File: Evaluation\PropertyTrackingEvaluatorDataWrapper.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Build\Microsoft.Build.csproj (Microsoft.Build)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Components.Logging;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging;
using Microsoft.Build.Collections;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Context;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Experimental.BuildCheck.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using SdkResult = Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.SdkResolution.SdkResult;
namespace Microsoft.Build.Evaluation
    /// <summary>
    /// Wraps an existing <see cref="IEvaluatorData{P,I,M,D}"/> allowing the property usage to be tracked.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="P">The type of properties to be produced.</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="I">The type of items to be produced.</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="M">The type of metadata on those items.</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="D">The type of item definitions to be produced.</typeparam>
    internal class PropertyTrackingEvaluatorDataWrapper<P, I, M, D> : IEvaluatorData<P, I, M, D>
        where P : class, IProperty, IEquatable<P>, IValued
        where I : class, IItem
        where M : class, IMetadatum
        where D : class, IItemDefinition<M>
        private readonly IEvaluatorData<P, I, M, D> _wrapped;
        private readonly HashSet<string> _overwrittenEnvironmentVariables = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        private readonly EvaluationLoggingContext _evaluationLoggingContext;
        private readonly PropertyTrackingSetting _settings;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of the PropertyTrackingEvaluatorDataWrapper class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataToWrap">The underlying <see cref="IEvaluatorData{P,I,M,D}"/> to wrap for property tracking.</param>
        /// <param name="evaluationLoggingContext">The <see cref="EvaluationLoggingContext"/> used to log relevant events.</param>
        /// <param name="settingValue">Property tracking setting value</param>
        public PropertyTrackingEvaluatorDataWrapper(IEvaluatorData<P, I, M, D> dataToWrap, EvaluationLoggingContext evaluationLoggingContext, int settingValue)
            _wrapped = dataToWrap;
            _evaluationLoggingContext = evaluationLoggingContext;
            _settings = (PropertyTrackingSetting)settingValue;
        #region IEvaluatorData<> members with tracking-related code in them.
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a property with the specified name, or null if it was not found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The property name.</param>
        /// <returns>The property.</returns>
        public P GetProperty(string name)
            P prop = _wrapped.GetProperty(name);
            if (IsPropertyReadTrackingRequested)
                this.TrackPropertyRead(name, prop);
            return prop;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a property with the specified name, or null if it was not found.
        /// Name is the segment of the provided string with the provided start and end indexes.
        /// </summary>
        public P GetProperty(string name, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            P prop = _wrapped.GetProperty(name, startIndex, endIndex);
            if (IsPropertyReadTrackingRequested)
                this.TrackPropertyRead(name.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1), prop);
            return prop;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a property which does not come from the Xml.
        /// </summary>
        public P SetProperty(
            string name,
            string evaluatedValueEscaped,
            bool isGlobalProperty,
            bool mayBeReserved,
            LoggingContext loggingContext,
            bool isEnvironmentVariable = false,
            bool isCommandLineProperty = false)
            P? originalProperty = _wrapped.GetProperty(name);
            P newProperty = _wrapped.SetProperty(name, evaluatedValueEscaped, isGlobalProperty, mayBeReserved, _evaluationLoggingContext, isEnvironmentVariable, isCommandLineProperty);
                this.DeterminePropertySource(isGlobalProperty, mayBeReserved, isEnvironmentVariable, isCommandLineProperty),
            return newProperty;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a property which comes from the Xml.
        /// Predecessor is any immediately previous property that was overridden by this one during evaluation.
        /// This would include all properties with the same name that lie above in the logical
        /// project file, and whose conditions evaluated to true.
        /// If there are none above this is null.
