// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Utilities
/// <summary>
/// This class is the filetracking log interpreter for .read. tracking logs in canonical form
/// or those that have been rooted (^) to make them canonical
/// </summary>
public class CanonicalTrackedInputFiles
#pragma warning disable format // region formatting is different in net7.0 and net472, and cannot be fixed for both
#region Member Data
// The most recently modified output time
private DateTime _outputNewestTime = DateTime.MinValue;
// The table of dependencies
// The .read. tracking log files
private ITaskItem[] _tlogFiles;
// Primary source files
private ITaskItem[] _sourceFiles;
// The TaskLoggingHelper that we log progress to
private TaskLoggingHelper _log;
// Sources needing compilation
// The output graph
private CanonicalTrackedOutputFiles _outputs;
// Output files for all sources in the current set as a group
private ITaskItem[] _outputFileGroup;
// Output files that are manually specified
private ITaskItem[] _outputFiles;
// Use minimal rebuild optimization (WARNING: this may cause underbuild)
private bool _useMinimalRebuildOptimization;
// Are the tracking logs that we were constructed with actually available
private bool _tlogAvailable;
// Do we want to keep composite rooting markers around (many-to-one case) or
// shred them (one-to-one or one-to-many case)
private bool _maintainCompositeRootingMarkers;
// The set of paths that contain files that are to be ignored during up to date check
private readonly HashSet<string> _excludedInputPaths = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
// Cache of last write times
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, DateTime> _lastWriteTimeCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, DateTime>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
#region Properties
// This is provided to facilitate unit testing
internal ITaskItem[] SourcesNeedingCompilation { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current dependency table.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1006:DoNotNestGenericTypesInMemberSignatures")]
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> DependencyTable { get; private set; }
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for multiple input source files
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tlogFiles">The .read. tlog files to interpret</param>
/// <param name="sourceFiles">The primary source files to interpret dependencies for</param>
/// <param name="outputs">The output files produced by compiling this set of sources</param>
/// <param name="useMinimalRebuildOptimization">WARNING: Minimal rebuild optimization requires 100% accurate computed outputs to be specified!</param>
/// <param name="maintainCompositeRootingMarkers">True to keep composite rooting markers around (many-to-one case) or false to shred them (one-to-one or one-to-many case)</param>
public CanonicalTrackedInputFiles(ITaskItem[] tlogFiles, ITaskItem[] sourceFiles, CanonicalTrackedOutputFiles outputs, bool useMinimalRebuildOptimization, bool maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
=> InternalConstruct(null, tlogFiles, sourceFiles, null, null, outputs, useMinimalRebuildOptimization, maintainCompositeRootingMarkers);
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for multiple input source files
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tlogFiles">The .read. tlog files to interpret</param>
/// <param name="sourceFiles">The primary source files to interpret dependencies for</param>
/// <param name="excludedInputPaths">The set of paths that contain files that are to be ignored during up to date check</param>
/// <param name="outputs">The output files produced by compiling this set of sources</param>
/// <param name="useMinimalRebuildOptimization">WARNING: Minimal rebuild optimization requires 100% accurate computed outputs to be specified!</param>
/// <param name="maintainCompositeRootingMarkers">True to keep composite rooting markers around (many-to-one case) or false to shred them (one-to-one or one-to-many case)</param>
public CanonicalTrackedInputFiles(ITaskItem[] tlogFiles, ITaskItem[] sourceFiles, ITaskItem[] excludedInputPaths, CanonicalTrackedOutputFiles outputs, bool useMinimalRebuildOptimization, bool maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
=> InternalConstruct(null, tlogFiles, sourceFiles, null, excludedInputPaths, outputs, useMinimalRebuildOptimization, maintainCompositeRootingMarkers);
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for multiple input source files
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ownerTask">The task that is using file tracker</param>
/// <param name="tlogFiles">The .read. tlog files to interpret</param>
/// <param name="sourceFiles">The primary source files to interpret dependencies for</param>
