File: Evaluation\ConditionEvaluator.cs
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Project: ..\..\..\src\Build\Microsoft.Build.csproj (Microsoft.Build)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.FileSystem;
using BuildEventContext = Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildEventContext;
using ElementLocation = Microsoft.Build.Construction.ElementLocation;
using ILoggingService = Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.ILoggingService;
using TaskItem = Microsoft.Build.Execution.ProjectItemInstance.TaskItem;
namespace Microsoft.Build.Evaluation
    internal static class ConditionEvaluator
        /// <summary>
        /// Update our table which keeps track of all the properties that are referenced
        /// inside of a condition and the string values that they are being tested against.
        /// So, for example, if the condition was " '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' ", we
        /// would get passed in leftValue="$(Configuration)" and rightValueExpanded="Debug".
        /// This call would add the string "Debug" to the list of possible values for the
        /// "Configuration" property.
        /// This method also handles the case when two or more properties are being
        /// concatenated together with a vertical bar, as in '
        ///     $(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x86'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conditionedPropertiesTable">List of possible values, keyed by property name.</param>
        /// <param name="leftValue">The raw value on the left side of the operator.</param>
        /// <param name="rightValueExpanded">The fully expanded value on the right side of the operator.</param>
        internal static void UpdateConditionedPropertiesTable(
            Dictionary<string, List<string>> conditionedPropertiesTable,
            string leftValue,
            string rightValueExpanded)
            if ((conditionedPropertiesTable != null) && (rightValueExpanded.Length > 0))
                // The left side should be exactly "$(propertyname)" or "$(propertyname1)|$(propertyname2)"
                // or "$(propertyname1)|$(propertyname2)|$(propertyname3)", etc.  Anything else,
                // and we don't touch the table.
                // Split up the leftValue into pieces based on the vertical bar character.
                // PERF: Avoid allocations from string.Split by forming spans between 'pieceStart' and 'pieceEnd'
                var pieceStart = 0;
                // Loop through each of the pieces.
                while (true)
                    var pieceSeparator = leftValue.IndexOf('|', pieceStart);
                    var lastPiece = pieceSeparator < 0;
                    var pieceEnd = lastPiece ? leftValue.Length : pieceSeparator;
                    if (TryGetSingleProperty(leftValue.AsSpan(), pieceStart, pieceEnd - pieceStart, out ReadOnlySpan<char> propertyName))
                        // Find the first vertical bar on the right-hand-side expression.
                        var indexOfVerticalBar = rightValueExpanded.IndexOf('|');
                        string rightValueExpandedPiece;
                        // If there was no vertical bar, then just use the remainder of the right-hand-side
                        // expression as the value of the property, and terminate the loop after this iteration.
                        // Also, if we're on the last segment of the left-hand-side, then use the remainder
                        // of the right-hand-side expression as the value of the property.
                        if ((indexOfVerticalBar == -1) || lastPiece)
                            rightValueExpandedPiece = rightValueExpanded;
                            lastPiece = true;
                            // If we found a vertical bar, then the portion before the vertical bar is the
                            // property value which we will store in our table.  Then remove that portion
                            // from the original string so that the next iteration of the loop can easily search
                            // for the first vertical bar again.
                            rightValueExpandedPiece = rightValueExpanded.Substring(0, indexOfVerticalBar);
                            rightValueExpanded = rightValueExpanded.Substring(indexOfVerticalBar + 1);
                        // Get the string collection for this property name, if one already exists.
                        // If not already in the table, add a new entry for it.
                        string propertyNameString = propertyName.ToString();
                        if (!conditionedPropertiesTable.TryGetValue(propertyNameString, out List<string>? conditionedPropertyValues))
                            conditionedPropertyValues = new List<string>();
                            conditionedPropertiesTable[propertyNameString] = conditionedPropertyValues;
                        // If the "rightValueExpanded" is not already in the string collection
                        // for this property name, add it now.
