File: Solution\SolutionWrapperProject.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Deprecated\Engine\Microsoft.Build.Engine.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Engine)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Shared;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
namespace Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine
    /// <summary>
    /// This class (and the whole namespace) is deprecated. Please use the classes in these namespaces instead: 
    /// <xref:Microsoft.Build.Construction>
    /// <xref:Microsoft.Build.Evaluation>
    /// <xref:Microsoft.Build.Execution>
    /// This class is used to generate an MSBuild wrapper project for a solution file or standalone VC project.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <format type="text/markdown"><![CDATA[
    /// ## Remarks
    /// > [!WARNING]
    /// > This class (and the whole namespace) is deprecated. Please use the classes in these namespaces instead: 
    /// > <xref:Microsoft.Build.Construction>
    /// > <xref:Microsoft.Build.Evaluation>
    /// > <xref:Microsoft.Build.Execution>
    /// ]]></format>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <owner>LukaszG, RGoel</owner>
    public static class SolutionWrapperProject
        private const string webProjectOverrideFolder = "_PublishedWebsites";
        private const string cacheSolutionConfigurationPropertyName = "_SolutionProjectConfiguration";
        private const string cacheToolsVersionPropertyName = "_SolutionProjectToolsVersion";
        private const string cacheProjectListName = "_SolutionProjectProjects";
        private const string cacheVersionNumber = "_SolutionProjectCacheVersion";
        /// <summary>
        /// This method (and the whole namespace) is deprecated. Please use the classes in these namespaces instead: 
        /// <xref:Microsoft.Build.Construction>
        /// <xref:Microsoft.Build.Evaluation>
        /// <xref:Microsoft.Build.Execution>
        /// Given the full path to a solution, returns a string containing the v3.5 MSBuild-format
        /// wrapper project for that solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solutionPath">Full path to the solution we are wrapping</param>
        /// <param name="toolsVersionOverride">May be null.  If non-null, contains the ToolsVersion passed in on the command line</param>\
        /// <param name="projectBuildEventContext">An event context for logging purposes.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <format type="text/markdown"><![CDATA[
        /// ## Remarks
        /// > [!WARNING]
        /// > This method (and the whole namespace) is deprecated. Please use the classes in these namespaces instead: 
        /// > <xref:Microsoft.Build.Construction>
        /// > <xref:Microsoft.Build.Evaluation>
        /// > <xref:Microsoft.Build.Execution>
        /// ]]></format>
        /// </remarks>
        public static string Generate(string solutionPath, string toolsVersionOverride, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext)
            Project msbuildProject = new Project();
            SolutionParser solution = new SolutionParser();
            solution.SolutionFile = solutionPath;
            Generate(solution, msbuildProject, toolsVersionOverride, projectBuildEventContext);
            return msbuildProject.Xml;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method generates an XmlDocument representing an MSBuild project file from the list of
        /// projects and project dependencies that have been collected from the solution file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <param name="toolsVersionOverride">Tools Version override (may be null).
        /// Any /tv:xxx switch would cause a value here.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        internal static void Generate(SolutionParser solution, Project msbuildProject, string toolsVersionOverride, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext)
            // Validate against our minimum for upgradable projects
            ProjectFileErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProjectFile(solution.Version >= SolutionParser.slnFileMinVersion,
                "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile), "SolutionParseUpgradeNeeded");
            // Although we only return an XmlDocument back, we need to make decisions about tools versions because
            // we have to choose what <UsingTask> tags to put in, whether to put a ToolsVersion parameter
            // on <MSBuild> task tags, and what MSBuildToolsPath to use when scanning child projects
            // for dependency information.
            string wrapperProjectToolsVersion = DetermineWrapperProjectToolsVersion(toolsVersionOverride);
            msbuildProject.DefaultTargets = "Build";
            msbuildProject.DefaultToolsVersion = wrapperProjectToolsVersion;
            Engine parentEngine = msbuildProject.ParentEngine;
            string solutionProjectCache = solution.SolutionFile + ".cache";
            bool? upToDate = LoadCache(solution, msbuildProject, projectBuildEventContext, wrapperProjectToolsVersion, parentEngine, solutionProjectCache);
            if (upToDate == true)
                // Cache exists, was loaded, and was up to date: we're done
            // Cache didn't exist or wasn't up to date; generate a new one
            Project solutionProject = msbuildProject;
            if (upToDate == false)
                // We have already loaded a cache file we can't use; we need to work in a new project object
                solutionProject = CreateNewProject(solution, wrapperProjectToolsVersion, parentEngine, solutionProject);
            CreateSolutionProject(solution, solutionProject, projectBuildEventContext, wrapperProjectToolsVersion, parentEngine, solutionProjectCache);
            if (upToDate == false)
                // Put the contents of the new project object into the one we were passed
                msbuildProject.LoadFromXmlDocument(solutionProject.XmlDocument, projectBuildEventContext, msbuildProject.LoadSettings);
            // Write a new cache file, hopefully we can use it next time
            UpdateCache(parentEngine, msbuildProject, solutionProjectCache, projectBuildEventContext);
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to load the solution cache if any into the project provided. Returns null if no attempt was made to load the cache,
        /// false if it was loaded but could not be used, or true if it was loaded and can be used.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool? LoadCache(SolutionParser solution, Project msbuildProject, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext, string wrapperProjectToolsVersion, Engine parentEngine, string solutionProjectCache)
            if (!IsSolutionCacheEnabled() || !File.Exists(solutionProjectCache))
                return null;
                string fullSolutionConfigurationName = DetermineLikelyActiveSolutionConfiguration(solution, parentEngine);
                bool cacheUpToDate = IsCacheUpToDate(parentEngine, solution.SolutionFile, solution.SolutionFileDirectory, msbuildProject, projectBuildEventContext, fullSolutionConfigurationName, wrapperProjectToolsVersion);
                if (cacheUpToDate)
                    // We're done -- use the cache
                    parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogComment(projectBuildEventContext, "SolutionCacheBeingUsed", solutionProjectCache, fullSolutionConfigurationName, wrapperProjectToolsVersion);
                    return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(ex))
                // Eat any regular exceptions: we'll just not use the cache
                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogComment(projectBuildEventContext, "SolutionCacheReadError", solutionProjectCache, ex.Message);
            // Cache exists, but was not useable
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to save a new, updated solution cache file.
        /// </summary>
        private static void UpdateCache(Engine parentEngine, Project msbuildProject, string solutionProjectCache, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext)
            if (!IsSolutionCacheEnabled())
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(ex))
                // Eat any regular exceptions: we'll just not use the cache
                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogComment(projectBuildEventContext, "SolutionCacheWriteError", solutionProjectCache, ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether solution file caches are enabled. If the environment variable "MSBuildUseNoSolutionCache" is
        /// NOT defined, they are enabled.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool IsSolutionCacheEnabled()
            bool solutionCacheEnabled = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBuildUseNoSolutionCache"));
            return solutionCacheEnabled;
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a cache loaded into a project, determines whether it is up to date with respect to the projects and the solution file listed
        /// with it, and was created with the same configuration/platform and tools version values as the ones currently in use.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool IsCacheUpToDate(Engine parentEngine, string solutionFile, string solutionFileDirectory, Project msbuildProject, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext, string fullSolutionConfigurationName, string wrapperProjectToolsVersion)
            // Check the full solution configuration matches, eg "Debug|AnyCPU"
            string cacheSolutionConfigurationName = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedProperty(cacheSolutionConfigurationPropertyName);
            string cacheToolsVersion = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedProperty(cacheToolsVersionPropertyName);
            string cacheVersion = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedProperty(cacheVersionNumber);
            if (cacheSolutionConfigurationName == null || cacheToolsVersion == null)
                // Unexpected cache format; we can't use it
                return false;
            if (!String.Equals(fullSolutionConfigurationName, cacheSolutionConfigurationName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogComment(projectBuildEventContext, "SolutionCacheNotApplicable", "Configuration", cacheSolutionConfigurationName, fullSolutionConfigurationName);
                return false;
            if (!String.Equals(wrapperProjectToolsVersion, cacheToolsVersion, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogComment(projectBuildEventContext, "SolutionCacheNotApplicable", "ToolsVersion", cacheToolsVersion, wrapperProjectToolsVersion);
                return false;
            // We also store the version of MSBuild that wrote the file and verify it's the same as ours: that ensures that we
            // don't read possibly incompatible caches.
