File: src\Analyzers\CSharp\Tests\ConvertSwitchStatementToExpression\ConvertSwitchStatementToExpressionTests.cs
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Project: src\src\CodeStyle\CSharp\Tests\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.ConvertSwitchStatementToExpression;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.ConvertSwitchStatementToExpression;
using VerifyCS = CSharpCodeFixVerifier<
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsConvertSwitchStatementToExpression)]
public class ConvertSwitchStatementToExpressionTests
    private static readonly LanguageVersion CSharp9 = LanguageVersion.CSharp9;
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public void TestStandardProperty(AnalyzerProperty property)
        => VerifyCS.VerifyStandardProperty(property);
    public async Task TestReturn()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    [|switch|] (i)
                        case 1:
                            return 4;
                        case 2:
                            return 5;
                        case 3:
                            return 6;
                            return 7;
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    return i switch
                        1 => 4,
                        2 => 5,
                        3 => 6,
                        _ => 7,
    public async Task TestReturnAndThrow()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    [|switch|] (i)
                        case 1:
                            return 4;
                            throw null;
                        case 2:
                            return 5;
                        case 3:
                            return 6;
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    return i switch
                        1 => 4,
                        2 => 5,
                        3 => 6,
                        _ => throw null,
    public async Task TestAssignment_Array()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                int[] array = new int[1];
                void M(int i)
                    [|switch|] (i)
                        case 1:
                            array[0] = 4;
                        case 2:
                            array[0] = 5;
                        case 3:
                            array[0] = 6;
                            array[0] = 7;
            class Program
                int[] array = new int[1];
                void M(int i)
                    array[0] = i switch
                        1 => 4,
                        2 => 5,
                        3 => 6,
                        _ => 7,
    public async Task TestMissingOnDifferentIndexerArgs()
        var code = """
            class Program
                int[] array = new int[1];
                void M(int i)
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                            array[1] = 4;
                        case 2:
                            array[2] = 5;
                        case 3:
                            array[2] = 6;
                            array[2] = 7;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnQualifiedName()
        var code = """
            class Program
                int[] array = new int[1];
                void M(int i)
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                            this.array[2] = 4;
                        case 2:
                            array[2] = 5;
                        case 3:
                            array[2] = 6;
                            array[2] = 7;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnDefaultBreak_01()
        var code = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    switch (i)
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnDefaultBreak_02()
        var code = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    switch (i)
                        case { }:
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnDefaultBreak_03()
        var code = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    switch (i)
                        case var _:
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnDefaultBreak_04()
        var code = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    switch (i)
                        case var x:
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnAllBreak()
        var code = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                        case 3:
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestAllThrow()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            using System;
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    [|switch|] (i)
                        case 1:
                            throw null;
                            throw new Exception();
            using System;
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    throw i switch
                        1 => null,
                        _ => new Exception(),
    public async Task TestAssignment()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j;
                    [|switch|] (i)
                        case 1:
                            j = 4;
                        case 2:
                            j = 5;
                        case 3:
                            j = 6;
                    throw null;
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    var j = i switch
                        1 => 4,
                        2 => 5,
                        3 => 6,
                        _ => throw null,
    public async Task TestMissingOnNextStatementMismatch()
        var code = """
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    int j = 0;
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                            j = 4;
                        case 2:
                            j = 5;
                        case 3:
                            j = 6;
                    return j;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnAssignmentMismatch()
        var code = """
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    int j = 0;
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                            j = 4;
                        case 2:
                            j += 5;
                    return j;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestAssignment_Compound()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j = 0;
                    [|switch|] (i)
                        case 1:
                            j += 4;
                        case 2:
                            j += 5;
                        case 3:
                            j += 6;
                    throw null;
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j = 0;
                    j += i switch
                        1 => 4,
                        2 => 5,
