// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.IO;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Shared.LanguageParser
* Class: TokenCharReader
* Reads over the contents of a source file (in the form of a string).
* Provides utility functions for skipping and checking the value of characters.
internal class TokenCharReader
// The sources
private StreamMappedString _sources;
// Current character offset within sources.
private int _position;
// The current line. One-relative.
private int _currentLine; // One-relative
* Method: TokenCharReader
* Construct
internal TokenCharReader(Stream binaryStream, bool forceANSI)
_sources = new StreamMappedString(binaryStream, forceANSI);
* Method: Reset
* Reset to the top of the sources.
internal void Reset()
_position = 0;
_currentLine = 1; // One-relative
* Method: CurrentLine
* The current line number
internal int CurrentLine
get { return _currentLine; }
* Method: Position
* The character offset within the sources.
internal int Position
get { return _position; }
// Having a set operator makes this class not forward-only.
// If this becomes necessary later, then implement a push-pop
// scheme for saving current positions and get rid of this.
// This will force the caller to declare ahead of time whether
// they may want to return here.
set { _position = value; }
* Method: Skip
* Skip to the next character.
protected void Skip()
if (TokenChar.IsNewLine(CurrentCharacter))
* Method: Skip (overload)
* Skip the next n characters.
protected void Skip(int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
* Method: CurrentCharacter
* Get the current character.
internal char CurrentCharacter
get { return _sources.GetAt(_position); }
* Method: EndOfLines
* Return true if we've reached the end of sources.
internal bool EndOfLines
get { return _sources.IsPastEnd(_position); }
* Method: GetCurrentMatchedString
* Get the string that starts with the given start position and ends with this.position.
internal string GetCurrentMatchedString(int startPosition)
return _sources.Substring(startPosition, _position - startPosition);
* Method: Sink
* See if the next characters match the given string. If they do,
* sink this string.
internal bool Sink(string match)
return Sink(match, false);
/// <summary>
/// See if the next characters match the given string. If they do, sink this string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="match"></param>
/// <param name="ignoreCase"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool Sink(string match, bool ignoreCase)
// Is there enough left for this match?
if (_sources.IsPastEnd(_position + match.Length - 1))
return false;
string compare = _sources.Substring(_position, match.Length);
(ignoreCase /* ignore case */) ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal))
return true;
return false;
* Method: SinkCharacter
* Sink and return one character.
internal char SinkCharacter()
char c = CurrentCharacter;
return c;
* Method: SinkIgnoreCase
* See if the next characters match the given string without case.
internal bool SinkIgnoreCase(string match)
return Sink(match, true);
* Method: MatchNextIdentifierStart
* Determine whether a given character is a C# or VB identifier start character.
* Both languages agree on this format.
internal bool MatchNextIdentifierStart()
// From 2.4.2 of the C# Language Specification
// identifier-start-letter-character:
if (CurrentCharacter == '_' || TokenChar.IsLetter(CurrentCharacter))
return true;
return false;
* Method: SinkIdentifierStart
* Determine whether a given character is a C# or VB identifier start character.
* Both languages agree on this format.
internal bool SinkIdentifierStart()
if (MatchNextIdentifierStart())
return true;
return false;
* Method: SinkIdentifierPart
* Determine whether a given character is a C# or VB identifier part character
* Both languages agree on this format.
internal bool SinkIdentifierPart()
// From 2.4.2 of the C# Language Specification
// identifier-part-letter-character:
if (
|| TokenChar.IsDecimalDigit(CurrentCharacter)
|| TokenChar.IsConnecting(CurrentCharacter)
|| TokenChar.IsCombining(CurrentCharacter)
|| TokenChar.IsFormatting(CurrentCharacter))
return true;
return false;
* Method: SinkNewLine
* Sink a newline.
internal bool SinkNewLine()
if (EndOfLines)
return false;
int originalPosition = _position;
if (Sink("\xd\xa")) // This sequence is treated as a single new line.
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(originalPosition != _position, "Expected position to be incremented.");
return true;
if (TokenChar.IsNewLine(CurrentCharacter))
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(originalPosition != _position, "Expected position to be incremented.");
return true;
return false;
* Method: SinkToEndOfLine
* Sink from the current position to the first end-of-line.
internal bool SinkToEndOfLine()
while (!TokenChar.IsNewLine(CurrentCharacter))
return true; // Matching zero characters is ok.
* Method: SinkUntil
* Sink until the given string is found. Match including the given string.
internal bool SinkUntil(string find)
bool found = false;
while (!EndOfLines && !found)
if (Sink(find))
found = true;
return found; // Return true if the matching string was found.
* Method: SinkMultipleHexDigits
* Sink multiple hex digits.
internal bool SinkMultipleHexDigits()
int count = 0;
while (TokenChar.IsHexDigit(CurrentCharacter))
return count > 0; // Must match at least one
* Method: SinkMultipleDecimalDigits
* Sink multiple decimal digits.
internal bool SinkMultipleDecimalDigits()
int count = 0;
while (TokenChar.IsDecimalDigit(CurrentCharacter))
return count > 0; // Must match at least one