// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging;
using Microsoft.Build.Collections;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Internal;
using Microsoft.Build.ObjectModelRemoting;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using ForwardingLoggerRecord = Microsoft.Build.Logging.ForwardingLoggerRecord;
using ILoggingService = Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.ILoggingService;
using InternalLoggerException = Microsoft.Build.Exceptions.InternalLoggerException;
using InvalidProjectFileException = Microsoft.Build.Exceptions.InvalidProjectFileException;
using LoggerMode = Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.LoggerMode;
using ObjectModel = System.Collections.ObjectModel;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Evaluation
using Utilities = Microsoft.Build.Internal.Utilities;
/// <summary>
/// Flags for controlling the toolset initialization.
/// </summary>
public enum ToolsetDefinitionLocations
/// <summary>
/// Do not read toolset information from any external location.
/// </summary>
None = 0,
/// <summary>
/// Read toolset information from the exe configuration file.
/// </summary>
ConfigurationFile = 1,
/// <summary>
/// Read toolset information from the registry (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions).
/// </summary>
Registry = 2,
/// <summary>
/// Read toolset information from the current exe path
/// </summary>
Local = 4,
/// <summary>
/// Use the default location or locations.
/// </summary>
Default = None
| ConfigurationFile
| Registry
| Local
/// <summary>
/// This class encapsulates a set of related projects, their toolsets, a default set of global properties,
/// and the loggers that should be used to build them.
/// A global version of this class acts as the default ProjectCollection.
/// Multiple ProjectCollections can exist within an appdomain. However, these must not build concurrently.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1711:IdentifiersShouldNotHaveIncorrectSuffix", Justification = "This is a collection of projects API review has approved this")]
public class ProjectCollection : IToolsetProvider, IBuildComponent, IDisposable
/// <summary>
/// The object to synchronize with when accessing certain fields.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// ProjectCollection is highly reentrant - project creation, toolset and logger changes, and so on
/// all need lock protection, but there are a lot of read cases as well, and calls to create Projects
/// call back to the ProjectCollection under locks. Use a RW lock with recursion support to avoid
/// adding reentrancy bugs.
/// </remarks>
private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _locker = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.SupportsRecursion);
/// <summary>
/// The global singleton project collection used as a default for otherwise
/// unassociated projects.
/// </summary>
private static ProjectCollection s_globalProjectCollection;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the file version of the file in which the Engine assembly lies.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is the Windows file version (specifically the value of the ProductVersion
/// resource), not necessarily the assembly version.
/// If you want the assembly version, use Constants.AssemblyVersion.
/// </remarks>
private static Version s_engineVersion;
/// <summary>
/// The display version of the file in which the Engine assembly lies.
/// </summary>
private static string s_assemblyDisplayVersion;
private static ProjectRootElementCacheBase s_projectRootElementCache = null;
/// <summary>
/// The projects loaded into this collection.
/// </summary>
private readonly LoadedProjectCollection _loadedProjects;
/// <summary>
/// External projects support
/// </summary>
private ExternalProjectsProvider _link;
/// <summary>
/// Single logging service used for all builds of projects in this project collection
/// </summary>
private ILoggingService _loggingService;
/// <summary>
/// Any object exposing host services.
/// May be null.
/// </summary>
private HostServices _hostServices;
/// <summary>
/// A mapping of tools versions to Toolsets, which contain the public Toolsets.
/// This is the collection we use internally.
/// </summary>
private Dictionary<string, Toolset> _toolsets;
/// <summary>
/// The default global properties.
/// </summary>
private readonly PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> _globalProperties;
/// <summary>
/// The properties representing the environment.
/// </summary>
private PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> _environmentProperties;
/// <summary>
/// The default tools version obtained by examining all of the toolsets.
/// </summary>
private string _defaultToolsVersion;
/// <summary>
/// A counter incremented every time the toolsets change which would necessitate a re-evaluation of
/// associated projects.
/// </summary>
private int _toolsetsVersion;
/// <summary>
/// This is the default value used by newly created projects for whether or not the building
/// of projects is enabled. This is for security purposes in case a host wants to closely
/// control which projects it allows to run targets/tasks.
/// </summary>
private bool _isBuildEnabled = true;
/// <summary>
/// We may only wish to log critical events, record that fact so we can apply it to build requests
/// </summary>
private bool _onlyLogCriticalEvents;
/// <summary>
/// Whether reevaluation is temporarily disabled on projects in this collection.
/// This is useful when the host expects to make a number of reads and writes
/// to projects, and wants to temporarily sacrifice correctness for performance.
/// </summary>
private bool _skipEvaluation;
/// <summary>
/// Whether <see cref="Project.MarkDirty()">MarkDirty()</see> is temporarily disabled on
/// projects in this collection.
/// This allows, for example, global properties to be set without projects getting
/// marked dirty for reevaluation as a consequence.
/// </summary>
private bool _disableMarkDirty;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum number of nodes which can be started during the build
/// </summary>
private int _maxNodeCount;
/// <summary>
/// LoggingService Logger mode.
/// If Asynchronous mode is used
/// </summary>
private LoggerMode _loggerMode;
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a project collection with no global properties or loggers that reads toolset
/// information from the configuration file and registry.
/// </summary>
public ProjectCollection()
: this(null)
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a project collection using toolsets from the specified locations,
/// and no global properties or loggers.
/// May throw InvalidToolsetDefinitionException.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="toolsetLocations">The locations from which to load toolsets.</param>
public ProjectCollection(ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetLocations)
: this(null, null, toolsetLocations)
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a project collection with specified global properties, no loggers,
/// and that reads toolset information from the configuration file and registry.
/// May throw InvalidToolsetDefinitionException.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="globalProperties">The default global properties to use. May be null.</param>
public ProjectCollection(IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties)
: this(globalProperties, null, ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Default)
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a project collection with specified global properties and loggers and using the
/// specified toolset locations.
/// May throw InvalidToolsetDefinitionException.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="globalProperties">The default global properties to use. May be null.</param>
/// <param name="loggers">The loggers to register. May be null.</param>
/// <param name="toolsetDefinitionLocations">The locations from which to load toolsets.</param>
public ProjectCollection(IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, IEnumerable<ILogger> loggers, ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations)
: this(globalProperties, loggers, null, toolsetDefinitionLocations, 1 /* node count */, false /* do not only log critical events */)
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a project collection with specified global properties and loggers and using the
/// specified toolset locations, node count, and setting of onlyLogCriticalEvents.
/// Global properties and loggers may be null.
/// Throws InvalidProjectFileException if any of the global properties are reserved.
/// May throw InvalidToolsetDefinitionException.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="globalProperties">The default global properties to use. May be null.</param>
/// <param name="loggers">The loggers to register. May be null and specified to any build instead.</param>
/// <param name="remoteLoggers">Any remote loggers to register. May be null and specified to any build instead.</param>
/// <param name="toolsetDefinitionLocations">The locations from which to load toolsets.</param>
/// <param name="maxNodeCount">The maximum number of nodes to use for building.</param>
/// <param name="onlyLogCriticalEvents">If set to true, only critical events will be logged.</param>
public ProjectCollection(IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, IEnumerable<ILogger> loggers, IEnumerable<ForwardingLoggerRecord> remoteLoggers, ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations, int maxNodeCount, bool onlyLogCriticalEvents)
: this(globalProperties, loggers, null, toolsetDefinitionLocations, maxNodeCount, onlyLogCriticalEvents, loadProjectsReadOnly: false)
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a project collection with specified global properties and loggers and using the
/// specified toolset locations, node count, and setting of onlyLogCriticalEvents.
/// Global properties and loggers may be null.
/// Throws InvalidProjectFileException if any of the global properties are reserved.