            string thisVersion = Constants.AssemblyVersion;
            if (!String.Equals(cacheVersion, thisVersion, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogComment(projectBuildEventContext, "SolutionCacheNotApplicableDueToCacheVersion", cacheVersion, thisVersion);
                return false;
            // Finally check timestamps
            BuildItemGroup allProjects = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName(cacheProjectListName);
            List<string> inputs = new List<string>();
            foreach (BuildItem item in allProjects.Items)
            if (inputs.Count == 0)
                // There's no inputs; either an old-format cache file, or there's really
                // no projects in this solution. In the former case, we need to regenerate.
                // In the latter case, we don't really care if we do. So say it's out of date.
                return false;
            // If there are inputs to check, we should also add the solution file, as we need to make sure the
            // solution file is up to date with respect to the cache file
            // Get the solution file name because the solution file may be something like myDirectory\mysolution.sln
            // and since we have already calculated the directory for the solution file, we just need the filename name to
            // combine with the directory to get the full path to the solution file without having to call GetFullPath again.
            string solutionFileName = Path.GetFileName(solutionFile);
            string solutionFileLocation = Path.Combine(solutionFileDirectory, solutionFileName);
            List<string> outputs = new List<string>();
            DependencyAnalysisLogDetail dependencyAnalysisDetail;
            bool isAnyOutOfDate = TargetDependencyAnalyzer.IsAnyOutOfDate(out dependencyAnalysisDetail, solutionFileDirectory, inputs, outputs);
            if (isAnyOutOfDate)
                string reason = TargetDependencyAnalyzer.GetFullBuildReason(dependencyAnalysisDetail);
                string message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString("SolutionCacheOutOfDate", reason);
                parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogCommentFromText(projectBuildEventContext, MessageImportance.Low, message);
                return false;
                return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new project to construct a solution wrapper cache inside
        /// </summary>
        private static Project CreateNewProject(SolutionParser solution, string wrapperProjectToolsVersion, Engine parentEngine, Project solutionProject)
                solutionProject = new Project(parentEngine, wrapperProjectToolsVersion);
                solutionProject.DefaultTargets = "Build";
                solutionProject.DefaultToolsVersion = wrapperProjectToolsVersion;
                solutionProject.IsLoadedByHost = false;
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                BuildEventFileInfo fileInfo = new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile);
                string errorCode;
                string helpKeyword;
                string message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString(out errorCode, out helpKeyword, "UnrecognizedToolsVersion", wrapperProjectToolsVersion);
                throw new InvalidProjectFileException(solution.SolutionFile, fileInfo.Line, fileInfo.Column, fileInfo.EndLine, fileInfo.EndColumn, message, null, errorCode, helpKeyword);
            return solutionProject;
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an empty project and a solution, create a new solution project from the solution.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateSolutionProject(SolutionParser solution, Project msbuildProject, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext, string wrapperProjectToolsVersion, Engine parentEngine, string solutionProjectCache)
            // We have to figure out what tools version the children will be built with, because we will
            // have to load and scan them to construct the solution wrapper project, and we should use the
            // same tools version they'll build with.
            string childProjectToolsVersion = DetermineChildProjectToolsVersion(parentEngine, wrapperProjectToolsVersion);
            string taskAssembly;
            if (String.Equals(msbuildProject.ToolsVersion, "2.0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                taskAssembly = "Microsoft.Build.Tasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a";
                taskAssembly = "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a";
            // Fully qualified class names are more performant
            msbuildProject.AddNewUsingTaskFromAssemblyName("Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CreateTemporaryVCProject", taskAssembly);
            msbuildProject.AddNewUsingTaskFromAssemblyName("Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ResolveVCProjectOutput", taskAssembly);
            Dictionary<int, List<ProjectInSolution>> projectsByDependencyLevel = new Dictionary<int, List<ProjectInSolution>>();
            string fullSolutionConfigurationName = PredictActiveSolutionConfigurationName(solution, parentEngine);
            ScanProjectDependencies(solution, parentEngine, childProjectToolsVersion, fullSolutionConfigurationName, projectBuildEventContext);
            ConvertVcToVcDependenciesToReferences(solution, parentEngine, projectBuildEventContext);
            AssignDependencyLevels(solution, projectsByDependencyLevel);
            // Add config, platform and tools version to indicate relevance of cache
            AddCacheRelatedProperties(msbuildProject, fullSolutionConfigurationName, wrapperProjectToolsVersion, solution.ProjectsInOrder);
            // Add default solution configuration/platform names in case the user doesn't specify them on the command line
            AddConfigurationPlatformDefaults(msbuildProject, solution);
            // Add default Venus configuration names (for more details, see comments for this method)
            // Add solution related macros
            AddGlobalProperties(msbuildProject, solution);
            // Add a property group for each solution configuration, each with one XML property containing the
            // project configurations in this solution configuration.
            foreach (ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration in solution.SolutionConfigurations)
                AddPropertyGroupForSolutionConfiguration(msbuildProject, solution, solutionConfiguration);
            // Add the initial target with some solution configuration validation/information
            // Only do it if we actually have any solution configurations...
            if (solution.SolutionConfigurations.Count > 0)
            // Add a <target> element for each project we have
            foreach (ProjectInSolution proj in solution.ProjectsInOrder)
                string errorMessage;
                // is it a solution folder?
                if (proj.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.SolutionFolder)
                    // Don't add any targets. Solution folder "projects" aren't actually projects at all and should be ignored.
                else if (proj.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.WebProject)
                    AddTargetForWebProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, null);
                    AddTargetForWebProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, "Clean");
                    AddTargetForWebProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, "Rebuild");
                    AddTargetForWebProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, "Publish");
                else if (proj.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.VCProject)
                    AddTargetForVCProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, null);
                    AddTargetForVCProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, "Clean");
                    AddTargetForVCProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, "Rebuild");
                    AddTargetForVCProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, "Publish");
                // is it an MSBuild project?
                else if ((proj.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.ManagedProject) ||
                         (proj.CanBeMSBuildProjectFile(out errorMessage)))
                    string safeItemNameFromProjectName = MakeIntoSafeItemName(proj.ProjectName);
                    string targetOutputItemName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}BuildOutput", safeItemNameFromProjectName);
                    AddTargetForManagedProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, targetOutputItemName, null);
                    AddTargetForManagedProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, null, "Clean");
                    AddTargetForManagedProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, targetOutputItemName, "Rebuild");
                    AddTargetForManagedProject(msbuildProject, solution, proj, null, "Publish");
                    AddTargetForUnknownProjectType(msbuildProject, solution, proj, null, errorMessage);
                    AddTargetForUnknownProjectType(msbuildProject, solution, proj, "Clean", errorMessage);
                    AddTargetForUnknownProjectType(msbuildProject, solution, proj, "Rebuild", errorMessage);
                    AddTargetForUnknownProjectType(msbuildProject, solution, proj, "Publish", errorMessage);
            // Add a target called "Build" that depends on all the other projects.  This will be the
            // default target that is invoked when the "project" is built.