/// <param name="excludedInputPaths">The set of paths that contain files that are to be ignored during up to date check</param>
/// <param name="outputs">The output files produced by compiling this set of sources</param>
/// <param name="useMinimalRebuildOptimization">WARNING: Minimal rebuild optimization requires 100% accurate computed outputs to be specified!</param>
/// <param name="maintainCompositeRootingMarkers">True to keep composite rooting markers around (many-to-one case) or false to shred them (one-to-one or one-to-many case)</param>
public CanonicalTrackedInputFiles(ITask ownerTask, ITaskItem[] tlogFiles, ITaskItem[] sourceFiles, ITaskItem[] excludedInputPaths, CanonicalTrackedOutputFiles outputs, bool useMinimalRebuildOptimization, bool maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
=> InternalConstruct(ownerTask, tlogFiles, sourceFiles, null, excludedInputPaths, outputs, useMinimalRebuildOptimization, maintainCompositeRootingMarkers);
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for multiple input source files
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ownerTask">The task that is using file tracker</param>
/// <param name="tlogFiles">The .read. tlog files to interpret</param>
/// <param name="sourceFiles">The primary source files to interpret dependencies for</param>
/// <param name="excludedInputPaths">The set of paths that contain files that are to be ignored during up to date check</param>
/// <param name="outputs">The output files produced by compiling this set of sources</param>
/// <param name="useMinimalRebuildOptimization">WARNING: Minimal rebuild optimization requires 100% accurate computed outputs to be specified!</param>
/// <param name="maintainCompositeRootingMarkers">True to keep composite rooting markers around (many-to-one case) or false to shred them (one-to-one or one-to-many case)</param>
public CanonicalTrackedInputFiles(ITask ownerTask, ITaskItem[] tlogFiles, ITaskItem[] sourceFiles, ITaskItem[] excludedInputPaths, ITaskItem[] outputs, bool useMinimalRebuildOptimization, bool maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
=> InternalConstruct(ownerTask, tlogFiles, sourceFiles, outputs, excludedInputPaths, null, useMinimalRebuildOptimization, maintainCompositeRootingMarkers);
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for a single input source file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ownerTask">The task that is using file tracker</param>
/// <param name="tlogFiles">The .read. tlog files to interpret</param>
/// <param name="sourceFile">The primary source file to interpret dependencies for</param>
/// <param name="excludedInputPaths">The set of paths that contain files that are to be ignored during up to date check</param>
/// <param name="outputs">The output files produced by compiling this source</param>
/// <param name="useMinimalRebuildOptimization">WARNING: Minimal rebuild optimization requires 100% accurate computed outputs to be specified!</param>
/// <param name="maintainCompositeRootingMarkers">True to keep composite rooting markers around (many-to-one case) or false to shred them (one-to-one or one-to-many case)</param>
public CanonicalTrackedInputFiles(ITask ownerTask, ITaskItem[] tlogFiles, ITaskItem sourceFile, ITaskItem[] excludedInputPaths, CanonicalTrackedOutputFiles outputs, bool useMinimalRebuildOptimization, bool maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
=> InternalConstruct(ownerTask, tlogFiles, [sourceFile], null, excludedInputPaths, outputs, useMinimalRebuildOptimization, maintainCompositeRootingMarkers);
/// <summary>
/// Common internal constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ownerTask">The task that is using file tracker</param>
/// <param name="tlogFiles">The .read. tlog files to interpret</param>
/// <param name="sourceFiles">The primary source files to interpret dependencies for</param>
/// <param name="outputs">The output files produced by compiling this set of sources</param>
/// <param name="outputFiles">The output files.</param>
/// <param name="excludedInputPaths">The set of paths that contain files that are to be ignored during up to date check</param>
/// <param name="useMinimalRebuildOptimization">WARNING: Minimal rebuild optimization requires 100% accurate computed outputs to be specified!</param>
/// <param name="maintainCompositeRootingMarkers">True to keep composite rooting markers around (many-to-one case) or false to shred them (one-to-one or one-to-many case)</param>
private void InternalConstruct(ITask ownerTask, ITaskItem[] tlogFiles, ITaskItem[] sourceFiles, ITaskItem[] outputFiles, ITaskItem[] excludedInputPaths, CanonicalTrackedOutputFiles outputs, bool useMinimalRebuildOptimization, bool maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
if (ownerTask != null)
_log = new TaskLoggingHelper(ownerTask)
TaskResources = AssemblyResources.PrimaryResources,
HelpKeywordPrefix = "MSBuild."