/// May throw InvalidToolsetDefinitionException.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="globalProperties">The default global properties to use. May be null.</param>
/// <param name="loggers">The loggers to register. May be null and specified to any build instead.</param>
/// <param name="remoteLoggers">Any remote loggers to register. May be null and specified to any build instead.</param>
/// <param name="toolsetDefinitionLocations">The locations from which to load toolsets.</param>
/// <param name="maxNodeCount">The maximum number of nodes to use for building.</param>
/// <param name="onlyLogCriticalEvents">If set to true, only critical events will be logged.</param>
/// <param name="loadProjectsReadOnly">If set to true, load all projects as read-only.</param>
public ProjectCollection(IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, IEnumerable<ILogger> loggers, IEnumerable<ForwardingLoggerRecord> remoteLoggers, ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations, int maxNodeCount, bool onlyLogCriticalEvents, bool loadProjectsReadOnly)
: this(globalProperties, loggers, remoteLoggers, toolsetDefinitionLocations, maxNodeCount, onlyLogCriticalEvents, loadProjectsReadOnly, useAsynchronousLogging: false, reuseProjectRootElementCache: false)
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates a project collection with specified global properties and loggers and using the
/// specified toolset locations, node count, and setting of onlyLogCriticalEvents.
/// Global properties and loggers may be null.
/// Throws InvalidProjectFileException if any of the global properties are reserved.
/// May throw InvalidToolsetDefinitionException.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="globalProperties">The default global properties to use. May be null.</param>
/// <param name="loggers">The loggers to register. May be null and specified to any build instead.</param>
/// <param name="remoteLoggers">Any remote loggers to register. May be null and specified to any build instead.</param>
/// <param name="toolsetDefinitionLocations">The locations from which to load toolsets.</param>
/// <param name="maxNodeCount">The maximum number of nodes to use for building.</param>
/// <param name="onlyLogCriticalEvents">If set to true, only critical events will be logged.</param>
/// <param name="loadProjectsReadOnly">If set to true, load all projects as read-only.</param>
/// <param name="useAsynchronousLogging">If set to true, asynchronous logging will be used. <see cref="ProjectCollection.Dispose()"/> has to called to clear resources used by async logging.</param>
/// <param name="reuseProjectRootElementCache">If set to true, it will try to reuse <see cref="ProjectRootElementCacheBase"/> singleton.</param>
public ProjectCollection(IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, IEnumerable<ILogger> loggers, IEnumerable<ForwardingLoggerRecord> remoteLoggers, ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations, int maxNodeCount, bool onlyLogCriticalEvents, bool loadProjectsReadOnly, bool useAsynchronousLogging, bool reuseProjectRootElementCache)
_loadedProjects = new LoadedProjectCollection();
ToolsetLocations = toolsetDefinitionLocations;
MaxNodeCount = maxNodeCount;
if (Traits.Instance.UseSimpleProjectRootElementCacheConcurrency)
ProjectRootElementCache = new SimpleProjectRootElementCache();
else if (reuseProjectRootElementCache && s_projectRootElementCache != null)
ProjectRootElementCache = s_projectRootElementCache;
// When we are reusing ProjectRootElementCache we need to reload XMLs if it has changed between MSBuild Server sessions/builds.
// If we are not reusing, cache will be released at end of build and as we do not support project files will changes during build
// we do not need to auto reload.
bool autoReloadFromDisk = reuseProjectRootElementCache;
ProjectRootElementCache = new ProjectRootElementCache(autoReloadFromDisk, loadProjectsReadOnly);
if (reuseProjectRootElementCache)
s_projectRootElementCache = ProjectRootElementCache;
OnlyLogCriticalEvents = onlyLogCriticalEvents;
_loggerMode = useAsynchronousLogging ? LoggerMode.Asynchronous : LoggerMode.Synchronous;
CreateLoggingService(maxNodeCount, onlyLogCriticalEvents);
if (globalProperties != null)
_globalProperties = new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(globalProperties.Count);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in globalProperties)
_globalProperties.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create(pair.Key, pair.Value));
catch (ArgumentException ex)
// Reserved or invalid property name
ProjectErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidProject(ElementLocation.Create("MSBUILD"), "InvalidProperty", ex.Message);
catch (InvalidProjectFileException ex2)
BuildEventContext buildEventContext = new BuildEventContext(0 /* node ID */, BuildEventContext.InvalidTargetId, BuildEventContext.InvalidProjectContextId, BuildEventContext.InvalidTaskId);
LoggingService.LogInvalidProjectFileError(buildEventContext, ex2);
_globalProperties = new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>();
catch (Exception)
ProjectRootElementCache.ProjectRootElementAddedHandler += ProjectRootElementCache_ProjectRootElementAddedHandler;
ProjectRootElementCache.ProjectRootElementDirtied += ProjectRootElementCache_ProjectRootElementDirtiedHandler;
ProjectRootElementCache.ProjectDirtied += ProjectRootElementCache_ProjectDirtiedHandler;
/// <summary>
/// Handler to receive which project got added to the project collection.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1034:NestedTypesShouldNotBeVisible", Justification = "This has been API reviewed")]
public delegate void ProjectAddedEventHandler(object sender, ProjectAddedToProjectCollectionEventArgs e);
/// <summary>
/// Event that is fired when a project is added to the ProjectRootElementCache of this project collection.
/// </summary>
public event ProjectAddedEventHandler ProjectAdded;
/// <summary>
/// Raised when state is changed on this instance.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This event is NOT raised for changes in individual projects.
/// </remarks>
public event EventHandler<ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs> ProjectCollectionChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Raised when a <see cref="ProjectRootElement"/> contained by this instance is changed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This event is NOT raised for changes to global properties, or any other change that doesn't actually dirty the XML.
/// </remarks>
public event EventHandler<ProjectXmlChangedEventArgs> ProjectXmlChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Raised when a <see cref="Project"/> contained by this instance is directly changed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This event is NOT raised for direct project XML changes via the construction model.
/// </remarks>
public event EventHandler<ProjectChangedEventArgs> ProjectChanged;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the global project collection object.
/// This is a singleton project collection with no global properties or loggers that reads toolset
/// information from the configuration file and registry.
/// May throw InvalidToolsetDefinitionException.
/// Thread safe.
/// </summary>
public static ProjectCollection GlobalProjectCollection
if (s_globalProjectCollection == null)
// Take care to ensure that there is never more than one value observed
// from this property even in the case of race conditions while lazily initializing.
var local = new ProjectCollection(null, null, null, ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Default,
maxNodeCount: 1, onlyLogCriticalEvents: false, loadProjectsReadOnly: false, useAsynchronousLogging: true, reuseProjectRootElementCache: false);
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_globalProjectCollection, local, null) != null)
// Other thread beat us to it; dispose of this project collection
return s_globalProjectCollection;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the file version of the file in which the Engine assembly lies.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is the Windows file version (specifically the value of the FileVersion
/// resource), not necessarily the assembly version.
/// If you want the assembly version, use Constants.AssemblyVersion.
/// This is not the <see cref="Toolset.ToolsVersion"/>.
/// </remarks>
public static Version Version
if (s_engineVersion == null)
// Get the file version from the currently executing assembly.
// Use .CodeBase instead of .Location, because .Location doesn't
// work when Microsoft.Build.dll has been shadow-copied, for example
// in scenarios where NUnit is loading Microsoft.Build.
var versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(FileUtilities.ExecutingAssemblyPath);
s_engineVersion = new Version(versionInfo.FileMajorPart, versionInfo.FileMinorPart, versionInfo.FileBuildPart, versionInfo.FilePrivatePart);
return s_engineVersion;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a version of the Engine suitable for display to a user.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is in the form of a SemVer v2 version, Major.Minor.Patch-prerelease+metadata.
/// </remarks>
public static string DisplayVersion
if (s_assemblyDisplayVersion == null)
var fullInformationalVersion = typeof(Constants).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetCustomAttribute<AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>().InformationalVersion;
// use a truncated version with only 9 digits of SHA
var plusIndex = fullInformationalVersion.IndexOf('+');
s_assemblyDisplayVersion = plusIndex < 0
? fullInformationalVersion
: fullInformationalVersion.Substring(startIndex: 0, length: plusIndex + 10);
return s_assemblyDisplayVersion;
/// <summary>
/// Properties passed from the command line (e.g. by using /p:).