                        3 => 6,
                        _ => throw null,
    public async Task TestAssignment_UseBeforeAssignment()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j = 123;
                    [|switch|] (i)
                        case 1:
                            j = 4;
                        case 2:
                            j = 5;
                        case 3:
                            j = 6;
                    throw null;
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j = 123;
                    j = i switch
                        1 => 4,
                        2 => 5,
                        3 => 6,
                        _ => throw null,
    public async Task TestMissingOnMultiAssignment()
        var code = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j, k;
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                            j = 4;
                            k = 5;
                        case 2:
                            j = 6;
                            k = 7;
                        case 3:
                            j = 8;
                            k = 9;
                    throw null;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnMultiCaseSection()
        var code = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j;
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            j = 4;
                    throw null;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnMultiCaseSectionWithWhenClause_CSharp9()
        var code = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j;
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                        case 2 when true:
                            j = 4;
                    throw null;
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = code,
            LanguageVersion = CSharp9,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestOnMultiCaseSection_CSharp9()
        var testCode = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j;
                    [|switch|] (i)
                        case 1:
                        case 2:
                            j = 4;
                    throw null;
        var fixedCode = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    var j = i switch
                        1 or 2 => 4,
                        _ => throw null,
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = testCode,
            FixedCode = fixedCode,
            LanguageVersion = CSharp9,
    public async Task TestMissingOnMultiCompoundAssignment()
        var code = """
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j = 0, k = 0;
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                            j += 4;
                            k += 5;
                        case 2:
                            j += 6;
                            k += 7;
                        case 3:
                            j += 8;
                            k += 9;
                    throw null;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestMissingOnGoto()
        var code = """
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                            return 0;
                        case 2:
                            goto default;
                            return 2;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    public async Task TestTrivia_01()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    // leading switch
                    [|switch|] (i) // trailing switch
                        // leading label
                        case 1: // trailing label
                            // leading body
                            return 4; // trailing body
                        case 2:
                            return 5;
                        case 3:
                            return 6;
                    // leading next statement
                    throw null; // leading next statement
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    // leading switch
                    return i switch // trailing switch
                        // leading label
                        // trailing label
                        1 => 4,// leading body
                               // trailing body
                        2 => 5,
                        3 => 6,
                        // leading next statement
                        _ => throw null,// leading next statement
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestTrivia_02()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                static int GetValue(int input)
                    [|switch|] (input)
                        case 1:
                            // this little piggy went to market
                            return 42;
                        case 2:
                            // this little piggy stayed home
                            return 50;
                        case 3:
                            // this little piggy had roast beef
                            return 79;
                            // this little piggy had none
                            return 80;
            class Program
                static int GetValue(int input)
                    return input switch
                        1 => 42,// this little piggy went to market
                        2 => 50,// this little piggy stayed home
                        3 => 79,// this little piggy had roast beef
                        _ => 80,// this little piggy had none
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestTrivia_03()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    [|switch|] (i)
                    {   // Tip-toe through the trailing trivia
                        case 0: return 123;
                        case 1: return 234;
                        default: throw null;
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    return i switch
                    {   // Tip-toe through the trailing trivia
                        0 => 123,
                        1 => 234,
                        _ => throw null,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestSeverity()
        var source =
            class Program
                int M(int i)
                    switch (i)
                        case 1:
                            return 4;
                        case 2:
                            return 5;
                        case 3:
                            return 6;
                            return 7;
        var analyzer = new ConvertSwitchStatementToExpressionDiagnosticAnalyzer();
        var descriptor = analyzer.SupportedDiagnostics.First(descriptor => descriptor.Id == IDEDiagnosticIds.ConvertSwitchStatementToExpressionDiagnosticId);
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = source,
            ExpectedDiagnostics =
                // Test0.cs(5,9): warning IDE0066: Use 'switch' expression
