File: ResGenDependencies.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Tasks\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Resources;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Build.BackEnd;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.FileSystem;
using Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ResourceHandling;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks
    /// <remarks>
    /// This class is a caching mechanism for the resgen task to keep track of linked
    /// files within processed .resx files.
    /// </remarks>
    internal sealed class ResGenDependencies : StateFileBase, ITranslatable
        /// <summary>
        /// The list of resx files.
        /// </summary>
        internal IDictionary<string, ResXFile> resXFiles = new Dictionary<string, ResXFile>();
        /// <summary>
        /// A list of portable libraries and the ResW files they can produce.
        /// </summary>
        internal IDictionary<string, PortableLibraryFile> portableLibraries = new Dictionary<string, PortableLibraryFile>();
        /// <summary>
        /// A newly-created ResGenDependencies is not dirty.
        /// What would be the point in saving the default?
        /// </summary>
        private bool _isDirty;
        /// <summary>
        ///  This is the directory that will be used for resolution of files linked within a .resx.
        ///  If this is NULL then we use the directory in which the .resx is in (that should always
        ///  be the default!)
        /// </summary>
        internal string baseLinkedFileDirectory;
        internal string BaseLinkedFileDirectory
            get => baseLinkedFileDirectory;
                if (value == null && baseLinkedFileDirectory == null)
                    // No change
                if ((value == null && baseLinkedFileDirectory != null) ||
                     (value != null && baseLinkedFileDirectory == null) ||
                     (!String.Equals(baseLinkedFileDirectory, value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    // Ok, this is slightly complicated.  Changing the base directory in any manner may
                    // result in changes to how we find .resx files.  Therefore, we must clear our out
                    // cache whenever the base directory changes.
                    _isDirty = true;
                    baseLinkedFileDirectory = value;
        internal bool UseSourcePath
                // Ensure that the cache is properly initialized with respect to how resgen will
                // resolve linked files within .resx files.  ResGen has two different
                // ways for resolving relative file-paths in linked files. The way
                // that ResGen resolved relative paths before Whidbey was always to
                // resolve from the current working directory. In Whidbey a new command-line
                // switch "/useSourcePath" instructs ResGen to use the folder that
                // contains the .resx file as the path from which it should resolve
                // relative paths. So we should base our timestamp/existence checking
                // on the same switch & resolve in the same manner as ResGen.
                BaseLinkedFileDirectory = value ? null : Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
        public ResGenDependencies() { }
        public ResGenDependencies(ITranslator translator)
        public override void Translate(ITranslator translator)
            translator.TranslateDictionary(ref resXFiles,
                (ITranslator translator, ref string s) => translator.Translate(ref s),
                (ITranslator translator, ref ResXFile resx) =>
                    ResXFile temp = resx ?? new();
                    resx = temp;
                count => new Dictionary<string, ResXFile>(count));
            translator.TranslateDictionary(ref portableLibraries,
                (ITranslator translator, ref string s) => translator.Translate(ref s),
                (ITranslator translator, ref PortableLibraryFile portableLibrary) =>
                    PortableLibraryFile temp = portableLibrary ?? new();
                    portableLibrary = temp;
                count => new Dictionary<string, PortableLibraryFile>(count));
            translator.Translate(ref baseLinkedFileDirectory);
        internal ResXFile GetResXFileInfo(string resxFile, bool useMSBuildResXReader, TaskLoggingHelper log, bool logWarningForBinaryFormatter)
            // First, try to retrieve the resx information from our hashtable.
            if (!resXFiles.TryGetValue(resxFile, out ResXFile retVal))
                // Ok, the file wasn't there.  Add it to our cache and return it to the caller.
                retVal = AddResxFile(resxFile, useMSBuildResXReader, log, logWarningForBinaryFormatter);
                // The file was there.  Is it up to date?  If not, then we'll have to refresh the file
                // by removing it from the hashtable and readding it.