/// </summary>
public ICollection<string> PropertiesFromCommandLine { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The default tools version of this project collection. Projects use this tools version if they
/// aren't otherwise told what tools version to use.
/// This value is gotten from the .exe.config file, or else in the registry,
/// or if neither specify a default tools version then it is hard-coded to the tools version "2.0".
/// Setter throws InvalidOperationException if a toolset with the provided tools version has not been defined.
/// Always defined.
/// </summary>
public string DefaultToolsVersion
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_defaultToolsVersion != null, "Should have a default");
return _defaultToolsVersion;
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentLength(value, nameof(DefaultToolsVersion));
bool sendEvent = false;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (!_toolsets.ContainsKey(value))
string toolsVersionList = Utilities.CreateToolsVersionListString(Toolsets);
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidOperation("UnrecognizedToolsVersion", value, toolsVersionList);
if (_defaultToolsVersion != value)
_defaultToolsVersion = value;
sendEvent = true;
if (sendEvent)
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.DefaultToolsVersion));
/// <summary>
/// Returns default global properties for all projects in this collection.
/// Read-only dead dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is the publicly exposed getter, that translates into a read-only dead IDictionary<string, string>.
/// To be consistent with Project, setting and removing global properties is done with
/// <see cref="SetGlobalProperty">SetGlobalProperty</see> and <see cref="RemoveGlobalProperty">RemoveGlobalProperty</see>.
/// </remarks>
public IDictionary<string, string> GlobalProperties
Dictionary<string, string> dictionary;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
if (_globalProperties.Count == 0)
return ReadOnlyEmptyDictionary<string, string>.Instance;
dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(_globalProperties.Count, MSBuildNameIgnoreCaseComparer.Default);
foreach (ProjectPropertyInstance property in _globalProperties)
dictionary[property.Name] = ((IProperty)property).EvaluatedValueEscaped;
return new ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>(dictionary);
/// <summary>
/// All the projects currently loaded into this collection.
/// Each has a unique combination of path, global properties, and tools version.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1721:PropertyNamesShouldNotMatchGetMethods", Justification = "This is a reasonable choice. API review approved")]
public ICollection<Project> LoadedProjects => GetLoadedProjects(true, null);
/// <summary>
/// Number of projects currently loaded into this collection.
/// </summary>
public int Count
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _loadedProjects.Count;
/// <summary>
/// Loggers that all contained projects will use for their builds.
/// Loggers are added with the <see cref="RegisterLogger"/>.
/// Returns an empty collection if there are no loggers.
/// </summary>
// UNDONE: Currently loggers cannot be removed.
public ICollection<ILogger> Loggers
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _loggingService.Loggers == null
? (ICollection<ILogger>)ReadOnlyEmptyCollection<ILogger>.Instance
: new List<ILogger>(_loggingService.Loggers);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the toolsets this ProjectCollection knows about.
/// </summary>
/// <comments>
/// ValueCollection is already read-only
/// </comments>
public ICollection<Toolset> Toolsets
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return new List<Toolset>(_toolsets.Values);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the locations used to find the toolsets.
/// </summary>
public ToolsetDefinitionLocations ToolsetLocations { get; }
/// <summary>
/// This is the default value used by newly created projects for whether or not the building
/// of projects is enabled. This is for security purposes in case a host wants to closely
/// control which projects it allows to run targets/tasks.
/// </summary>
public bool IsBuildEnabled
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _isBuildEnabled;
bool sendEvent = false;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (_isBuildEnabled != value)
_isBuildEnabled = value;
sendEvent = true;
if (sendEvent)
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.IsBuildEnabled));
/// <summary>
/// When true, only log critical events such as warnings and errors. Has to be in here for API compat
/// </summary>
public bool OnlyLogCriticalEvents
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _onlyLogCriticalEvents;
bool sendEvent = false;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (_onlyLogCriticalEvents != value)
_onlyLogCriticalEvents = value;
sendEvent = true;
if (sendEvent)
new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.OnlyLogCriticalEvents));
/// <summary>
/// Object exposing host services to tasks during builds of projects
/// contained by this project collection.
/// By default, <see cref="HostServices">HostServices</see> is used.
/// May be set to null, but the getter will create a new instance in that case.
/// </summary>
public HostServices HostServices
// Avoid write lock if possible, this getter is called a lot during Project construction.
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
if (_hostServices != null)
return _hostServices;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (_hostServices == null)
_hostServices = new HostServices();
return _hostServices;
bool sendEvent = false;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (_hostServices != value)
_hostServices = value;
sendEvent = true;
if (sendEvent)
new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.HostServices));
/// <summary>
/// Whether reevaluation is temporarily disabled on projects in this collection.
/// This is useful when the host expects to make a number of reads and writes
/// to projects, and wants to temporarily sacrifice correctness for performance.
/// </summary>
public bool SkipEvaluation
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _skipEvaluation;
bool sendEvent = false;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (_skipEvaluation != value)
_skipEvaluation = value;
sendEvent = true;
if (sendEvent)
new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.SkipEvaluation));
/// <summary>
/// Whether <see cref="Project.MarkDirty()">MarkDirty()</see> is temporarily disabled on
/// projects in this collection.
/// This allows, for example, global properties to be set without projects getting
/// marked dirty for reevaluation as a consequence.
/// </summary>
public bool DisableMarkDirty
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _disableMarkDirty;
bool sendEvent = false;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (_disableMarkDirty != value)
_disableMarkDirty = value;
sendEvent = true;
if (sendEvent)
new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.DisableMarkDirty));
/// <summary>
/// Global collection id.
/// Can be used for external providers to optimize the cross-site link exchange
/// </summary>
internal Guid CollectionId { get; } = Guid.NewGuid();
/// <summary>
/// External project support.
/// Establish a remote project link for this collection.
/// </summary>
internal ExternalProjectsProvider Link
get => _link;
set => Interlocked.Exchange(ref _link, value)?.Disconnected(this);
/// <summary>
/// Logging service that should be used for project load and for builds
/// </summary>
internal ILoggingService LoggingService
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _loggingService;
/// <summary>
/// Gets default global properties for all projects in this collection.
/// Dead copy.
/// </summary>
internal PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> GlobalPropertiesCollection
var clone = new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>();
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
foreach (ProjectPropertyInstance property in _globalProperties)
return clone;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the property dictionary containing the properties representing the environment.
/// </summary>
internal PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> EnvironmentProperties
// Retrieves the environment properties.
// This is only done once, when the project collection is created. Any subsequent
// environment changes will be ignored. Child nodes will be passed this set
// of properties in their build parameters.
return new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>(SharedReadOnlyEnvironmentProperties);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a shared immutable property dictionary containing the properties representing the environment.
/// </summary>
internal PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> SharedReadOnlyEnvironmentProperties
// Retrieves the environment properties.
// This is only done once, when the project collection is created. Any subsequent
// environment changes will be ignored. Child nodes will be passed this set
// of properties in their build parameters.
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
if (_environmentProperties != null)
return _environmentProperties;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (_environmentProperties == null)
_environmentProperties = Utilities.GetEnvironmentProperties(makeReadOnly: true);
return _environmentProperties;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the internal version for this object's state.
/// Updated when toolsets change, indicating all contained projects are potentially invalid.
/// </summary>
internal int ToolsetsVersion
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _toolsetsVersion;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum number of nodes which can be started during the build
/// </summary>
internal int MaxNodeCount
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _maxNodeCount;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
_maxNodeCount = value;
/// <summary>
/// The cache of project root elements associated with this project collection.