                new DiagnosticResult(descriptor).WithSeverity(DiagnosticSeverity.Warning).WithSpan(5, 9, 5, 15).WithSpan(5, 9, 15, 10),
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.PreferSwitchExpression, true, NotificationOption2.Warning },
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestAddParenthesesAroundBinaryExpression()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j = 123;
                    [|switch|] (i % 10)
                        case 1:
                            j = 4;
                        case 2:
                            j = 5;
                    throw null;
            class Program
                void M(int i)
                    int j = 123;
                    j = (i % 10) switch
                        1 => 4,
                        2 => 5,
                        _ => throw null,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMultiLabelWithDefault()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            using System;
            class Program
                public static string FromDay(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek)
                    [|switch|] (dayOfWeek)
                        case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                            return "Monday";
                        case DayOfWeek.Friday:
                            return "Other";
            using System;
            class Program
                public static string FromDay(DayOfWeek dayOfWeek)
                    return dayOfWeek switch
                        DayOfWeek.Monday => "Monday",
                        _ => "Other",
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMissingOnUseInNextStatement()
        var code = """
            using System;
            class Program
                public static void Throw(int index)
                    string name = "";
                    switch (index)
                        case 0: name = "1"; break;
                        case 1: name = "2"; break;
                    throw new Exception(name);
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDeclarationInOuterScope()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            using System;
            using System.IO;
            class Program
                static SeekOrigin origin;
                static long offset;
                static long position;
                static long length;
                public static void Test()
                    long target;
                        [|switch|] (origin)
                            case SeekOrigin.Begin:
                                target = offset;
                            case SeekOrigin.Current:
                                target = checked(offset + position);
                            case SeekOrigin.End:
                                target = checked(offset + length);
                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(origin));
                    catch (OverflowException)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(offset));
                    if (target < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(offset));
            using System;
            using System.IO;
            class Program
                static SeekOrigin origin;
                static long offset;
                static long position;
                static long length;
                public static void Test()
                    long target;
                        target = origin switch
                            SeekOrigin.Begin => offset,
                            SeekOrigin.Current => checked(offset + position),
                            SeekOrigin.End => checked(offset + length),
                            _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(origin)),
                    catch (OverflowException)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(offset));
                    if (target < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(offset));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMissingFixOnDirectives()
        var code = """
            class Program
                static void Main() { }
                static int GetValue(int input)
                    [|switch|] (input)
                        case 1:
                            return 42;
                        case 2:
            #if PLATFORM_UNIX
                            return 50;
                            return 51;
                        case 3:
                            return 79;
                            return 80;
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMissingFixAllOnDirectives()
        var code = """
            class Program
                static void Main() { }
                static int GetValue(int input)
                    [|switch|] (input)
                        case 1:
                            return 42;
                            return 80;
                    [|switch|] (input)
                        case 1:
                            return 42;
                        case 2:
            #if PLATFORM_UNIX
                            return 50;
                            return 51;
                        case 3:
                            return 79;
                            return 80;
        var fixedCode = """
            class Program
                static void Main() { }
                static int GetValue(int input)
                    return input switch
                        1 => 42,
                        _ => 80,
                    [|switch|] (input)
                        case 1:
                            return 42;
                        case 2:
            #if PLATFORM_UNIX
                            return 50;
                            return 51;
                        case 3:
                            return 79;
                            return 80;
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = code,
            FixedState =
                Sources = { fixedCode },
                MarkupHandling = MarkupMode.Allow,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestShouldNotCastNullOnNullableValueType_ReturnStatement()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                public static bool? GetBool(string name)
                    [|switch|] (name)
                        case "a": return true;
                        case "b": return false;
                        default: return null;
            class Program
                public static bool? GetBool(string name)
                    return name switch
                        "a" => true,
                        "b" => false,
                        _ => null,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestShouldNotCastNullOnNullableValueType_Assignment()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                public static void Test(string name)
