File: src\Analyzers\CSharp\Tests\QualifyMemberAccess\QualifyMemberAccessTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\CodeStyle\CSharp\Tests\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.QualifyMemberAccess;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.QualifyMemberAccess;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsQualifyMemberAccess)]
public partial class QualifyMemberAccessTests : AbstractCSharpDiagnosticProviderBasedUserDiagnosticTest_NoEditor
    public QualifyMemberAccessTests(ITestOutputHelper logger)
      : base(logger)
    internal override (DiagnosticAnalyzer, CodeFixProvider) CreateDiagnosticProviderAndFixer(Workspace workspace)
        => (new CSharpQualifyMemberAccessDiagnosticAnalyzer(), new CSharpQualifyMemberAccessCodeFixProvider());
    private Task TestAsyncWithOption(string code, string expected, PerLanguageOption2<CodeStyleOption2<bool>> option)
        => TestAsyncWithOptionAndNotificationOption(code, expected, option, NotificationOption2.Error);
    private Task TestAsyncWithOptionAndNotificationOption(string code, string expected, PerLanguageOption2<CodeStyleOption2<bool>> option, NotificationOption2 notification)
        => TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(code, expected, options: Option(option, true, notification));
    private Task TestMissingAsyncWithOption(string code, PerLanguageOption2<CodeStyleOption2<bool>> option)
        => TestMissingAsyncWithOptionAndNotificationOption(code, option, NotificationOption2.Error);
    private Task TestMissingAsyncWithOptionAndNotificationOption(string code, PerLanguageOption2<CodeStyleOption2<bool>> option, NotificationOption2 notification)
        => TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(code, new TestParameters(options: Option(option, true, notification)));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_LHS()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M()
                    [|i|] = 1;
            class Class
                int i;
                void M()
                    this.i = 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_RHS()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M()
                    var x = [|i|];
            class Class
                int i;
                void M()
                    var x = this.i;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_MethodArgument()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(int ii)
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(int ii)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_ChainedAccess()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M()
                    var s = [|i|].ToString();
            class Class
                int i;
                void M()
                    var s = this.i.ToString();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_ConditionalAccess()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                string s;
                void M()
                    var x = [|s|]?.ToString();
            class Class
                string s;
                void M()
                    var x = this.s?.ToString();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_OnBase()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Base
                protected int i;
            class Derived : Base
                void M()
                    [|i|] = 1;
            class Base
                protected int i;
            class Derived : Base
                void M()
                    this.i = 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_InObjectInitializer()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                int i = 1;
                void M()
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|i|] };
            class C
                int i = 1;
                void M()
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { this.i };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_InCollectionInitializer()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                int i = 1;
                void M()
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|i|] };
            class C
                int i = 1;
                void M()
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { this.i };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_NotSuggestedOnInstance()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M()
                    Class c = new Class();
                    c.[|i|] = 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_NotSuggestedOnStatic()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                static int i;
                void M()
                    [|i|] = 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_NotSuggestedOnLocalVarInObjectInitializer()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                void M()
                     var foo = 1;
                     var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|foo|] };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_NotSuggestedOnLocalVarInCollectionInitializer()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                void M()
                     var foo = 1;
                     var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|foo|] };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_NotSuggestedOnLocalVarInDictionaryInitializer()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                void M()
                     var foo = 1;
                     var test = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<int, int> { { 2, [|foo|] } };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_Subpattern1()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(Class c)
                    if (c is { [|i|]: 1 })
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_Subpattern2()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(Class c)
                    switch (t)
                        case Class { [|i|]: 1 }:
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyFieldAccess_Subpattern3()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(Class c)
                    var a = c switch
                        { [|i|]: 0 } => 1,
                        _ => 0
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_LHS()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M()
                    [|i|] = 1;
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M()
                    this.i = 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_RHS()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M()
                    var x = [|i|];
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M()
                    var x = this.i;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_PropertySubpattern1()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M(Class c)
                    if (c is { [|i|]: 1 })
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_PropertySubpattern2()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M(Class c)
                    switch (t)
                        case Class { [|i|]: 1 }:
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_PropertySubpattern3()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M(Class c)
                    var a = c switch
                        { [|i|]: 0 } => 1,
                        _ => 0
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_PropertySubpattern4()
        //  it's ok that we qualify here because it's not a legal pattern (because it is not const).
