// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Experimental.FileAccess;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
namespace Microsoft.Build.FileAccesses
internal sealed class FileAccessManager : IFileAccessManager
private record Handlers(Action<BuildRequest, FileAccessData> FileAccessHander, Action<BuildRequest, ProcessData> ProcessHandler);
// In order to synchronize between the node communication and the file access reporting, a special file access
// is used to mark when the file accesses should be considered complete. Only after both this special file access is seen
// and the build result is reported can plugins be notified about project completion.
// NOTE! This is currently Windows-specific and will need to change once this feature is opened up to more scenarios.
private static readonly string FileAccessCompletionPrefix = BuildParameters.StartupDirectory[0] + @":\{MSBuildFileAccessCompletion}\";
private IScheduler? _scheduler;
private IConfigCache? _configCache;
private object _handlersWriteLock = new object();
private Handlers[] _handlers = Array.Empty<Handlers>();
private string? _tempDirectory;
// Keyed on global request id
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, ManualResetEventSlim> _fileAccessCompletionWaitHandles = new();
public static IBuildComponent CreateComponent(BuildComponentType type)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgumentOutOfRange(type == BuildComponentType.FileAccessManager, nameof(type));
return new FileAccessManager();
public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
_scheduler = host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.Scheduler) as IScheduler;
_configCache = host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ConfigCache) as IConfigCache;
_tempDirectory = FileUtilities.EnsureNoTrailingSlash(FileUtilities.TempFileDirectory);
public void ShutdownComponent()
_scheduler = null;
_configCache = null;
_tempDirectory = null;
public void ReportFileAccess(FileAccessData fileAccessData, int nodeId)
string fileAccessPath = fileAccessData.Path;
// Intercept and avoid forwarding the file access completion
if (fileAccessPath.StartsWith(FileAccessCompletionPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
// Parse out the global request id. Note, this must match what NotifyFileAccessCompletion does.
int globalRequestId = int.Parse(fileAccessPath.Substring(FileAccessCompletionPrefix.Length));
ManualResetEventSlim handle = _fileAccessCompletionWaitHandles.GetOrAdd(globalRequestId, static _ => new ManualResetEventSlim());
else if (_tempDirectory != null && fileAccessPath.StartsWith(_tempDirectory))
// Ignore MSBuild's temp directory as these are related to internal MSBuild functionality and not always directly related to the execution of the project itself,
// so should not be exposed to handlers. Note that this is not %TEMP% but instead a subdir under %TEMP% which is only expected to be used by MSBuild.
// Forward the file access to handlers.
BuildRequest? buildRequest = GetBuildRequest(nodeId);
if (buildRequest != null)
Handlers[] localHandlers = _handlers;
foreach (Handlers handlers in localHandlers)
handlers.FileAccessHander.Invoke(buildRequest, fileAccessData);
public void ReportProcess(ProcessData processData, int nodeId)
BuildRequest? buildRequest = GetBuildRequest(nodeId);
if (buildRequest != null)
Handlers[] localHandlers = _handlers;
foreach (Handlers handlers in localHandlers)
handlers.ProcessHandler.Invoke(buildRequest, processData);
public HandlerRegistration RegisterHandlers(Action<BuildRequest, FileAccessData> fileAccessHandler, Action<BuildRequest, ProcessData> processHandler)
lock (_handlersWriteLock)
Handlers[] newHandlers = new Handlers[_handlers.Length + 1];
_handlers.CopyTo(newHandlers, 0);
Handlers addedHandlers = new(fileAccessHandler, processHandler);
newHandlers[_handlers.Length] = addedHandlers;
_handlers = newHandlers;
return new HandlerRegistration(() => UnregisterHandlers(addedHandlers));
private void UnregisterHandlers(Handlers handlersToRemove)
lock (_handlersWriteLock)
Handlers[] newHandlers = new Handlers[_handlers.Length - 1];
int newHandlersIdx = 0;
for (int handlersIdx = 0; handlersIdx < _handlers.Length; handlersIdx++)
if (_handlers[handlersIdx] != handlersToRemove)
newHandlers[newHandlersIdx] = _handlers[handlersIdx];
_handlers = newHandlers;
// The [SupportedOSPlatform] attribute is a safeguard to ensure that the comment on FileAccessCompletionPrefix regarding being Windows-only gets addressed.
// [SupportedOSPlatform] doesn't apply to fields, so using it here as a reasonable proxy.
public static void NotifyFileAccessCompletion(int globalRequestId)
// Make a dummy file access to use as a notification that the file accesses should be completed for a project.
string filePath = FileAccessCompletionPrefix + globalRequestId.ToString();
_ = File.Exists(filePath);
public void WaitForFileAccessReportCompletion(int globalRequestId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
ManualResetEventSlim handle = _fileAccessCompletionWaitHandles.GetOrAdd(globalRequestId, static _ => new ManualResetEventSlim());
if (!handle.IsSet)
// Try to keep the collection clean. A request should not need to be completed twice.
_fileAccessCompletionWaitHandles.TryRemove(globalRequestId, out _);
private BuildRequest? GetBuildRequest(int nodeId)
_scheduler != null && _configCache != null,
"Component has not been initialized");
// Note: If the node isn't executing anything it may be accessing binaries required to run, eg. the MSBuild binaries
return _scheduler!.GetExecutingRequestByNode(nodeId);
internal readonly struct HandlerRegistration : IDisposable
private readonly Action _unregisterAction;
public HandlerRegistration(Action unregisterAction)
_unregisterAction = unregisterAction;
public void Dispose()