File: CombinePath_Tests.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Tasks.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using Microsoft.Build.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.NetCore.Extensions;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.UnitTests
    public sealed class CombinePath_Tests
        /// <summary>
        /// Base path is relative.  Paths are relative.
        /// </summary>
        public void RelativeRelative1()
            CombinePath t = new CombinePath();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.BasePath = Path.Combine("abc", "def");
            string path1 = "ghi.txt";
            string fullPath1 = Path.Combine(t.BasePath, path1);
            string path2 = Path.Combine("jkl", "mno.txt");
            string fullPath2 = Path.Combine(t.BasePath, path2);
            t.Paths = new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem(path1), new TaskItem(path2) };
            Assert.True(t.Execute()); // "success"
            ObjectModelHelpers.AssertItemsMatch(string.Format("{0}\r\n{1}", fullPath1, fullPath2), t.CombinedPaths, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Base path is relative.  Paths are absolute.
        /// </summary>
        public void RelativeAbsolute1()
            CombinePath t = new CombinePath();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.BasePath = Path.Combine("abc", "def");
            string path1 = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? @"c:\ghi.txt" : "/ghi.txt";
            string path2 = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? @"d:\jkl\mno.txt" : "/jkl/mno.txt";
            string path3 = @"\\myserver\myshare";
            string pathsToMatch = string.Format(NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? @"
                " : @"
                ", path1, path2, path3);
            t.Paths = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows
                          ? new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem(path1), new TaskItem(path2), new TaskItem(path3) }
                          : new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem(path1), new TaskItem(path2) };
            Assert.True(t.Execute()); // "success"
            ObjectModelHelpers.AssertItemsMatch(pathsToMatch, t.CombinedPaths, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Base path is absolute.  Paths are relative.
        /// </summary>
        public void AbsoluteRelative1()
            CombinePath t = new CombinePath();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.BasePath = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? @"c:\abc\def" : "/abc/def";
            string path1 = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.Combine("ghi", "jkl.txt");
            string path2 = Path.Combine("mno", "qrs.txt");
            string fullPath2 = Path.Combine(t.BasePath, path2);
            t.Paths = new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem(path1), new TaskItem(path2) };
            Assert.True(t.Execute()); // "success"
            ObjectModelHelpers.AssertItemsMatch(string.Format("{0}\r\n{1}", path1, fullPath2), t.CombinedPaths, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Base path is absolute.  Paths are absolute.
        /// </summary>
        public void AbsoluteAbsolute1()
            CombinePath t = new CombinePath();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.BasePath = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? @"\\fileserver\public" : "/rootdir/public";
            string path1 = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? @"c:\ghi.txt" : "/ghi.txt";
            string path2 = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? @"d:\jkl\mno.txt" : "/jkl/mno.txt";
            string path3 = @"\\myserver\myshare";
            string pathsToMatch = string.Format(NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows ? @"
                " : @"
                ", path1, path2, path3);
            t.Paths = NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows
                          ? new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem(path1), new TaskItem(path2), new TaskItem(path3) }
                          : new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem(path1), new TaskItem(path2) };
            Assert.True(t.Execute()); // "success"
            ObjectModelHelpers.AssertItemsMatch(pathsToMatch, t.CombinedPaths, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// All item metadata from the paths should be preserved when producing the output items.
        /// </summary>
        public void MetadataPreserved()
            CombinePath t = new CombinePath();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            string expected;
            if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows)
                t.BasePath = @"c:\abc\def\";
                t.Paths = new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem(@"jkl\mno.txt") };
                expected = @"
                c:\abc\def\jkl\mno.txt : Culture=english
                t.BasePath = "/abc/def/";
                t.Paths = new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem("jkl/mno.txt") };
                expected = @"
                /abc/def/jkl/mno.txt : Culture=english
            t.Paths[0].SetMetadata("Culture", "english");
            Assert.True(t.Execute()); // "success"
            ObjectModelHelpers.AssertItemsMatch(expected, t.CombinedPaths, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// No base path passed in should be treated as a blank base path, which means that
        /// the original paths are returned untouched.
        /// </summary>
        public void NoBasePath()
            CombinePath t = new CombinePath();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.Paths = new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem(@"jkl\mno.txt"), new TaskItem(@"c:\abc\def\ghi.txt") };
            Assert.True(t.Execute()); // "success"
                ", t.CombinedPaths, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Passing in an array of zero paths.  Task should succeed and return zero paths.
        /// </summary>
        public void NoPaths()
            CombinePath t = new CombinePath();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.BasePath = @"c:\abc\def";
            t.Paths = System.Array.Empty<ITaskItem>();
            Assert.True(t.Execute()); // "success"
                ", t.CombinedPaths, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Passing in a (blank) path.  Task should simply return the base path.
        /// </summary>
        public void BlankPath()
            CombinePath t = new CombinePath();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.BasePath = @"c:\abc\def";
            t.Paths = new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem("") };
            Assert.True(t.Execute()); // "success"
                ", t.CombinedPaths, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Specified paths contain invalid characters.  Task should continue processing remaining items.
        /// </summary>
        [WindowsFullFrameworkOnlyFact(additionalMessage: "No invalid characters on Unix.")]
        public void InvalidPath()
            CombinePath t = new CombinePath();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine(true);
            t.BasePath = @"c:\abc\def";
            t.Paths = new ITaskItem[] { new TaskItem("ghi.txt"), new TaskItem("|.txt"), new TaskItem("jkl.txt") };
            Assert.False(t.Execute()); // "should have failed"
                ", t.CombinedPaths, true);