File: ResourceHandling\ResGen_Tests.cs
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Project: ..\..\..\src\Tasks.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using ResGen = Microsoft.Build.Tasks.GenerateResource.ResGen;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.UnitTests
    public class ResGen_Tests
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify InputFiles:
        ///  - Defaults to null, in which case the task just returns true and continues
        ///  - If there are InputFiles, verify that they all show up on the command line
        ///  - Verify that OutputFiles defaults appropriately
        /// </summary>
        public void InputFiles()
            ResGen t = new ResGen();
            ITaskItem[] singleTestFile = { new TaskItem("foo.resx") };
            ITaskItem[] singleOutput = { new TaskItem("foo.resources") };
            ITaskItem[] multipleTestFiles = { new TaskItem("hello.resx"), new TaskItem("world.resx"), new TaskItem("!.resx") };
            ITaskItem[] multipleOutputs = { new TaskItem("hello.resources"), new TaskItem("world.resources"), new TaskItem("!.resources") };
            // Default:  InputFiles is null
            Assert.Null(t.InputFiles); // "InputFiles is null by default"
            Assert.Null(t.OutputFiles); // "OutputFiles is null by default"
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsResource(t, true /* task passes */, "ResGen.NoInputFiles");
            // One input file -- compile
            t.InputFiles = singleTestFile;
            t.StronglyTypedLanguage = null;
            t.ToolPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFrameworkSdkFile("resgen.exe", TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version45));
            Assert.Equal(singleTestFile, t.InputFiles); // "New InputFiles value should be set"
            Assert.Null(t.OutputFiles); // "OutputFiles is null until default name generation is triggered"
            string commandLineParameter = String.Join(",", new string[] { singleTestFile[0].ItemSpec, singleOutput[0].ItemSpec });
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, commandLineParameter, true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, @"/compile", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            // One input file -- STR
            t.InputFiles = singleTestFile;
            t.StronglyTypedLanguage = "c#";
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, singleTestFile[0].ItemSpec, false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, singleOutput[0].ItemSpec, false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/str:c#,,,", false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            // Multiple input files -- compile
            t.InputFiles = multipleTestFiles;
            t.OutputFiles = null; // want it to reset to default
            t.StronglyTypedLanguage = null;
            Assert.Equal(multipleTestFiles, t.InputFiles); // "New InputFiles value should be set"
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, @"/compile", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            for (int i = 0; i < multipleTestFiles.Length; i++)
                commandLineParameter = String.Join(",", new string[] { multipleTestFiles[i].ItemSpec, multipleOutputs[i].ItemSpec });
                CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, commandLineParameter, true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            // Multiple input files -- STR (should error)
            t.InputFiles = multipleTestFiles;
            t.StronglyTypedLanguage = "vb";
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsErrorFromResource(t, "ResGen.STRLanguageButNotExactlyOneSourceFile");
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify OutputFiles:
        ///  - Default values were tested by InputFiles()
        ///  - Verify that if InputFiles and OutputFiles are different lengths (and both exist), an error is logged
        ///  - Verify that if OutputFiles are set explicitly, they map and show up on the command line as expected
        /// </summary>
        public void OutputFiles()
            ResGen t = new ResGen();
            ITaskItem[] differentLengthInput = { new TaskItem("hello.resx") };
            ITaskItem[] differentLengthOutput = { new TaskItem("world.resources"), new TaskItem("!.resources") };
            ITaskItem[] differentLengthDefaultOutput = { new TaskItem("hello.resources") };
            // Different length inputs -- should error
            t.InputFiles = differentLengthInput;
            t.OutputFiles = differentLengthOutput;
            t.ToolPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFrameworkSdkFile("resgen.exe", TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version45));
            Assert.Equal(differentLengthInput, t.InputFiles); // "New InputFiles value should be set"
            Assert.Equal(differentLengthOutput, t.OutputFiles); // "New OutputFiles value should be set"
            // If only OutputFiles is set, then the task should return -- as far as
            // it's concerned, no work needs to be done.