            AddAllDependencyTarget(msbuildProject, "Build", "CollectedBuildOutput", null, projectsByDependencyLevel);
            Target cleanTarget = AddAllDependencyTarget(msbuildProject, "Clean", null, "Clean", projectsByDependencyLevel);
            // As far as cleaning the solution project cache (if any) goes, we can't do it easily, because by the time we know we
            // need to do a clean, we've already loaded the cache. Instead, at the end of a solution clean, we'll delete the cache
            // file if any. A solution rebuild won't delete the cache, because probably one would expect a rebuild to leave it behind.
            if (IsSolutionCacheEnabled())
                BuildTask deleteTask = cleanTarget.AddNewTask("Delete");
                // Don't use $(MSBuildProjectFile) for safety, in case user has copied and re-purposed this cache file
                deleteTask.SetParameterValue("Files", Path.GetFileName(solutionProjectCache));
            AddAllDependencyTarget(msbuildProject, "Rebuild", "CollectedBuildOutput", "Rebuild", projectsByDependencyLevel);
            AddAllDependencyTarget(msbuildProject, "Publish", null, "Publish", projectsByDependencyLevel);
            // Special environment variable to allow people to see the in-memory MSBuild project generated
            // to represent the SLN.
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBuildEmitSolution") != null)
                msbuildProject.Save(solution.SolutionFile + ".proj");
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds properties indicating the current solution configuration and tools version into the solution project.
        /// Also lists all the projects in the solution, as items.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AddCacheRelatedProperties(Project msbuildProject, string fullSolutionConfigurationName, string toolsVersion, ArrayList projects)
            BuildPropertyGroup cachePropertyGroup = msbuildProject.AddNewPropertyGroup(false /* insertAtEndOfProject = false */);
            // Store the solution configuration, if it's available (ie., not null because it's invalid)
            if (fullSolutionConfigurationName != null)
                cachePropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(cacheSolutionConfigurationPropertyName, fullSolutionConfigurationName);
            // Store the tools version, too.
            cachePropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(cacheToolsVersionPropertyName, toolsVersion);
            // And the engine version, so we don't read caches written by other engines.
            cachePropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(cacheVersionNumber, Constants.AssemblyVersion);
            // And store a list of all the projects. We can use this next time for timestamp checking.
            BuildItemGroup cacheItemGroup = msbuildProject.AddNewItemGroup();
            foreach (ProjectInSolution project in projects)
                // Only add projects that correspond to actual files on disk. Solution folders and web projects correspond to folders, so we don't care about them.
                if (project.ProjectType != SolutionProjectType.SolutionFolder && project.ProjectType != SolutionProjectType.WebProject)
                    cacheItemGroup.AddNewItem(cacheProjectListName, EscapingUtilities.Escape(project.RelativePath));
        /// <summary>
        /// Figure out what tools version to build the solution wrapper project with. If a /tv
        /// switch was passed in, use that; otherwise fall back to the default (4.0).
        /// </summary>
        internal static string DetermineWrapperProjectToolsVersion(string toolsVersionOverride)
            string wrapperProjectToolsVersion = toolsVersionOverride;
            if (wrapperProjectToolsVersion == null)
                wrapperProjectToolsVersion = Constants.defaultSolutionWrapperProjectToolsVersion;
            return wrapperProjectToolsVersion;
        /// <summary>
        /// We have to know the child projects' tools version in order to know what tools version to use when
        /// scanning them for dependencies. If $(ProjectToolsVersion) is defined, we use that; otherwise
        /// fall back on the tools version of the solution wrapper project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentEngine"></param>
        /// <param name="toolsVersionOverride"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string DetermineChildProjectToolsVersion(Engine parentEngine, string wrapperProjectToolsVersion)
            BuildProperty property = parentEngine.GlobalProperties["ProjectToolsVersion"];
            string childProjectToolsVersion = null;
            if (property != null)
                childProjectToolsVersion = property.Value;
            if (childProjectToolsVersion == null)
                childProjectToolsVersion = wrapperProjectToolsVersion;
            return childProjectToolsVersion;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an MSBuild task to the specified target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="projectPath"></param>
        /// <param name="msbuildTargetName"></param>
        /// <param name="configurationName"></param>
        /// <param name="platformName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <owner>RGoel, LukaszG</owner>
        private static BuildTask AddMSBuildTaskElement
            Target target,
            string projectPath,
            string msbuildTargetName,
            string configurationName,
            string platformName,
            bool specifyProjectToolsVersion
            BuildTask newTask = target.AddNewTask("MSBuild");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("Projects", projectPath, true /* treat as literal */);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msbuildTargetName))
                newTask.SetParameterValue("Targets", msbuildTargetName);
            string additionalProperties = string.Format(
                "Configuration={0}; Platform={1}; BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)",
            newTask.SetParameterValue("Properties", additionalProperties);
            if (specifyProjectToolsVersion)
                newTask.SetParameterValue("ToolsVersion", "$(ProjectToolsVersion)");
                newTask.SetParameterValue("UnloadProjectsOnCompletion", "$(UnloadProjectsOnCompletion)");
                newTask.SetParameterValue("UseResultsCache", "$(UseResultsCache)");
            return newTask;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a target for a project into the XML doc that's being generated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="targetOutputItemName">The name of the item exposing this target's outputs.  May be null.</param>
        /// <param name="subTargetName"></param>
        /// <owner>RGoel, LukaszG</owner>
        private static void AddTargetForManagedProject
            Project msbuildProject,
            SolutionParser solution,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            string targetOutputItemName,
            string subTargetName
            string targetName = ProjectInSolution.DisambiguateProjectTargetName(proj.GetUniqueProjectName());
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
                targetName = targetName + ":" + subTargetName;
            Target newTarget = msbuildProject.Targets.AddNewTarget(targetName);
            newTarget.DependsOnTargets = GetProjectDependencies(proj.ParentSolution, proj, subTargetName);
            newTarget.Condition = "'$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != ''";
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetOutputItemName))
                newTarget.TargetElement.SetAttribute("Outputs", string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "@({0})", targetOutputItemName));
            // Only create build items if we're called with the null subtarget. We're getting called
            // a total of four times and only want to create the build items once.
            bool createBuildItems = (subTargetName == null);
            foreach (ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration in solution.SolutionConfigurations)
                string condition = GetConditionStringForConfiguration(solutionConfiguration);
                // Create the build item group for this configuration if we haven't already
                if (solutionConfiguration.ProjectBuildItems == null)
                    solutionConfiguration.ProjectBuildItems = msbuildProject.AddNewItemGroup();
                    solutionConfiguration.ProjectBuildItems.Condition = condition;
                ProjectConfigurationInSolution projectConfiguration;
                if (proj.ProjectConfigurations.TryGetValue(solutionConfiguration.FullName, out projectConfiguration))
                    if (projectConfiguration.IncludeInBuild)
                        // We want to specify ToolsVersion on the MSBuild task only if the solution
                        // is building with a non-Whidbey toolset, because the Whidbey MSBuild task
                        // does not support the ToolsVersion parameter.  If the user explicitly requested
                        // the 2.0 toolset be used to build the solution while specifying some value
                        // for the ProjectToolsVersion property, then one of the InitialTargets should
                        // have produced an error before reaching this point.
                        // PERF: We could emit two <MSBuild> tasks, with a condition on them. But this doubles the size of
                        // the solution wrapper project, and the cost is too high. The consequence is that when solution wrapper
                        // projects are emitted to disk (with MSBUILDEMITSOLUION=1) they cannot be reused for tools version v2.0.