                if (retVal.HasFileChanged())
                    _isDirty = true;
                    retVal = AddResxFile(resxFile, useMSBuildResXReader, log, logWarningForBinaryFormatter);
            return retVal;
        private ResXFile AddResxFile(string file, bool useMSBuildResXReader, TaskLoggingHelper log, bool logWarningForBinaryFormatter)
            // This method adds a .resx file "file" to our .resx cache.  The method causes the file
            // to be cracked for contained files.
            var resxFile = new ResXFile(file, BaseLinkedFileDirectory, useMSBuildResXReader, log, logWarningForBinaryFormatter);
            resXFiles.Add(file, resxFile);
            _isDirty = true;
            return resxFile;
        internal PortableLibraryFile TryGetPortableLibraryInfo(string libraryPath)
            // First, try to retrieve the portable library information from our hashtable.
            portableLibraries.TryGetValue(libraryPath, out PortableLibraryFile retVal);
            // The file is in our cache.  Make sure it's up to date.  If not, discard
            // this entry from the cache and rebuild all the state at a later point.
            if (retVal?.HasFileChanged() == true)
                _isDirty = true;
                retVal = null;
            return retVal;
        internal void UpdatePortableLibrary(PortableLibraryFile library)
            if (!portableLibraries.TryGetValue(library.FileName, out PortableLibraryFile cached) || !library.Equals(cached))
                // Add a new entry or replace the existing one.
                portableLibraries.Add(library.FileName, library);
                _isDirty = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the contents of this object out to the specified file.
        /// </summary>
        internal override void SerializeCache(string stateFile, TaskLoggingHelper log, bool serializeEmptyState = false)
            base.SerializeCache(stateFile, log, serializeEmptyState);
            _isDirty = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the .cache file from disk into a ResGenDependencies object.
        /// </summary>
        internal static ResGenDependencies DeserializeCache(string stateFile, bool useSourcePath, TaskLoggingHelper log)
            var retVal = DeserializeCache<ResGenDependencies>(stateFile, log) ?? new ResGenDependencies();
            // Ensure that the cache is properly initialized with respect to how resgen will
            // resolve linked files within .resx files.  ResGen has two different
            // ways for resolving relative file-paths in linked files. The way
            // that ResGen resolved relative paths before Whidbey was always to
            // resolve from the current working directory. In Whidbey a new command-line
            // switch "/useSourcePath" instructs ResGen to use the folder that
            // contains the .resx file as the path from which it should resolve
            // relative paths. So we should base our timestamp/existence checking
            // on the same switch & resolve in the same manner as ResGen.
            retVal.UseSourcePath = useSourcePath;
            return retVal;
        /// <remarks>
        /// Represents a single .resx file in the dependency cache.
        /// </remarks>
        internal sealed class ResXFile : DependencyFile, ITranslatable
            // Files contained within this resx file.
            internal string[] linkedFiles;
            internal string[] LinkedFiles => linkedFiles;
            internal ResXFile(string filename, string baseLinkedFileDirectory, bool useMSBuildResXReader, TaskLoggingHelper log, bool logWarningForBinaryFormatter) : base(filename)
                // Creates a new ResXFile object and populates the class member variables
                // by computing a list of linked files within the .resx that was passed in.
                // filename is the filename of the .resx file that is to be examined.
                if (FileSystems.Default.FileExists(FileName))
                    linkedFiles = GetLinkedFiles(filename, baseLinkedFileDirectory, useMSBuildResXReader, log, logWarningForBinaryFormatter);
            internal ResXFile()
            public void Translate(ITranslator translator)
                translator.Translate(ref linkedFiles);
                translator.Translate(ref filename);
                translator.Translate(ref lastModified);
                translator.Translate(ref exists);
            /// <summary>
            /// Given a .RESX file, returns all the linked files that are referenced within that .RESX.
            /// </summary>
            /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">May be thrown if Resx is invalid. May contain XmlException.</exception>
            /// <exception cref="XmlException">May be thrown if Resx is invalid</exception>
            private static string[] GetLinkedFiles(string filename, string baseLinkedFileDirectory, bool useMSBuildResXReader, TaskLoggingHelper log, bool logWarningForBinaryFormatter)
                // This method finds all linked .resx files for the .resx file that is passed in.
