File: Evaluation\ItemSpec.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Build\Microsoft.Build.csproj (Microsoft.Build)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging;
using Microsoft.Build.Globbing;
using Microsoft.Build.Internal;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Evaluation
    /// <summary>
    ///     Represents the elements of an item specification string (e.g. Include="*.cs;foo;@(i)") and
    ///     provides some operations over them (like matching items against a given ItemSpec)
    /// </summary>
    internal class ItemSpec<P, I>
        where P : class, IProperty
        where I : class, IItem, IMetadataTable
        internal readonly struct ReferencedItem
            public I Item { get; }
            public ValueFragment ItemAsValueFragment { get; }
            public ReferencedItem(I item, ValueFragment itemAsValueFragment)
                Item = item;
                ItemAsValueFragment = itemAsValueFragment;
        internal class ItemExpressionFragment : ItemSpecFragment
            private readonly ItemSpec<P, I> _containingItemSpec;
            private Expander<P, I> _expander;
            private IMSBuildGlob _msbuildGlob;
            private List<ReferencedItem> _referencedItems;
            public ExpressionShredder.ItemExpressionCapture Capture { get; }
            public List<ReferencedItem> ReferencedItems
                    return _referencedItems;
            protected override IMSBuildGlob MsBuildGlob
                    if (InitReferencedItemsIfNecessary() || _msbuildGlob == null)
                        _msbuildGlob = CreateMsBuildGlob();
                    return _msbuildGlob;
            public ItemExpressionFragment(
                ExpressionShredder.ItemExpressionCapture capture,
                string textFragment,
                ItemSpec<P, I> containingItemSpec,
                string projectDirectory)
                : base(textFragment, projectDirectory)
                Capture = capture;
                _containingItemSpec = containingItemSpec;
                _expander = _containingItemSpec.Expander;
            public override int MatchCount(string itemToMatch)
                return ReferencedItems.Count(v => v.ItemAsValueFragment.IsMatch(itemToMatch));
            public override bool IsMatch(string itemToMatch)
                return ReferencedItems.Any(v => v.ItemAsValueFragment.IsMatch(itemToMatch));
            public override IEnumerable<string> GetReferencedItems()
                return ReferencedItems.Select(v => EscapingUtilities.UnescapeAll(v.ItemAsValueFragment.TextFragment));
            public override IMSBuildGlob ToMSBuildGlob()
                return MsBuildGlob;
            protected override IMSBuildGlob CreateMsBuildGlob()
                if (ReferencedItems.Count == 1)
                    // Optimize the common case, avoiding allocation of enumerable/enumerator.
                    return ReferencedItems[0].ItemAsValueFragment.ToMSBuildGlob();
                return CompositeGlob.Create(ReferencedItems.Select(i => i.ItemAsValueFragment.ToMSBuildGlob()));
            private bool InitReferencedItemsIfNecessary()
                // cache referenced items as long as the expander does not change
                // reference equality works for now since the expander cannot mutate its item state (hopefully it stays that way)
                if (_referencedItems == null || _expander != _containingItemSpec.Expander)
                    _expander = _containingItemSpec.Expander;
                        includeNullEntries: false,
                        isTransformExpression: out _,
                        itemsFromCapture: out var itemsFromCapture);
                    _referencedItems =
                        itemsFromCapture.Select(i => new ReferencedItem(i.Value, new ValueFragment(i.Key, ProjectDirectory))).ToList();
                    return true;
                return false;
        public string ItemSpecString { get; }
        /// <summary>
        ///     The fragments that compose an item spec string (values, globs, item references)
        /// </summary>
        public List<ItemSpecFragment> Fragments { get; }
        /// <summary>
        ///     The expander needs to have a default item factory set.
