File: src\Analyzers\CSharp\Tests\UseCompoundAssignment\UseCompoundAssignmentTests.cs
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Project: src\src\CodeStyle\CSharp\Tests\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UseCompoundAssignment;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.UseCompoundAssignment;
using VerifyCS = CSharpCodeFixVerifier<
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsUseCompoundAssignment)]
public class UseCompoundAssignmentTests
    public async Task TestAddExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a += 10;
    public async Task TestSubtractExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a - 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a -= 10;
    public async Task TestMultiplyExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a * 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a *= 10;
    public async Task TestDivideExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a / 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a /= 10;
    public async Task TestModuloExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a % 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a %= 10;
    public async Task TestBitwiseAndExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a & 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a &= 10;
    public async Task TestExclusiveOrExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a ^ 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a ^= 10;
    public async Task TestBitwiseOrExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a | 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a |= 10;
    public async Task TestLeftShiftExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a << 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a <<= 10;
    public async Task TestRightShiftExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a >> 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a >>= 10;
    public async Task TestCoalesceExpressionCSharp8OrGreater()
        await new VerifyCS.Test()
            TestCode = """
                public class C
                    void M(int? a)
                        a [|=|] a ?? 10;
            FixedCode = """
                public class C
                    void M(int? a)
                        a ??= 10;
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp8
    public async Task TestCoalesceExpressionCSharp7()
        var code = """
            public class C
                void M(int? a)
                    a = a ?? 10;
        await new VerifyCS.Test()
            TestCode = code,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp7_3
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNotSuggestedWhenRightHandIsThrowExpression()
        var code = """
            using System;
            public class C
                void M(int? a)
                    a = a ?? throw new Exception();
        await new VerifyCS.Test()
            TestCode = code,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp8
    public async Task TestField()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                int a;
                void M()
                    a [|=|] a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                int a;
                void M()
                    a += 10;
    public async Task TestFieldWithThis()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                int a;
                void M()
                    this.a [|=|] this.a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                int a;
                void M()
                    this.a += 10;
    public async Task TestTriviaInsensitive()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                int a;
                void M()
                    this  .  /*trivia*/ a [|=|] this /*comment*/ .a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                int a;
                void M()
                    this  .  /*trivia*/ a += 10;
    public async Task TestStaticFieldThroughType()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                static int a;
                void M()
                    C.a [|=|] C.a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                static int a;
                void M()
                    C.a += 10;
    public async Task TestStaticFieldThroughNamespaceAndType()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            namespace NS
                public class C
                    static int a;
                    void M()
                        NS.C.a [|=|] NS.C.a + 10;
            """, """
            namespace NS
                public class C
                    static int a;
                    void M()
                        NS.C.a += 10;
    public async Task TestParenthesized()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                int a;
                void M()
                    (a) [|=|] (a) + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                int a;
                void M()
                    (a) += 10;
    public async Task TestThroughBase()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                public int a;
            public class D : C
                void M()
                    base.a [|=|] base.a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                public int a;
            public class D : C
                void M()
                    base.a += 10;
    public async Task TestMultiAccess()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                public int a;
            public class D
                C c;
                void M()
                    this.c.a [|=|] this.c.a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                public int a;
            public class D
                C c;
                void M()
                    this.c.a += 10;
    public async Task TestOnTopLevelProp1()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                int a { get; set; }
                void M()
                    a [|=|] a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                int a { get; set; }
                void M()
                    a += 10;
    public async Task TestOnTopLevelProp2()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                int a { get; set; }
                void M()
                    this.a [|=|] this.a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                int a { get; set; }
                void M()
                    this.a += 10;
    public async Task TestOnTopLevelProp3()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                int a { get; set; }