/// Each is associated with a specific project collection for two reasons:
/// - To help protect one project collection from any XML edits through another one:
/// until a reload from disk - when it's ready to accept changes - it won't see the edits;
/// - So that the owner of this project collection can force the XML to be loaded again
/// from disk, by doing <see cref="UnloadAllProjects"/>.
/// </summary>
internal ProjectRootElementCacheBase ProjectRootElementCache { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Escape a string using MSBuild escaping format. For example, "%3b" for ";".
/// Only characters that are especially significant to MSBuild parsing are escaped.
/// Callers can use this method to make a string safe to be parsed to other methods
/// that would otherwise expand it; or to make a string safe to be written to a project file.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1720:IdentifiersShouldNotContainTypeNames", MessageId = "string", Justification = "Public API that has shipped")]
public static string Escape(string unescapedString)
return EscapingUtilities.Escape(unescapedString);
/// <summary>
/// Unescape a string using MSBuild escaping format. For example, "%3b" for ";".
/// All escaped characters are unescaped.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1720:IdentifiersShouldNotContainTypeNames", MessageId = "string", Justification = "Public API that has shipped")]
public static string Unescape(string escapedString)
return EscapingUtilities.UnescapeAll(escapedString);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if there is a toolset defined for the specified
/// tools version, otherwise false.
/// </summary>
public bool ContainsToolset(string toolsVersion) => GetToolset(toolsVersion) != null;
/// <summary>
/// Add a new toolset.
/// Replaces any existing toolset with the same tools version.
/// </summary>
public void AddToolset(Toolset toolset)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
_toolsets[toolset.ToolsVersion] = toolset;
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.Toolsets));
/// <summary>
/// Remove a toolset.
/// Returns true if it was present, otherwise false.
/// </summary>
public bool RemoveToolset(string toolsVersion)
bool changed;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
changed = RemoveToolsetInternal(toolsVersion);
if (changed)
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.Toolsets));
return changed;
/// <summary>
/// Removes all toolsets.
/// </summary>
public void RemoveAllToolsets()
bool changed = false;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
var toolsets = new List<Toolset>(Toolsets);
foreach (Toolset toolset in toolsets)
changed |= RemoveToolsetInternal(toolset.ToolsVersion);
if (changed)
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.Toolsets));
/// <summary>
/// Get the toolset with the specified tools version.
/// If it is not present, returns null.
/// </summary>
public Toolset GetToolset(string toolsVersion)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
_toolsets.TryGetValue(toolsVersion, out var toolset);
return toolset;
/// <summary>
/// Figure out what ToolsVersion to use to actually build the project with.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="explicitToolsVersion">The user-specified ToolsVersion (through e.g. /tv: on the command line). May be null</param>
/// <param name="toolsVersionFromProject">The ToolsVersion from the project file. May be null</param>
/// <returns>The ToolsVersion we should use to build this project. Should never be null.</returns>
public string GetEffectiveToolsVersion(string explicitToolsVersion, string toolsVersionFromProject)
return Utilities.GenerateToolsVersionToUse(explicitToolsVersion, toolsVersionFromProject, GetToolset, DefaultToolsVersion, out _);
/// <summary>
/// Returns any and all loaded projects with the provided path.
/// There may be more than one, if they are distinguished by global properties
/// and/or tools version.
/// </summary>
public ICollection<Project> GetLoadedProjects(string fullPath)
return GetLoadedProjects(true, fullPath);
/// <summary>
/// Returns any and all loaded projects with the provided path.
/// There may be more than one, if they are distinguished by global properties
/// and/or tools version.
/// </summary>
internal ICollection<Project> GetLoadedProjects(bool includeExternal, string fullPath = null)
List<Project> loaded;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
loaded = fullPath == null ? new List<Project>(_loadedProjects) : new List<Project>(_loadedProjects.GetMatchingProjectsIfAny(fullPath));
if (includeExternal)
var link = Link;
if (link != null)
return loaded;
/// <summary>
/// Loads a project with the specified filename, using the collection's global properties and tools version.
/// If a matching project is already loaded, it will be returned, otherwise a new project will be loaded.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">The project file to load</param>
/// <returns>A loaded project.</returns>
public Project LoadProject(string fileName)
return LoadProject(fileName, null);
/// <summary>
/// Loads a project with the specified filename and tools version, using the collection's global properties.
/// If a matching project is already loaded, it will be returned, otherwise a new project will be loaded.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">The project file to load</param>
/// <param name="toolsVersion">The tools version to use. May be null.</param>
/// <returns>A loaded project.</returns>
public Project LoadProject(string fileName, string toolsVersion)
return LoadProject(fileName, null /* use project collection's global properties */, toolsVersion);
/// <summary>
/// Loads a project with the specified filename, tools version and global properties.
/// If a matching project is already loaded, it will be returned, otherwise a new project will be loaded.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">The project file to load</param>
/// <param name="globalProperties">The global properties to use. May be null, in which case the containing project collection's global properties will be used.</param>
/// <param name="toolsVersion">The tools version. May be null.</param>
/// <returns>A loaded project.</returns>
public Project LoadProject(string fileName, IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, string toolsVersion)
fileName = FileUtilities.NormalizePath(fileName);
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (globalProperties == null)
globalProperties = GlobalProperties;
// We need to update the set of global properties to merge in the ProjectCollection global properties --
// otherwise we might end up declaring "not matching" a project that actually does ... and then throw
// an exception when we go to actually add the newly created project to the ProjectCollection.
// BUT remember that project global properties win -- don't override a property that already exists.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> globalProperty in GlobalProperties)
if (!globalProperties.ContainsKey(globalProperty.Key))
// We do not control the current directory at this point, but assume that if we were
// passed a relative path, the caller assumes we will prepend the current directory.
string toolsVersionFromProject = null;
if (toolsVersion == null)
// Load the project XML to get any ToolsVersion attribute.
// If there isn't already an equivalent project loaded, the real load we'll do will be satisfied from the cache.
// If there is already an equivalent project loaded, we'll never need this XML -- but it'll already
// have been loaded by that project so it will have been satisfied from the ProjectRootElementCache.
// Either way, no time wasted.
ProjectRootElement xml = ProjectRootElement.OpenProjectOrSolution(fileName, globalProperties, toolsVersion, ProjectRootElementCache, true /*explicitlyloaded*/);
toolsVersionFromProject = (xml.ToolsVersion.Length > 0) ? xml.ToolsVersion : DefaultToolsVersion;
catch (InvalidProjectFileException ex)
var buildEventContext = new BuildEventContext(0 /* node ID */, BuildEventContext.InvalidTargetId, BuildEventContext.InvalidProjectContextId, BuildEventContext.InvalidTaskId);
LoggingService.LogInvalidProjectFileError(buildEventContext, ex);
string effectiveToolsVersion = Utilities.GenerateToolsVersionToUse(toolsVersion, toolsVersionFromProject, GetToolset, DefaultToolsVersion, out _);
Project project = _loadedProjects.GetMatchingProjectIfAny(fileName, globalProperties, effectiveToolsVersion);
if (project == null)
// The Project constructor adds itself to our collection,
// it is not done by us
project = new Project(fileName, globalProperties, effectiveToolsVersion, this);
return project;
/// <summary>
/// Loads a project with the specified reader, using the collection's global properties and tools version.
/// The project will be added to this project collection when it is named.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlReader">Xml reader to read project from</param>
/// <returns>A loaded project.</returns>
public Project LoadProject(XmlReader xmlReader)
return LoadProject(xmlReader, null);
/// <summary>
/// Loads a project with the specified reader and tools version, using the collection's global properties.
/// The project will be added to this project collection when it is named.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlReader">Xml reader to read project from</param>
/// <param name="toolsVersion">The tools version to use. May be null.</param>
/// <returns>A loaded project.</returns>
public Project LoadProject(XmlReader xmlReader, string toolsVersion)
return LoadProject(xmlReader, null /* use project collection's global properties */, toolsVersion);
/// <summary>
/// Loads a project with the specified reader, tools version and global properties.
