4 types derived from CommandLineBuilder
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis (1)
CommandLineBuilderExtension.cs (1)
18public class CommandLineBuilderExtension : CommandLineBuilder
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core (1)
CommandLineBuilderExtension.cs (1)
19public class CommandLineBuilderExtension : CommandLineBuilder
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests (1)
ResourceHandling\GenerateResource_Tests.cs (1)
4324internal sealed class CommandLineBuilderHelper : CommandLineBuilder
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.UnitTests (1)
CommandLineBuilder_Tests.cs (1)
462internal sealed class TestCommandLineBuilder : CommandLineBuilder
34 instantiations of CommandLineBuilder
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.UnitTests (33)
CommandLineBuilder_Tests.cs (33)
27CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 41CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 54CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 67CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 83CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 96CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 109CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 125CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 140CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 153CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 168CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 183CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 196CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 210CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 224CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 238CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 252CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 268CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 287CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 299CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 310CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 321CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 332CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 343CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 354CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 366CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 377CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 388CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(/* do not quote hyphens*/); 399CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(true /* quote hyphens*/); 410CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(true); 421CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(true); 435CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 443CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(quoteHyphensOnCommandLine: false, useNewLineSeparator: true);
Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Workloads (1)
Wix\WixToolTaskBase.cs (1)
25} = new CommandLineBuilder();
40 references to CommandLineBuilder
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis (2)
CommandLineBuilderExtension.cs (2)
119/// Appends a switch with a value that is force quoted. This will quote as if <see cref="CommandLineBuilder.IsQuotingRequired(string)"/> 137/// Appends a switch with a value that is force quoted. This will quote as if <see cref="CommandLineBuilder.IsQuotingRequired(string)"/>
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.UnitTests (34)
CommandLineBuilder_Tests.cs (34)
27CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 41CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 54CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 67CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 83CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 96CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 109CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 125CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 140CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 153CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 168CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 183CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 196CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 210CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 224CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 238CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 252CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 268CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 287CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 299CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 310CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 321CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 332CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 343CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 354CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 366CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 377CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 388CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(/* do not quote hyphens*/); 399CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(true /* quote hyphens*/); 410CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(true); 421CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(true); 435CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(); 443CommandLineBuilder c = new CommandLineBuilder(quoteHyphensOnCommandLine: false, useNewLineSeparator: true); 492public static void ShouldBe(this CommandLineBuilder commandLineBuilder, string expected)
Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Workloads (4)
Wix\CommandLineBuilderExtensions.cs (3)
9/// <see cref="CommandLineBuilder"/> extension methods. 19public static void AppendArrayIfNotNull(this CommandLineBuilder builder, string switchName, string[] values) 36public static void AppendSwitchIfTrue(this CommandLineBuilder builder, string switchName, bool value)
Wix\WixToolTaskBase.cs (1)
22protected CommandLineBuilder CommandLineBuilder