_tlogFiles = TrackedDependencies.ExpandWildcards(tlogFiles, _log);
_tlogAvailable = TrackedDependencies.ItemsExist(_tlogFiles);
_sourceFiles = sourceFiles;
_outputs = outputs;
_outputFiles = outputFiles;
_useMinimalRebuildOptimization = useMinimalRebuildOptimization;
_maintainCompositeRootingMarkers = maintainCompositeRootingMarkers;
if (excludedInputPaths != null)
// Assign our exclude paths to our lookup
foreach (ITaskItem excludePath in excludedInputPaths)
string fullexcludePath = FileUtilities.EnsureNoTrailingSlash(FileUtilities.NormalizePath(excludePath.ItemSpec)).ToUpperInvariant();
DependencyTable = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (_tlogFiles != null)
#region Methods
/// <summary>
/// This method computes the sources that need to be compiled based on the output files and the
/// full dependency graph of inputs
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Array of files that need to be compiled</returns>
public ITaskItem[] ComputeSourcesNeedingCompilation() => ComputeSourcesNeedingCompilation(true);
/// <summary>
/// This method computes the sources that need to be compiled based on the output files and the
/// full dependency graph of inputs, optionally searching composite rooting markers
/// for subroots that may contain input files
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Array of files that need to be compiled</returns>
public ITaskItem[] ComputeSourcesNeedingCompilation(bool searchForSubRootsInCompositeRootingMarkers)
if (_outputFiles != null)
_outputFileGroup = _outputFiles;
else if (_sourceFiles != null && _outputs != null && _maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
_outputFileGroup = _outputs.OutputsForSource(_sourceFiles, searchForSubRootsInCompositeRootingMarkers);
else if (_sourceFiles != null && _outputs != null)
_outputFileGroup = _outputs.OutputsForNonCompositeSource(_sourceFiles);
return _maintainCompositeRootingMarkers
? ComputeSourcesNeedingCompilationFromCompositeRootingMarker(searchForSubRootsInCompositeRootingMarkers)
: ComputeSourcesNeedingCompilationFromPrimaryFiles();
/// <summary>
/// This method computes the sources that need to be compiled based on the output files and the
/// full dependency graph of inputs, making the assumption that the source files are all primary
/// files -- ie. there is either a one-to-one or a one-to-many correspondence between inputs
/// and outputs
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Array of files that need to be compiled</returns>
private ITaskItem[] ComputeSourcesNeedingCompilationFromPrimaryFiles()
if (SourcesNeedingCompilation == null)
var sourcesNeedingCompilationList = new ConcurrentQueue<ITaskItem>();
bool allOutputFilesExist = false;
if (_tlogAvailable)
if (!_useMinimalRebuildOptimization)
allOutputFilesExist = FilesExistAndRecordNewestWriteTime(_outputFileGroup);
// If the TLOG file is not available, or not up to date then add source to sourcesNeedingCompilationList
Parallel.For(0, _sourceFiles.Length, index => CheckIfSourceNeedsCompilation(sourcesNeedingCompilationList, allOutputFilesExist, _sourceFiles[index]));
SourcesNeedingCompilation = sourcesNeedingCompilationList.ToArray();
if (SourcesNeedingCompilation.Length == 0)
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Normal, "Tracking_AllOutputsAreUpToDate");
SourcesNeedingCompilation = Array.Empty<ITaskItem>();
Array.Sort(SourcesNeedingCompilation, CompareTaskItems);
foreach (ITaskItem compileSource in SourcesNeedingCompilation)
string modifiedPath = compileSource.GetMetadata("_trackerModifiedPath");
string modifiedTime = compileSource.GetMetadata("_trackerModifiedTime");
string outputFilePath = compileSource.GetMetadata("_trackerOutputFile");
string trackerCompileReason = compileSource.GetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason");
if (string.Equals(trackerCompileReason, "Tracking_SourceWillBeCompiledDependencyWasModifiedAt", StringComparison.Ordinal))
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, trackerCompileReason, compileSource.ItemSpec, modifiedPath, modifiedTime);
else if (string.Equals(trackerCompileReason, "Tracking_SourceWillBeCompiledMissingDependency", StringComparison.Ordinal))
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, trackerCompileReason, compileSource.ItemSpec, modifiedPath);
else if (string.Equals(trackerCompileReason, "Tracking_SourceWillBeCompiledOutputDoesNotExist", StringComparison.Ordinal))
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, trackerCompileReason, compileSource.ItemSpec, outputFilePath);
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, trackerCompileReason, compileSource.ItemSpec);
// Now zero out the metadata that was set, so that it doesn't show up if these items
// flow through the task
return SourcesNeedingCompilation;
/// <summary>
/// Check to see if the source specified needs compilation relative to its outputs
/// </summary>
private void CheckIfSourceNeedsCompilation(ConcurrentQueue<ITaskItem> sourcesNeedingCompilationList, bool allOutputFilesExist, ITaskItem source)
if (!_tlogAvailable || _outputFileGroup == null)
source.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceWillBeCompiledAsNoTrackingLog");
else if (!_useMinimalRebuildOptimization && !allOutputFilesExist)
source.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceOutputsNotAvailable");
else if (!IsUpToDate(source))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.GetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason")))
source.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceWillBeCompiled");
else if (!_useMinimalRebuildOptimization && _outputNewestTime == DateTime.MinValue)
source.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceNotInTrackingLog");
/// <summary>
/// A very simple comparer for TaskItems so that up to date check results can be sorted.