/// The project will be added to this project collection when it is named.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xmlReader">Xml reader to read project from</param>
/// <param name="globalProperties">The global properties to use. May be null in which case the containing project collection's global properties will be used.</param>
/// <param name="toolsVersion">The tools version. May be null.</param>
/// <returns>A loaded project.</returns>
public Project LoadProject(XmlReader xmlReader, IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, string toolsVersion)
return new Project(xmlReader, globalProperties, toolsVersion, this);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a logger to the collection of loggers used for builds of projects in this collection.
/// If the logger object is already in the collection, does nothing.
/// </summary>
public void RegisterLogger(ILogger logger)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.Loggers));
/// <summary>
/// Adds some loggers to the collection of loggers used for builds of projects in this collection.
/// If any logger object is already in the collection, does nothing for that logger.
/// May be null.
/// </summary>
public void RegisterLoggers(IEnumerable<ILogger> loggers)
bool changed = false;
if (loggers != null)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
foreach (ILogger logger in loggers)
changed = true;
if (changed)
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.Loggers));
/// <summary>
/// Adds some remote loggers to the collection of remote loggers used for builds of projects in this collection.
/// May be null.
/// </summary>
public void RegisterForwardingLoggers(IEnumerable<ForwardingLoggerRecord> remoteLoggers)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (remoteLoggers != null)
foreach (ForwardingLoggerRecord remoteLoggerRecord in remoteLoggers)
_loggingService.RegisterDistributedLogger(new ReusableLogger(remoteLoggerRecord.CentralLogger), remoteLoggerRecord.ForwardingLoggerDescription);
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.Loggers));
/// <summary>
/// Removes all loggers from the collection of loggers used for builds of projects in this collection.
/// </summary>
public void UnregisterAllLoggers()
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
// UNDONE: Logging service should not shut down when all loggers are unregistered.
// VS unregisters all loggers on the same project collection often. To workaround this, we have to create it again now!
CreateLoggingService(MaxNodeCount, OnlyLogCriticalEvents);
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.Loggers));
/// <summary>
/// Unloads the specific project specified.
/// Host should call this when they are completely done with the project.
/// If project was not already loaded, throws InvalidOperationException.
/// </summary>
public void UnloadProject(Project project)
if (project.IsLinked)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
bool existed = _loadedProjects.RemoveProject(project);
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidOperation(existed, "OM_ProjectWasNotLoaded");
// If we've removed the last entry for the given project full path
// then unregister any and all host objects for that project
if (_hostServices != null && _loadedProjects.GetMatchingProjectsIfAny(project.FullPath).Count == 0)
// Release our own cache's strong references to try to help
// free memory. These may be the last references to the ProjectRootElements
// in the cache, so the cache shouldn't hold strong references to them of its own.
/// <summary>
/// Unloads a project XML root element from the weak cache.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectRootElement">The project XML root element to unload.</param>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">
/// Thrown if the project XML root element to unload is still in use by a loaded project or its imports.
/// </exception>
/// <remarks>
/// This method is useful for the case where the host knows that all projects using this XML element
/// are unloaded, and desires to discard any unsaved changes.
/// </remarks>
public void UnloadProject(ProjectRootElement projectRootElement)
if (projectRootElement.Link != null)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
Project conflictingProject = GetLoadedProjects(false, null).FirstOrDefault(project => project.UsesProjectRootElement(projectRootElement));
if (conflictingProject != null)
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidOperation("OM_ProjectXmlCannotBeUnloadedDueToLoadedProjects", projectRootElement.FullPath, conflictingProject.FullPath);
/// <summary>
/// Unloads all the projects contained by this ProjectCollection.
/// Host should call this when they are completely done with all the projects.
/// </summary>
public void UnloadAllProjects()
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
foreach (Project project in _loadedProjects)
// We're removing every entry from the project collection
// so unregister any and all host objects for each project
/// <summary>
/// Get any global property on the project collection that has the specified name,
/// otherwise returns null.
/// </summary>
public ProjectPropertyInstance GetGlobalProperty(string name)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableReadLock())
return _globalProperties[name];
/// <summary>
/// Set a global property at the collection-level,
/// and on all projects in the project collection.
/// </summary>
public void SetGlobalProperty(string name, string value)
bool sendEvent = false;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
ProjectPropertyInstance propertyInGlobalProperties = _globalProperties.GetProperty(name);
bool changed = propertyInGlobalProperties == null || !String.Equals(((IValued)propertyInGlobalProperties).EscapedValue, value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (changed)
_globalProperties.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create(name, value));
sendEvent = true;
// Copy LoadedProjectCollection as modifying a project's global properties will cause it to re-add
var projects = new List<Project>(_loadedProjects);
foreach (Project project in projects)
project.SetGlobalProperty(name, value);
if (sendEvent)
new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.GlobalProperties));
/// <summary>
/// Removes a global property from the collection-level set of global properties,
/// and all projects in the project collection.
/// If it was on this project collection, returns true.
/// </summary>
public bool RemoveGlobalProperty(string name)
bool set;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
set = _globalProperties.Remove(name);
// Copy LoadedProjectCollection as modifying a project's global properties will cause it to re-add
var projects = new List<Project>(_loadedProjects);
foreach (Project project in projects)
OnProjectCollectionChanged(new ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs(ProjectCollectionChangedState.GlobalProperties));
return set;
/// <summary>
/// Called when a host is completely done with the project collection.
/// </summary>
// UNDONE: This is a hack to make sure the logging thread shuts down if the build used the logging service
// off the ProjectCollection. After CTP we need to rationalize this and see if we can remove the logging service from
// the project collection entirely so this isn't necessary.
public void Dispose()
#region IBuildComponent Members
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the component with the component host.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
void IBuildComponent.InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
/// <summary>
/// Shuts down the component.
/// </summary>
void IBuildComponent.ShutdownComponent()
/// <summary>
/// Unloads a project XML root element from the cache entirely, if it is not
/// in use by project loaded into this collection.
/// Returns true if it was unloaded successfully, or was not already loaded.
/// Returns false if it was not unloaded because it was still in use by a loaded <see cref="Project"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="projectRootElement">The project XML root element to unload.</param>
public bool TryUnloadProject(ProjectRootElement projectRootElement)
if (projectRootElement.Link != null)
return false;
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
Project conflictingProject = GetLoadedProjects(false, null).FirstOrDefault(project => project.UsesProjectRootElement(projectRootElement));
if (conflictingProject == null)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Logs a BuildFinished event. This is used specifically when a ProjectCollection is created but never actually built, yet a BuildFinished event
/// is still desired. As an example, if a Project is just meant to be evaluated, but a binlog is also collected, that binlog should be able to
/// say the build succeeded or failed. This provides a mechanism to achieve that.
/// </summary>
public void LogBuildFinishedEvent(bool success) => _loggingService.LogBuildFinished(success);
/// <summary>
/// Called by a Project object to load itself into this collection.
/// If the project was already loaded under a different name, it is unloaded.
/// Stores the project in the list of loaded projects if it has a name.
/// Does not store the project if it has no name because it has not been saved to disk yet.
/// If the project previously had a name, but was not in the collection already, throws InvalidOperationException.
/// If the project was not previously in the collection, sets the collection's global properties on it.
/// </summary>
internal void OnAfterRenameLoadedProject(string oldFullPathIfAny, Project project)
if (project.FullPath == null)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
if (oldFullPathIfAny != null)
bool existed = _loadedProjects.RemoveProject(oldFullPathIfAny, project);
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidOperation(existed, "OM_ProjectWasNotLoaded");
// The only time this ever gets called with a null full path is when the project is first being
// constructed. The mere fact that this method is being called means that this project will belong
// to this project collection. As such, it has already had all necessary global properties applied
// when being constructed -- we don't need to do anything special here.