                        bool specifyProjectToolsVersion =
                            String.Equals(msbuildProject.ToolsVersion, "2.0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? false : true;
                        BuildTask msbuildTask = AddMSBuildTaskElement(newTarget, proj.RelativePath, subTargetName,
                            projectConfiguration.ConfigurationName, projectConfiguration.PlatformName, specifyProjectToolsVersion);
                        msbuildTask.Condition = condition;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetOutputItemName))
                            msbuildTask.AddOutputItem("TargetOutputs", targetOutputItemName);
                        if (createBuildItems)
                            string baseItemName = "BuildLevel" + proj.DependencyLevel;
                            BuildItem projectItem = solutionConfiguration.ProjectBuildItems.AddNewItem(baseItemName, proj.RelativePath, true /* treat as literal */);
                            projectItem.SetMetadata("Configuration", EscapingUtilities.Escape(projectConfiguration.ConfigurationName));
                            projectItem.SetMetadata("Platform", EscapingUtilities.Escape(projectConfiguration.PlatformName));
                        BuildTask messageTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.message, true, "SolutionProjectSkippedForBuilding", proj.ProjectName, solutionConfiguration.FullName);
                        messageTask.Condition = condition;
                        if (createBuildItems)
                            string baseItemName = "SkipLevel" + proj.DependencyLevel;
                            BuildItem projectItem = solutionConfiguration.ProjectBuildItems.AddNewItem(baseItemName, proj.ProjectName, true /* treat as literal */);
                    BuildTask warningTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.warning, true, "SolutionProjectConfigurationMissing", proj.ProjectName, solutionConfiguration.FullName);
                    warningTask.Condition = condition;
                    if (createBuildItems)
                        string baseItemName = "MissingConfigLevel" + proj.DependencyLevel;
                        BuildItem projectItem = solutionConfiguration.ProjectBuildItems.AddNewItem(baseItemName, proj.ProjectName, true /* treat as literal */);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new ResolveVCProjectOutput task element to the specified target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="solutionPath"></param>
        /// <param name="projectPath"></param>
        /// <param name="fullConfigurationName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static BuildTask AddResolveVCProjectOutputTaskElement
            Target target,
            string solutionPath,
            string projectPath,
            string fullConfigurationName
            BuildTask newTask = target.AddNewTask("ResolveVCProjectOutput");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("ProjectReferences", projectPath, true /* treat as literal */);
            newTask.SetParameterValue("Configuration", fullConfigurationName, true /* treat as literal */);
            newTask.SetParameterValue("SolutionFile", solutionPath, true /* treat as literal */);
            // If the user passed in an override stylesheet for this .VCPROJ (by specifying a global
            // property called VCBuildOverride), we need to use it to resolve the output path.  Override
            // stylesheets can be used to change the directory that VC projects get built to.
            newTask.SetParameterValue("Override", "$(VCBuildOverride)");
            return newTask;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds MSBuild and ResolveVCProjectOutput tasks to a project target to pre-resolve its project references
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="solutionConfiguration"></param>
        /// <param name="outputReferenceItemName"></param>
        /// <param name="outputImportLibraryItemName"></param>
        /// <param name="addedReferenceGuids"></param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static void AddResolveProjectReferenceTasks
            SolutionParser solution,
            Project msbuildProject,
            Target target,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration,
            string outputReferenceItemName,
            string outputImportLibraryItemName,
            out string addedReferenceGuids
            StringBuilder referenceGuids = new StringBuilder();
            // Suffix for the reference item name. Since we need to attach additional (different) metadata to every
            // reference item, we need to have helper item lists each with only one item
            int outputReferenceItemNameSuffix = 0;
            // Pre-resolve the MSBuild/VC project references
            foreach (string projectReferenceGuid in proj.ProjectReferences)
                ProjectInSolution referencedProject = (ProjectInSolution)solution.ProjectsByGuid[projectReferenceGuid];
                ProjectConfigurationInSolution referencedProjectConfiguration = null;
                if ((referencedProject != null) &&
                    (referencedProject.ProjectConfigurations.TryGetValue(solutionConfiguration.FullName, out referencedProjectConfiguration)) &&
                    (referencedProjectConfiguration != null))
                    string outputReferenceItemNameWithSuffix = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}",
                        outputReferenceItemName, outputReferenceItemNameSuffix);
                    bool addCreateItem = false;
                    string message;
                    if ((referencedProject.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.ManagedProject) ||
                        ((referencedProject.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.Unknown) && (referencedProject.CanBeMSBuildProjectFile(out message))))
                        string condition = GetConditionStringForConfiguration(solutionConfiguration);
                        bool specifyProjectToolsVersion =
                            String.Equals(msbuildProject.ToolsVersion, "2.0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? false : true;
                        BuildTask msbuildTask = AddMSBuildTaskElement(target, referencedProject.RelativePath, "GetTargetPath",
                            referencedProjectConfiguration.ConfigurationName, referencedProjectConfiguration.PlatformName, specifyProjectToolsVersion);
                        msbuildTask.Condition = condition;
                        msbuildTask.AddOutputItem("TargetOutputs", outputReferenceItemNameWithSuffix);
                        if (referenceGuids.Length > 0)
                        addCreateItem = true;
                    else if (referencedProject.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.VCProject)
                        BuildTask vcbuildTask = null;
                            vcbuildTask = AddResolveVCProjectOutputTaskElement(target, Path.Combine(solution.SolutionFileDirectory, Path.GetFileName(solution.SolutionFile)),
                                referencedProject.AbsolutePath, referencedProjectConfiguration.FullName);
                        catch (Exception e) when (!ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(e))
                                new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile),
                                referencedProject.RelativePath, e.Message);
                        vcbuildTask.Condition = GetConditionStringForConfiguration(solutionConfiguration);
                        vcbuildTask.AddOutputItem("ResolvedOutputPaths", outputReferenceItemNameWithSuffix);
                        if (outputImportLibraryItemName != null)
                            vcbuildTask.AddOutputItem("ResolvedImportLibraryPaths", outputImportLibraryItemName);
                        if (referenceGuids.Length > 0)
                        addCreateItem = true;
                    // Add create item if either of the conditions above was true.
