File: AspNetCompiler_Tests.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Tasks.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Tasks.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation;
using Microsoft.Build.Tasks;
using Xunit;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.UnitTests
     * Class:   AspNetCompilerTests
     * Test the AspNetCompiler task in various ways.
    public sealed class AspNetCompilerTests
        public void NoParameters()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            // It's invalid to have zero parameters, so we expect a "false" return value from ValidateParameters.
        public void OnlyMetabasePath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.MetabasePath = @"/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp";
            // This should be valid.
            CommandLine.ValidateEquals(t, @"-m /LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp", false);
        public void OnlyVirtualPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.VirtualPath = @"/MyApp";
            // This should be valid.
            CommandLine.ValidateEquals(t, @"-v /MyApp", false);
        public void OnlyPhysicalPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.PhysicalPath = @"c:\MyApp";
            // This is not valid.  Either MetabasePath or VirtualPath must be specified.
        public void OnlyTargetPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.TargetPath = @"c:\MyTarget";
            // This is not valid.  Either MetabasePath or VirtualPath must be specified.
        public void MetabasePathAndVirtualPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.MetabasePath = @"/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp";
            t.VirtualPath = @"/MyApp";
            // This is not valid.  Can't specify both MetabasePath and (VirtualPath or PhysicalPath).
        public void MetabasePathAndPhysicalPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.MetabasePath = @"/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp";
            t.PhysicalPath = @"c:\MyApp";
            // This is not valid.  Can't specify both MetabasePath and (VirtualPath or PhysicalPath).
        public void MetabasePathAndTargetPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.MetabasePath = @"/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp";
            t.TargetPath = @"c:\MyTarget";
            // This is valid.
            CommandLine.ValidateEquals(t, @"-m /LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp c:\MyTarget", false);
        public void VirtualPathAndPhysicalPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.VirtualPath = @"/MyApp";
            t.PhysicalPath = @"c:\MyApp";
            // This is valid.
            CommandLine.ValidateEquals(t, @"-v /MyApp -p c:\MyApp", false);
        public void VirtualPathAndTargetPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.VirtualPath = @"/MyApp";
            t.TargetPath = @"c:\MyTarget";
            // This is valid.
            CommandLine.ValidateEquals(t, @"-v /MyApp c:\MyTarget", false);
        public void PhysicalPathAndTargetPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.PhysicalPath = @"c:\MyApp";
            t.TargetPath = @"c:\MyTarget";
            // This is not valid.  Either MetabasePath or VirtualPath must be specified.
        public void AllExceptMetabasePath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.VirtualPath = @"/MyApp";
            t.PhysicalPath = @"c:\MyApp";
            t.TargetPath = @"c:\MyTarget";
            // This is valid.
            CommandLine.ValidateEquals(t, @"-v /MyApp -p c:\MyApp c:\MyTarget", false);
        public void AllExceptVirtualPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.MetabasePath = @"/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp";
            t.PhysicalPath = @"c:\MyApp";
            t.TargetPath = @"c:\MyTarget";
            // This is not valid.  Can't specify both MetabasePath and (VirtualPath or PhysicalPath).
        public void AllExceptPhysicalPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.MetabasePath = @"/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp";
            t.VirtualPath = @"/MyApp";
            t.TargetPath = @"c:\MyTarget";
            // This is not valid.  Can't specify both MetabasePath and (VirtualPath or PhysicalPath).
        public void AllExceptTargetPath()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.MetabasePath = @"/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp";
            t.VirtualPath = @"/MyApp";
            t.PhysicalPath = @"c:\MyApp";
            // This is not valid.  Can't specify both MetabasePath and (VirtualPath or PhysicalPath).
        public void AllParameters()
            AspNetCompiler t = new AspNetCompiler();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
            t.MetabasePath = @"/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp";
            t.VirtualPath = @"/MyApp";
            t.PhysicalPath = @"c:\MyApp";
            t.TargetPath = @"c:\MyTarget";
            // This is not valid.  Can't specify both MetabasePath and (VirtualPath or PhysicalPath).
        /// <summary>
        /// Make sure AspNetCompiler sends ExternalProjectStarted/Finished events properly. The tasks will fail since
        /// the project files don't exist, but we only care about the events anyway.
        /// </summary>
        public void TestExternalProjectEvents()
            string projectFileContents = @"
                    <Project ToolsVersion=`msbuilddefaulttoolsversion` xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
                        <UsingTask TaskName=`AspNetCompiler` AssemblyName=`{0}`/>
                        <Target Name=`Build`>
                            <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath=`/WebSite1` PhysicalPath=`..\..\solutions\WebSite1\`/>
                            <OnError ExecuteTargets=`Build2`/>
                        <Target Name=`Build2`>
                            <AspNetCompiler VirtualPath=`/WebSite2` Clean=`true`/>
                            <OnError ExecuteTargets=`Build3`/>
                        <Target Name=`Build3`>
                            <AspNetCompiler MetabasePath=`/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp`/>
            string fullProjectFile = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, projectFileContents, typeof(AspNetCompiler).Assembly.FullName);
            MockLogger logger = new MockLogger();
            Project proj = ObjectModelHelpers.CreateInMemoryProject(fullProjectFile, logger);
            Assert.Equal(3, logger.ExternalProjectStartedEvents.Count);
            Assert.Equal(3, logger.ExternalProjectFinishedEvents.Count);
            Assert.Equal(@"..\..\solutions\WebSite1\", logger.ExternalProjectStartedEvents[0].ProjectFile);
            Assert.Equal("/WebSite2", logger.ExternalProjectStartedEvents[1].ProjectFile);
            Assert.Equal("/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp", logger.ExternalProjectStartedEvents[2].ProjectFile);
            Assert.Equal(@"..\..\solutions\WebSite1\", logger.ExternalProjectFinishedEvents[0].ProjectFile);
            Assert.Equal("/WebSite2", logger.ExternalProjectFinishedEvents[1].ProjectFile);
            Assert.Equal("/LM/W3SVC/1/Root/MyApp", logger.ExternalProjectFinishedEvents[2].ProjectFile);
            Assert.Equal("Clean", logger.ExternalProjectStartedEvents[1].TargetNames);