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M(Class c)
                    var a = c switch
                        { i: [|i|] } => 1,
                        _ => 0
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M(Class c)
                    var a = c switch
                        { i: this.i } => 1,
                        _ => 0
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_FieldSubpattern1()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(Class c)
                    if (c is { [|i|]: 1 })
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_FieldSubpattern2()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(Class c)
                    switch (t)
                        case Class { [|i|]: 1 }:
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_FieldSubpattern3()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(Class c)
                    var a = c switch
                        { [|i|]: 0 } => 1,
                        _ => 0
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_FieldSubpattern4()
        //  it's ok that we qualify here because it's not a legal pattern (because it is not const).
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(Class c)
                    var a = c switch
                        { i: [|i|] } => 1,
                        _ => 0
            class Class
                int i;
                void M(Class c)
                    var a = c switch
                        { i: this.i } => 1,
                        _ => 0
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_MethodArgument()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M(int ii)
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M(int ii)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_ChainedAccess()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M()
                    var s = [|i|].ToString();
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M()
                    var s = this.i.ToString();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_ConditionalAccess()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                string s { get; set; }
                void M()
                    var x = [|s|]?.ToString();
            class Class
                string s { get; set; }
                void M()
                    var x = this.s?.ToString();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_OnBase()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Base
                protected int i { get; set; }
            class Derived : Base
                void M()
                    [|i|] = 1;
            class Base
                protected int i { get; set; }
            class Derived : Base
                void M()
                    this.i = 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_NotSuggestedOnInstance()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int i { get; set; }
                void M(Class c)
                    c.[|i|] = 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_NotSuggestedOnStatic()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                static int i { get; set; }
                void M()
                    [|i|] = 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_VoidCallWithArguments()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                void M(int i)
            class Class
                void M(int i)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_AsReturn()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                int M()
                    return [|M|]();
            class Class
                int M()
                    return this.M();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_ChainedAccess()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                string M()
                    var s = [|M|]().ToString();
            class Class
                string M()
                    var s = this.M().ToString();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_ConditionalAccess()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                string M()
                    return [|M|]()?.ToString();
            class Class
                string M()
                    return this.M()?.ToString();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_EventSubscription1()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    e += [|Handler|];
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    e += this.Handler;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_EventSubscription2()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    e += new EventHandler([|Handler|]);
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    e += new EventHandler(this.Handler);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_OnBase()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class Base
                protected void Method()
            class Derived : Base
                void M()
            class Base
                protected void Method()
            class Derived : Base
                void M()
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_NotSuggestedOnInstance()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Class
                void M(Class c)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_NotSuggestedOnStatic()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                static void Method()
                void M()
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_NotSuggestedOnObjectInitializer()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                void M()
                     var foo = 1;
                     var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|foo|] };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyLocalMethodAccess_NotSuggestedOnObjectInitializer()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                void M()
                    int Local() => 1;
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|Local()|] };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyMethodAccess_NotSuggestedOnCollectionInitializer()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                void M()
                     var foo = 1;
                     var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|foo|] };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyLocalMethodAccess_NotSuggestedOnCollectionInitializer()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                void M()
                    int Local() => 1;
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|Local()|] };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyLocalMethodAccess_NotSuggestedInMethodCall()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                void M()
                    int Local() => 1;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyLocalMethodAccess_NotSuggestedInNestedMethodCall()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                void Method()
