File: Microsoft.Build.UnGAC.csproj
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Package\Microsoft.Build.UnGAC\Microsoft.Build.UnGAC.csproj (Microsoft.Build.UnGAC)
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <!-- Setup runs on net45 and may not have installed newer yet. -->
    <!-- Set as an exe because this project publishes its own output. -->
    <!-- Forcing the 'vsix' output to be json output. Workaround for -->
    <!-- VS Insertion -->
    <_SwixArgs Include="PackageType=manifest"/>
    <!-- If we don't set TargetExt to .json, arcade defaults to generating a .vsix -->
    <_SwixArgs Include="TargetExt=.json"/>
  <!-- SwrProperty is an arcade concept. -->
    <!-- BinDir is set via SwrProperty to be passed to the swr compiler. OutDir is the path to the bin folder. See exe.swr to see how this is used. -->
    <SwrProperty Include="BinDir=$(OutDir)" />
    <!-- Version must constantly update in order for our exe package to run on install and update. -->
    <SwrProperty Include="Version=$(VsixVersion)" />
    <!-- our swr file must be picked up, this is how we set that. -->
    <SwrFile Include="exe.swr" Condition=" '$(MSBuildRuntimeType)' == 'Full' " />