/// </summary>
private static int CompareTaskItems(ITaskItem left, ITaskItem right) => string.Compare(left.ItemSpec, right.ItemSpec, StringComparison.Ordinal);
/// <summary>
/// This method computes the sources that need to be compiled based on the output files and the
/// full dependency graph of inputs, making the assumption that the source files are the components
/// of a composite rooting marker, as in the case where there is a many-to-one correspondence
/// between inputs and outputs.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Array of files that need to be compiled</returns>
private ITaskItem[] ComputeSourcesNeedingCompilationFromCompositeRootingMarker(bool searchForSubRootsInCompositeRootingMarkers)
// We need to find all the source dependencies for the outputs
// Because we are assuming that this is a many-to-one situation, we need to
// build a composite rooting marker from the source files and then look through
// the dependency table to discover the dependencies of those sources.
// If any of the dependencies are newer than the outputs, then a rebuild is required.
// There were no tlogs available, that means we need to build
if (!_tlogAvailable)
return _sourceFiles;
var sourcesNeedingCompilation = new Dictionary<string, ITaskItem>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Construct a rooting marker from the set of sources
string upperSourcesRoot = FileTracker.FormatRootingMarker(_sourceFiles);
var sourcesNeedingCompilationList = new List<ITaskItem>();
// Check each root in the table to see if it matches.
foreach (string tableEntryRoot in DependencyTable.Keys)
string upperTableEntryRoot = tableEntryRoot.ToUpperInvariant();
if (searchForSubRootsInCompositeRootingMarkers)
if (upperTableEntryRoot.Contains(upperSourcesRoot) ||
CanonicalTrackedFilesHelper.RootContainsAllSubRootComponents(upperSourcesRoot, upperTableEntryRoot))
// Gather the unique outputs for this root
SourceDependenciesForOutputRoot(sourcesNeedingCompilation, upperTableEntryRoot, _outputFileGroup);
if (upperTableEntryRoot.Equals(upperSourcesRoot, StringComparison.Ordinal))
// Gather the unique outputs for this root
SourceDependenciesForOutputRoot(sourcesNeedingCompilation, upperTableEntryRoot, _outputFileGroup);
// There were no outputs for the requested root
if (sourcesNeedingCompilation.Count == 0)
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "Tracking_DependenciesForRootNotFound", upperSourcesRoot);
return _sourceFiles;
// We have our set of outputs, construct our array
// now that we have our dependencies, we need to check if any of them are newer than the outputs.
DateTime newestSourceDependencyTime;
DateTime oldestOutputTime;
string oldestOutputFile = string.Empty;
string newestSourceDependencyFile;
if (
CanonicalTrackedFilesHelper.FilesExistAndRecordNewestWriteTime(sourcesNeedingCompilationList, _log, out newestSourceDependencyTime, out newestSourceDependencyFile) &&
CanonicalTrackedFilesHelper.FilesExistAndRecordOldestWriteTime(_outputFileGroup, _log, out oldestOutputTime, out oldestOutputFile))
if (newestSourceDependencyTime <= oldestOutputTime)
// All sources and outputs exist, and the oldest output is newer than the newest input -- we're up to date!
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Normal, "Tracking_AllOutputsAreUpToDate");
return Array.Empty<ITaskItem>();
// Too much logging leads to poor performance
if (sourcesNeedingCompilation.Count > CanonicalTrackedFilesHelper.MaxLogCount)
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "Tracking_InputsNotShown", sourcesNeedingCompilation.Count);
// We have our set of outputs, log the details
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "Tracking_InputsFor", upperSourcesRoot);
foreach (ITaskItem inputItem in sourcesNeedingCompilationList)
FileTracker.LogMessage(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "\t" + inputItem);
// Log the reasons that we're not up to date
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "Tracking_InputNewerThanOutput", newestSourceDependencyFile, oldestOutputFile);
return _sourceFiles;
/// <summary>
/// Given a composite output rooting marker, gathers up all the sources it depends on.