            t = new ResGen(); // zero out the log
            t.InputFiles = null;
            t.OutputFiles = differentLengthOutput;
            t.ToolPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFrameworkSdkFile("resgen.exe", TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Version45));
            Assert.Null(t.InputFiles); // "New InputFiles value should be set"
            Assert.Equal(differentLengthOutput, t.OutputFiles); // "New OutputFiles value should be set"
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsResource(t, true /* task passes */, "ResGen.NoInputFiles");
            // However, if OutputFiles is set to null, it should revert back to default
            t.InputFiles = differentLengthInput;
            t.OutputFiles = null;
            Assert.Equal(differentLengthInput, t.InputFiles); // "New InputFiles value should be set"
            Assert.Null(t.OutputFiles); // "OutputFiles is null until default name generation is triggered"
            string commandLineParameter = String.Join(",", new string[] { differentLengthInput[0].ItemSpec, differentLengthDefaultOutput[0].ItemSpec });
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, commandLineParameter, true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, @"/compile", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            // Explicitly setting output
            ITaskItem[] inputFiles = { new TaskItem("foo.resx") };
            ITaskItem[] defaultOutput = { new TaskItem("foo.resources") };
            ITaskItem[] explicitOutput = { new TaskItem("bar.txt") };
            t.InputFiles = inputFiles;
            t.OutputFiles = null;
            Assert.Equal(inputFiles, t.InputFiles); // "New InputFiles value should be set"
            Assert.Null(t.OutputFiles); // "OutputFiles is null until default name generation is triggered"
            commandLineParameter = String.Join(",", new string[] { inputFiles[0].ItemSpec, defaultOutput[0].ItemSpec });
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, commandLineParameter, true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, @"/compile", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            t.OutputFiles = explicitOutput;
            Assert.Equal(inputFiles, t.InputFiles); // "New InputFiles value should be set"
            Assert.Equal(explicitOutput, t.OutputFiles); // "New OutputFiles value should be set"
            commandLineParameter = String.Join(",", new string[] { inputFiles[0].ItemSpec, explicitOutput[0].ItemSpec });
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, commandLineParameter, true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, @"/compile", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests ResGen's /publicClass switch
        /// </summary>
        public void PublicClass()
            ResGen t = new ResGen();
            ITaskItem[] throwawayInput = { new TaskItem("hello.resx") };
            t.InputFiles = throwawayInput;
            t.ToolPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFrameworkSdkFile("resgen.exe", TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Latest));
            Assert.False(t.PublicClass); // "PublicClass should be false by default"
            CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, @"/publicClass", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            t.PublicClass = true;
            Assert.True(t.PublicClass); // "PublicClass should be true"
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, @"/publicClass", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the /r: parameter (passing in reference assemblies)
        /// </summary>
        public void References()
            ResGen t = new ResGen();
            ITaskItem[] throwawayInput = { new TaskItem("hello.resx") };
            ITaskItem a = new TaskItem();
            ITaskItem b = new TaskItem();
            t.InputFiles = throwawayInput;
            t.ToolPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFrameworkSdkFile("resgen.exe", TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Latest));
            a.ItemSpec = "foo.dll";
            b.ItemSpec = "bar.dll";
            ITaskItem[] singleReference = { a };
            ITaskItem[] multipleReferences = { a, b };
            Assert.Null(t.References); // "References should be null by default"
            CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/r:", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            // Single reference
            t.References = singleReference;
            Assert.Equal(singleReference, t.References); // "New References value should be set"
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/r:" + singleReference[0].ItemSpec, true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            // MultipleReferences
            t.References = multipleReferences;
            Assert.Equal(multipleReferences, t.References); // "New References value should be set"
            foreach (ITaskItem reference in multipleReferences)
                CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/r:" + reference.ItemSpec, true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            // test cases where command line length is equal to the maximum allowed length and just above the maximum allowed length
            // we do some calculation here to do ensure that the resulting command lines match these cases (see Case 1 and 2 below)
            // reference switch adds space + "/r:", (4 characters)
            int referenceSwitchDelta = 4;
            // subtract one because leading space is added to command line arguments
            int maxCommandLineLength = 28000 - 1;
            int referencePathLength = 200;
            // min reference argument is " /r:a.dll"