                    bool? result;
                    [|switch|] (name)
                        case "a": result = true; break;
                        case "b": result = false; break;
                        default: result = null; break;
            class Program
                public static void Test(string name)
                    bool? result = name switch
                        "a" => true,
                        "b" => false,
                        _ => null,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestExplicitDeclaration_Interfaces()
        var input =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Apple : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit;
                    [|switch|] (name)
                        case "apple":
                            fruit = new Apple();
                        case "banana":
                            fruit = new Banana();
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit.");
        var expected =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Apple : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit = name switch
                        "apple" => new Apple(),
                        "banana" => new Banana(),
                        _ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit."),
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarElsewhere, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestExplicitDeclaration_Interfaces2()
        var input =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Apple : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit;
                    [|switch|] (name)
                        case "banana":
                            fruit = new Banana();
                        case "banana2":
                            fruit = new Banana();
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit.");
        var expected =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Apple : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit = name switch
                        "banana" => new Banana(),
                        "banana2" => new Banana(),
                        _ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit."),
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarElsewhere, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestExplicitDeclaration_Interfaces3()
        var input =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Apple : IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit;
                    [|switch|] (name)
                        case "apple":
                            fruit = new Apple();
                        case "banana":
                            fruit = new Banana();
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit.");
        var expected =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Apple : IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit = name switch
                        "apple" => new Apple(),
                        "banana" => new Banana(),
                        _ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit."),
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarElsewhere, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestExplicitDeclaration_ClassInheritance()
        var input =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Apple : IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class OrganicApple : Apple { }
                class OrganicBanana : Banana { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit;
                    [|switch|] (name)
                        case "apple":
                            fruit = new OrganicApple();
                        case "banana":
                            fruit = new OrganicBanana();
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit.");
        var expected =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Apple : IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class OrganicApple : Apple { }
                class OrganicBanana : Banana { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit = name switch
                        "apple" => new OrganicApple(),
                        "banana" => new OrganicBanana(),
                        _ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit."),
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarElsewhere, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestExplicitDeclaration_ClassInheritance2()
        var input =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class OrganicBanana : Banana, IFruit { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit;
                    [|switch|] (name)
                        case "banana":
                            fruit = new Banana();
                        case "organic banana":
                            fruit = new OrganicBanana();
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit.");
        var expected =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class OrganicBanana : Banana, IFruit { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    IFruit2 fruit = name switch
                        "banana" => new Banana(),
                        "organic banana" => new OrganicBanana(),
                        _ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit."),
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarElsewhere, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestImplicitDeclaration_ClassInheritance()
        var input =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class OrganicBanana : Banana { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    Banana fruit;
                    [|switch|] (name)
                        case "banana":
                            fruit = new Banana();
                        case "organic banana":
                            fruit = new OrganicBanana();
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit.");
        var expected =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class OrganicBanana : Banana { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    var fruit = name switch
                        "banana" => new Banana(),
                        "organic banana" => new OrganicBanana(),
                        _ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit."),
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarElsewhere, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestImplicitDeclaration_ClassInheritance2()
        var input =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class OrganicBanana : Banana, IFruit { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    Banana fruit;
                    [|switch|] (name)
                        case "banana":
                            fruit = new Banana();
                        case "organic banana":
                            fruit = new OrganicBanana();
