File: TelemetryTaskTests.cs
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Project: ..\..\..\src\Tasks.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.Build.UnitTests;
using Xunit;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests
    public sealed class TelemetryTaskTests
        public void TelemetryTaskSendsEvents()
            MockEngine engine = new MockEngine();
            Telemetry telemetryTask = new Telemetry
                BuildEngine = engine,
                EventName = "My event name",
            bool retVal = telemetryTask.Execute();
            Assert.Contains(telemetryTask.EventName, engine.Log);
        public void TelemetryTaskSendsEventsWithProperties()
            const string propertyName = "9B7DA92A89914E2CA1D88DCEB9DAAD72";
            const string propertyValue = "68CB99868F2843B3B75230C1A0BFE358";
            MockEngine engine = new MockEngine();
            Telemetry telemetryTask = new Telemetry
                BuildEngine = engine,
                EventName = "My event name",
                EventData = $"{propertyName}={propertyValue}",
            bool retVal = telemetryTask.Execute();
            Assert.Contains(propertyName, engine.Log);
            Assert.Contains(propertyValue, engine.Log);
        public void TelemetryTaskInvalidEventData()
            MockEngine engine = new MockEngine();
            Telemetry telemetryTask = new Telemetry
                BuildEngine = engine,
                EventName = "My event name",
                EventData = $"Property1=Value1;Property2",
            bool retVal = telemetryTask.Execute();
            Assert.Contains($"The property \"Property2\" in the telemetry event data property list \"{telemetryTask.EventData}\" is malformed.", engine.Log);
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that when there are duplicate property names specified that the last one wins.
        /// </summary>
        public void TelemetryTaskDuplicateEventDataProperty()
            MockEngine engine = new MockEngine();
            Telemetry telemetryTask = new Telemetry
                BuildEngine = engine,
                EventName = "My event name",
                EventData = $"Property1=EE2493A167D24F00996DE7C8E769EAE6;Property1=4ADE3D2622CA400B8B95A039DF540037",
            bool retVal = telemetryTask.Execute();
            // Should not contain the first value
            Assert.DoesNotContain("EE2493A167D24F00996DE7C8E769EAE6", engine.Log);
            // Should contain the second value
            Assert.Contains("4ADE3D2622CA400B8B95A039DF540037", engine.Log);