1 instantiation of Parts
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core (1)
CanonicalError.cs (1)
265Parts parsedMessage = new Parts();
12 references to Parts
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core (12)
CanonicalError.cs (12)
166/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Parts"/> class. 180internal int line = Parts.numberNotSpecified; 185internal int column = Parts.numberNotSpecified; 190internal int endLine = Parts.numberNotSpecified; 195internal int endColumn = Parts.numberNotSpecified; 231result = CanonicalError.Parts.numberNotSpecified; 243internal static Parts Parse(string message) 265Parts parsedMessage = new Parts(); 304parsedMessage.category = Parts.Category.Error; 308parsedMessage.category = Parts.Category.Warning; 342parsedMessage.category = Parts.Category.Error; 346parsedMessage.category = Parts.Category.Warning;