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit.");
        var expected =
            using System;
            class Program
                interface IFruit { }
                interface IFruit2 { }
                class Banana : IFruit, IFruit2 { }
                class OrganicBanana : Banana, IFruit { }
                public static void Test(string name)
                    var fruit = name switch
                        "banana" => new Banana(),
                        "organic banana" => new OrganicBanana(),
                        _ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fruit."),
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarElsewhere, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestExplicitDeclaration_AllCasesDefaultLiteral()
        var input =
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    object o;
                    [|switch|] (a)
                        case 0:
                            o = default;
                            o = default;
        var expected =
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    object o = a switch
                        0 => default,
                        _ => default,
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarForBuiltInTypes, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    public async Task TestExplicitDeclaration_MixedDefaultLiteralDefaultParameter()
        var input =
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    object o;
                    [|switch|] (a)
                        case 0:
                            o = default(string);
                            o = default;
        var expected = """
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    object o = a switch
                        0 => default(string),
                        _ => default,
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarForBuiltInTypes, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    public async Task TestImplicitDeclaration_AllCasesDefaultParameter()
        var input =
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    object o;
                    [|switch|] (a)
                        case 0:
                            o = default(object);
                            o = default(object);
        var expected =
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    var o = a switch
                        0 => default(object),
                        _ => default(object),
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarForBuiltInTypes, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    public async Task TestExplicitDeclaration_AllCasesDefaultParameter()
        var input =
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    object o;
                    [|switch|] (a)
                        case 0:
                            o = default(object);
                            o = default(object);
        var expected =
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    object o = a switch
                        0 => default(object),
                        _ => default(object),
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarForBuiltInTypes, false, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    public async Task TestExplicitDeclaration_DeclarationTypeDifferentFromAllCaseTypes()
        var input =
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    object o;
                    [|switch|] (a)
                        case 0:
                            o = "";
                            o = "";
        var expected =
            class Program
                public static void Test()
                    var a = 0;
                    object o = a switch
                        0 => "",
                        _ => "",
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.VarForBuiltInTypes, true, NotificationOption2.Silent },
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNotWithRefReturns()
        var code = """
            using System;
            class Program
                static ref int GetRef(int[] mem, int addr, int mode)
                    switch (mode)
                        case 0: return ref mem[mem[addr]];
                        case 1: return ref mem[addr];
                        default: throw new Exception();
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNotWithRefAssignment()
        var code = """
            using System;
            class Program
                static ref int GetRef(int[] mem, int addr, int mode)
                    ref int i = ref addr;
                    switch (mode)
                        case 0: i = ref mem[mem[addr]]; break;
                        default: throw new Exception();
                    return ref mem[addr];
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNotWithRefConditionalAssignment()
        var code = """
            using System;
            class Program
                static ref int GetRef(int[] mem, int addr, int mode)
                    ref int i = ref addr;
                    switch (mode)
                        case 0: i = ref true ? ref mem[mem[addr]] : ref mem[mem[addr]]; break;
                        default: throw new Exception();
                    return ref mem[addr];
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(code, code);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestWithRefInsideConditionalAssignment()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            using System;
            class Program
                static void GetRef(int[] mem, int addr, int mode)
                    ref int i = ref addr;
                    [|switch|] (mode)
                        case 0: i = true ? ref mem[mem[addr]] : ref mem[mem[addr]]; break;
                        default: throw new Exception();
            using System;
            class Program
                static void GetRef(int[] mem, int addr, int mode)
                    ref int i = ref addr;
                    i = mode switch
                        0 => true ? ref mem[mem[addr]] : ref mem[mem[addr]],
                        _ => throw new Exception(),
    public async Task TopLevelStatement()
        var source = """
            int i = 0;
            [|switch|] (i)
                case 1:
                    return 4;
                    return 7;
        var fixedSource = """
            int i = 0;
            return i switch
                1 => 4,
                _ => 7,
        var test = new VerifyCS.Test
            TestState =
                OutputKind = OutputKind.ConsoleApplication,
                Sources = { source },
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
        await test.RunAsync();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TopLevelStatement_FollowedWithThrow()
        // We should be rewriting the declaration for 'j' to get 'var j = i switch ...'