// If we did add global properties here, we would just end up either duplicating work or possibly
// wiping out global properties set on the project meant to override the ProjectCollection copies.
if (_hostServices != null)
HostServices.OnRenameProject(oldFullPathIfAny, project.FullPath);
/// <summary>
/// Called after a loaded project's global properties are changed, so we can update
/// our loaded project table.
/// Project need not already be in the project collection yet, but it can't be in another one.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// We have to remove and re-add so that there's an error if there's already an equivalent
/// project loaded.
/// </remarks>
internal void AfterUpdateLoadedProjectGlobalProperties(Project project)
using (_locker.EnterDisposableWriteLock())
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidOperation(ReferenceEquals(project.ProjectCollection, this), "OM_IncorrectObjectAssociation", "Project", "ProjectCollection");
if (project.FullPath == null)
bool existed = _loadedProjects.RemoveProject(project);
if (existed)
/// <summary>
/// Following standard framework guideline dispose pattern.
/// Shut down logging service if the project collection owns one, in order
/// to shut down the logger thread and loggers.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources..</param>
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (ProjectRootElementCache != null)
ProjectRootElementCache.ProjectRootElementAddedHandler -= ProjectRootElementCache_ProjectRootElementAddedHandler;
ProjectRootElementCache.ProjectRootElementDirtied -= ProjectRootElementCache_ProjectRootElementDirtiedHandler;
ProjectRootElementCache.ProjectDirtied -= ProjectRootElementCache_ProjectDirtiedHandler;
/// <summary>
/// Remove a toolset and does not raise events. The caller should have acquired a write lock on this method's behalf.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="toolsVersion">The toolset to remove.</param>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if the toolset was found and removed; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
private bool RemoveToolsetInternal(string toolsVersion)
if (!_toolsets.Remove(toolsVersion))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a logger to the collection of loggers used for builds of projects in this collection.
/// If the logger object is already in the collection, does nothing.
/// </summary>
private void RegisterLoggerInternal(ILogger logger)
_loggingService.RegisterLogger(new ReusableLogger(logger));
/// <summary>
/// Handler which is called when a project is added to the RootElementCache of this project collection. We then fire an event indicating that a project was added to the collection itself.
/// </summary>
private void ProjectRootElementCache_ProjectRootElementAddedHandler(object sender, ProjectRootElementCacheAddEntryEventArgs e)
ProjectAdded?.Invoke(this, new ProjectAddedToProjectCollectionEventArgs(e.RootElement));
/// <summary>
/// Handler which is called when a project that is part of this collection is dirtied. We then fire an event indicating that a project has been dirtied.
/// </summary>
private void ProjectRootElementCache_ProjectRootElementDirtiedHandler(object sender, ProjectXmlChangedEventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// Handler which is called when a project is dirtied.
/// </summary>
private void ProjectRootElementCache_ProjectDirtiedHandler(object sender, ProjectChangedEventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// Raises the <see cref="ProjectXmlChanged"/> event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event arguments that indicate ProjectRootElement-specific details.</param>
private void OnProjectXmlChanged(ProjectXmlChangedEventArgs e)
ProjectXmlChanged?.Invoke(this, e);
/// <summary>
/// Raises the <see cref="ProjectChanged"/> event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event arguments that indicate Project-specific details.</param>
private void OnProjectChanged(ProjectChangedEventArgs e)
ProjectChanged?.Invoke(this, e);
/// <summary>
/// Raises the <see cref="ProjectCollectionChanged"/> event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The event arguments that indicate details on what changed on the collection.</param>
private void OnProjectCollectionChanged(ProjectCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
Debug.Assert(!_locker.IsWriteLockHeld, "We should never raise events while holding a private lock.");
ProjectCollectionChanged?.Invoke(this, e);
/// <summary>
/// Shutdown the logging service
/// </summary>
private void ShutDownLoggingService()
if (_loggingService != null)
(LoggingService as LoggingService)?.WaitForLoggingToProcessEvents();
catch (LoggerException)
catch (InternalLoggerException)
catch (Exception ex)
// According to Framework Guidelines, Dispose methods should never throw except in dire circumstances.
// However if we throw at all, its a bug. Throw InternalErrorException to emphasize that.
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Throwing from logger shutdown", ex);
_loggingService = null;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new logging service
/// </summary>
private void CreateLoggingService(int maxCPUCount, bool onlyLogCriticalEvents)
_loggingService = BackEnd.Logging.LoggingService.CreateLoggingService(_loggerMode, 0 /*Evaluation can be done as if it was on node "0"*/);
_loggingService.MaxCPUCount = maxCPUCount;
_loggingService.OnlyLogCriticalEvents = onlyLogCriticalEvents;
/// <summary>
/// Reset the toolsets using the provided toolset reader, used by unit tests
/// </summary>
internal void ResetToolsetsForTests(ToolsetConfigurationReader configurationReaderForTestsOnly)
InitializeToolsetCollection(configReader: configurationReaderForTestsOnly);
/// <summary>
/// Reset the toolsets using the provided toolset reader, used by unit tests
/// </summary>
internal void ResetToolsetsForTests(ToolsetRegistryReader registryReaderForTestsOnly)
InitializeToolsetCollection(registryReader: registryReaderForTestsOnly);
/// <summary>
/// Populate Toolsets with a dictionary of (toolset version, Toolset)
/// using information from the registry and config file, if any.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeToolsetCollection(
ToolsetRegistryReader registryReader = null,
ToolsetConfigurationReader configReader = null)
_toolsets = new Dictionary<string, Toolset>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// We only want our local toolset (as defined in MSBuild.exe.config) when we're operating locally...
_defaultToolsVersion = ToolsetReader.ReadAllToolsets(_toolsets,
EnvironmentProperties, _globalProperties, ToolsetLocations);
/// <summary>
/// Event to provide information about what project just got added to the project collection.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1034:NestedTypesShouldNotBeVisible", Justification = "This has been API reviewed")]
public class ProjectAddedToProjectCollectionEventArgs : EventArgs
/// <summary>
/// The root element which was added to the project collection.
/// </summary>
public ProjectAddedToProjectCollectionEventArgs(ProjectRootElement element)
ProjectRootElement = element;
/// <summary>
/// Root element which was added to the project collection.
/// </summary>
public ProjectRootElement ProjectRootElement { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The ReusableLogger wraps a logger and allows it to be used for both design-time and build-time. It internally swaps
/// between the design-time and build-time event sources in response to Initialize and Shutdown events.
/// </summary>
internal class ReusableLogger : INodeLogger, IEventSource4
/// <summary>
/// The logger we are wrapping.
/// </summary>
private readonly ILogger _originalLogger;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the logger we are wrapping.
/// </summary>
internal ILogger OriginalLogger => _originalLogger;
/// <summary>
/// The design-time event source
/// </summary>
private IEventSource _designTimeEventSource;
/// <summary>
/// The build-time event source
/// </summary>
private IEventSource _buildTimeEventSource;
/// <summary>
/// The Any event handler
/// </summary>
private AnyEventHandler _anyEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The BuildFinished event handler
/// </summary>
private BuildFinishedEventHandler _buildFinishedEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The BuildStarted event handler
/// </summary>
private BuildStartedEventHandler _buildStartedEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The Custom event handler
/// </summary>
private CustomBuildEventHandler _customBuildEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The Error event handler
/// </summary>
private BuildErrorEventHandler _buildErrorEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The Message event handler
/// </summary>
private BuildMessageEventHandler _buildMessageEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The ProjectFinished event handler
/// </summary>
private ProjectFinishedEventHandler _projectFinishedEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The ProjectStarted event handler
/// </summary>
private ProjectStartedEventHandler _projectStartedEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The Status event handler
/// </summary>
private BuildStatusEventHandler _buildStatusEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The TargetFinished event handler
/// </summary>
private TargetFinishedEventHandler _targetFinishedEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The TargetStarted event handler
/// </summary>
private TargetStartedEventHandler _targetStartedEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The TaskFinished event handler
/// </summary>
private TaskFinishedEventHandler _taskFinishedEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The TaskStarted event handler
/// </summary>
private TaskStartedEventHandler _taskStartedEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The Warning event handler
/// </summary>
private BuildWarningEventHandler _buildWarningEventHandler;
/// <summary>
/// The telemetry event handler.