        /// </summary>
        // todo Make this type immutable. Dealing with an Expander change is painful. See the ItemExpressionFragment
        public Expander<P, I> Expander { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        ///     The xml attribute where this itemspec comes from
        /// </summary>
        public IElementLocation ItemSpecLocation { get; }
        /// <param name="itemSpec">The string containing item syntax</param>
        /// <param name="expander">Expects the expander to have a default item factory set</param>
        /// <param name="itemSpecLocation">The xml location the itemspec comes from</param>
        /// <param name="projectDirectory">The directory that the project is in.</param>
        /// <param name="expandProperties">Expand properties before breaking down fragments. Defaults to true</param>
        /// <param name="loggingContext">Context in which to log</param>
        public ItemSpec(
            string itemSpec,
            Expander<P, I> expander,
            IElementLocation itemSpecLocation,
            string projectDirectory,
            bool expandProperties = true,
            LoggingContext loggingContext = null)
            ItemSpecString = itemSpec;
            Expander = expander;
            ItemSpecLocation = itemSpecLocation;
            Fragments = BuildItemFragments(itemSpecLocation, projectDirectory, expandProperties, loggingContext);
        private List<ItemSpecFragment> BuildItemFragments(IElementLocation itemSpecLocation, string projectDirectory, bool expandProperties, LoggingContext loggingContext)
            // Code corresponds to Evaluator.CreateItemsFromInclude
            var evaluatedItemspecEscaped = ItemSpecString;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(evaluatedItemspecEscaped))
                return new List<ItemSpecFragment>();
            // STEP 1: Expand properties in Include
            if (expandProperties)
                evaluatedItemspecEscaped = Expander.ExpandIntoStringLeaveEscaped(
            var semicolonCount = 0;
            foreach (var c in evaluatedItemspecEscaped)
                if (c == ';')
            // estimate the number of fragments with the number of semicolons. This is will overestimate in case of transforms with semicolons, but won't underestimate.
            var fragments = new List<ItemSpecFragment>(semicolonCount + 1);
            // STEP 2: Split Include on any semicolons, and take each split in turn
            if (evaluatedItemspecEscaped.Length > 0)
                var splitsEscaped = ExpressionShredder.SplitSemiColonSeparatedList(evaluatedItemspecEscaped);
                foreach (var splitEscaped in splitsEscaped)
                    // STEP 3: If expression is "@(x)" copy specified list with its metadata, otherwise just treat as string
                    var itemReferenceFragment = ProcessItemExpression(
                        out var isItemListExpression);
                    if (isItemListExpression)
                        // The expression is not of the form "@(X)". Treat as string
                        // Code corresponds to EngineFileUtilities.GetFileList
                        if (!FileMatcher.HasWildcards(splitEscaped))
                            // No real wildcards means we just return the original string.  Don't even bother
                            // escaping ... it should already be escaped appropriately since it came directly
                            // from the project file
                            fragments.Add(new ValueFragment(splitEscaped, projectDirectory));
                        else if (EscapingUtilities.ContainsEscapedWildcards(splitEscaped))
                            // '*' is an illegal character to have in a filename.
                            // todo: file-system assumption on legal path characters:
                            // Just return the original string.
                            fragments.Add(new ValueFragment(splitEscaped, projectDirectory));
                            // Unescape before handing it to the filesystem.
                            var filespecUnescaped = EscapingUtilities.UnescapeAll(splitEscaped);
                            fragments.Add(new GlobFragment(filespecUnescaped, projectDirectory));
            return fragments;
        private ItemExpressionFragment ProcessItemExpression(
            string expression,
            IElementLocation elementLocation,
            string projectDirectory,
            out bool isItemListExpression)
            isItemListExpression = false;
            // Code corresponds to Expander.ExpandSingleItemVectorExpressionIntoItems
            if (expression.Length == 0)
                return null;
            var capture = Expander<P, I>.ExpandSingleItemVectorExpressionIntoExpressionCapture(
            if (capture == null)
                return null;
            isItemListExpression = true;
            return new ItemExpressionFragment(capture, expression, this, projectDirectory);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Return true if the given <paramref name="item" /> matches this itemspec
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item to attempt to find a match for.</param>
        public bool MatchesItem(I item)
            // Avoid unnecessary LINQ/Func/Enumerator allocations on this path, this is called a lot
            var evaluatedInclude = item.EvaluatedInclude;
            foreach (var fragment in Fragments)
                if (fragment.IsMatch(evaluatedInclude))
                    return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Return the fragments that match against the given <paramref name="itemToMatch" />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemToMatch">The item to match.</param>
        /// <param name="matches">
        ///     Total number of matches. Some fragments match more than once (item expression may contain multiple instances of
        ///     <paramref name="itemToMatch" />)
        /// </param>
        public IEnumerable<ItemSpecFragment> FragmentsMatchingItem(string itemToMatch, out int matches)
            var result = new List<ItemSpecFragment>(Fragments.Count);
            matches = 0;
            foreach (var fragment in Fragments)
                var itemMatches = fragment.MatchCount(itemToMatch);
                if (itemMatches > 0)
                    matches += itemMatches;
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of normalized paths that are common between this itemspec and keys of the given dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="itemsByNormalizedValue">The dictionary to match this itemspec against.</param>
        /// <returns>The keys of <paramref name="itemsByNormalizedValue"/> that are also referenced by this itemspec.</returns>
        public IList<string> IntersectsWith(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, ItemDataCollectionValue<I>> itemsByNormalizedValue)
            IList<string> matches = null;
            foreach (var fragment in Fragments)
                IEnumerable<string> referencedItems = fragment.GetReferencedItems();
                if (referencedItems != null)
                    // The fragment can enumerate its referenced items, we can do dictionary lookups.