                void M()
                    (this.a) [|=|] (this.a) + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                int a { get; set; }
                void M()
                    (this.a) += 10;
    public async Task TestNotOnTopLevelRefProp()
        var code = """
            public class C
                int x;
                ref int a { get { return ref x; } }
                void M()
                    a = a + 10;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestNotOnNestedProp1()
        var code = """
            public class A
                public int x;
            public class C
                A a { get; }
                void M()
                    a.x = a.x + 10;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestNotOnNestedProp2()
        var code = """
            public class A
                public int x;
            public class C
                A a { get; }
                void M()
                    this.a.x = this.a.x + 10;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestNotOnNestedProp3()
        var code = """
            public class A
                public int x;
            public class C
                A a { get; }
                void M()
                    (a.x) = (a.x) + 10;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestNotOnUnboundSymbol()
        var code = """
            public class C
                void M()
                    {|CS0103:a|} = {|CS0103:a|} + 10;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestNotOnUnboundThisAccess()
        var code = """
            public class C
                void M()
                    this.{|CS1061:a|} = this.{|CS1061:a|} + 10;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestNotWithSideEffects()
        var code = """
            public class C
                int i;
                C Goo() => this;
                void M()
                    this.Goo().i = this.Goo().i + 10;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRightExpressionOnNextLine()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a +
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a += 10;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRightExpressionSeparatedWithSeveralLines()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a +
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a += 10;
    public async Task TestTrivia()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    // before
                    a [|=|] a + 10; // after
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    // before
                    a += 10; // after
    public async Task TestTrivia2()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a /*mid1*/ [|=|] /*mid2*/ a + 10;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a /*mid1*/ += /*mid2*/ 10;
    public async Task TestFixAll()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a, int b)
                    a [|=|] a + 10;
                    b [|=|] b - a;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a, int b)
                    a += 10;
                    b -= a;
    public async Task TestNestedAssignment()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a, int b)
                    b = (a [|=|] a + 10);
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a, int b)
                    b = (a += 10);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNotOnObjectInitializer()
        var code = """
            struct InsertionPoint
                int level;
                InsertionPoint Up()
                    return new InsertionPoint
                        level = level - 1,
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNotOnImplicitObjectInitializer()
        var code = """
            struct InsertionPoint
                int level;
                InsertionPoint Up()
                    return new InsertionPoint()
                        level = level - 1,
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNotOnRecord()
        var code = """
            record InsertionPoint(int level)
                InsertionPoint Up()
                    return this with
                        level = level - 1,
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = code,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net60
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestParenthesizedExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] (a + 10);
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a += 10;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrement()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a + 1;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDecrement()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a - 1;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMinusIncrement()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int a)
                    a [|=|] a + (-1);
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int a)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementDouble()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(double a)
                    a [|=|] a + 1.0;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(double a)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementNotOnString()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(string a)
                    a [|=|] a + "1";
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(string a)
                    a += "1";
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementChar()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(char a)
                    a [|=|] {|CS0266:a + 1|};
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(char a)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementEnum()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public enum E {}
            public class C
                void M(E a)
                    a [|=|] a + 1;
            """, """
            public enum E {}
            public class C
                void M(E a)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementDecimal()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(decimal a)
                    a [|=|] a + 1.0m;
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(decimal a)
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementLiteralConversion(string typeName)
        await new VerifyCS.Test()
            TestCode = $$"""
                public class C
                    void M({{typeName}} a)
                        a [|=|] (a + ({{typeName}})1);
            FixedCode = $$"""
                public class C
                    void M({{typeName}} a)
            CompilerDiagnostics = CompilerDiagnostics.None