                        if (!conditionedPropertyValues.Contains(rightValueExpandedPiece))
                    if (lastPiece)
                    pieceStart = pieceSeparator + 1;
        // Internal for testing purposes
        internal static bool TryGetSingleProperty(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int beginning, int length, out ReadOnlySpan<char> propertyName)
            // This code is simulating the regex pattern: ^\$\(([^\$\(\)]*)\)$
            if (input.Length < beginning + 3 ||
                input[beginning] != '$' ||
                input[beginning + 1] != '(' ||
                input[beginning + length - 1] != ')' ||
                ContainsInvalidCharacter(input.Slice(beginning + 2, length - 3)))
                propertyName = null;
                return false;
            propertyName = input.Slice(beginning + 2, length - 3);
            return true;
            static bool ContainsInvalidCharacter(ReadOnlySpan<char> span)
                    span.IndexOf('$') != -1 ||
                    span.IndexOf('(') != -1 ||
                    span.IndexOf(')') != -1;
        // Implements a pool of expression trees for each condition.
        // This is because an expression tree is a mutually exclusive resource (has non thread safe state while it evaluates).
        // During high demand when all expression trees are busy evaluating, a new expression tree is created and added to the pool.
        // The pool is represented by the ConcurrentStack.
        private struct ExpressionTreeForCurrentOptionsWithSize
            // condition string -> pool of expression trees
            private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConcurrentStack<GenericExpressionNode>> _conditionPools;
            private int _mOptimisticSize;
            public readonly int OptimisticSize => _mOptimisticSize;
            public ExpressionTreeForCurrentOptionsWithSize(ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConcurrentStack<GenericExpressionNode>> conditionPools)
                _conditionPools = conditionPools;
                _mOptimisticSize = conditionPools.Count;
            public ConcurrentStack<GenericExpressionNode> GetOrAdd(string condition, Func<string, ConcurrentStack<GenericExpressionNode>> addFunc)
                if (!_conditionPools.TryGetValue(condition, out var stack))
                    // Count how many conditions there are in the cache.
                    // The condition evaluator will flush the cache when some threshold is exceeded.
                    Interlocked.Increment(ref _mOptimisticSize);
                    stack = _conditionPools.GetOrAdd(condition, addFunc);
                return stack;
        // Cached expression trees for all the combinations of condition strings and parser options
        private static volatile ConcurrentDictionary<int, ExpressionTreeForCurrentOptionsWithSize> s_cachedExpressionTrees = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, ExpressionTreeForCurrentOptionsWithSize>();
        /// <summary>
        /// For debugging leaks, a way to disable caching expression trees, to reduce noise
        /// </summary>
        private static readonly bool s_disableExpressionCaching = (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDDONOTCACHEEXPRESSIONS") == "1");
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a string representing a condition from a "condition" attribute.
        /// If the condition is a malformed string, it throws an InvalidProjectFileException.
        /// This method uses cached expression trees to avoid generating them from scratch every time it's called.
        /// This method is thread safe and is called from engine and task execution module threads
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool EvaluateCondition<P, I>(
            string condition,
            ParserOptions options,
            Expander<P, I> expander,
            ExpanderOptions expanderOptions,
            string evaluationDirectory,
            ElementLocation elementLocation,
            ILoggingService loggingServices,
            BuildEventContext buildEventContext,
            IFileSystem fileSystem,
            ProjectRootElementCacheBase? projectRootElementCache = null,
            LoggingContext? loggingContext = null)
            where P : class, IProperty
            where I : class, IItem
            return EvaluateConditionCollectingConditionedProperties(
                conditionedPropertiesTable: null /* do not collect conditioned properties */,
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates a string representing a condition from a "condition" attribute.
        /// If the condition is a malformed string, it throws an InvalidProjectFileException.
        /// This method uses cached expression trees to avoid generating them from scratch every time it's called.
        /// This method is thread safe and is called from engine and task execution module threads
        /// Logging service may be null.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool EvaluateConditionCollectingConditionedProperties<P, I>(
            string condition,
            ParserOptions options,
            Expander<P, I> expander,
            ExpanderOptions expanderOptions,
            Dictionary<string, List<string>>? conditionedPropertiesTable,
            string evaluationDirectory,
            ElementLocation elementLocation,
            ILoggingService loggingServices,
            BuildEventContext buildEventContext,
            IFileSystem fileSystem,
            ProjectRootElementCacheBase? projectRootElementCache = null,
            LoggingContext? loggingContext = null)
            where P : class, IProperty
            where I : class, IItem
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(condition, nameof(condition));
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(expander, nameof(expander));
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentLength(evaluationDirectory, nameof(evaluationDirectory));
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(buildEventContext, nameof(buildEventContext));
            // An empty condition is equivalent to a "true" condition.
