o ??= "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_NotBeforeCSharp8()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
                        o = "";
            """, LanguageVersion.CSharp7_3);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_NotWithElseClause()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
                        o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatementWithoutBlock()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    [|if|] (o is null)
                        o = "";
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    o ??= "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_WithEmptyBlock()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_WithMultipleStatements()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
                        o = "";
                        o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_EqualsEqualsCheck()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    [|if|] (o == null)
                        o = "";
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    o ??= "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_ReferenceEqualsCheck1()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    [|if|] (ReferenceEquals(o, null))
                        o = "";
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    o ??= "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_ReferenceEqualsCheck2()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    [|if|] (ReferenceEquals(null, o))
                        o = "";
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    o ??= "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_ReferenceEqualsCheck3()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    [|if|] (object.ReferenceEquals(null, o))
                        o = "";
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    o ??= "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_ReferenceEqualsCheck4()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (!object.ReferenceEquals(null, o))
                        o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_NotSimpleAssignment()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
                        o ??= "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_OverloadedEquals_OkForString()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(string o)
                    [|if|] (o == null)
                        o = "";
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(string o)
                    o ??= "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_OverloadedEquals()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class X
                public static bool operator ==(X x1, X x2) => true;
                public static bool operator !=(X x1, X x2) => !(x1 == x2);
            class C
                static void Main(X o)
                    if (o == null)
                        o = new X();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_AssignmentToDifferentValue()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o1, object o2)
                    if (o1 is null)
                        o2 = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_SideEffects1()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private object o;
                static void Main()
                    if (new C().o is null)
                        new C().o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_SideEffects2()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    [|if|] (o is null)
                        o = new C();
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    o ??= new C();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_Trivia1()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    // Before
                    [|if|] (o is null)
                        o = new C();
                    } // After
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    // Before
                    o ??= new C(); // After
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_Trivia2()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    [|if|] (o is null)
                        // Before
                        o = new C(); // After
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    // Before
                    o ??= new C(); // After
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatement_Trivia3()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    // Before1
                    [|if|] (o is null)
                        // Before2
                        o = new C(); // After
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    // Before1
                    // Before2
                    o ??= new C(); // After
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatementWithPreprocessorBlock1()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
            #if true
                        o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatementWithPreprocessorBlock2()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
            #if X
                        Console.WriteLine("Only run if o is null");
                        o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatementWithPreprocessorBlock3()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
            #if X
                        Console.WriteLine("Only run if o is null");
                        o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatementWithPreprocessorBlock4()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
            #if X
                        Console.WriteLine("Only run if o is null");
            #elif true
                        o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatementWithPreprocessorBlock5()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
            #if true
                        o = "";
                        Console.WriteLine("Only run if o is null");
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatementWithPreprocessorBlock6()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
            #if true
                        o = "";
            #elif X
                        Console.WriteLine("Only run if o is null");
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatementWithPreprocessorBlock7()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
            #if true
                        o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIfStatementWithPreprocessorBlock8()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                static void Main(object o)
                    if (o is null)
            #if true
                        o = "";
                        o = "";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestPointerCannotUseCoalesceAssignment()
        // The purpose of this test is to keep track of whether the language
        // allows ??= for pointers in future. It should be kept in 'Preview'.
        // If the test failed because language added support and this is no longer
        // an error. The behavior for test 'TestPointer' below should be updated as well to suggest ??=
        // Note that, when ??= is supported for pointers, the analyzer should check the language version which supports it.
        await TestMissingAsync("""
            unsafe class Program
                private static void Main()
                    byte* ptr = null;
                    {|CS0019:ptr ??= Get()|};
                static byte* Get() => null;
            """, LanguageVersion.CSharp12);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestPointer()
        await TestMissingAsync("""
            unsafe class Program
                private static void Main()
                    byte* ptr = null;
                    if (ptr is null)
                        ptr = Get();
                static byte* Get() => null;
            """, LanguageVersion.CSharp12);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestFunctionPointer()
        await TestMissingAsync("""
            using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
            public unsafe class C {
                private static extern delegate* unmanaged<void> GetFunc();
                private delegate* unmanaged<void> s_func;
                public delegate* unmanaged<void> M() {
                    delegate* unmanaged<void> func = s_func;
                    if (func == null)
                        func = s_func = GetFunc();
                    return func;
            """, LanguageVersion.CSharp12);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestFieldKeyword1()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    string Goo
                            [|if|] (field is null)
                                field = "";
                            return field;
            FixedCode = """
                using System;
                class C
                    string Goo
                            field ??= "";
                            return field;
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.Preview,