File: GetCompatiblePlatform_Tests.cs
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Project: ..\..\..\src\Tasks.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.Build.UnitTests;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Shouldly;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests
    public sealed class GetCompatiblePlatform_Tests
        private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;
        public GetCompatiblePlatform_Tests(ITestOutputHelper output)
            _output = output;
        public void ResolvesViaPlatformLookupTable()
            // PlatformLookupTable always takes priority. It is typically user-defined.
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "x64;x86;AnyCPU");
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "win32",
                PlatformLookupTable = "win32=x64",
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference }
        public void ResolvesViaOverride()
            // OverridePlatformNegotiationValue always takes priority over everything. It is typically user-defined.
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "x64;x86;AnyCPU");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("platform", "x86");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("OverridePlatformNegotiationValue", "x86");
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "x64",
                PlatformLookupTable = "win32=x64",
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference }
        public void ResolvesViaProjectReferencesPlatformLookupTable()
            // A ProjectReference's PlatformLookupTable takes priority over the current project's table.
            // This allows overrides on a per-ProjectItem basis.
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "x64;x86;AnyCPU");
            // ProjectReference will be assigned x86 because its table takes priority
            projectReference.SetMetadata("PlatformLookupTable", "win32=x86");
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "win32",
                PlatformLookupTable = "win32=x64",
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference }
        public void ResolvesViaAnyCPUDefault()
            // No valid mapping via the lookup table, should default to AnyCPU when the current project
            // and ProjectReference platforms don't match.
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "x64;AnyCPU");
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "x86",
                PlatformLookupTable = "AnyCPU=x64",
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference }
        public void ResolvesViaAnyCPUDefaultWithDefaultPlatformEnabled()
            // No valid mapping via the lookup table, should default to AnyCPU when the current project
            // and ProjectReference platforms don't match.
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "x64;AnyCPU");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platform", "AnyCPU");
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "x86",
                PlatformLookupTable = "AnyCPU=x64",
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference }
        public void ResolvesViaSamePlatform()
            // No valid mapping via the lookup table. If the ProjectReference's platform
            // matches the current project's platform, it takes priority over AnyCPU default.
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "x86;x64;AnyCPU");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("PlatformLookupTable", "x86=AnyCPU"); // matching platform takes priority over lookup tables
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "x86",
                PlatformLookupTable = "x86=AnyCPU",
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference }
        public void FailsToResolve()
            // No valid mapping via the lookup table, ProjectReference can't default to AnyCPU,
            // it also can't match with current project, log a warning.
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "x64");
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "x86",
                PlatformLookupTable = "AnyCPU=x64",
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference },
            // When the task logs a warning, it does not set NearestPlatform
        public void WarnsWhenProjectReferenceHasNoPlatformOptions()
            // Task should log a warning when a ProjectReference has no options to build as.
            // It will continue and have no NearestPlatform metadata.
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", string.Empty);
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platform", string.Empty);
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "x86",
                PlatformLookupTable = "AnyCPU=x64",
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference },
            // When the task logs a warning, it does not set NearestPlatform
        /// <summary>
        /// Invalid format on PlatformLookupTable results in an exception being thrown.
        /// </summary>
        public void WarnsOnInvalidFormatLookupTable()
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "x64");
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "AnyCPU",
                PlatformLookupTable = "AnyCPU=;A=B", // invalid format
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference },
            // When the platformlookuptable is in an invalid format, it is discarded.
            // There shouldn't have been a translation found from AnyCPU to anything.
            // Meaning the projectreference would not have NearestPlatform set.
        /// <summary>
        /// Invalid format on PlatformLookupTable from the projectreference results in an exception being thrown.
        /// </summary>
        public void WarnsOnInvalidFormatProjectReferenceLookupTable()
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "x64;x86");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("PlatformLookupTable", "x86=;b=d");
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "AnyCPU",
                PlatformLookupTable = "AnyCPU=x86;A=B", // invalid format
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference },
            // A ProjectReference PlatformLookupTable should take priority, but is thrown away when
            // it has an invalid format. The current project's PLT should be the next priority.
        // When `Platform` is retrieved in "GetTargetFrameworks" and that platform matches what's currently
        // being built, build that project _without_ a global property for Platform.
        [InlineData("x86;AnyCPU", "x64", "x64")] // Referenced platform matches current platform, build w/o global property
        [InlineData("x64;x86;AnyCPU", "x64", "x64")] // Referenced platform overrides 'Platforms' being an option
        public void PlatformIsChosenAsDefault(string referencedPlatforms, string referencedPlatform, string currentPlatform)
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", referencedPlatforms);
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platform", referencedPlatform);
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = currentPlatform,
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference }
        // When `Platform` is retrieved in "GetTargetFrameworks" and that platform matches what the task has decided the project should be built as
        // through negotiation. build that project _without_ a global property for Platform.
        public void ChosenPlatformMatchesDefault()
            TaskItem projectReference = new TaskItem("");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platforms", "AnyCPU;x64");
            projectReference.SetMetadata("Platform", "AnyCPU");
            GetCompatiblePlatform task = new GetCompatiblePlatform()
                BuildEngine = new MockEngine(_output),
                CurrentProjectPlatform = "x86",
                PlatformLookupTable = "", // invalid format
                AnnotatedProjects = new TaskItem[] { projectReference },