                    // This merges the one-item item list into the main list, adding the appropriate guid metadata
                    if (addCreateItem)
                        BuildTask createItemTask = target.AddNewTask("CreateItem");
                        createItemTask.SetParameterValue("Include", "@(" + outputReferenceItemNameWithSuffix + ")", false /* do not treat as literal */);
                        createItemTask.SetParameterValue("AdditionalMetadata", "Guid=" + projectReferenceGuid, false /* do not treat as literal */);
                        createItemTask.AddOutputItem("Include", outputReferenceItemName);
            addedReferenceGuids = referenceGuids.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds tasks that create a temporary VC project file with pre-resolved project references (that is,
        /// replaced with file references)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="solutionConfiguration"></param>
        /// <param name="subTargetName"></param>
        /// <param name="projectConfigurationName"></param>
        /// <returns>The path to the temporary project file</returns>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static string AddCreateTemporaryVCProjectTasks
            SolutionParser solution,
            Project msbuildProject,
            Target target,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration,
            string subTargetName,
            string projectConfigurationName
            StringBuilder referenceItemName = new StringBuilder(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "References"));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
            StringBuilder importLibraryItemName = new StringBuilder(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "ImportLibraries"));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
            string referenceGuidsToRemove;
            AddResolveProjectReferenceTasks(solution, msbuildProject, target, proj, solutionConfiguration,
                referenceItemName.ToString(), importLibraryItemName.ToString(), out referenceGuidsToRemove);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceGuidsToRemove))
                referenceGuidsToRemove = string.Empty;
            string fullProjectPath = null;
            string projectPath = null;
                fullProjectPath = proj.AbsolutePath;
                string tmpExtension = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ".tmp_{0}_{1}.vcproj", solutionConfiguration.ConfigurationName, solutionConfiguration.PlatformName);
                projectPath = Path.ChangeExtension(fullProjectPath, tmpExtension);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(e))
                    new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile),
                    proj.RelativePath, e.Message);
            // Create the temporary VC project
            BuildTask createVCProjectTask = target.AddNewTask("CreateTemporaryVCProject");
            createVCProjectTask.SetParameterValue("ProjectFile", fullProjectPath, true /* treat as literal */);
            createVCProjectTask.SetParameterValue("Configuration", projectConfigurationName, true /* treat as literal */);
            createVCProjectTask.SetParameterValue("OutputProjectFile", projectPath, true /* treat as literal */);
            createVCProjectTask.SetParameterValue("ReferenceGuids", referenceGuidsToRemove, false /* Contains semicolon-separated list.  DO NOT treat as literal */);
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "@({0})", referenceItemName.ToString()), false /* DO NOT treat as literal */);
                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "@({0})", importLibraryItemName.ToString()), false /* DO NOT treat as literal */);
            createVCProjectTask.Condition = GetConditionStringForConfiguration(solutionConfiguration);
            return projectPath;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a target for a project into the XML doc that's being generated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="subTargetName"></param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG, RGoel</owner>
        private static void AddTargetForVCProject
            Project msbuildProject,
            SolutionParser solution,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            string subTargetName
            string targetName = ProjectInSolution.DisambiguateProjectTargetName(proj.GetUniqueProjectName());
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
                targetName = targetName + ":" + subTargetName;
            Target newTarget = msbuildProject.Targets.AddNewTarget(targetName);
            newTarget.DependsOnTargets = GetProjectDependencies(proj.ParentSolution, proj, subTargetName);
            newTarget.Condition = "'$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != ''";
            if (subTargetName == "Publish")
                // Well, hmmm.  The VCBuild doesn't support any kind of
                // a "Publish" operation.  The best we can really do is offer up a
                // message saying so.
                AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.warning, true, "SolutionVCProjectNoPublish");
                // ... and now pretend it's a Build subtarget. This way references to VC projects from projects
                // that are about to publish will at least get built.
                subTargetName = null;
            string projectPath = null;
                projectPath = proj.AbsolutePath;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(e))
                    new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile),
                    proj.RelativePath, e.Message);
            foreach (ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration in solution.SolutionConfigurations)
                string solutionConfigurationCondition = GetConditionStringForConfiguration(solutionConfiguration);
                ProjectConfigurationInSolution vcProjectConfiguration = null;
                BuildTask newTask = null;
                if (proj.ProjectConfigurations.TryGetValue(solutionConfiguration.FullName, out vcProjectConfiguration))
                    if (vcProjectConfiguration.IncludeInBuild)
                        // Create a temporary VC project with references to MSBuild projects replaced with file references.
                        if (proj.ProjectReferences.Count > 0)
                            projectPath = AddCreateTemporaryVCProjectTasks(solution, msbuildProject, newTarget, proj,
                                solutionConfiguration, subTargetName,
                        newTask = VCWrapperProject.AddVCBuildTaskElement(
                            EscapingUtilities.Escape(Path.Combine(solution.SolutionFileDirectory, Path.GetFileName(solution.SolutionFile))),
                            projectPath, subTargetName,
                            null, EscapingUtilities.Escape(vcProjectConfiguration.FullName));
                        // Delete the temporary VC project
                        if (proj.ProjectReferences.Count > 0)
                            BuildTask deleteTask = newTarget.AddNewTask("Delete");
                            deleteTask.SetParameterValue("Files", projectPath, true /* treat as literal */);
                            deleteTask.Condition = solutionConfigurationCondition;
                        newTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.message, true, "SolutionProjectSkippedForBuilding", proj.ProjectName, solutionConfiguration.FullName);
                    newTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.warning, true, "SolutionProjectConfigurationMissing", proj.ProjectName, solutionConfiguration.FullName);
                if (newTask != null)
                    newTask.Condition = solutionConfigurationCondition;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a target to the project called "GetFrameworkPathAndRedistList".  This target calls the
        /// GetFrameworkPath task and then CreateItem to populate @(_CombinedTargetFrameworkDirectoriesItem) and
        /// @(InstalledAssemblyTables), so that we can pass these into the ResolveAssemblyReference task
        /// when building web projects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static void AddTargetForGetFrameworkPathAndRedistList
            Project msbuildProject
            // See if there's already a target called "GetFrameworkPathAndRedistList" in this project.
            // If so, no need to do anything.
            foreach (Target target in msbuildProject.Targets)
                if (target.Name == "GetFrameworkPathAndRedistList")
            Target newTarget = msbuildProject.Targets.AddNewTarget("GetFrameworkPathAndRedistList");
            BuildTask getFrameworkPathTask = newTarget.AddNewTask("GetFrameworkPath");
            // Follow the same logic we use in Microsoft.Common.targets to choose the target framework
            // directories (which are then used to find the set of redist lists).
                "'$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' == '2.0'");
            // TFV v4.0 supported by TV 4.0
                " '$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == 'v4.0' and '$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' == '4.0'");
            // TFV v3.5 supported by TV 4.0, TV 3.5
                " ('$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == 'v3.5' or '$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == 'v4.0') and '$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' != '2.0'");
            // TFV v3.0 supported by TV 4.0, TV 3.5 (there was no TV 3.0)
                " ('$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == 'v3.0' or '$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == 'v3.5' or '$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == 'v4.0') and '$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' != '2.0'");
            // TFV v2.0 supported by TV 4.0, TV 3.5, (there was no TV 3.0). This property was not added until toolsversion 3.5 therefore it cannot be used for toolsversion 2.0
                "'$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' != '2.0'");
            BuildTask createItemTask = newTarget.AddNewTask("CreateItem");
            createItemTask.SetParameterValue("Include", @"@(_CombinedTargetFrameworkDirectoriesItem->'%(Identity)\RedistList\*.xml')", false /* do not treat as literal */);
            createItemTask.AddOutputItem("Include", "InstalledAssemblyTables");
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to add a call to the AspNetCompiler task into the given target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="conditionDescribingValidConfigurations"></param>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static void AddTaskForAspNetCompiler
            Target target,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            string conditionDescribingValidConfigurations
            // Add a call to the AspNetCompiler task, conditioned on having a valid Configuration.
            BuildTask newTask = target.AddNewTask("AspNetCompiler");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("VirtualPath", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetVirtualPath") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("PhysicalPath", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetPhysicalPath") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("TargetPath", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetTargetPath") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("Force", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetForce") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("Updateable", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetUpdateable") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("Debug", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetDebug") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("KeyFile", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetKeyFile") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("KeyContainer", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetKeyContainer") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("DelaySign", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetDelaySign") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetAPTCA") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameterValue("FixedNames", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetFixedNames") + ")");
            newTask.Condition = conditionDescribingValidConfigurations;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a call to the ResolveAssemblyReference task to crack the pre-resolved referenced
        /// assemblies for the complete list of dependencies, PDBs, satellites, etc.  The invoke
        /// the Copy task to copy all these files (or at least the ones that RAR determined should
        /// be copied local) into the web project's bin directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceItemName"></param>
        /// <param name="conditionDescribingValidConfigurations"></param>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static void AddTasksToCopyAllDependenciesIntoBinDir
            Target target,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            string referenceItemName,
            string conditionDescribingValidConfigurations
            string copyLocalFilesItemName = referenceItemName + "_CopyLocalFiles";
            string destinationFolder = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                @"$({0})\Bin\", GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetPhysicalPath"));
            // This is a bit of a hack.  We're actually calling the "Copy" task on all of
            // the *non-existent* files.  Why?  Because we want to emit a warning in the
            // log for each non-existent file, and the Copy task does that nicely for us.