/// </summary>
private TelemetryEventHandler _telemetryEventHandler;
private bool _includeEvaluationMetaprojects;
private bool _includeEvaluationProfiles;
private bool _includeTaskInputs;
private bool _includeEvaluationPropertiesAndItems;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
public ReusableLogger(ILogger originalLogger)
_originalLogger = originalLogger;
#region IEventSource Members
/// <summary>
/// The Message logging event
/// </summary>
public event BuildMessageEventHandler MessageRaised;
/// <summary>
/// The Error logging event
/// </summary>
public event BuildErrorEventHandler ErrorRaised;
/// <summary>
/// The Warning logging event
/// </summary>
public event BuildWarningEventHandler WarningRaised;
/// <summary>
/// The BuildStarted logging event
/// </summary>
public event BuildStartedEventHandler BuildStarted;
/// <summary>
/// The BuildFinished logging event
/// </summary>
public event BuildFinishedEventHandler BuildFinished;
/// <summary>
/// The BuildCanceled logging event
/// </summary>
public event BuildCanceledEventHandler BuildCanceled;
/// <summary>
/// The ProjectStarted logging event
/// </summary>
public event ProjectStartedEventHandler ProjectStarted;
/// <summary>
/// The ProjectFinished logging event
/// </summary>
public event ProjectFinishedEventHandler ProjectFinished;
/// <summary>
/// The TargetStarted logging event
/// </summary>
public event TargetStartedEventHandler TargetStarted;
/// <summary>
/// The TargetFinished logging event
/// </summary>
public event TargetFinishedEventHandler TargetFinished;
/// <summary>
/// The TashStarted logging event
/// </summary>
public event TaskStartedEventHandler TaskStarted;
/// <summary>
/// The TaskFinished logging event
/// </summary>
public event TaskFinishedEventHandler TaskFinished;
/// <summary>
/// The Custom logging event
/// </summary>
public event CustomBuildEventHandler CustomEventRaised;
/// <summary>
/// The Status logging event
/// </summary>
public event BuildStatusEventHandler StatusEventRaised;
/// <summary>
/// The Any logging event
/// </summary>
public event AnyEventHandler AnyEventRaised;
/// <summary>
/// The telemetry sent event.
/// </summary>
public event TelemetryEventHandler TelemetryLogged;
/// <summary>
/// Should evaluation events include generated metaprojects?
/// </summary>
public void IncludeEvaluationMetaprojects()
if (_buildTimeEventSource is IEventSource3 buildEventSource3)
if (_designTimeEventSource is IEventSource3 designTimeEventSource3)
_includeEvaluationMetaprojects = true;
/// <summary>
/// Should evaluation events include profiling information?
/// </summary>
public void IncludeEvaluationProfiles()
if (_buildTimeEventSource is IEventSource3 buildEventSource3)
if (_designTimeEventSource is IEventSource3 designTimeEventSource3)
_includeEvaluationProfiles = true;
/// <summary>
/// Should task events include task inputs?
/// </summary>
public void IncludeTaskInputs()
if (_buildTimeEventSource is IEventSource3 buildEventSource3)
if (_designTimeEventSource is IEventSource3 designTimeEventSource3)
_includeTaskInputs = true;
public void IncludeEvaluationPropertiesAndItems()
if (_buildTimeEventSource is IEventSource4 buildEventSource4)
if (_designTimeEventSource is IEventSource4 designTimeEventSource4)
_includeEvaluationPropertiesAndItems = true;
#region ILogger Members
/// <summary>
/// The logger verbosity
/// </summary>
public LoggerVerbosity Verbosity
get => _originalLogger.Verbosity;
set => _originalLogger.Verbosity = value;
/// <summary>
/// The logger parameters
/// </summary>
public string Parameters
get => _originalLogger.Parameters;
set => _originalLogger.Parameters = value;
/// <summary>
/// If we haven't yet been initialized, we register for design time events and initialize the logger we are holding.
/// If we are in design-time mode
/// </summary>
public void Initialize(IEventSource eventSource, int nodeCount)
if (_designTimeEventSource == null)
_designTimeEventSource = eventSource;
if (_originalLogger is INodeLogger logger)
logger.Initialize(this, nodeCount);
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_buildTimeEventSource == null, "Already registered for build-time.");
_buildTimeEventSource = eventSource;
/// <summary>
/// If we haven't yet been initialized, we register for design time events and initialize the logger we are holding.
/// If we are in design-time mode
/// </summary>
public void Initialize(IEventSource eventSource)
Initialize(eventSource, 1);
/// <summary>
/// If we are in build-time mode, we unregister for build-time events and re-register for design-time events.
/// If we are in design-time mode, we unregister for design-time events and shut down the logger we are holding.
/// </summary>
public void Shutdown()
if (_buildTimeEventSource != null)
_buildTimeEventSource = null;
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_designTimeEventSource != null, "Already unregistered for design-time.");
/// <summary>
/// Registers for all of the events on the specified event source.
/// </summary>
private void RegisterForEvents(IEventSource eventSource)
// Create the handlers.
_anyEventHandler = AnyEventRaisedHandler;
_buildFinishedEventHandler = BuildFinishedHandler;
_buildStartedEventHandler = BuildStartedHandler;
_customBuildEventHandler = CustomEventRaisedHandler;
_buildErrorEventHandler = ErrorRaisedHandler;
_buildMessageEventHandler = MessageRaisedHandler;
_projectFinishedEventHandler = ProjectFinishedHandler;
_projectStartedEventHandler = ProjectStartedHandler;
_buildStatusEventHandler = StatusEventRaisedHandler;
_targetFinishedEventHandler = TargetFinishedHandler;
_targetStartedEventHandler = TargetStartedHandler;
_taskFinishedEventHandler = TaskFinishedHandler;
_taskStartedEventHandler = TaskStartedHandler;
_buildWarningEventHandler = WarningRaisedHandler;
_telemetryEventHandler = TelemetryLoggedHandler;
// Register for the events.
eventSource.AnyEventRaised += _anyEventHandler;
eventSource.BuildFinished += _buildFinishedEventHandler;
eventSource.BuildStarted += _buildStartedEventHandler;
eventSource.CustomEventRaised += _customBuildEventHandler;
eventSource.ErrorRaised += _buildErrorEventHandler;
eventSource.MessageRaised += _buildMessageEventHandler;
eventSource.ProjectFinished += _projectFinishedEventHandler;
eventSource.ProjectStarted += _projectStartedEventHandler;
eventSource.StatusEventRaised += _buildStatusEventHandler;
eventSource.TargetFinished += _targetFinishedEventHandler;
eventSource.TargetStarted += _targetStartedEventHandler;
eventSource.TaskFinished += _taskFinishedEventHandler;
eventSource.TaskStarted += _taskStartedEventHandler;
eventSource.WarningRaised += _buildWarningEventHandler;
if (eventSource is IEventSource2 eventSource2)
eventSource2.TelemetryLogged += _telemetryEventHandler;
if (eventSource is IEventSource3 eventSource3)
if (_includeEvaluationMetaprojects)
if (_includeEvaluationProfiles)
if (_includeTaskInputs)
if (eventSource is IEventSource4 eventSource4)
if (_includeEvaluationPropertiesAndItems)
/// <summary>
/// Unregisters for all events on the specified event source.