                    foreach (var spec in referencedItems)
                        string key = FileUtilities.NormalizePathForComparisonNoThrow(spec, fragment.ProjectDirectory);
                        if (itemsByNormalizedValue.TryGetValue(key, out var multiValue))
                            matches ??= new List<string>();
                    // The fragment cannot enumerate its referenced items. Iterate over the dictionary and test each item.
                    foreach (var kvp in itemsByNormalizedValue)
                        if (fragment.IsMatchNormalized(kvp.Key))
                            matches ??= new List<string>();
            return matches ?? Array.Empty<string>();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Return an MSBuildGlob that represents this ItemSpec.
        /// </summary>
        public IMSBuildGlob ToMSBuildGlob()
            if (Fragments.Count == 1)
                // Optimize the common case, avoiding allocation of enumerable/enumerator.
                return Fragments[0].ToMSBuildGlob();
            return CompositeGlob.Create(Fragments.Select(f => f.ToMSBuildGlob()));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns all the fragment strings that represent it.
        ///     "1;*;2;@(foo)" gets returned as ["1", "2", "*", "a", "b"], given that @(foo)=["a", "b"]
        ///     Order is not preserved. Globs are not expanded. Item expressions get replaced with their referring item instances.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable<string> FlattenFragmentsAsStrings()
            foreach (var fragment in Fragments)
                if (fragment is ValueFragment || fragment is GlobFragment)
                    yield return fragment.TextFragment;
                else if (fragment is ItemExpressionFragment itemExpression)
                    foreach (var referencedItem in itemExpression.ReferencedItems)
                        yield return referencedItem.ItemAsValueFragment.TextFragment;
        public override string ToString()
            return ItemSpecString;
    internal abstract class ItemSpecFragment
        private FileSpecMatcherTester _fileMatcher;
        private bool _fileMatcherInitialized;
        private IMSBuildGlob _msbuildGlob;
        /// <summary>
        ///     The substring from the original itemspec representing this fragment
        /// </summary>
        public string TextFragment { get; }
        /// <summary>
        ///     Path of the project the itemspec is coming from
        /// </summary>
        internal string ProjectDirectory { get; }
        // not a Lazy to reduce memory
        private ref FileSpecMatcherTester FileMatcher
                if (!_fileMatcherInitialized)
                    _fileMatcher = CreateFileSpecMatcher();
                    _fileMatcherInitialized = true;
                return ref _fileMatcher;
        // not a Lazy to reduce memory
        protected virtual IMSBuildGlob MsBuildGlob => _msbuildGlob ??= CreateMsBuildGlob();
        protected ItemSpecFragment(string textFragment, string projectDirectory)
            TextFragment = textFragment;
            ProjectDirectory = projectDirectory;
        /// <returns>The number of times the
        ///     <param name="itemToMatch"></param>
        ///     appears in this fragment
        /// </returns>
        public virtual int MatchCount(string itemToMatch)
            return IsMatch(itemToMatch)
                ? 1
                : 0;
        public virtual bool IsMatch(string itemToMatch)
            return FileMatcher.IsMatch(itemToMatch);
        public virtual bool IsMatchNormalized(string normalizedItemToMatch)
            return FileMatcher.IsMatchNormalized(normalizedItemToMatch);
        public virtual IEnumerable<string> GetReferencedItems()
            return Enumerable.Repeat(EscapingUtilities.UnescapeAll(TextFragment), 1);
        public virtual IMSBuildGlob ToMSBuildGlob()
            return MsBuildGlob;
        protected virtual IMSBuildGlob CreateMsBuildGlob()
            return MSBuildGlob.Parse(ProjectDirectory, EscapingUtilities.UnescapeAll(TextFragment));
        private FileSpecMatcherTester CreateFileSpecMatcher()
            return FileSpecMatcherTester.Parse(ProjectDirectory, TextFragment);
    internal class ValueFragment : ItemSpecFragment
        public ValueFragment(string textFragment, string projectDirectory)
            : base(textFragment, projectDirectory)
    internal class GlobFragment : ItemSpecFragment
        public GlobFragment(string textFragment, string projectDirectory)
            : base(textFragment, projectDirectory)
        public override IEnumerable<string> GetReferencedItems()
            // This fragment cannot efficiently enumerate its referenced items.
            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// True if TextFragment starts with /**/ or a variation thereof with backslashes.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsFullFileSystemScan => TextFragment.Length >= 4
            && FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(TextFragment[0])
            && TextFragment[1] == '*'
            && TextFragment[2] == '*'
            && FileUtilities.IsAnySlash(TextFragment[3]);
    /// <summary>
    /// A Trie representing the sets of values of specified metadata taken on by the referenced items.