        var source = """
            int i = 0;
            int j;
            [|switch|] (i)
                case 1:
                    j = 4;
                case 2:
                    j = 5;
            throw null;
        var fixedSource = """
            int i = 0;
            int j;
            j = i switch
                1 => 4,
                2 => 5,
                _ => throw null,
        var test = new VerifyCS.Test
            TestState = {
                Sources = { source },
                OutputKind = OutputKind.ConsoleApplication,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
        await test.RunAsync();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestOnMultiCaseSection_String_CSharp9()
        var testCode = """
            class Program
                bool M(string s)
                    [|switch|] (s)
            	        case "Last":
                        case "First":
                        case "Count":
                            return true;
                            return false;
        var fixedCode = """
            class Program
                bool M(string s)
                    return s switch
                        "Last" or "First" or "Count" => true,
                        _ => false,
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode = testCode,
            FixedCode = fixedCode,
            LanguageVersion = CSharp9,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestParenthesizedExpression1()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                int M(object i)
                    [|switch|] (i.GetType())
                        default: return 0;
            class Program
                int M(object i)
                    return i.GetType() switch
                        _ => 0,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestParenthesizedExpression2()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                int M()
                    [|switch|] (1 + 1)
                        default: return 0;
            class Program
                int M()
                    return (1 + 1) switch
                        _ => 0,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRuntimeTypeConversion_Assignment1()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                void M(string s)
                    object result;
                    [|switch|] (s)
                    case "a":
                        result = 1234;
                    case "b":
                        result = 3.14;
                        throw new System.Exception();
            class Program
                void M(string s)
                    object result = s switch
                        "a" => 1234,
                        "b" => (object)3.14,
                        _ => throw new System.Exception(),
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRuntimeTypeConversion_Assignment2()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                void M(string s)
                    object result;
                    [|switch|] (s)
                    case "a":
                        result = 1234;
                    case "b":
                        result = 3.14;
                    case "c":
                        result = true;
                        throw new System.Exception();
            class Program
                void M(string s)
                    object result = s switch
                        "a" => 1234,
                        "b" => 3.14,
                        "c" => true,
                        _ => throw new System.Exception(),
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRuntimeTypeConversion_Return1()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                object M(string s)
                    [|switch|] (s)
                    case "a":
                        return 1234;
                    case "b":
                        return 3.14;
                        throw new System.Exception();
            class Program
                object M(string s)
                    return s switch
                        "a" => 1234,
                        "b" => (object)3.14,
                        _ => throw new System.Exception(),
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRuntimeTypeConversion_Return2()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                object M(string s)
                    [|switch|] (s)
                    case "a":
                        return 1234;
                    case "b":
                        return 3.14;
                    case "c":
                        return true;
                        throw new System.Exception();
            class Program
                object M(string s)
                    return s switch
                        "a" => 1234,
                        "b" => 3.14,
                        "c" => true,
                        _ => throw new System.Exception(),
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestLeadingTrivia1()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode =
            using System;
            class C
                public static int RefactorReplacementDemoMethod(int argument)
                    // This comment will get deleted, together with the blank lines around it.
                    // Very similar issue already filed, but no resolution to this issue so far.
                    int result;
                    [|switch|] (argument)
                        case 1: result = 1001; break;
                        case 2: result = 1002; break;
                        default: result = -1; break;
                    return result;
            FixedCode =
            using System;
            class C
                public static int RefactorReplacementDemoMethod(int argument)
                    // This comment will get deleted, together with the blank lines around it.
                    // Very similar issue already filed, but no resolution to this issue so far.
                    var result = argument switch
                        1 => 1001,
                        2 => 1002,
                        _ => -1,
                    return result;
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestLeadingTrivia2()
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            TestCode =
            using System;
            class C
                public static int RefactorReplacementDemoMethod(int argument)
                    // This comment will get deleted, together with the blank lines around it.
                    // Very similar issue already filed, but no resolution to this issue so far.
                    int result, x = 0;
                    [|switch|] (argument)
                        case 1: result = 1001; break;
                        case 2: result = 1002; break;
                        default: result = -1; break;
                    return result;
            FixedCode =
            using System;
            class C
                public static int RefactorReplacementDemoMethod(int argument)
                    // This comment will get deleted, together with the blank lines around it.
                    // Very similar issue already filed, but no resolution to this issue so far.
                    int x = 0;
                    var result = argument switch
                        1 => 1001,
                        2 => 1002,
                        _ => -1,
                    return result;
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestTupleSwitch()
        await VerifyCS.VerifyCodeFixAsync(
            class Program
                bool M(int i, string j)
                    [|switch|] (i, j)
                    case (0, _):
                        return true;
                    case (_, null):
                        return true;
                        return false;
            class Program
                bool M(int i, string j)
                    return (i, j) switch
                        (0, _) => true,
                        (_, null) => true,
                        _ => false,