/// </summary>
private void SourceDependenciesForOutputRoot(Dictionary<string, ITaskItem> sourceDependencies, string sourceKey, ITaskItem[] filesToIgnore)
bool thereAreFilesToIgnore = filesToIgnore?.Length > 0;
if (DependencyTable.TryGetValue(sourceKey, out Dictionary<string, string> dependencies))
foreach (string dependee in dependencies.Keys)
var ignoreDependentFile = false;
if (thereAreFilesToIgnore)
// This is probably OK, because "filesToIgnore" is expected to be small
foreach (ITaskItem fileToIgnore in filesToIgnore)
if (string.Equals(dependee, fileToIgnore.ItemSpec, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// don't add this file to the dependency list
ignoreDependentFile = true;
// add the dependency if it is not already in the dictionary and if
// it's not in the group of files we're explicitly ignoring
if (!ignoreDependentFile && !sourceDependencies.TryGetValue(dependee, out ITaskItem _))
sourceDependencies.Add(dependee, new TaskItem(dependee));
/// <summary>
/// Check if the source file needs to be compiled
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceFile">The primary dependency</param>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
private bool IsUpToDate(ITaskItem sourceFile)
string sourceFullPath = FileUtilities.NormalizePath(sourceFile.ItemSpec);
bool dependenciesAvailable = DependencyTable.TryGetValue(sourceFullPath, out Dictionary<string, string> dependencies);
DateTime thisSourceOutputNewestTime = _outputNewestTime;
if (_useMinimalRebuildOptimization && _outputs != null && dependenciesAvailable)
thisSourceOutputNewestTime = DateTime.MinValue;
// Missing outputs from the graph means that the source is out of date
if (_outputs.DependencyTable.TryGetValue(sourceFullPath, out Dictionary<string, DateTime> outputFiles))
DateTime sourceTime = NativeMethodsShared.GetLastWriteFileUtcTime(sourceFullPath);
foreach (string outputFile in outputFiles.Keys)
DateTime outputFileTime = NativeMethodsShared.GetLastWriteFileUtcTime(outputFile);
// If the file exists
if (outputFileTime > DateTime.MinValue)
if (outputFileTime < sourceTime)
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceWillBeCompiledDependencyWasModifiedAt");
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerModifiedPath", sourceFullPath);
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerModifiedTime", sourceTime.ToLocalTime().ToString());
return false;
if (outputFileTime > thisSourceOutputNewestTime)
thisSourceOutputNewestTime = outputFileTime;
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceWillBeCompiledOutputDoesNotExist");
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerOutputFile", outputFile);
return false;
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceOutputsNotAvailable");
return false;
if (dependenciesAvailable)
foreach (string file in dependencies.Keys)
// The file that we are encountering in the dependencies may be excluded from
// the dependency check, if so we don't want to go checking it
if (!FileIsExcludedFromDependencyCheck(file))
// If the file tracked during the build exists, then do a time-stamp check on it
// to determine up-to-dateness
if (!_lastWriteTimeCache.TryGetValue(file, out DateTime dependeeTime))
dependeeTime = NativeMethodsShared.GetLastWriteFileUtcTime(file);
_lastWriteTimeCache[file] = dependeeTime;
// If the file exists
if (dependeeTime > DateTime.MinValue)
if (dependeeTime > thisSourceOutputNewestTime)
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceWillBeCompiledDependencyWasModifiedAt");
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerModifiedPath", file);
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerModifiedTime", dependeeTime.ToLocalTime().ToString());
return false;
else // if the file no longer exists, then assume we are out of date and cause a compile
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceWillBeCompiledMissingDependency");
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerModifiedPath", file);
return false;
sourceFile.SetMetadata("_trackerCompileReason", "Tracking_SourceNotInTrackingLog");
return false;
// It appears that all our dependencies are earlier than the outputs
// So no need to compile
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Test to see if the specified file is excluded from tracked dependency checking
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">
/// Full path of the file to test
/// </param>
public bool FileIsExcludedFromDependencyCheck(string fileName)
string fileDirectoryName = FileUtilities.GetDirectoryNameOfFullPath(fileName);
return _excludedInputPaths.Contains(fileDirectoryName);
private bool FilesExistAndRecordNewestWriteTime(ITaskItem[] files) => CanonicalTrackedFilesHelper.FilesExistAndRecordNewestWriteTime(files, _log, out _outputNewestTime, out string _);
/// <summary>
/// Construct our dependency table for our source files.