            if (condition.Length == 0)
                return true;
            // If the condition wasn't empty, there must be a location for it
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(elementLocation, nameof(elementLocation));
            // Get the expression tree cache for the current parsing options.
            var cachedExpressionTreesForCurrentOptions = s_cachedExpressionTrees.GetOrAdd(
                _ => new ExpressionTreeForCurrentOptionsWithSize(new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConcurrentStack<GenericExpressionNode>>(StringComparer.Ordinal)));
            cachedExpressionTreesForCurrentOptions = FlushCacheIfLargerThanThreshold(options, cachedExpressionTreesForCurrentOptions);
            // Get the pool of expressions for this condition.
            var expressionPool = cachedExpressionTreesForCurrentOptions.GetOrAdd(condition, _ => new ConcurrentStack<GenericExpressionNode>());
            // Try and see if there's an available expression tree in the pool.
            // If not, parse a new expression tree and add it back to the pool.
            if (!expressionPool.TryPop(out var parsedExpression))
                var conditionParser = new Parser();
                #region REMOVE_COMPAT_WARNING
                conditionParser.LoggingServices = loggingServices;
                conditionParser.LogBuildEventContext = buildEventContext;
                parsedExpression = conditionParser.Parse(condition, options, elementLocation);
            bool result;
            var state = new ConditionEvaluationState<P, I>(
            // We are evaluating this expression now and it can cache some state for the duration,
            // so we don't want multiple threads working on the same expression
            lock (parsedExpression)
                    result = parsedExpression.Evaluate(state, loggingContext);
                    if (!s_disableExpressionCaching)
                        // Finished using the expression tree. Add it back to the pool so other threads can use it.
            return result;
        private static ExpressionTreeForCurrentOptionsWithSize FlushCacheIfLargerThanThreshold(
            ParserOptions options,
            ExpressionTreeForCurrentOptionsWithSize cachedExpressionTreesForCurrentOptions)
            if (cachedExpressionTreesForCurrentOptions.OptimisticSize > 3000)
                // VS stress tests could fill up this cache without end, for example if they use
                // random configuration names - those appear in conditional expressions.
                // So if we hit a limit that we should never hit in normal circumstances in VS,
                // and rarely, periodically hit in normal circumstances in large tree builds,
                // just clear out the cache. It can start repopulating again. Some kind of prioritized
                // aging isn't worth it: although the hit rate of these caches is excellent (nearly 100%)
                // the cost of reparsing expressions should the cache be cleared is not particularly large.
                // Loading Australian Government in VS, there are 3 of these tables, two with about 50
                // entries and one with about 650 entries. So 3000 seems large enough.
                cachedExpressionTreesForCurrentOptions = s_cachedExpressionTrees.AddOrUpdate(
                    _ =>
                        new ExpressionTreeForCurrentOptionsWithSize(
                            new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConcurrentStack<GenericExpressionNode>>(StringComparer.Ordinal)),
                    (key, existing) =>
                        if (existing.OptimisticSize > 3000)
                                new ExpressionTreeForCurrentOptionsWithSize(
                                    new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConcurrentStack<GenericExpressionNode>>(StringComparer.Ordinal));
                            return existing;
            return cachedExpressionTreesForCurrentOptions;
        internal interface IConditionEvaluationState
            string Condition { get; }
            string EvaluationDirectory { get; }
            ElementLocation ElementLocation { get; }
            /// <summary>
            ///     Table of conditioned properties and their values.
            ///     Used to populate configuration lists in some project systems.
            ///     If this is null, as it is for command line builds, conditioned properties
            ///     are not recorded.
            /// </summary>
            Dictionary<string, List<string>>? ConditionedPropertiesInProject { get; }
            /// <summary>
            ///     May return null if the expression would expand to non-empty and it broke out early.
            ///     Otherwise, returns the correctly expanded expression.
