File: MockEngine.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\UnitTests.Shared\Microsoft.Build.UnitTests.Shared.csproj (Microsoft.Build.UnitTests.Shared)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Logging;
using Shouldly;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.UnitTests
     * Class:       MockEngine
     * In order to execute tasks, we have to pass in an Engine object, so the
     * task can log events.  It doesn't have to be the real Engine object, just
     * something that implements the IBuildEngine4 interface.  So, we mock up
     * a fake engine object here, so we're able to execute tasks from the unit tests.
     * The unit tests could have instantiated the real Engine object, but then
     * we would have had to take a reference onto the Microsoft.Build.Engine assembly, which
     * is somewhat of a no-no for task assemblies.
    public sealed class MockEngine : IBuildEngine7
        private readonly object _lockObj = new object();  // Protects _log, _output
        private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;
        private readonly StringBuilder _log = new StringBuilder();
        private readonly ProjectCollection _projectCollection = new ProjectCollection();
        private readonly bool _logToConsole;
        private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<object, object> _objectCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<object, object>();
        private readonly ConcurrentQueue<BuildErrorEventArgs> _errorEvents = new ConcurrentQueue<BuildErrorEventArgs>();
        private readonly ConcurrentQueue<BuildWarningEventArgs> _warningEvents = new ConcurrentQueue<BuildWarningEventArgs>();
        public MockEngine() : this(false)
        public int Messages { get; set; }
        public int Warnings { get; set; }
        public int Errors { get; set; }
        public bool AllowFailureWithoutError { get; set; } = false;
        public BuildErrorEventArgs[] ErrorEvents => _errorEvents.ToArray();
        public BuildWarningEventArgs[] WarningEvents => _warningEvents.ToArray();
        public Dictionary<string, string> GlobalProperties { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        public MockLogger MockLogger { get; }
        public MockEngine(bool logToConsole)
            MockLogger = new MockLogger();
            _logToConsole = logToConsole;
        public MockEngine(ITestOutputHelper output)
            _output = output;
            MockLogger = new MockLogger(output);
            _logToConsole = false; // We have a better place to put it.
        public void LogErrorEvent(BuildErrorEventArgs eventArgs)
            string message = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventArgs.File))
                message += $"{eventArgs.File}({eventArgs.LineNumber},{eventArgs.ColumnNumber}): ";
            message += "ERROR " + eventArgs.Code + ": ";
            message += eventArgs.Message;
            lock (_lockObj)
                if (_logToConsole)
        public void LogWarningEvent(BuildWarningEventArgs eventArgs)
            lock (_lockObj)
                string message = string.Empty;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eventArgs.File))
                    message += $"{eventArgs.File}({eventArgs.LineNumber},{eventArgs.ColumnNumber}): ";
                message += "WARNING " + eventArgs.Code + ": ";
                message += eventArgs.Message;
                if (_logToConsole)
        public void LogCustomEvent(CustomBuildEventArgs eventArgs)
            lock (_lockObj)
                if (_logToConsole)
        public void LogMessageEvent(BuildMessageEventArgs eventArgs)
            lock (_lockObj)
                if (_logToConsole)
        public void LogTelemetry(string eventName, IDictionary<string, string> properties)
            string message = $"Received telemetry event '{eventName}'{Environment.NewLine}";
            foreach (string key in properties?.Keys)
                message += $"  Property '{key}' = '{properties[key]}'{Environment.NewLine}";
            lock (_lockObj)
                if (_logToConsole)
        public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> GetGlobalProperties()
            return GlobalProperties;
        public bool ContinueOnError => false;
        public string ProjectFileOfTaskNode => String.Empty;
        public int LineNumberOfTaskNode => 0;
        public int ColumnNumberOfTaskNode => 0;
        public string Log
                lock (_lockObj)
                    return _log.ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Expected log setter to be used only to reset the log to empty.");
                lock (_lockObj)
        public bool IsRunningMultipleNodes { get; set; }
        public bool BuildProjectFile(
            string projectFileName,
            string[] targetNames,
            IDictionary globalPropertiesPassedIntoTask,
            IDictionary targetOutputs)
            return BuildProjectFile(projectFileName, targetNames, globalPropertiesPassedIntoTask, targetOutputs, null);
        public bool BuildProjectFile(
            string projectFileName,
            string[] targetNames,
            IDictionary globalPropertiesPassedIntoTask,
            IDictionary targetOutputs,
            string toolsVersion)
            var finalGlobalProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            // Finally, whatever global properties were passed into the task ... those are the final winners.