/// </summary>
private void ConstructDependencyTable()
string tLogRootingMarker;
// construct a rooting marker from the tlog files
tLogRootingMarker = DependencyTableCache.FormatNormalizedTlogRootingMarker(_tlogFiles);
catch (ArgumentException e)
FileTracker.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources(_log, "Tracking_RebuildingDueToInvalidTLog", e.Message);
// Record the current directory (which under normal circumstances will be the project directory)
// so that we can compare tracked paths against it for inclusion in the dependency graph
string currentProjectDirectory = FileUtilities.EnsureTrailingSlash(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
if (!_tlogAvailable)
foreach (ITaskItem tlogFileName in _tlogFiles)
if (!FileUtilities.FileExistsNoThrow(tlogFileName.ItemSpec))
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "Tracking_SingleLogFileNotAvailable", tlogFileName.ItemSpec);
lock (DependencyTableCache.DependencyTable)
// The tracking logs are not available, they may have been deleted at some point.
// Be safe and remove any references from the cache.
DependencyTableCacheEntry cachedEntry;
lock (DependencyTableCache.DependencyTable)
// Look in the dependency table cache to see if its available and up to date
cachedEntry = DependencyTableCache.GetCachedEntry(tLogRootingMarker);
// We have an up to date cached entry
if (cachedEntry != null)
DependencyTable = (Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>)cachedEntry.DependencyTable;
// Log information about what we're using
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "Tracking_ReadTrackingCached");
foreach (ITaskItem tlogItem in cachedEntry.TlogFiles)
FileTracker.LogMessage(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "\t{0}", tlogItem.ItemSpec);
// Now we need to construct a dependency table for the primary sources from the TLOG files
// If there are any errors in the tlogs, we want to warn, stop parsing tlogs, and empty
// out the dependency table, essentially forcing a rebuild.
bool encounteredInvalidTLogContents = false;
bool exceptionCaught = false;
string invalidTLogName = null;
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "Tracking_ReadTrackingLogs");
foreach (ITaskItem tlogFileName in _tlogFiles)
FileTracker.LogMessage(_log, MessageImportance.Low, "\t{0}", tlogFileName.ItemSpec);
using (StreamReader tlog = File.OpenText(tlogFileName.ItemSpec))
string tlogEntry = tlog.ReadLine();
while (tlogEntry != null)
if (tlogEntry.Length == 0)
encounteredInvalidTLogContents = true;
invalidTLogName = tlogFileName.ItemSpec;
if (tlogEntry[0] != '#') // command marker
bool rootingRecord = false;
// If this is a rooting record, remove the rooting marker
if (tlogEntry[0] == '^')
tlogEntry = tlogEntry.Substring(1);
if (tlogEntry.Length == 0)
encounteredInvalidTLogContents = true;
invalidTLogName = tlogFileName.ItemSpec;
rootingRecord = true;
// found one of our primary sources
if (rootingRecord)
// dependency table for the source file
Dictionary<string, string> dependencies;
Dictionary<string, string> primaryFiles;
if (!_maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
primaryFiles = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (tlogEntry.Contains("|"))
foreach (ITaskItem file in _sourceFiles)
if (!primaryFiles.ContainsKey(FileUtilities.NormalizePath(file.ItemSpec)))
primaryFiles.Add(FileUtilities.NormalizePath(file.ItemSpec), null);
primaryFiles.Add(tlogEntry, null);
primaryFiles = null;
// We haven't seen this source before in the tracking log
// so create a new dependency table and add the source file(s)
if (!DependencyTable.TryGetValue(tlogEntry, out dependencies))
dependencies = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (!_maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
dependencies.Add(tlogEntry, null);
DependencyTable.Add(tlogEntry, dependencies);
tlogEntry = tlog.ReadLine();
if (_maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
// Process each file encountered until we reach:
// the end of the or,
// A command marker or,
// we hit a rooting marker
while (tlogEntry != null)
if (tlogEntry.Length == 0)
encounteredInvalidTLogContents = true;
invalidTLogName = tlogFileName.ItemSpec;
else if (tlogEntry[0] != '#' && tlogEntry[0] != '^')
if (!dependencies.ContainsKey(tlogEntry))
if (FileTracker.FileIsUnderPath(tlogEntry, currentProjectDirectory) || !FileTracker.FileIsExcludedFromDependencies(tlogEntry))
dependencies.Add(tlogEntry, null);
tlogEntry = tlog.ReadLine();
while (tlogEntry != null)
if (tlogEntry.Length == 0)
encounteredInvalidTLogContents = true;
invalidTLogName = tlogFileName.ItemSpec;
else if (tlogEntry[0] != '#' && tlogEntry[0] != '^')
if (primaryFiles.ContainsKey(tlogEntry))
// if this is a primary file, we need to add it to the dependency table, and we need
// to reset "dependencies" so that the following dependencies get written into this
// primary file's table instead of the previous one.
