28 writes to DebugType
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis.UnitTests (28)
CscTests.cs (13)
261csc.DebugType = "full"; 266csc.DebugType = "pdbonly"; 271csc.DebugType = "portable"; 276csc.DebugType = "embedded"; 281csc.DebugType = null; 286csc.DebugType = ""; 295csc.DebugType = "portable"; 301csc.DebugType = "portable"; 307csc.DebugType = "portable"; 317csc.DebugType = "portable"; 323csc.DebugType = "portable"; 329csc.DebugType = "portable"; 335csc.DebugType = "full";
VbcTests.cs (15)
230vbc.DebugType = "full"; 235vbc.DebugType = "pdbonly"; 240vbc.DebugType = "portable"; 245vbc.DebugType = "embedded"; 250vbc.DebugType = null; 255vbc.DebugType = ""; 264vbc.DebugType = "portable"; 270vbc.DebugType = "portable"; 276vbc.DebugType = "portable"; 286vbc.DebugType = "portable"; 292vbc.DebugType = "portable"; 298vbc.DebugType = "portable"; 304vbc.DebugType = "full"; 310vbc.DebugType = "full"; 316vbc.DebugType = "full";
8 references to DebugType
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CodeAnalysis (8)
ManagedCompiler.cs (6)
135set { _store[nameof(DebugType)] = value; } 136get { return (string?)_store[nameof(DebugType)]; } 874commandLine.AppendSwitchIfNotNull("/debug:", DebugType); 1038if (_store[nameof(DebugType)] != null) 1041if (string.Compare((string?)_store[nameof(DebugType)], "none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) 1043_store[nameof(DebugType)] = null;
Vbc.cs (2)
835CheckHostObjectSupport(param = nameof(DebugType), vbcHostObject.SetDebugType(EmitDebugInformation, DebugType));