        /// </summary>
        public P SetProperty(ProjectPropertyElement propertyElement, string evaluatedValueEscaped, LoggingContext loggingContext)
            P? originalProperty = _wrapped.GetProperty(propertyElement.Name);
            P newProperty = _wrapped.SetProperty(propertyElement, evaluatedValueEscaped, loggingContext);
            return newProperty;
        #region IEvaluatorData<> members that are forwarded directly to wrapped object.
        public ICollection<I> GetItems(string itemType) => _wrapped.GetItems(itemType);
        public int EvaluationId { get => _wrapped.EvaluationId; set => _wrapped.EvaluationId = value; }
        public string Directory => _wrapped.Directory;
        public TaskRegistry TaskRegistry { get => _wrapped.TaskRegistry; set => _wrapped.TaskRegistry = value; }
        public Toolset Toolset => _wrapped.Toolset;
        public string SubToolsetVersion => _wrapped.SubToolsetVersion;
        public string ExplicitToolsVersion => _wrapped.ExplicitToolsVersion;
        public PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> GlobalPropertiesDictionary => _wrapped.GlobalPropertiesDictionary;
        public ISet<string> GlobalPropertiesToTreatAsLocal => _wrapped.GlobalPropertiesToTreatAsLocal;
        public List<string> InitialTargets { get => _wrapped.InitialTargets; set => _wrapped.InitialTargets = value; }
        public List<string> DefaultTargets { get => _wrapped.DefaultTargets; set => _wrapped.DefaultTargets = value; }
        public IDictionary<string, List<TargetSpecification>> BeforeTargets { get => _wrapped.BeforeTargets; set => _wrapped.BeforeTargets = value; }
        public IDictionary<string, List<TargetSpecification>> AfterTargets { get => _wrapped.AfterTargets; set => _wrapped.AfterTargets = value; }
        public Dictionary<string, List<string>> ConditionedProperties => _wrapped.ConditionedProperties;
        public bool ShouldEvaluateForDesignTime => _wrapped.ShouldEvaluateForDesignTime;
        public bool CanEvaluateElementsWithFalseConditions => _wrapped.CanEvaluateElementsWithFalseConditions;
        public PropertyDictionary<P> Properties => _wrapped.Properties;
        public IEnumerable<D> ItemDefinitionsEnumerable => _wrapped.ItemDefinitionsEnumerable;
        public IItemDictionary<I> Items => _wrapped.Items;
        public List<ProjectItemElement> EvaluatedItemElements => _wrapped.EvaluatedItemElements;
        public PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> EnvironmentVariablePropertiesDictionary => _wrapped.EnvironmentVariablePropertiesDictionary;
        public void InitializeForEvaluation(IToolsetProvider toolsetProvider, EvaluationContext evaluationContext, LoggingContext loggingContext) => _wrapped.InitializeForEvaluation(toolsetProvider, evaluationContext, loggingContext);
        public void FinishEvaluation() => _wrapped.FinishEvaluation();
        public void AddItem(I item) => _wrapped.AddItem(item);
        public void AddItemIgnoringCondition(I item) => _wrapped.AddItemIgnoringCondition(item);
        public IItemDefinition<M> AddItemDefinition(string itemType) => _wrapped.AddItemDefinition(itemType);
        public void AddToAllEvaluatedPropertiesList(P property) => _wrapped.AddToAllEvaluatedPropertiesList(property);
        public void AddToAllEvaluatedItemDefinitionMetadataList(M itemDefinitionMetadatum) => _wrapped.AddToAllEvaluatedItemDefinitionMetadataList(itemDefinitionMetadatum);
        public void AddToAllEvaluatedItemsList(I item) => _wrapped.AddToAllEvaluatedItemsList(item);
        public IItemDefinition<M> GetItemDefinition(string itemType) => _wrapped.GetItemDefinition(itemType);
        public ProjectTargetInstance GetTarget(string targetName) => _wrapped.GetTarget(targetName);
        public void AddTarget(ProjectTargetInstance target) => _wrapped.AddTarget(target);
        public void RecordImport(ProjectImportElement importElement, ProjectRootElement import, int versionEvaluated, SdkResult sdkResult) => _wrapped.RecordImport(importElement, import, versionEvaluated, sdkResult);
        public void RecordImportWithDuplicates(ProjectImportElement importElement, ProjectRootElement import, int versionEvaluated) => _wrapped.RecordImportWithDuplicates(importElement, import, versionEvaluated);
        public string ExpandString(string unexpandedValue) => _wrapped.ExpandString(unexpandedValue);
        public bool EvaluateCondition(string condition) => _wrapped.EvaluateCondition(condition);
        #region Private Methods...