            if (globalPropertiesPassedIntoTask != null)
                foreach (DictionaryEntry newGlobalProperty in globalPropertiesPassedIntoTask)
                    finalGlobalProperties[(string)newGlobalProperty.Key] = (string)newGlobalProperty.Value;
            Project project = _projectCollection.LoadProject(projectFileName, finalGlobalProperties, toolsVersion);
            ILogger[] loggers = { MockLogger, new ConsoleLogger() };
            return project.Build(targetNames, loggers);
        public bool BuildProjectFilesInParallel(
            string[] projectFileNames,
            string[] targetNames,
            IDictionary[] globalProperties,
            IDictionary[] targetOutputsPerProject,
            string[] toolsVersion,
            bool useResultsCache,
            bool unloadProjectsOnCompletion)
            bool includeTargetOutputs = targetOutputsPerProject != null;
            BuildEngineResult result = BuildProjectFilesInParallel(projectFileNames, targetNames, globalProperties, new List<String>[projectFileNames.Length], toolsVersion, includeTargetOutputs);
            if (includeTargetOutputs)
                for (int i = 0; i < targetOutputsPerProject.Length; i++)
                    if (targetOutputsPerProject[i] != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ITaskItem[]> output in result.TargetOutputsPerProject[i])
                            targetOutputsPerProject[i].Add(output.Key, output.Value);
            return result.Result;
        public BuildEngineResult BuildProjectFilesInParallel(
            string[] projectFileNames,
            string[] targetNames,
            IDictionary[] globalProperties,
            IList<string>[] undefineProperties,
            string[] toolsVersion,
            bool returnTargetOutputs)
            List<IDictionary<string, ITaskItem[]>> targetOutputsPerProject = null;
            ILogger[] loggers = { MockLogger, new ConsoleLogger() };
            bool allSucceeded = true;
            if (returnTargetOutputs)
                targetOutputsPerProject = new List<IDictionary<string, ITaskItem[]>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < projectFileNames.Length; i++)
                Dictionary<string, string> finalGlobalProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                if (globalProperties[i] != null)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry newGlobalProperty in globalProperties[i])
                        finalGlobalProperties[(string)newGlobalProperty.Key] = (string)newGlobalProperty.Value;
                ProjectInstance instance = _projectCollection.LoadProject(projectFileNames[i], finalGlobalProperties, null).CreateProjectInstance();
                bool success = instance.Build(targetNames, loggers, out IDictionary<string, TargetResult> targetOutputs);
                if (targetOutputsPerProject != null)
                    targetOutputsPerProject.Add(new Dictionary<string, ITaskItem[]>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TargetResult> resultEntry in targetOutputs)
                        targetOutputsPerProject[i][resultEntry.Key] = resultEntry.Value.Items;
                allSucceeded = allSucceeded && success;
            return new BuildEngineResult(allSucceeded, targetOutputsPerProject);
        public void Yield()
        public void Reacquire()
        public bool BuildProjectFile(
            string projectFileName)
            return (_projectCollection.LoadProject(projectFileName)).Build();
        public bool BuildProjectFile(
            string projectFileName,
            string[] targetNames)
            return (_projectCollection.LoadProject(projectFileName)).Build(targetNames);
        public bool BuildProjectFile(
            string projectFileName,
            string targetName)
            return (_projectCollection.LoadProject(projectFileName)).Build(targetName);
        public void UnregisterAllLoggers()
        public void UnloadAllProjects()
        /// <summary>
        /// Assert that the mock log in the engine doesn't contain a certain message based on a resource string and some parameters
        /// </summary>
        public void AssertLogDoesntContainMessageFromResource(GetStringDelegate getString, string resourceName, params string[] parameters)
            string resource = getString(resourceName);
            string stringToSearchFor = String.Format(resource, parameters);
        /// <summary>
        /// Assert that the mock log in the engine contains a certain message based on a resource string and some parameters
        /// </summary>
        public void AssertLogContainsMessageFromResource(GetStringDelegate getString, string resourceName, params string[] parameters)
            string resource = getString(resourceName);
            string stringToSearchFor = String.Format(resource, parameters);
        /// <summary>
        /// Assert that the log file contains the given string.
        /// Case insensitive.
        /// First check if the string is in the log string. If not
        /// than make sure it is also check the MockLogger
        /// </summary>
        public void AssertLogContains(string contains)
            // If we do not contain this string than pass it to
            // MockLogger. Since MockLogger is also registered as
            // a logger it may have this string.
            string logText;
            lock (_lockObj)
                logText = _log.ToString();
            if (logText.IndexOf(contains, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
                if (_output == null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Assert that the log doesn't contain the given string.
        /// First check if the string is in the log string. If not
        /// than make sure it is also not in the MockLogger
        /// </summary>
        public void AssertLogDoesntContain(string contains)
            string logText;
            lock (_lockObj)
                logText = _log.ToString();
            if (_output == null)
            logText.ShouldNotContain(contains, Case.Insensitive);
            // If we do not contain this string than pass it to
            // MockLogger. Since MockLogger is also registered as
            // a logger it may have this string.
        /// <summary>
        /// Delegate which will get the resource from the correct resource manager
        /// </summary>
        public delegate string GetStringDelegate(string resourceName);
        public object GetRegisteredTaskObject(object key, RegisteredTaskObjectLifetime lifetime)
            _objectCache.TryGetValue(key, out object obj);
            return obj;
        public void RegisterTaskObject(object key, object obj, RegisteredTaskObjectLifetime lifetime, bool allowEarlyCollection)
            _objectCache[key] = obj;
        public object UnregisterTaskObject(object key, RegisteredTaskObjectLifetime lifetime)
            _objectCache.TryRemove(key, out object obj);
            return obj;