            // I would have used the <Warning> task except for the fact that we are in
            // string-resource lockdown.
            BuildTask copyNonExistentReferencesTask = target.AddNewTask("Copy");
            copyNonExistentReferencesTask.SetParameterValue("SourceFiles", "@(" + referenceItemName + "->'%(FullPath)')", false /* Do not treat as literal */);
            copyNonExistentReferencesTask.SetParameterValue("DestinationFolder", destinationFolder);
            copyNonExistentReferencesTask.Condition = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "!Exists('%({0}.Identity)')", referenceItemName);
            copyNonExistentReferencesTask.ContinueOnError = true;
            // Call ResolveAssemblyReference on each of the .DLL files that were found on
            // disk from the .REFRESH files as well as the P2P references.  RAR will crack
            // the dependencies, find PDBs, satellite assemblies, etc., and determine which
            // files need to be copy-localed.
            BuildTask rarTask = target.AddNewTask("ResolveAssemblyReference");
            rarTask.SetParameterValue("Assemblies", "@(" + referenceItemName + "->'%(FullPath)')", false /* Do not treat as literal */);
            rarTask.SetParameterValue("TargetFrameworkDirectories", "@(_CombinedTargetFrameworkDirectoriesItem)", false /* Do not treat as literal */);
            rarTask.SetParameterValue("InstalledAssemblyTables", "@(InstalledAssemblyTables)", false /* Do not treat as literal */);
            rarTask.SetParameterValue("SearchPaths", "{RawFileName};{TargetFrameworkDirectory};{GAC}");
            rarTask.SetParameterValue("FindDependencies", "true");
            rarTask.SetParameterValue("FindSatellites", "true");
            rarTask.SetParameterValue("FindSerializationAssemblies", "true");
            rarTask.SetParameterValue("FindRelatedFiles", "true");
            rarTask.Condition = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Exists('%({0}.Identity)')", referenceItemName);
            rarTask.AddOutputItem("CopyLocalFiles", copyLocalFilesItemName);
            // Copy all the copy-local files (reported by RAR) to the web project's "bin"
            // directory.
            BuildTask copyTask = target.AddNewTask("Copy");
            copyTask.SetParameterValue("SourceFiles", "@(" + copyLocalFilesItemName + ")", false /* DO NOT treat as literal */);
            copyTask.SetParameterValue("DestinationFiles", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                copyLocalFilesItemName, destinationFolder), false /* DO NOT treat as literal */);
            copyTask.Condition = conditionDescribingValidConfigurations;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a PropertyGroup to the project for a particular Asp.Net configuration.  This PropertyGroup
        /// will have the correct values for all the Asp.Net properties for this project and this configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="configurationName"></param>
        /// <param name="aspNetCompilerParameters"></param>
        /// <param name="solutionFile"></param>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static void AddPropertyGroupForAspNetConfiguration
            Project msbuildProject,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            string configurationName,
            AspNetCompilerParameters aspNetCompilerParameters,
            string solutionFile
            // Add a new PropertyGroup that is condition'd on the Configuration.
            BuildPropertyGroup newPropertyGroup = msbuildProject.AddNewPropertyGroup(false /* insertAtEndOfProject = false */);
            newPropertyGroup.Condition = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " '$(AspNetConfiguration)' == '{0}' ",
            // Add properties into the property group for each of the AspNetCompiler properties.
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetVirtualPath"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetVirtualPath, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetPhysicalPath"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetPhysicalPath, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetTargetPath"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetTargetPath, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetForce"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetForce, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetUpdateable"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetUpdateable, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetDebug"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetDebug, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetKeyFile"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetKeyFile, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetKeyContainer"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetKeyContainer, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetDelaySign"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetDelaySign, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetAPTCA"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetAPTCA, true);
            newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetFixedNames"), aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetFixedNames, true);
            string aspNetPhysicalPath = aspNetCompilerParameters.aspNetPhysicalPath;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(aspNetPhysicalPath))
                // Trim the trailing slash if one exists.
                if (
                        (aspNetPhysicalPath[aspNetPhysicalPath.Length - 1] == Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar) ||
                        (aspNetPhysicalPath[aspNetPhysicalPath.Length - 1] == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
                    aspNetPhysicalPath = aspNetPhysicalPath.Substring(0, aspNetPhysicalPath.Length - 1);
                // This gets us the last folder in the physical path.
                string lastFolderInPhysicalPath = null;
                    lastFolderInPhysicalPath = Path.GetFileName(aspNetPhysicalPath);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(e))
                        new BuildEventFileInfo(solutionFile),
                        proj.RelativePath, e.Message);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastFolderInPhysicalPath))
                    // If there is a global property called "OutDir" set, that means the caller is trying to
                    // override the AspNetTargetPath.  What we want to do in this case is concatenate:
                    //  $(OutDir) + "\_PublishedWebsites" + (the last portion of the folder in the AspNetPhysicalPath).
                    BuildProperty targetPathOverrideProperty = newPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetTargetPath"),
                        @"$(OutDir)" +
                        EscapingUtilities.Escape(webProjectOverrideFolder) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
                        EscapingUtilities.Escape(lastFolderInPhysicalPath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
                    targetPathOverrideProperty.Condition = " '$(OutDir)' != '' ";
        /// <summary>
        /// This code handles the *.REFRESH files that are in the "bin" subdirectory of
        /// a web project.  These .REFRESH files are just text files that contain absolute or
        /// relative paths to the referenced assemblies.  The goal of these tasks is to
        /// search all *.REFRESH files and extract fully-qualified absolute paths for
        /// each of the references.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceItemName"></param>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static void AddTasksToResolveAutoRefreshFileReferences
            Target target,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            string referenceItemName
            string webRoot = "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "AspNetPhysicalPath") + ")";
            // Create an item list containing each of the .REFRESH files.
            BuildTask createItemTask = target.AddNewTask("CreateItem");
            createItemTask.SetParameterValue("Include", webRoot + @"\Bin\*.refresh");
            createItemTask.AddOutputItem("Include", referenceItemName + "_RefreshFile");
            // Read the lines out of each .REFRESH file; they should be paths to .DLLs.  Put these paths
            // into an item list.
            BuildTask readLinesTask = target.AddNewTask("ReadLinesFromFile");
                String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"%({0}_RefreshFile.Identity)", referenceItemName));
            readLinesTask.Condition = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @" '%({0}_RefreshFile.Identity)' != '' ", referenceItemName);
            readLinesTask.AddOutputItem("Lines", referenceItemName + "_ReferenceRelPath");
            // Take those paths and combine them with the root of the web project to form either
            // an absolute path or a path relative to the .SLN file.  These paths can be passed
            // directly to RAR later.
            BuildTask combinePathTask = target.AddNewTask("CombinePath");
            combinePathTask.SetParameterValue("BasePath", webRoot);
                String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"@({0}_ReferenceRelPath)", referenceItemName));
            combinePathTask.AddOutputItem("CombinedPaths", referenceItemName);
        /// <summary>
        /// When adding a target to build a web project, we want to put a Condition on the Target node that
        /// effectively says "Only build this target if the web project is active (marked for building) in the
        /// current solution configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static string ComputeTargetConditionForWebProject
            SolutionParser solution,
            ProjectInSolution proj
            StringBuilder condition = new StringBuilder(" ('$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != '') and (false");
            // Loop through all the solution configurations.
            foreach (ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration in solution.SolutionConfigurations)
                // Find out if the web project has a project configuration for this solution configuration.
