// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder
internal static class SpecialNames
public const string ImplicitConversion = "op_Implicit";
public const string ExplicitConversion = "op_Explicit";
public const string Invoke = "Invoke";
public const string Constructor = ".ctor";
public const string Indexer = "$Item$";
// Binary Operators
public const string CLR_Add = "op_Addition";
public const string CLR_Subtract = "op_Subtraction";
public const string CLR_Multiply = "op_Multiply";
public const string CLR_Division = "op_Division";
public const string CLR_Modulus = "op_Modulus";
public const string CLR_LShift = "op_LeftShift";
public const string CLR_RShift = "op_RightShift";
public const string CLR_LT = "op_LessThan";
public const string CLR_GT = "op_GreaterThan";
public const string CLR_LTE = "op_LessThanOrEqual";
public const string CLR_GTE = "op_GreaterThanOrEqual";
public const string CLR_Equality = "op_Equality";
public const string CLR_Inequality = "op_Inequality";
public const string CLR_BitwiseAnd = "op_BitwiseAnd";
public const string CLR_ExclusiveOr = "op_ExclusiveOr";
public const string CLR_BitwiseOr = "op_BitwiseOr";
public const string CLR_LogicalNot = "op_LogicalNot";
// In place binary operators.
public const string CLR_InPlaceAdd = "op_Addition";
public const string CLR_InPlaceSubtract = "op_Subtraction";
public const string CLR_InPlaceMultiply = "op_Multiply";
public const string CLR_InPlaceDivide = "op_Division";
public const string CLR_InPlaceModulus = "op_Modulus";
public const string CLR_InPlaceBitwiseAnd = "op_BitwiseAnd";
public const string CLR_InPlaceExclusiveOr = "op_ExclusiveOr";
public const string CLR_InPlaceBitwiseOr = "op_BitwiseOr";
public const string CLR_InPlaceLShift = "op_LeftShift";
public const string CLR_InPlaceRShift = "op_RightShift";
// Unary Operators
public const string CLR_UnaryNegation = "op_UnaryNegation";
public const string CLR_UnaryPlus = "op_UnaryPlus";
public const string CLR_OnesComplement = "op_OnesComplement";
public const string CLR_True = "op_True";
public const string CLR_False = "op_False";
public const string CLR_Increment = "op_Increment";
public const string CLR_Decrement = "op_Decrement";