                    object LocalFunction() => new object();
                void Method2(Func<object> LocalFunction)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyLocalMethodAccess_NotSuggestedInCollectionInitializer()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C
                void Method()
                    object LocalFunction() => new object();
                    var dict = new Dictionary<Func<object>, int>() { { [|LocalFunction|], 1 } };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyLocalMethodAccess_NotSuggestedInObjectMethodInvocation()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                void Method()
                    object LocalFunction() => new object();
    [Fact(Skip = "")]
    public async Task QualifyEventAccess_EventSubscription()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    [|e|] += Handler;
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    this.e += Handler;
    [Fact(Skip = "")]
    public async Task QualifyEventAccessAsProperty_EventSubscription()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    [|e|] += Handler;
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    this.e += Handler;
    [Fact(Skip = "")]
    public async Task QualifyEventAccess_InvokeEvent1()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void OnSomeEvent()
                    [|e|](this, new EventArgs());
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void OnSomeEvent()
                    this.e(this, new EventArgs());
    [Fact(Skip = "")]
    public async Task QualifyEventAccess_InvokeEvent2()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void OnSomeEvent()
                    [|e|].Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void OnSomeEvent()
                    this.e.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
    [Fact(Skip = "")]
    public async Task QualifyEventAccess_InvokeEvent3()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void OnSomeEvent()
                    [|e|]?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
            using System;
            class C
                event EventHandler e;
                void OnSomeEvent()
                    this.e?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs());
    [Fact(Skip = "")]
    public async Task QualifyEventAccess_OnBase()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class Base
                protected event EventHandler e;
            class Derived : Base
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    [|e|] += Handler;
            using System;
            class Base
                protected event EventHandler e;
            class Derived : Base
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                    this.e += Handler;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyEventAccess_NotSuggestedOnInstance()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class Class
                event EventHandler e;
                void M(Class c)
                    c.[|e|] += Handler;
                void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyEventAccess_NotSuggestedOnStatic()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class C
                static event EventHandler e;
            void Handler(object sender, EventArgs args)
                [|e|] += Handler;
            } }
    public async Task QualifyMemberAccessOnNotificationOptionSilent()
        await TestAsyncWithOptionAndNotificationOption(
            class Class
                int Property { get; set; };
                void M()
                    [|Property|] = 1;
            class Class
                int Property { get; set; };
                void M()
                    this.Property = 1;
CodeStyleOptions2.QualifyPropertyAccess, NotificationOption2.Silent);
    public async Task QualifyMemberAccessOnNotificationOptionInfo()
        await TestAsyncWithOptionAndNotificationOption(
            class Class
                int Property { get; set; };
                void M()
                    [|Property|] = 1;
            class Class
                int Property { get; set; };
                void M()
                    this.Property = 1;
CodeStyleOptions2.QualifyPropertyAccess, NotificationOption2.Suggestion);
    public async Task QualifyMemberAccessOnNotificationOptionWarning()
        await TestAsyncWithOptionAndNotificationOption(
            class Class
                int Property { get; set; };
                void M()
                    [|Property|] = 1;
            class Class
                int Property { get; set; };
                void M()
                    this.Property = 1;
CodeStyleOptions2.QualifyPropertyAccess, NotificationOption2.Warning);
    public async Task QualifyMemberAccessOnNotificationOptionError()
        await TestAsyncWithOptionAndNotificationOption(
            class Class
                int Property { get; set; };
                void M()
                    [|Property|] = 1;
            class Class
                int Property { get; set; };
                void M()
                    this.Property = 1;
CodeStyleOptions2.QualifyPropertyAccess, NotificationOption2.Error);
    [Fact(Skip = "")]
    public async Task QualifyInstanceMethodInDelegateCreation()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class A
                int Function(int x) => x + x;
                void Error()
                    var func = new Func<int, int>([|Function|]);
            using System;
            class A
                int Function(int x) => x + x;
                void Error()
                    var func = new Func<int, int>(this.Function);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotQualifyStaticMethodInDelegateCreation()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class A
                static int Function(int x) => x + x;
                void Error()
                    var func = new Func<int, int>([|Function|]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfBaseQualificationOnField()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Base
                protected int field;
            class Derived : Base
                void M() { [|base.field|] = 0; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfBaseQualificationOnProperty()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Base
                protected virtual int Property { get; }
            class Derived : Base
                protected override int Property { get { return [|base.Property|]; } }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfBaseQualificationOnMethod()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Base
                protected virtual void M() { }
            class Derived : Base