                // filename is the filename of the .resx file that is to be examined.
                // Construct the return array
                var retVal = new List<string>();
                if (useMSBuildResXReader)
                    foreach (IResource resource in MSBuildResXReader.GetResourcesFromFile(filename, pathsRelativeToBasePath: baseLinkedFileDirectory == null, log, logWarningForBinaryFormatter))
                        if (resource is FileStreamResource linkedResource)
                    using (var resxReader = new ResXResourceReader(filename))
                        // Tell the reader to return ResXDataNode's instead of the object type
                        // the resource becomes at runtime so we can figure out which files
                        // the .resx references
                        resxReader.UseResXDataNodes = true;
                        // First we need to figure out where the linked file resides in order
                        // to see if it exists & compare its timestamp, and we need to do that
                        // comparison in the same way ResGen does it. ResGen has two different
                        // ways for resolving relative file-paths in linked files. The way
                        // that ResGen resolved relative paths before Whidbey was always to
                        // resolve from the current working directory. In Whidbey a new command-line
                        // switch "/useSourcePath" instructs ResGen to use the folder that
                        // contains the .resx file as the path from which it should resolve
                        // relative paths. So we should base our timestamp/existence checking
                        // on the same switch & resolve in the same manner as ResGen.
                        resxReader.BasePath = baseLinkedFileDirectory ?? Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
                        foreach (DictionaryEntry dictEntry in resxReader)
                            if (dictEntry.Value is ResXDataNode node)
                                ResXFileRef resxFileRef = node.FileRef;
                                if (resxFileRef != null)
                    // mimic Core behavior prior to MSBuildResXReader: just don't check for linked files
                return retVal.ToArray();
        /// <remarks>
        /// Represents a single assembly in the dependency cache, which may produce
        /// 0 to many ResW files.
        /// Must be serializable because instances may be marshaled cross-AppDomain, see <see cref="ProcessResourceFiles.PortableLibraryCacheInfo"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        internal sealed class PortableLibraryFile : DependencyFile, ITranslatable
            internal string[] outputFiles;
            internal string neutralResourceLanguage;
            internal string assemblySimpleName;
            internal PortableLibraryFile()
            public void Translate(ITranslator translator)
                translator.Translate(ref assemblySimpleName);
                translator.Translate(ref outputFiles);
                translator.Translate(ref neutralResourceLanguage);
                translator.Translate(ref filename);
                translator.Translate(ref lastModified);
                translator.Translate(ref exists);
            internal PortableLibraryFile(string filename)
                : base(filename)
            internal string[] OutputFiles
                get => outputFiles;
                set => outputFiles = value;
            internal string NeutralResourceLanguage
                get => neutralResourceLanguage;
                set => neutralResourceLanguage = value;
            internal string AssemblySimpleName
                get => assemblySimpleName;
                set => assemblySimpleName = value;
            internal bool AllOutputFilesAreUpToDate()
                Debug.Assert(outputFiles != null, "OutputFiles hasn't been set");
                foreach (string outputFileName in outputFiles)
                    var outputFile = new FileInfo(FileUtilities.FixFilePath(outputFileName));
                    if (!outputFile.Exists || outputFile.LastWriteTime < LastModified)
                        return false;
                return true;
            internal bool Equals(PortableLibraryFile otherLibrary)
                if (!String.Equals(assemblySimpleName, otherLibrary.assemblySimpleName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    return false;
                if (!String.Equals(neutralResourceLanguage, otherLibrary.neutralResourceLanguage, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    return false;
                Debug.Assert(OutputFiles != null, "This has not been initialized");
                Debug.Assert(otherLibrary.OutputFiles != null, "The other library has not been initialized");
                if (OutputFiles.Length != otherLibrary.OutputFiles.Length)
                    return false;
                for (int i = 0; i < OutputFiles.Length; i++)
                    if (!String.Equals(OutputFiles[i], otherLibrary.OutputFiles[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        return false;
                return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Whether this cache is dirty or not.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool IsDirty => _isDirty;