            int minReferenceArgumentLength = referenceSwitchDelta + "a.dll".Length;
            // reference name is of the form (repeated a characters followed by 3
            // digit identifier for uniqueness followed by the .dll file extension
            StringBuilder referencePathBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            referencePathBuilder.Append('a', referencePathLength - (3 /* 3 digit identifier */ + 4 /* file extension */));
            string longReferenceNameBase = referencePathBuilder.ToString();
            // reference switch length plus the length of the reference path
            int referenceArgumentLength = referencePathLength + referenceSwitchDelta;
            t = CreateCommandLineResGen();
            // compute command line with only one reference switch so remaining added reference
            // arguments will have the same length, since the first reference argument added may not have a
            // leading space
            List<ITaskItem> references = new List<ITaskItem>();
            references.Add(new TaskItem() { ItemSpec = "a.dll" });
            t.References = references.ToArray();
            int baseCommandLineLength = CommandLine.GetCommandLine(t, false).Length;
            Assert.True(baseCommandLineLength < maxCommandLineLength); // "Cannot create command line less than the maximum allowed command line"
            // calculate how many reference arguments will need to be added and what the length of the last argument
            // should be so that the command line length is equal to the maximum allowed length
            int remainder;
            int quotient = Math.DivRem(maxCommandLineLength - baseCommandLineLength, referenceArgumentLength, out remainder);
            if (remainder < minReferenceArgumentLength)
                remainder += referenceArgumentLength;
            // compute the length of the last reference argument
            int lastReferencePathLength = remainder - (4 /* switch length */ + 4 /* file extension */);
            for (int i = 0; i < quotient; i++)
                string refIndex = i.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');
                references.Add(new TaskItem() { ItemSpec = (longReferenceNameBase + refIndex + ".dll") });
            // Case 1: Command line length is equal to the maximum allowed value
            // create last reference argument
            referencePathBuilder.Append('b', lastReferencePathLength).Append(".dll");
            ITaskItem lastReference = new TaskItem() { ItemSpec = referencePathBuilder.ToString() };
            // set references
            t.References = references.ToArray();
            int commandLineLength = CommandLine.GetCommandLine(t, false).Length;
            Assert.Equal(commandLineLength, maxCommandLineLength);
                CommandLine.GetCommandLine(t, false).Length);
            VerifyLogDoesNotContainResource((MockEngine)t.BuildEngine, GetPrivateLog(t), "ToolTask.CommandTooLong", typeof(ResGen).Name);
            // Case 2: Command line length is one more than the maximum allowed value
            // make last reference name longer by one character so that command line should become too long
            referencePathBuilder.Insert(0, 'b');
            lastReference.ItemSpec = referencePathBuilder.ToString();
            // reset ResGen task, since execution can change the command line
            t = CreateCommandLineResGen();
            t.References = references.ToArray();
            commandLineLength = CommandLine.GetCommandLine(t, false).Length;
            Assert.Equal(commandLineLength, maxCommandLineLength + 1);
                CommandLine.GetCommandLine(t, false).Length);
            VerifyLogDoesNotContainResource((MockEngine)t.BuildEngine, GetPrivateLog(t), "ToolTask.CommandTooLong", typeof(ResGen).Name);
        private ResGen CreateCommandLineResGen()
            ResGen t = new ResGen();
            ITaskItem[] throwawayInput = { new TaskItem("hello.resx") };
            // setting these values should ensure that no response file is used
            t.UseCommandProcessor = false;
            t.StronglyTypedLanguage = "CSharp";
            t.InputFiles = throwawayInput;
            t.ToolPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFrameworkSdkFile("resgen.exe", TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Latest));
            return t;
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the SdkToolsPath property:  Should log an error if it's null or a bad path.
        /// </summary>
        public void SdkToolsPath()
            ResGen t = new ResGen();
            string badParameterValue = @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\My Fake SDK Path";
            string goodParameterValue = Path.GetTempPath();
            ITaskItem[] throwawayInput = { new TaskItem("hello.resx") };
            // Without any inputs, the task just passes
            t.InputFiles = throwawayInput;
            Assert.Null(t.SdkToolsPath); // "SdkToolsPath should be null by default"
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsErrorFromResource(t, "ResGen.SdkOrToolPathNotSpecifiedOrInvalid", t.SdkToolsPath, t.ToolPath);
            t.SdkToolsPath = badParameterValue;
            Assert.Equal(badParameterValue, t.SdkToolsPath); // "New SdkToolsPath value should be set"
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsErrorFromResource(t, "ResGen.SdkOrToolPathNotSpecifiedOrInvalid", t.SdkToolsPath, t.ToolPath);
            MockEngine e = new MockEngine();
            t.BuildEngine = e;
            t.SdkToolsPath = goodParameterValue;
            Assert.Equal(goodParameterValue, t.SdkToolsPath); // "New SdkToolsPath value should be set"
            bool taskPassed = t.Execute();
            Assert.False(taskPassed); // "Task should still fail -- there are other things wrong with it."