if (!DependencyTable.TryGetValue(tlogEntry, out dependencies))
dependencies = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{tlogEntry, null}
DependencyTable.Add(tlogEntry, dependencies);
else if (!dependencies.ContainsKey(tlogEntry))
// however, if it's not a primary file, just add it to the current dependency table
if (FileTracker.FileIsUnderPath(tlogEntry, currentProjectDirectory) || !FileTracker.FileIsExcludedFromDependencies(tlogEntry))
dependencies.Add(tlogEntry, null);
tlogEntry = tlog.ReadLine();
else // don't know what this entry is, so skip it
tlogEntry = tlog.ReadLine();
else // skip over the initial '#' line
tlogEntry = tlog.ReadLine();
catch (Exception e) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(e))
FileTracker.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources(_log, "Tracking_RebuildingDueToInvalidTLog", e.Message);
if (encounteredInvalidTLogContents)
FileTracker.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources(_log, "Tracking_RebuildingDueToInvalidTLogContents", invalidTLogName);
lock (DependencyTableCache.DependencyTable)
// There were problems with the tracking logs -- we've already warned or errored; now we want to make
// sure that we essentially force a rebuild of this particular root.
if (encounteredInvalidTLogContents || exceptionCaught)
DependencyTable = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Record the newly built dependency table in the cache
DependencyTableCache.DependencyTable[tLogRootingMarker] = new DependencyTableCacheEntry(_tlogFiles, DependencyTable);
/// <summary>
/// This method will re-write the tlogs from the current output table new entries will
/// be tracked.
/// </summary>
public void SaveTlog() => SaveTlog(null);
/// <summary>
/// This method will re-write the tlogs from the current dependency. As the sources are compiled,
/// new entries willbe tracked.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="includeInTLog">
/// Delegate used to determine whether a particular file should
/// be included in the compacted tlog.
/// </param>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1702:CompoundWordsShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "TLog", Justification = "Has now shipped as public API; plus it's unclear whether 'Tlog' or 'TLog' is the preferred casing")]
public void SaveTlog(DependencyFilter includeInTLog)
// If there are no tlog files, then this will be a clean build
// so there is no need to write a new tlog
if (_tlogFiles?.Length > 0)
string tLogRootingMarker = DependencyTableCache.FormatNormalizedTlogRootingMarker(_tlogFiles);
lock (DependencyTableCache.DependencyTable)
// The tracking logs in the cache will be invalidated by this compaction
// remove the cached entries
string firstTlog = _tlogFiles[0].ItemSpec;
// empty all tlogs
foreach (ITaskItem tlogFile in _tlogFiles)
File.WriteAllText(tlogFile.ItemSpec, "", System.Text.Encoding.Unicode);
// Write out the remaining dependency information as a new tlog
using (StreamWriter inputs = FileUtilities.OpenWrite(firstTlog, false, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode))
if (!_maintainCompositeRootingMarkers)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, string>> dependency in DependencyTable)
string primaryFile = dependency.Key;
if (!primaryFile.Contains("|")) // composite roots are not needed
Dictionary<string, string> dependencies = dependency.Value;
inputs.WriteLine("^" + primaryFile);
foreach (string file in dependencies.Keys)
// We only want to write the tlog entry if it isn't the primary file
// and we aren't being asked to filter it out
if (file != primaryFile && (includeInTLog == null || includeInTLog(file)))
// Just output the rooting markers and their dependencies -- we don't want to
// compact out the composite ones.