                // (Actually, web projects only have one project configuration, so the TryGetValue should
                // pretty much always return "true".
                ProjectConfigurationInSolution projectConfiguration;
                if (proj.ProjectConfigurations.TryGetValue(solutionConfiguration.FullName, out projectConfiguration))
                    // See if the web project is marked as active for this solution configuration.  If so,
                    // we'll build the target.  Otherwise not.
                    if (projectConfiguration.IncludeInBuild)
                        condition.Append(" or (");
                else if (String.Equals(solutionConfiguration.ConfigurationName, "Release", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                         String.Equals(solutionConfiguration.ConfigurationName, "Debug", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    // we don't have a project configuration that matches the solution configuration but
                    // the solution configuration is called "Release" or "Debug" which are standard AspNetConfigurations
                    // so these should be available in the solution project
                    condition.Append(" or (");
            condition.Append(") ");
            return condition.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a target for a Venus project into the XML doc that's being generated.  This
        /// target will call the AspNetCompiler task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="subTargetName"></param>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static void AddTargetForWebProject
            Project msbuildProject,
            SolutionParser solution,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            string subTargetName
            // Add a supporting target called "GetFrameworkPathAndRedistList".
            string targetName = ProjectInSolution.DisambiguateProjectTargetName(proj.GetUniqueProjectName());
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
                targetName = targetName + ":" + subTargetName;
            Target newTarget = msbuildProject.Targets.AddNewTarget(targetName);
            newTarget.DependsOnTargets = GetProjectDependencies(proj.ParentSolution, proj, subTargetName) + ";GetFrameworkPathAndRedistList";
            if (subTargetName == "Clean")
                // Well, hmmm.  The AspNetCompiler task doesn't support any kind of
                // a "Clean" operation.  The best we can really do is offer up a
                // message saying so.
                AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.message, true, "SolutionVenusProjectNoClean");
            else if (subTargetName == "Publish")
                // Well, hmmm.  The AspNetCompiler task doesn't support any kind of
                // a "Publish" operation.  The best we can really do is offer up a
                // message saying so.
                AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.message, true, "SolutionVenusProjectNoPublish");
                // Add a Condition onto the Target that will cause it only to get executed for those solution configurations
                // in which this web project is active.
                newTarget.Condition = ComputeTargetConditionForWebProject(solution, proj);
                // For normal build and "Rebuild", just call the AspNetCompiler task with the
                // correct parameters.  But before calling the AspNetCompiler task, we need to
                // do a bunch of prep work regarding references.
                // We're going to build up an MSBuild condition string that represents the valid Configurations.
                // We do this by OR'ing together individual conditions, each of which compares $(Configuration)
                // with a valid configuration name.  We init our condition string to "false", so we can easily
                // OR together more stuff as we go, and also easily take the negation of the condition by putting
                // a ! around the whole thing.
                StringBuilder conditionDescribingValidConfigurations = new StringBuilder("(false)");
                // Loop through all the valid configurations and add a PropertyGroup for each one.
                foreach (DictionaryEntry aspNetConfiguration in proj.AspNetConfigurations)
                    string configurationName = (string)aspNetConfiguration.Key;
                    AspNetCompilerParameters aspNetCompilerParameters = (AspNetCompilerParameters)aspNetConfiguration.Value;
                    // We only add the PropertyGroup once per Venus project.  Without the following "if", we would add
                    // the same identical PropertyGroup twice, once when AddTargetForWebProject is called with
                    // subTargetName=null and once when subTargetName="Rebuild".
                    if (subTargetName == null)
                        AddPropertyGroupForAspNetConfiguration(msbuildProject, proj, configurationName,
                            aspNetCompilerParameters, solution.SolutionFile);
                    // Update our big condition string to include this configuration.
                    conditionDescribingValidConfigurations.Append(" or ");
                    conditionDescribingValidConfigurations.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "('$(AspNetConfiguration)' == '{0}')",
                StringBuilder referenceItemName = new StringBuilder(GenerateSafePropertyName(proj, "References"));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
                // Add tasks to resolve project references of this web project, if any
                if (proj.ProjectReferences.Count > 0)
                    // This is a bit tricky. Even though web projects don't use solution configurations,
                    // we want to use the current solution configuration to build the proper configurations
                    // of referenced projects.
                    foreach (ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration in solution.SolutionConfigurations)
                        string referenceProjectGuids;
                        AddResolveProjectReferenceTasks(solution, msbuildProject, newTarget, proj, solutionConfiguration,
                            referenceItemName.ToString(), null /* don't care about native references */, out referenceProjectGuids);
                // Add tasks to capture the auto-refreshed file references (those .REFRESH files).
                AddTasksToResolveAutoRefreshFileReferences(newTarget, proj, referenceItemName.ToString());
                // Add a call to RAR (ResolveAssemblyReference) and the Copy task to put the referenced
                // project outputs in the right place
                AddTasksToCopyAllDependenciesIntoBinDir(newTarget, proj, referenceItemName.ToString(), conditionDescribingValidConfigurations.ToString());
                // Add a call to the AspNetCompiler task, conditioned on having a valid Configuration.
                AddTaskForAspNetCompiler(newTarget, proj, conditionDescribingValidConfigurations.ToString());
                // Add a call to the <Message> task, conditioned on having an *invalid* Configuration.  The
                // message says that we're skipping the Venus project because it's either not enabled
                // for precompilation, or doesn't support the given configuration.
                BuildTask newMessageTag = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.message, false, "SolutionVenusProjectSkipped");
                newMessageTag.Condition = "!(" + conditionDescribingValidConfigurations.ToString() + ")";
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a project in the solution and a base property name, and creates a new property name
        /// that can safely be used as an XML element name, and is also unique to that project (by
        /// embedding the project's GUID into the property name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <param name="propertyName"></param>
        /// <returns>A safe property name that can be used as an XML element name.</returns>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static string GenerateSafePropertyName
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            string propertyName
            // XML element names cannot contain curly braces, so get rid of them from the project guid.
