// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
namespace Microsoft.Build.TelemetryInfra;
/// <summary>
/// A build component responsible for accumulating telemetry data from worker node and then sending it to main node
/// at the end of the build.
/// </summary>
internal class TelemetryForwarderProvider : IBuildComponent
private ITelemetryForwarder? _instance;
public ITelemetryForwarder Instance => _instance ?? new NullTelemetryForwarder();
internal static IBuildComponent CreateComponent(BuildComponentType type)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(type == BuildComponentType.TelemetryForwarder, "Cannot create components of type {0}", type);
return new TelemetryForwarderProvider();
public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(host != null, "BuildComponentHost was null");
if (_instance == null)
if (host!.BuildParameters.IsTelemetryEnabled)
_instance = new TelemetryForwarder();
_instance = new NullTelemetryForwarder();
public void ShutdownComponent()
/* Too late here for any communication to the main node or for logging anything. Just cleanup. */
_instance = null;
public class TelemetryForwarder : ITelemetryForwarder
private readonly WorkerNodeTelemetryData _workerNodeTelemetryData = new();
// in future, this might be per event type
public bool IsTelemetryCollected => true;
public void AddTask(string name, TimeSpan cumulativeExecutionTime, short executionsCount, long totalMemoryConsumed, bool isCustom, bool isFromNugetCache)
var key = GetKey(name, isCustom, false, isFromNugetCache);
_workerNodeTelemetryData.AddTask(key, cumulativeExecutionTime, executionsCount, totalMemoryConsumed);
public void AddTarget(string name, bool wasExecuted, bool isCustom, bool isMetaproj, bool isFromNugetCache)
var key = GetKey(name, isCustom, isMetaproj, isFromNugetCache);
_workerNodeTelemetryData.AddTarget(key, wasExecuted);
private static TaskOrTargetTelemetryKey GetKey(string name, bool isCustom, bool isMetaproj,
bool isFromNugetCache)
=> new TaskOrTargetTelemetryKey(name, isCustom, isFromNugetCache, isMetaproj);
public void FinalizeProcessing(LoggingContext loggingContext)
WorkerNodeTelemetryEventArgs telemetryArgs = new(_workerNodeTelemetryData)
{ BuildEventContext = loggingContext.BuildEventContext };
public class NullTelemetryForwarder : ITelemetryForwarder
public bool IsTelemetryCollected => false;
public void AddTask(string name, TimeSpan cumulativeExecutionTime, short executionsCount, long totalMemoryConsumed, bool isCustom, bool isFromNugetCache) { }
public void AddTarget(string name, bool wasExecuted, bool isCustom, bool isMetaproj, bool isFromNugetCache) { }
public void FinalizeProcessing(LoggingContext loggingContext) { }