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, string>> dependency in DependencyTable)
Dictionary<string, string> dependencies = dependency.Value;
inputs.WriteLine("^" + dependency.Key);
foreach (string file in dependencies.Keys)
// Give the task a chance to filter dependencies out of the written TLog
if (includeInTLog == null || includeInTLog(file))
// Write out the entry
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given sources and corresponding outputs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source that should be removed from the graph</param>
public void RemoveEntriesForSource(ITaskItem source) => RemoveEntriesForSource([source]);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given sources and corresponding outputs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Sources that should be removed from the graph</param>
public void RemoveEntriesForSource(ITaskItem[] source)
// construct a root marker for the sources and outputs to remove from the graph
string rootMarkerToRemove = FileTracker.FormatRootingMarker(source);
// remove the entry from the graph for the combined root
// remove the entry for each source item
foreach (ITaskItem sourceItem in source)
/// <summary>
/// Remove the entry in the input dependency graph corresponding to the rooting marker
/// passed in.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootingMarker">The root to remove</param>
public void RemoveEntryForSourceRoot(string rootingMarker) => DependencyTable.Remove(rootingMarker);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given sources and corresponding outputs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sources">Sources that should be removed from the graph</param>
/// <param name="dependencyToRemove">A <see cref="ITaskItem"/> to remove as a dependency.</param>
public void RemoveDependencyFromEntry(ITaskItem[] sources, ITaskItem dependencyToRemove)
string rootingMarker = FileTracker.FormatRootingMarker(sources);
RemoveDependencyFromEntry(rootingMarker, dependencyToRemove);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given source and corresponding outputs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source that should be removed from the graph</param>
/// <param name="dependencyToRemove">A <see cref="ITaskItem"/> to remove as a dependency.</param>
public void RemoveDependencyFromEntry(ITaskItem source, ITaskItem dependencyToRemove)
string rootingMarker = FileTracker.FormatRootingMarker(source);
RemoveDependencyFromEntry(rootingMarker, dependencyToRemove);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given sources and corresponding outputs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootingMarker">The rooting marker that should be removed from the graph</param>
/// <param name="dependencyToRemove">A <see cref="ITaskItem"/> to remove as a dependency.</param>
private void RemoveDependencyFromEntry(string rootingMarker, ITaskItem dependencyToRemove)
// construct a root marker for the source that will remove the dependency from
if (DependencyTable.TryGetValue(rootingMarker, out Dictionary<string, string> dependencies))
FileTracker.LogMessageFromResources(_log, MessageImportance.Normal, "Tracking_ReadLogEntryNotFound", rootingMarker);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given sources and corresponding outputs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source that should be removed from the graph</param>
public void RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing(ITaskItem source) => RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing([source], null);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given sources and corresponding outputs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Source that should be removed from the graph</param>
/// <param name="correspondingOutput">Output that correspond ot the sources (used for same file processing)</param>
public void RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing(ITaskItem source, ITaskItem correspondingOutput) => RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing([source], [correspondingOutput]);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given sources and corresponding outputs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Sources that should be removed from the graph</param>
public void RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing(ITaskItem[] source) => RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing(source, null);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given sources and corresponding outputs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">Sources that should be removed from the graph</param>
/// <param name="correspondingOutputs">Outputs that correspond ot the sources (used for same file processing)</param>
public void RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing(ITaskItem[] source, ITaskItem[] correspondingOutputs)
// Cache of files that have been checked and exist.
Dictionary<string, bool> fileCache = new Dictionary<string, bool>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (correspondingOutputs != null)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowArgument(source.Length == correspondingOutputs.Length, "Tracking_SourcesAndCorrespondingOutputMismatch");
// construct a combined root marker for the sources and outputs to remove from the graph
string rootingMarker = FileTracker.FormatRootingMarker(source, correspondingOutputs);
RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing(rootingMarker, fileCache);
// Remove entries for each individual source
for (int sourceIndex = 0; sourceIndex < source.Length; sourceIndex++)
rootingMarker = correspondingOutputs != null
? FileTracker.FormatRootingMarker(source[sourceIndex], correspondingOutputs[sourceIndex])
: FileTracker.FormatRootingMarker(source[sourceIndex]);
RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing(rootingMarker, fileCache);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the output graph entries for the given rooting marker
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootingMarker"></param>
/// <param name="fileCache">The cache used to store whether each file exists or not.</param>
private void RemoveDependenciesFromEntryIfMissing(string rootingMarker, Dictionary<string, bool> fileCache)
// In the event of incomplete tracking information (i.e. this root was not present), just continue quietly
// as the user could have killed the tool being tracked, or another error occurred during its execution.
if (DependencyTable.TryGetValue(rootingMarker, out Dictionary<string, string> dependencies))
var dependenciesWithoutMissingFiles = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
int keyIndex = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dependencies)
string file = kvp.Key;
if (keyIndex++ > 0)
// Record whether or not each file exists and cache it.
// We do this to save time (On^2), at the expense of data O(n).
bool inFileCache = fileCache.TryGetValue(file, out bool fileExists);
// Have we cached the file yet? If not, cache whether or not it exists.
if (!inFileCache)
fileExists = FileUtilities.FileExistsNoThrow(file);
fileCache.Add(file, fileExists);
// Does the cached file exist?
if (fileExists)
dependenciesWithoutMissingFiles.Add(file, kvp.Value);
dependenciesWithoutMissingFiles.Add(file, file);
DependencyTable[rootingMarker] = dependenciesWithoutMissingFiles;
#pragma warning restore format