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementImplicitLiteralConversion(string typeName)
        await new VerifyCS.Test()
            TestCode = $$"""
                public class C
                    void M({{typeName}} a)
                        a [|=|] a + 1;
            FixedCode = $$"""
                public class C
                    void M({{typeName}} a)
            CompilerDiagnostics = CompilerDiagnostics.None
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementLoopVariable()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M()
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i [|=|] i + 1)
            """, """
            public class C
                void M()
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementInExpressionContext()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            public class C
                void M(int i)
                    M(i [|=|] i + 1);
            """, """
            public class C
                void M(int i)
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
    [InlineData("switch($$) { }")]
    [InlineData("while(($$) > 0) { }")]
    [InlineData("_ = true ? $$ : 0;")]
    [InlineData("_ = ($$);")]
    public async Task TestPrefixIncrement1(string expressionContext)
        var before = expressionContext.Replace("$$", "i [|=|] i + 1");
        var after = expressionContext.Replace("$$", "++i");
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync($$"""
            public class C
                void M(int i)
            """, $$"""
            public class C
                void M(int i)
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
    [InlineData("return $$;")]
    [InlineData("return true ? $$ : 0;")]
    [InlineData("return ($$);")]
    public async Task TestPrefixIncrement2(string expressionContext)
        var before = expressionContext.Replace("$$", "i [|=|] i + 1");
        var after = expressionContext.Replace("$$", "++i");
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync($$"""
            public class C
                int M(int i)
            """, $$"""
            public class C
                int M(int i)
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
        "/* Before */ i [|=|] i + 1; /* After */",
        "/* Before */ i++; /* After */")]
        "M( /* Before */ i [|=|] i + 1 /* After */ );",
        "M( /* Before */ ++i /* After */ );")]
        "M( /* Before */ i [|=|] i - 1 /* After */ );",
        "M( /* Before */ --i /* After */ );")]
    public async Task TestTriviaPreserved(string before, string after)
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync($$"""
            public class C
                void M(int i)
            """, $$"""
            public class C
                void M(int i)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementWithUserDefinedOperators_IncrementOperatorNotDefined()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            class C
                int data;
                public C(int data)
           = data;
                public static C operator +(C left, int right)
                    return new C( + right);
                void M()
                    var c = new C(0);
                    c [|=|] c + 1;
            """, """
            class C
                int data;
                public C(int data)
           = data;
                public static C operator +(C left, int right)
                    return new C( + right);
                void M()
                    var c = new C(0);
                    c += 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestIncrementWithUserDefinedOperators_IncrementOperatorDefined()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            class C
                int data;
                public C(int data)
           = data;
                public static C operator +(C left, int right)
                    return new C( + right);
                public static C operator ++(C operand)
                    return new C( + 1);
                void M()
                    var c = new C(0);
                    c [|=|] c + 1;
            """, """
            class C
                int data;
                public C(int data)
           = data;
                public static C operator +(C left, int right)
                    return new C( + right);
                public static C operator ++(C operand)
                    return new C( + 1);
                void M()
                    var c = new C(0);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDecrementWithUserDefinedOperators_DecrementOperatorNotDefined()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            class C
                int data;
                public C(int data)
           = data;
                public static C operator -(C left, int right)
                    return new C( - right);
                void M()
                    var c = new C(0);
                    c [|=|] c - 1;
            """, """
            class C
                int data;
                public C(int data)
           = data;
                public static C operator -(C left, int right)
                    return new C( - right);
                void M()
                    var c = new C(0);
                    c -= 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDecrementWithUserDefinedOperators_DecrementOperatorDefined()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync("""
            class C
                int data;
                public C(int data)
           = data;
                public static C operator -(C left, int right)
                    return new C( - right);
                public static C operator --(C operand)
                    return new C( - 1);
                void M()
                    var c = new C(0);
                    c [|=|] c - 1;
            """, """
            class C
                int data;
                public C(int data)
           = data;
                public static C operator -(C left, int right)
                    return new C( - right);
                public static C operator --(C operand)
                    return new C( - 1);
                void M()
                    var c = new C(0);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestFieldKeyword1()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = """
                public class C
                    int M
                            field [|=|] field + 10;
                            return 0;
            FixedCode = """
                public class C
                    int M
                            field += 10;
                            return 0;
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.Preview,