/// </summary>
private void UnregisterForEvents(IEventSource eventSource)
// Unregister for the events.
eventSource.AnyEventRaised -= _anyEventHandler;
eventSource.BuildFinished -= _buildFinishedEventHandler;
eventSource.BuildStarted -= _buildStartedEventHandler;
eventSource.CustomEventRaised -= _customBuildEventHandler;
eventSource.ErrorRaised -= _buildErrorEventHandler;
eventSource.MessageRaised -= _buildMessageEventHandler;
eventSource.ProjectFinished -= _projectFinishedEventHandler;
eventSource.ProjectStarted -= _projectStartedEventHandler;
eventSource.StatusEventRaised -= _buildStatusEventHandler;
eventSource.TargetFinished -= _targetFinishedEventHandler;
eventSource.TargetStarted -= _targetStartedEventHandler;
eventSource.TaskFinished -= _taskFinishedEventHandler;
eventSource.TaskStarted -= _taskStartedEventHandler;
eventSource.WarningRaised -= _buildWarningEventHandler;
if (eventSource is IEventSource2 eventSource2)
eventSource2.TelemetryLogged -= _telemetryEventHandler;
// Null out the handlers.
_anyEventHandler = null;
_buildFinishedEventHandler = null;
_buildStartedEventHandler = null;
_customBuildEventHandler = null;
_buildErrorEventHandler = null;
_buildMessageEventHandler = null;
_projectFinishedEventHandler = null;
_projectStartedEventHandler = null;
_buildStatusEventHandler = null;
_targetFinishedEventHandler = null;
_targetStartedEventHandler = null;
_taskFinishedEventHandler = null;
_taskStartedEventHandler = null;
_buildWarningEventHandler = null;
_telemetryEventHandler = null;
/// <summary>
/// Handler for Warning events.
/// </summary>
private void WarningRaisedHandler(object sender, BuildWarningEventArgs e)
WarningRaised?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for TaskStarted events.
/// </summary>
private void TaskStartedHandler(object sender, TaskStartedEventArgs e)
TaskStarted?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for TaskFinished events.
/// </summary>
private void TaskFinishedHandler(object sender, TaskFinishedEventArgs e)
TaskFinished?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for TargetStarted events.
/// </summary>
private void TargetStartedHandler(object sender, TargetStartedEventArgs e)
TargetStarted?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for TargetFinished events.
/// </summary>
private void TargetFinishedHandler(object sender, TargetFinishedEventArgs e)
TargetFinished?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for Status events.
/// </summary>
private void StatusEventRaisedHandler(object sender, BuildStatusEventArgs e)
StatusEventRaised?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for ProjectStarted events.
/// </summary>
private void ProjectStartedHandler(object sender, ProjectStartedEventArgs e)
ProjectStarted?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for ProjectFinished events.
/// </summary>
private void ProjectFinishedHandler(object sender, ProjectFinishedEventArgs e)
ProjectFinished?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for Message events.
/// </summary>
private void MessageRaisedHandler(object sender, BuildMessageEventArgs e)
MessageRaised?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for Error events.
/// </summary>
private void ErrorRaisedHandler(object sender, BuildErrorEventArgs e)
ErrorRaised?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for Custom events.
/// </summary>
private void CustomEventRaisedHandler(object sender, CustomBuildEventArgs e)
CustomEventRaised?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for BuildStarted events.
/// </summary>
private void BuildStartedHandler(object sender, BuildStartedEventArgs e)
BuildStarted?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for BuildFinished events.
/// </summary>
private void BuildFinishedHandler(object sender, BuildFinishedEventArgs e)
BuildFinished?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for BuildCanceled events.
/// </summary>
private void BuildCanceledHandler(object sender, BuildCanceledEventArgs e)
BuildCanceled?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for Any events.
/// </summary>
private void AnyEventRaisedHandler(object sender, BuildEventArgs e)
AnyEventRaised?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Handler for telemetry events.
/// </summary>
private void TelemetryLoggedHandler(object sender, TelemetryEventArgs e)
TelemetryLogged?.Invoke(sender, e);
/// <summary>
/// Holder for the projects loaded into this collection.
/// </summary>
private class LoadedProjectCollection : IEnumerable<Project>
/// <summary>
/// The collection of all projects already loaded into this collection.
/// Key is the full path to the project, value is a list of projects with that path, each
/// with different global properties and/or tools version.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If hosts tend to load lots of projects with the same path, the value will have to be
/// changed to a more efficient type of collection.
/// Lock on this object. Concurrent load must be thread safe.
/// Not using ConcurrentDictionary because some of the add/update
/// semantics would get convoluted.
/// </remarks>
private Dictionary<string, List<Project>> _loadedProjects = new Dictionary<string, List<Project>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
/// <summary>
/// Count of loaded projects
/// </summary>
private int _count;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the number of projects currently loaded
/// </summary>
internal int Count
lock (_loadedProjects)
return _count;
/// <summary>
/// Enumerate all the projects
/// </summary>
public IEnumerator<Project> GetEnumerator()
lock (_loadedProjects)
var projects = new List<Project>();
foreach (List<Project> projectList in _loadedProjects.Values)
foreach (Project project in projectList)
return projects.GetEnumerator();
/// <summary>
/// Enumerate all the projects.
/// </summary>
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
/// <summary>
/// Get all projects with the provided path.
/// Returns an empty list if there are none.
/// </summary>
internal IList<Project> GetMatchingProjectsIfAny(string fullPath)
lock (_loadedProjects)
_loadedProjects.TryGetValue(fullPath, out List<Project> candidates);
return candidates ?? (IList<Project>)Array.Empty<Project>();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the project in the collection matching the path, global properties, and tools version provided.
/// There can be no more than one match.
/// If none is found, returns null.
/// </summary>
internal Project GetMatchingProjectIfAny(string fullPath, IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, string toolsVersion)
lock (_loadedProjects)
if (_loadedProjects.TryGetValue(fullPath, out List<Project> candidates))
foreach (Project candidate in candidates)
if (HasEquivalentGlobalPropertiesAndToolsVersion(candidate, globalProperties, toolsVersion))
return candidate;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Adds the provided project to the collection.
/// If there is already an equivalent project, throws InvalidOperationException.
/// </summary>
internal void AddProject(Project project)
lock (_loadedProjects)
if (!_loadedProjects.TryGetValue(project.FullPath, out List<Project> projectList))
projectList = new List<Project>();
_loadedProjects.Add(project.FullPath, projectList);
foreach (Project existing in projectList)
if (HasEquivalentGlobalPropertiesAndToolsVersion(existing, project.GlobalProperties, project.ToolsVersion))
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInvalidOperation("OM_MatchingProjectAlreadyInCollection", existing.FullPath);
/// <summary>
/// Removes the provided project from the collection.
/// If project was not loaded, returns false.
/// </summary>
internal bool RemoveProject(Project project)
return RemoveProject(project.FullPath, project);
/// <summary>
/// Removes a project, using the specified full path to use as the key to find it.
/// This is specified separately in case the project was previously stored under a different path.
/// </summary>
internal bool RemoveProject(string projectFullPath, Project project)
lock (_loadedProjects)
if (!_loadedProjects.TryGetValue(projectFullPath, out List<Project> projectList))
return false;
bool result = projectList.Remove(project);
if (result)
if (projectList.Count == 0)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Removes all projects from the collection.
/// </summary>
internal void RemoveAllProjects()
lock (_loadedProjects)
_loadedProjects = new Dictionary<string, List<Project>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
_count = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the global properties and tools version provided are equivalent to
/// those in the provided project, otherwise false.
/// </summary>
private static bool HasEquivalentGlobalPropertiesAndToolsVersion(Project project, IDictionary<string, string> globalProperties, string toolsVersion)
if (!String.Equals(project.ToolsVersion, toolsVersion, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return false;
if (project.GlobalPropertiesCount != globalProperties.Count)
return false;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> leftProperty in project.GlobalPropertiesEnumerable)
if (!globalProperties.TryGetValue(leftProperty.Key, out var rightValue))
return false;
if (!String.Equals(leftProperty.Value, rightValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return false;
return true;