        private bool IsPropertyReadTrackingRequested
            => IsEnvironmentVariableReadTrackingRequested
            || PropertyTrackingUtils.IsPropertyTrackingEnabled(_settings, PropertyTrackingSetting.UninitializedPropertyRead);
        private bool IsEnvironmentVariableReadTrackingRequested => PropertyTrackingUtils.IsPropertyTrackingEnabled(_settings, PropertyTrackingSetting.EnvironmentVariableRead);
        /// <summary>
        /// Logic containing what to do when a property is read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
        /// <param name="property">The value of the property that was read (null if there is no value).</param>
        private void TrackPropertyRead(string name, P property)
            // MSBuild looks up a property called "InnerBuildProperty". If that isn't present,
            // an empty string is returned and it then attempts to look up the value for that property
            // (which is an empty string). Thus this check.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            // If a property matches the name of an environment variable, but has NOT been overwritten by a non-environment-variable property
            // track it as an environment variable read.
            if (IsEnvironmentVariableReadTrackingRequested && _wrapped.EnvironmentVariablePropertiesDictionary.Contains(name) && !_overwrittenEnvironmentVariables.Contains(name))
            else if (property == null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs an EnvironmentVariableRead event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the environment variable read.</param>
        private void TrackEnvironmentVariableRead(string name)
            if (!IsEnvironmentVariableReadTrackingRequested)
            var args = new EnvironmentVariableReadEventArgs(
                ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword("EnvironmentVariableRead", name),
            args.BuildEventContext = _evaluationLoggingContext.BuildEventContext;
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs an UninitializedPropertyRead event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the uninitialized property read.</param>
        private void TrackUninitializedPropertyRead(string name)
            if (!PropertyTrackingUtils.IsPropertyTrackingEnabled(_settings, PropertyTrackingSetting.UninitializedPropertyRead))
            var args = new UninitializedPropertyReadEventArgs(name, message: null)
                BuildEventContext = _evaluationLoggingContext.BuildEventContext,
        private void TrackPropertyWrite(
            P? predecessor,
            P property,
            IElementLocation? location,
            PropertySource source,
            LoggingContext loggingContext)
            string name = property.Name;
            loggingContext.ProcessPropertyWrite(new PropertyWriteInfo(property.Name, string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.EscapedValue), location));
            if (predecessor == null)
                // If this property had no previous value, then track an initial value.
                TrackPropertyInitialValueSet(property, source, location);
                // There was a previous value, and it might have been changed. Track that.
                TrackPropertyReassignment(predecessor, property, location);
            // If this property was an environment variable but no longer is, track it.
            if (IsEnvironmentVariableReadTrackingRequested && _wrapped.EnvironmentVariablePropertiesDictionary.Contains(name) && source != PropertySource.EnvironmentVariable)
        /// <summary>
        /// If the property's initial value is set, it logs a PropertyInitialValueSet event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property">The property being set.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The source of the property.</param>
        /// <param name="location">The exact location of the property. Can be null if comes not form xml.</param>
        private void TrackPropertyInitialValueSet(P property, PropertySource source, IElementLocation? location)
            if (!PropertyTrackingUtils.IsPropertyTrackingEnabled(_settings, PropertyTrackingSetting.PropertyInitialValueSet))
            var args = new PropertyInitialValueSetEventArgs(
                // If the property is from XML, we don't need property source since a full location is available.
                location == null ? GetPropertySourceName(source) : string.Empty,
                location?.Line ?? 0,
                location?.Column ?? 0,
                message: null)
            { BuildEventContext = _evaluationLoggingContext.BuildEventContext, };
        /// <summary>
        /// If the property's value has changed, it logs a PropertyReassignment event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="predecessor">The property's preceding state. Null if none.</param>
        /// <param name="property">The property's current state.</param>
        /// <param name="location">The location of this property's reassignment.</param>
        private void TrackPropertyReassignment(P? predecessor, P property, IElementLocation? location)
            if (MSBuildNameIgnoreCaseComparer.Default.Equals(property.Name, "MSBuildAllProjects"))
                // There's a huge perf cost to logging this and it increases the binlog size significantly.
