5 references to VerifyThrow
Microsoft.Build (4)
BackEnd\Components\BuildRequestEngine\BuildRequestEntry.cs (2)
307ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(State == BuildRequestEntryState.Waiting || _outstandingRequests == null, "Entry must be in the Waiting state to report results, or we must have flushed our requests due to an error. Config: {0} State: {1} Requests: {2}", RequestConfiguration.ConfigurationId, State, _outstandingRequests != null); 385ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(State == BuildRequestEntryState.Waiting, "Entry must be in the waiting state to be unblocked. Config: {0} State: {1} Request: {2}", RequestConfiguration.ConfigurationId, State, Request.GlobalRequestId);
BackEnd\Components\Scheduler\SchedulableRequest.cs (2)
408ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(requiredNodeId == Scheduler.InvalidNodeId || requiredNodeId == nodeId, "Request {0} cannot be assigned to node {1} because its configuration is already assigned to node {2}", _request.GlobalRequestId, nodeId, requiredNodeId); 449ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_state == requiredState, "Request {0} expected to be in state {1} but state is actually {2}", _request.GlobalRequestId, requiredState, _state);
Microsoft.Build.Engine.UnitTests (1)
ErrorUtilities_Tests.cs (1)
64ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(true, "{0}{1}{2}", "a", "b", "c");