File: AssemblyUtilities.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Framework\Microsoft.Build.Framework.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Framework)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
// Declare this to get init properties. See
#nullable disable
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    internal static class IsExternalInit { }
namespace Microsoft.Build.Shared
    /// <summary>
    /// This class contains common reflection tasks
    /// </summary>
    internal static class AssemblyUtilities
        // True when the cached method info objects have been set.
        private static bool s_initialized;
        // Cached method info
        private static PropertyInfo s_assemblylocationProperty;
        private static MethodInfo s_cultureInfoGetCultureMethod;
        private static Lazy<CultureInfo[]> s_validCultures = new Lazy<CultureInfo[]>(() => GetValidCultures(), true);
        private static Lazy<Assembly> s_entryAssembly = new Lazy<Assembly>(() => GetEntryAssembly());
        public static Assembly EntryAssembly => s_entryAssembly.Value;
        public static Assembly EntryAssembly = GetEntryAssembly();
        public static string GetAssemblyLocation(Assembly assembly)
            return assembly.Location;
            // Assembly.Location is only available in .netstandard1.5, but MSBuild needs to target 1.3.
            // use reflection to access the property
            if (s_assemblylocationProperty == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Type Assembly does not have the Location property");
            return (string)s_assemblylocationProperty.GetValue(assembly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Shim for the lack of <see cref="System.Reflection.IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo"/> in .NET 3.5.
        /// </summary>
        public static Type GetTypeInfo(this Type t)
            return t;
        public static AssemblyName CloneIfPossible(this AssemblyName assemblyNameToClone)
            return (AssemblyName)assemblyNameToClone.Clone();
            // NOTE: In large projects, this is called a lot. Avoid calling AssemblyName.Clone
            // because it clones the Version property (which is immutable) and the PublicKey property
            // and the PublicKeyToken property.
            // While the array themselves are mutable - throughout MSBuild they are only ever
            // read from.
            AssemblyName name = new AssemblyName();
            name.Name = assemblyNameToClone.Name;
            name.Version = assemblyNameToClone.Version;
            name.Flags = assemblyNameToClone.Flags;
            name.ProcessorArchitecture = assemblyNameToClone.ProcessorArchitecture;
            name.CultureInfo = assemblyNameToClone.CultureInfo;
            name.HashAlgorithm = assemblyNameToClone.HashAlgorithm;
            name.VersionCompatibility = assemblyNameToClone.VersionCompatibility;
            name.CodeBase = assemblyNameToClone.CodeBase;
            name.KeyPair = assemblyNameToClone.KeyPair;
            name.VersionCompatibility = assemblyNameToClone.VersionCompatibility;
            // Setting the culture name creates a new CultureInfo, leading to many allocations. Only set CultureName when the CultureInfo member is not available.
            name.CultureName = assemblyNameToClone.CultureName;
            return name;
        public static bool CultureInfoHasGetCultures()
            return s_cultureInfoGetCultureMethod != null;
        public static CultureInfo[] GetAllCultures()
            return CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures);
            if (!CultureInfoHasGetCultures())
                throw new NotSupportedException("CultureInfo does not have the method GetCultures");
            return s_validCultures.Value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize static fields. Doesn't need to be thread safe.
        /// </summary>
        private static void Initialize()
            if (s_initialized)
            s_assemblylocationProperty = typeof(Assembly).GetProperty("Location", typeof(string));
            s_cultureInfoGetCultureMethod = typeof(CultureInfo).GetMethod("GetCultures");
            s_initialized = true;
        private static Assembly GetEntryAssembly()
            return System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
        private static CultureInfo[] GetValidCultures()
            var cultureTypesType = s_cultureInfoGetCultureMethod?.GetParameters().FirstOrDefault()?.ParameterType;
            FrameworkErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(cultureTypesType?.Name == "CultureTypes" &&
                                       Enum.IsDefined(cultureTypesType, "AllCultures"),
                                       "GetCulture is expected to accept CultureTypes.AllCultures");
            var allCulturesEnumValue = Enum.Parse(cultureTypesType, "AllCultures", true);
            var cultures = s_cultureInfoGetCultureMethod.Invoke(null, new[] { allCulturesEnumValue }) as CultureInfo[];
            FrameworkErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInternalNull(cultures, "CultureInfo.GetCultures should work if all reflection checks pass");
            return cultures;