                // Meanwhile the usefulness of logging this is very low.
            string newValue = property.EvaluatedValue;
            string? oldValue = predecessor?.EvaluatedValue;
            if (newValue == oldValue)
            if (PropertyTrackingUtils.IsPropertyReassignmentEnabled(_settings))
                var args = new PropertyReassignmentEventArgs(
                    location: null,
                    location?.Line ?? 0,
                    location?.Column ?? 0,
                    message: null)
                { BuildEventContext = _evaluationLoggingContext.BuildEventContext, };
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the source of a property given the variables SetProperty arguments provided. This logic follows what's in <see cref="Evaluator{P,I,M,D}"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private PropertySource DeterminePropertySource(bool isGlobalProperty, bool mayBeReserved, bool isEnvironmentVariable, bool isCommandLineProperty)
            if (isEnvironmentVariable)
                return PropertySource.EnvironmentVariable;
            if (isGlobalProperty)
                return isCommandLineProperty ? PropertySource.CommandLine : PropertySource.Global;
            return mayBeReserved ? PropertySource.BuiltIn : PropertySource.Toolset;
        /// <summary>
        /// The available sources for a property.
        /// </summary>
        private enum PropertySource
        private static string GetPropertySourceName(PropertySource source) => source switch
            PropertySource.Xml => "Xml",
            PropertySource.BuiltIn => "BuiltIn",
            PropertySource.Global => "Global",
            PropertySource.Toolset => "Toolset",
            PropertySource.EnvironmentVariable => "EnvironmentVariable",
            PropertySource.CommandLine => "CommandLine",
            _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(source), source, null)
    internal enum PropertyTrackingSetting
        None = 0,
        PropertyReassignment = 1,
        PropertyInitialValueSet = 1 << 1,
        EnvironmentVariableRead = 1 << 2,
        UninitializedPropertyRead = 1 << 3,
        All = PropertyReassignment | PropertyInitialValueSet | EnvironmentVariableRead | UninitializedPropertyRead
    internal class PropertyTrackingUtils
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if a specific property tracking setting is enabled within the provided settings configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">The combined property tracking settings value to check against.</param>
        /// <param name="currentTrackingSetting">The specific tracking setting to verify.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the specified tracking setting is enabled in the settings configuration.</returns>
        internal static bool IsPropertyTrackingEnabled(PropertyTrackingSetting settings, PropertyTrackingSetting currentTrackingSetting) => (settings & currentTrackingSetting) == currentTrackingSetting;
        // Either we want to specifically track property reassignments
        // or we do not want to track nothing - in which case the prop reassignment is enabled by default.
        internal static bool IsPropertyReassignmentEnabled(PropertyTrackingSetting currentTrackingSetting) => IsPropertyTrackingEnabled(currentTrackingSetting, PropertyTrackingSetting.PropertyReassignment)
                || (currentTrackingSetting == PropertyTrackingSetting.None && ChangeWaves.AreFeaturesEnabled(ChangeWaves.Wave17_10));
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs property assignment information during execution, providing detailed tracking of property value changes.
        /// This internal method handles two scenarios:
        /// 1. Initial property value assignment (when previousPropertyValue is null)
        /// 2. Property value reassignment (when previousPropertyValue has a value)
        /// If property tracking is disabled (PropertyTrackingSetting.None), no logging occurs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">Controls what types of property assignments should be tracked.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property being modified.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyValue">New value being assigned to the property.</param>
        /// <param name="location">Source location information (file, line, column).</param>
        /// <param name="previousPropertyValue">Previous value of the property, null if this is initial assignment.</param>
        /// <param name="loggingContext">Context for logging build events.</param>
        internal static void LogPropertyAssignment(
            PropertyTrackingSetting settings,
            string propertyName,
            string propertyValue,
            IElementLocation location,
            string? previousPropertyValue,
            LoggingContext loggingContext)
            if (previousPropertyValue == null)
                if (IsPropertyTrackingEnabled(settings, PropertyTrackingSetting.PropertyInitialValueSet))
                    var args = new PropertyInitialValueSetEventArgs(
                        propertySource: string.Empty,
                        message: null) { BuildEventContext = loggingContext.BuildEventContext };
                if (IsPropertyReassignmentEnabled(settings))
                    if (propertyValue != previousPropertyValue)
                        var args = new PropertyReassignmentEventArgs(
                            location: null,
                            message: null) { BuildEventContext = loggingContext.BuildEventContext, };