            // but that particular error shouldn't be there anymore.
            string sdkToolsPathMessage = t.Log.FormatResourceString("ResGen.SdkOrToolPathNotSpecifiedOrInvalid", t.SdkToolsPath, t.ToolPath);
            string messageWithNoCode;
            string sdkToolsPathCode = t.Log.ExtractMessageCode(sdkToolsPathMessage, out messageWithNoCode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies the parameters that for resgen.exe's /str: switch
        /// </summary>
        public void StronglyTypedParameters()
            ResGen t = new ResGen();
            ITaskItem[] throwawayInput = { new TaskItem("hello.resx") };
            string strLanguage = "c#";
            string strNamespace = "Microsoft.Build.Foo";
            string strClass = "MyFoo";
            string strFile = "MyFoo.cs";
            // Without any inputs, the task just passes
            t.InputFiles = throwawayInput;
            t.ToolPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFrameworkSdkFile("resgen.exe", TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Latest));
            // Language is null by default
            Assert.Null(t.StronglyTypedLanguage); // "StronglyTypedLanguage should be null by default"
            CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/str:", false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            // If other STR parameters are passed, we error, suggesting they might want a language as well.
            t.StronglyTypedNamespace = strNamespace;
            CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/str:", false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsErrorFromResource(t, "ResGen.STRClassNamespaceOrFilenameWithoutLanguage");
            t.StronglyTypedNamespace = "";
            t.StronglyTypedClassName = strClass;
            CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/str:", false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsErrorFromResource(t, "ResGen.STRClassNamespaceOrFilenameWithoutLanguage");
            t.StronglyTypedClassName = "";
            t.StronglyTypedFileName = strFile;
            CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/str:", false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsErrorFromResource(t, "ResGen.STRClassNamespaceOrFilenameWithoutLanguage");
            // However, if it is passed, the /str: switch gets added
            t.StronglyTypedLanguage = strLanguage;
            t.StronglyTypedNamespace = "";
            t.StronglyTypedClassName = "";
            t.StronglyTypedFileName = "";
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/str:" + strLanguage + ",,,", false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            t.StronglyTypedNamespace = strNamespace;
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/str:" + strLanguage + "," + strNamespace + ",,", false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            t.StronglyTypedClassName = strClass;
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/str:" + strLanguage + "," + strNamespace + "," + strClass + ",", false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
            t.StronglyTypedFileName = strFile;
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/str:" + strLanguage + "," + strNamespace + "," + strClass + "," + strFile, false /* resgen 4.0 does not appear to support response files for STR */);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the ToolPath property:  Should log an error if it's null or a bad path.
        /// </summary>
        public void ToolPath()
            ResGen t = new ResGen();
            string badParameterValue = @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\My Fake SDK Path";
            string goodParameterValue = Path.GetTempPath();
            ITaskItem[] throwawayInput = { new TaskItem("hello.resx") };
            // Without any inputs, the task just passes
            t.InputFiles = throwawayInput;
            Assert.Null(t.ToolPath); // "ToolPath should be null by default"
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsErrorFromResource(t, "ResGen.SdkOrToolPathNotSpecifiedOrInvalid", t.SdkToolsPath, t.ToolPath);
            t.ToolPath = badParameterValue;
            Assert.Equal(badParameterValue, t.ToolPath); // "New ToolPath value should be set"
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsErrorFromResource(t, "ResGen.SdkOrToolPathNotSpecifiedOrInvalid", t.SdkToolsPath, t.ToolPath);
            MockEngine e = new MockEngine();
            t.BuildEngine = e;
            t.ToolPath = goodParameterValue;
            Assert.Equal(goodParameterValue, t.ToolPath); // "New ToolPath value should be set"
            bool taskPassed = t.Execute();
            Assert.False(taskPassed); // "Task should still fail -- there are other things wrong with it."