                protected override void M() { [|base.M()|]; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfBaseQualificationOnEvent()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Base
                protected virtual event EventHandler Event;
            class Derived : Base
                protected override event EventHandler Event 
                    add { [|base.Event|] += value; }
                    remove { }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInStaticContext1()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Program
                public int Foo { get; set; }
                public static string Bar = nameof([|Foo|]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInStaticContext2()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Program
                public int Foo { get; set; }
                public string Bar = nameof([|Foo|]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInStaticContext3()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Program
                public int Foo { get; set; }
                static void Main(string[] args)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInStaticContext4()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Program
                public int Foo;
                static void Main(string[] args)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInStaticContext5()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            class Program
                public int Foo { get; set; }
                static string Bar { get; set; }
                static Program()
                    Bar = nameof([|Foo|]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInStaticContext6()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            public class Foo
                public event EventHandler Bar;
                private string Field = nameof([|Bar|]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInBaseConstructor()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            public class Base
                public string Foo { get; }
                public Base(string foo){}
            public class Derived : Base
                public Derived()
                    : base(nameof([|Foo|]))
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_InAccessorExpressionBody()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            public class C
                public string Foo { get; set; }
                public string Bar { get => [|Foo|]; }
            public class C
                public string Foo { get; set; }
                public string Bar { get => this.Foo; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_InAccessorWithBodyAndExpressionBody1()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            public class C
                public string Foo { get; set; }
                public string Bar { get { return [|Foo|]; } => Foo; }
            public class C
                public string Foo { get; set; }
                public string Bar { get { return this.Foo; } => Foo; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_InAccessorWithBodyAndExpressionBody2()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            public class C
                public string Foo { get; set; }
                public string Bar { get { return Foo; } => [|Foo|]; }
            public class C
                public string Foo { get; set; }
                public string Bar { get { return Foo; } => this.Foo; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_InObjectInitializer()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                public int Foo { get; set }
                void M()
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|Foo|] };
            class C
                public int Foo { get; set }
                void M()
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { this.Foo };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QualifyPropertyAccess_InCollectionInitializer()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            class C
                public int Foo { get; set }
                void M()
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { [|Foo|] };
            class C
                public int Foo { get; set }
                void M()
                    var test = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int> { this.Foo };
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_InObjectInitializer1()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            public class C
                public string Foo { get; set; }
                public void Bar()
                    var c = new C
                        [|Foo|] = string.Empty
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_InObjectInitializer2()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            public class C
                public string Foo;
                public void Bar()
                    var c = new C
                        [|Foo|] = string.Empty
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoReportToQualify_InObjectInitializer2()
        await TestAsyncWithOption(
            public class C
                public string Foo;
                public void Bar()
                    var c = new C
                        Foo = [|Foo|]
            public class C
                public string Foo;
                public void Bar()
                    var c = new C
                        Foo = this.Foo
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInAttribute1()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class MyAttribute : Attribute 
                public MyAttribute(string name) { }
            class Program
                int Goo { get; set; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInAttribute2()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class MyAttribute : Attribute 
                public MyAttribute(string name) { }
            class Program
                int Goo { get; set; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInAttribute3()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class MyAttribute : Attribute 
                public MyAttribute(string name) { }
            class Program
                public int Bar = 0 ;
                public int Goo { get; set; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInAttribute4()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class MyAttribute : Attribute 
                public MyAttribute(string name) { }
            class Program
                int Goo { [My(nameof([|Goo|]))]get; set; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotReportToQualify_IfInAttribute5()
        await TestMissingAsyncWithOption(
            using System;
            class MyAttribute : Attribute 
                public MyAttribute(string name) { }
            class Program
                int Goo { get; set; }
                void M([My(nameof([|Goo|]))]int i) { }