6 references to ValidateToolError
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.UnitTests (6)
CanonicalError_Tests.cs (6)
17ValidateToolError(@"error CS0006: Metadata file 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.2.21213\System.dll' could not be found", "", CanonicalError.Parts.Category.Error, "CS0006", @"Metadata file 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.2.21213\System.dll' could not be found"); 24ValidateToolError(@"ALINK: error AL1017: No target filename was specified", "ALINK", CanonicalError.Parts.Category.Error, "AL1017", @"No target filename was specified"); 69ValidateToolError(@"BSCMAKE: error BK1510 : corrupt .SBR file 'foo.cpp'", "BSCMAKE", CanonicalError.Parts.Category.Error, "BK1510", @"corrupt .SBR file 'foo.cpp'"); 76ValidateToolError(@"CVTRES : warning CVT4001: machine type not specified; assumed X86", "CVTRES", CanonicalError.Parts.Category.Warning, "CVT4001", @"machine type not specified; assumed X86"); 77ValidateToolError(@"CVTRES : fatal error CVT1103: cannot read file", "CVTRES", CanonicalError.Parts.Category.Error, "CVT1103", @"cannot read file"); 107ValidateToolError(@"vcdeploy : error VCD0041: IIS must be installed on this machine in order for this program to function correctly.", "vcdeploy", CanonicalError.Parts.Category.Error, "VCD0041", @"IIS must be installed on this machine in order for this program to function correctly.");