            /// </summary>
            string ExpandIntoStringBreakEarly(string expression, LoggingContext? loggingContext = null);
            /// <summary>
            ///     Expands the specified expression into a list of TaskItem's.
            /// </summary>
            IList<TaskItem> ExpandIntoTaskItems(string expression);
            /// <summary>
            ///     Expands the specified expression into a string.
            /// </summary>
            string ExpandIntoString(string expression, LoggingContext? loggingContext = null);
            /// <summary>
            ///     PRE cache
            /// </summary>
            ProjectRootElementCacheBase? LoadedProjectsCache { get; }
            IFileSystem FileSystem { get; }
        /// <summary>
        /// All the state necessary for the evaluation of conditionals so that the expression tree
        /// is stateless and reusable
        /// </summary>
        internal class ConditionEvaluationState<P, I> : IConditionEvaluationState
            where P : class, IProperty
            where I : class, IItem
            private readonly Expander<P, I> _expander;
            private readonly ExpanderOptions _expanderOptions;
            /// <summary>
            /// Condition that was parsed. This does not belong here,
            /// it belongs to the expression tree, not the condition evaluation state.
            /// </summary>
            public string Condition { get; }
            public string EvaluationDirectory { get; }
            public ElementLocation ElementLocation { get; }
            public IFileSystem FileSystem { get; }
            /// <summary>
            /// Table of conditioned properties and their values.
            /// Used to populate configuration lists in some project systems.
            /// If this is null, as it is for command line builds, conditioned properties
            /// are not recorded.
            /// </summary>
            public Dictionary<string, List<string>>? ConditionedPropertiesInProject { get; }
            /// <summary>
            /// PRE collection.
            /// </summary>
            public ProjectRootElementCacheBase? LoadedProjectsCache { get; }
            internal ConditionEvaluationState(
                string condition,
                Expander<P, I> expander,
                ExpanderOptions expanderOptions,
                Dictionary<string, List<string>>? conditionedPropertiesInProject,
                string evaluationDirectory,
                ElementLocation elementLocation,
                IFileSystem fileSystem,
                ProjectRootElementCacheBase? projectRootElementCache = null)
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(condition, nameof(condition));
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(expander, nameof(expander));
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(evaluationDirectory, nameof(evaluationDirectory));
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentNull(elementLocation, nameof(elementLocation));
                Condition = condition;
                _expander = expander;
                _expanderOptions = expanderOptions;
                ConditionedPropertiesInProject = conditionedPropertiesInProject; // May be null
                EvaluationDirectory = evaluationDirectory;
                ElementLocation = elementLocation;
                LoadedProjectsCache = projectRootElementCache;
                FileSystem = fileSystem;
            /// <summary>
            /// May return null if the expression would expand to non-empty and it broke out early.
            /// Otherwise, returns the correctly expanded expression.
            /// </summary>
            public string ExpandIntoStringBreakEarly(string expression, LoggingContext? loggingContext = null)
                var originalValue = _expander.WarnForUninitializedProperties;
                expression = _expander.ExpandIntoStringAndUnescape(expression, _expanderOptions | ExpanderOptions.BreakOnNotEmpty, ElementLocation, loggingContext);
                _expander.WarnForUninitializedProperties = originalValue;
                return expression;
            /// <summary>
            /// Expands the properties and items in the specified expression into a list of taskitems.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="expression">The expression to expand.</param>
            /// <returns>A list of items.</returns>
            public IList<TaskItem> ExpandIntoTaskItems(string expression)
                var originalValue = _expander.WarnForUninitializedProperties;
                var items = _expander.ExpandIntoTaskItemsLeaveEscaped(expression, _expanderOptions, ElementLocation);
                _expander.WarnForUninitializedProperties = originalValue;
                return items;
            /// <summary>
            /// Expands the specified expression into a string.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="expression">The expression to expand.</param>
            /// <param name="loggingContext"></param>
            /// <returns>The expanded string.</returns>
            public string ExpandIntoString(string expression, LoggingContext? loggingContext = null)
                var originalValue = _expander.WarnForUninitializedProperties;
                expression = _expander.ExpandIntoStringAndUnescape(expression, _expanderOptions, ElementLocation, loggingContext);
                _expander.WarnForUninitializedProperties = originalValue;
                return expression;