            // but that particular error shouldn't be there anymore.
            string toolPathMessage = t.Log.FormatResourceString("ResGen.SdkOrToolPathNotSpecifiedOrInvalid", t.SdkToolsPath, t.ToolPath);
            string messageWithNoCode;
            string toolPathCode = t.Log.ExtractMessageCode(toolPathMessage, out messageWithNoCode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests ResGen's /useSourcePath switch
        /// </summary>
        public void UseSourcePath()
            ResGen t = new ResGen();
            ITaskItem[] throwawayInput = { new TaskItem("hello.resx") };
            t.InputFiles = throwawayInput;
            t.ToolPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ToolLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFrameworkSdkFile("resgen.exe", TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion.Latest));
            Assert.False(t.UseSourcePath); // "UseSourcePath should be false by default"
            CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, @"/useSourcePath", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
            t.UseSourcePath = true;
            Assert.True(t.UseSourcePath); // "UseSourcePath should be true"
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, @"/useSourcePath", true /* resgen 4.0 supports response files */);
        #region Helper Functions
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an instance of a ResGen task, executes that task (assuming all necessary parameters
        /// have been set ahead of time) and verifies that the execution log contains the error
        /// corresponding to the resource name passed in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">The task to execute and check</param>
        /// <param name="errorResource">The name of the resource string to check the log for</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments needed to format the resource string properly</param>
        private void ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsErrorFromResource(ResGen t, string errorResource, params object[] args)
            ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsResource(t, false, errorResource, args);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an instance of a ResGen task, executes that task (assuming all necessary parameters
        /// have been set ahead of time), verifies that the task had the expected result, and checks
        /// the log for the string corresponding to the resource name passed in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">The task to execute and check</param>
        /// <param name="expectedResult">true if the task is expected to pass, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="resourceString">The name of the resource string to check the log for</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments needed to format the resource string properly</param>
        private void ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogContainsResource(ResGen t, bool expectedResult, string resourceString, params object[] args)
            MockEngine e = new MockEngine();
            t.BuildEngine = e;
            bool taskPassed = t.Execute();
            Assert.Equal(taskPassed, expectedResult); // "Unexpected task result"
            VerifyLogContainsResource(e, t.Log, resourceString, args);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a log and a resource string, acquires the text of that resource string and
        /// compares it to the log.  Asserts if the log does not contain the desired string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The MockEngine that contains the log we're checking</param>
        /// <param name="log">The TaskLoggingHelper that we use to load the string resource</param>
        /// <param name="errorResource">The name of the resource string to check the log for</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments needed to format the resource string properly</param>
        private void VerifyLogContainsResource(MockEngine e, TaskLoggingHelper log, string messageResource, params object[] args)
            string message = log.FormatResourceString(messageResource, args);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an instance of a ResGen task, executes that task (assuming all necessary parameters
        /// have been set ahead of time), verifies that the task had the expected result, and ensures
        /// the log does not contain the string corresponding to the resource name passed in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">The task to execute and check</param>
        /// <param name="expectedResult">true if the task is expected to pass, false otherwise</param>
        /// <param name="resourceString">The name of the resource string to check the log for</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments needed to format the resource string properly</param>
        private void ExecuteTaskAndVerifyLogDoesNotContainResource(ResGen t, bool expectedResult, string resourceString, params object[] args)
            MockEngine e = new MockEngine();
            t.BuildEngine = e;
            bool taskPassed = t.Execute();
            Assert.Equal(taskPassed, expectedResult); // "Unexpected task result"
            VerifyLogDoesNotContainResource(e, t.Log, resourceString, args);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a log and a resource string, acquires the text of that resource string and
        /// compares it to the log.  Assert fails if the log contain the desired string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The MockEngine that contains the log we're checking</param>
        /// <param name="log">The TaskLoggingHelper that we use to load the string resource</param>
        /// <param name="errorResource">The name of the resource string to check the log for</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments needed to format the resource string properly</param>
        private void VerifyLogDoesNotContainResource(MockEngine e, TaskLoggingHelper log, string messageResource, params object[] args)
            string message = log.FormatResourceString(messageResource, args);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the LogPrivate on the given ToolTask instance. We need to use reflection since
        /// LogPrivate is a private property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static TaskLoggingHelper GetPrivateLog(ToolTask task)
            PropertyInfo logPrivateProperty = typeof(ToolTask).GetProperty("LogPrivate", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            return (TaskLoggingHelper)logPrivateProperty.GetValue(task, null);
        #endregion // Helper Functions