    /// A single flat list or set of metadata values would not work in this case because we are matching
    /// on multiple metadata. If one item specifies NotTargetFramework to be net46 and TargetFramework to
    /// be netcoreapp3.1, we wouldn't want to match that to an item with TargetFramework 46 and
    /// NotTargetFramework netcoreapp3.1.
    /// Implementing this as a list of sets where each metadatum key has its own set also would not work
    /// because different items could match on different metadata, and we want to check to see if any
    /// single item matches on all the metadata. As an example, consider this scenario:
    /// Item Baby has metadata GoodAt="eating" BadAt="talking" OkAt="sleeping"
    /// Item Child has metadata GoodAt="sleeping" BadAt="eating" OkAt="talking"
    /// Item Adolescent has metadata GoodAt="talking" BadAt="sleeping" OkAt="eating"
    /// Specifying these three metadata:
    /// Item Forgind with metadata GoodAt="sleeping" BadAt="talking" OkAt="eating"
    /// should match none of them because Forgind doesn't match all three metadata of any of the items.
    /// With a list of sets, Forgind would match Baby on BadAt, Child on GoodAt, and Adolescent on OkAt,
    /// and Forgind would be erroneously removed.
    /// With a Trie as below, Items specify paths in the tree, so going to any child node eliminates all
    /// items that don't share that metadatum. This ensures the match is proper.
    /// Todo: Tries naturally can have different shapes depending on in what order the metadata are considered.
    /// Specifically, if all the items share a single metadata value for the one metadatum and have different
    /// values for a second metadatum, it will have only one node more than the number of items if the first
    /// metadatum is considered first. If the metadatum is considered first, it will have twice that number.
    /// Users can theoretically specify the order in which metadata should be considered by reordering them
    /// on the line invoking this, but that is extremely nonobvious from a user's perspective.
    /// It would be nice to detect poorly-ordered metadata and account for it to avoid making more nodes than
    /// necessary. This would need to order if appropriately both in creating the MetadataTrie and in using it,
    /// so it could best be done as a preprocessing step. For now, wait to find out if it's necessary (users'
    /// computers run out of memory) before trying to implement it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="P">Property type</typeparam>
    /// <typeparam name="I">Item type</typeparam>
    internal sealed class MetadataTrie<P, I> where P : class, IProperty where I : class, IItem, IMetadataTable
        private readonly Dictionary<string, MetadataTrie<P, I>> _children;
        private readonly Func<string, string> _normalize;
        internal MetadataTrie(MatchOnMetadataOptions options, IEnumerable<string> metadata, ItemSpec<P, I> itemSpec)
            StringComparer comparer = options == MatchOnMetadataOptions.CaseSensitive ? StringComparer.Ordinal :
                options == MatchOnMetadataOptions.CaseInsensitive || FileUtilities.PathComparison == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ? StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase :
            _children = new Dictionary<string, MetadataTrie<P, I>>(comparer);
            _normalize = options == MatchOnMetadataOptions.PathLike ? (Func<string, string>)(p => FileUtilities.NormalizePathForComparisonNoThrow(p, Environment.CurrentDirectory)) : p => p;
            foreach (ItemSpec<P, I>.ItemExpressionFragment frag in itemSpec.Fragments)
                foreach (ItemSpec<P, I>.ReferencedItem referencedItem in frag.ReferencedItems)
                    this.Add(metadata.Select(m => referencedItem.Item.GetMetadataValue(m)), comparer);
        private MetadataTrie(StringComparer comparer)
            _children = new Dictionary<string, MetadataTrie<P, I>>(comparer);
        // Relies on IEnumerable returning the metadata in a reasonable order. Reasonable?
        private void Add(IEnumerable<string> metadata, StringComparer comparer)
            MetadataTrie<P, I> current = this;
            foreach (string m in metadata)
                string normalizedString = _normalize(m);
                if (!current._children.TryGetValue(normalizedString, out MetadataTrie<P, I> child))
                    child = new MetadataTrie<P, I>(comparer);
                    current._children.Add(normalizedString, child);
                current = child;
        internal bool Contains(IEnumerable<string> metadata)
            MetadataTrie<P, I> current = this;
            foreach (string m in metadata)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m))
                    return false;
                if (!current._children.TryGetValue(_normalize(m), out current))
                    return false;
            return true;
    public enum MatchOnMetadataOptions
    public static class MatchOnMetadataConstants
        public const MatchOnMetadataOptions MatchOnMetadataOptionsDefaultValue = MatchOnMetadataOptions.CaseSensitive;