            string projectGuid = proj.ProjectGuid.Substring(1, proj.ProjectGuid.Length - 2);
            return "Project_" + projectGuid + "_" + propertyName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes a legal item name from a given string by replacing invalid characters with '_'
        /// </summary>
        private static string MakeIntoSafeItemName(string name)
            int indexOfBadCharacter = XmlUtilities.LocateFirstInvalidElementNameCharacter(name);
            if (indexOfBadCharacter == -1)
                return name;
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(name);
                builder[indexOfBadCharacter] = '_';
                indexOfBadCharacter = XmlUtilities.LocateFirstInvalidElementNameCharacter(builder.ToString());
            while (indexOfBadCharacter != -1);
            return builder.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new error/warning/message tag into the given target
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Destination target for the tag</param>
        /// <param name="elementType">Element type to add (Error, Warning, Message)</param>
        /// <param name="treatAsLiteral">Whether to treat the Text as a literal string or one that contains embedded properties, etc.</param>
        /// <param name="textResourceName">Resource string name to use in the tag text</param>
        /// <param name="args">Additional parameters to pass to FormatString</param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        internal static BuildTask AddErrorWarningMessageElement(Target target, string elementType,
            bool treatAsLiteral, string textResourceName, params object[] args)
            string code;
            string helpKeyword;
            string text = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString(out code, out helpKeyword, textResourceName, args);
            BuildTask task = target.AddNewTask(elementType);
            task.SetParameterValue("Text", text, treatAsLiteral);
            if ((elementType != XMakeElements.message) && (code != null))
                task.SetParameterValue("Code", code, true /* treat as literal */);
            if ((elementType != XMakeElements.message) && (helpKeyword != null))
                task.SetParameterValue("HelpKeyword", helpKeyword, true /* treat as literal */);
            return task;
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit warnings when the project type is unknown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject">The project to add the target to</param>
        /// <param name="proj">The project to add as a target.</param>
        /// <param name="subTargetName">The target to call within the project that's being added.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessage">Optional detailed error message to print out in case we already tried accessing the
        /// project file before and failed.</param>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static void AddTargetForUnknownProjectType
            Project msbuildProject,
            SolutionParser solution,
            ProjectInSolution proj,
            string subTargetName,
            string errorMessage
            string targetName = ProjectInSolution.DisambiguateProjectTargetName(proj.GetUniqueProjectName());
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
                targetName = targetName + ":" + subTargetName;
            Target newTarget = msbuildProject.Targets.AddNewTarget(targetName);
            newTarget.DependsOnTargets = GetProjectDependencies(proj.ParentSolution, proj, subTargetName);
            newTarget.Condition = "'$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != ''";
            foreach (ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration in solution.SolutionConfigurations)
                ProjectConfigurationInSolution projectConfiguration;
                BuildTask newTask;
                if (proj.ProjectConfigurations.TryGetValue(solutionConfiguration.FullName, out projectConfiguration))
                    if (projectConfiguration.IncludeInBuild)
                        if (errorMessage == null)
                            // we haven't encountered any problems accessing the project file in the past, but do not support
                            // building this project type
                            newTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.warning, true, "SolutionParseUnknownProjectType", proj.RelativePath);
                            // this project file may be of supported type, but we have encountered problems accessing it
                            newTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.warning, true, "SolutionParseErrorReadingProject", proj.RelativePath, errorMessage);
                        newTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.message, true, "SolutionProjectSkippedForBuilding", proj.ProjectName, solutionConfiguration.FullName);
                    newTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.warning, true, "SolutionProjectConfigurationMissing", proj.ProjectName, solutionConfiguration.FullName);
                if (newTask != null)
                    newTask.Condition = GetConditionStringForConfiguration(solutionConfiguration);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new target that depends on all targets. Examples of this are Clean and Rebuild.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject">The project to add the target to</param>
        /// <param name="targetName">The target name to add.</param>
        /// <param name="targetOutputItemName">The name of the item exposing this target's outputs.  May be null.</param>
        /// <param name="subTargetName">The target to call within the project that's being added.</param>
        /// <param name="projectsByDependencyLevel"></param>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static Target AddAllDependencyTarget
            Project msbuildProject,
            string targetName,
            string targetOutputItemName,
            string subTargetName,
            Dictionary<int, List<ProjectInSolution>> projectsByDependencyLevel
            Target newTarget = msbuildProject.Targets.AddNewTarget(targetName);
            newTarget.Condition = "'$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != ''";
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetOutputItemName))
                newTarget.TargetElement.SetAttribute("Outputs", string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "@({0})", targetOutputItemName));
            for (int dependencyLevel = 0; dependencyLevel < projectsByDependencyLevel.Count; dependencyLevel++)
                string buildItemName = "BuildLevel" + dependencyLevel;
                string buildItemReference = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "@({0})", buildItemName);
                BuildTask msbuildTask = newTarget.AddNewTask("MSBuild");
                msbuildTask.Condition = buildItemReference + " != ''";
                msbuildTask.SetParameterValue("Projects", buildItemReference);
                msbuildTask.SetParameterValue("Properties", "Configuration=%(Configuration); Platform=%(Platform); BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
                    msbuildTask.SetParameterValue("Targets", subTargetName);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetOutputItemName))
                    msbuildTask.AddOutputItem("TargetOutputs", targetOutputItemName);
                if (!String.Equals(msbuildProject.ToolsVersion, "2.0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    msbuildTask.SetParameterValue("ToolsVersion", "$(ProjectToolsVersion)");
                    msbuildTask.SetParameterValue("BuildInParallel", "true");
                    msbuildTask.SetParameterValue("UnloadProjectsOnCompletion", "$(UnloadProjectsOnCompletion)");
                    msbuildTask.SetParameterValue("UseResultsCache", "$(UseResultsCache)");
                BuildTask messageTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.message, false /* don't treat as literal */, "SolutionProjectSkippedForBuilding",
                    string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "%(SkipLevel{0}.Identity)", dependencyLevel), "$(Configuration)|$(Platform)");
                messageTask.Condition = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "@(SkipLevel{0}) != ''", dependencyLevel);
                BuildTask warningTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(newTarget, XMakeElements.warning, false /* don't treat as literal */, "SolutionProjectConfigurationMissing",
                    string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "%(MissingConfigLevel{0}.Identity)", dependencyLevel), "$(Configuration)|$(Platform)");
                warningTask.Condition = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "@(MissingConfigLevel{0}) != ''", dependencyLevel);
                string allProjects = GetAllNonMSBuildProjectDependencies(projectsByDependencyLevel, dependencyLevel, subTargetName);
                if (allProjects.Length > 0)
                    BuildTask newTask = newTarget.AddNewTask("CallTarget");
                    newTask.SetParameterValue("Targets", allProjects, false /* DO NOT treat as literal */);
                    newTask.SetParameterValue("RunEachTargetSeparately", "true");
            return newTarget;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns a string containing a semicolon-separated list of "friendly" project names
        /// on which the specified project depends.  If the null is specified, a list of all projects
        /// is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="project"></param>
        /// <param name="subTargetName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <owner>RGoel</owner>
        private static string GetProjectDependencies(SolutionParser solution, ProjectInSolution project, string subTargetName)
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(project != null, "We should always have a project for this method");
            StringBuilder dependencies = new StringBuilder();
            // Get all the dependencies for this project
            foreach (string dependency in project.Dependencies)
                if (dependencies.Length != 0)
                string projectUniqueName = solution.GetProjectUniqueNameByGuid(dependency);
                ProjectFileErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProjectFile(projectUniqueName != null,
                    new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile),
                    "SolutionParseProjectDepNotFoundError", project.ProjectGuid, dependency);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
            return dependencies.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all projects for the given dependency level.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectsByDependencyLevel"></param>
        /// <param name="dependencyLevel"></param>
        /// <param name="subTargetName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static string GetAllNonMSBuildProjectDependencies
            Dictionary<int, List<ProjectInSolution>> projectsByDependencyLevel,
            int dependencyLevel,
            string subTargetName
            StringBuilder dependencies = new StringBuilder();
            // Return *all* projects except solution folders
            foreach (ProjectInSolution proj in projectsByDependencyLevel[dependencyLevel])
                if (proj.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.SolutionFolder)
                if (proj.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.ManagedProject)
                if (dependencies.Length != 0)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subTargetName))
            return dependencies.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// A helper method for constructing conditions for a solution configuration
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Sample configuration condition:
        /// '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' and '$(Platform)' == 'Any CPU'
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="configuration"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static string GetConditionStringForConfiguration(ConfigurationInSolution configuration)
            return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " ('$(Configuration)' == '{0}') and ('$(Platform)' == '{1}') ",
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates default Configuration and Platform values based on solution configurations present in the solution
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static void AddConfigurationPlatformDefaults
            Project msbuildProject,
            SolutionParser solution
            BuildPropertyGroup configurationDefaultingPropertyGroup = msbuildProject.AddNewPropertyGroup(true /* insertAtEndOfProject = true */);
            configurationDefaultingPropertyGroup.Condition = " '$(Configuration)' == '' ";
            configurationDefaultingPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty("Configuration", solution.GetDefaultConfigurationName(), true /* treat as literal */);
            BuildPropertyGroup platformDefaultingPropertyGroup = msbuildProject.AddNewPropertyGroup(true /* insertAtEndOfProject = true */);
            platformDefaultingPropertyGroup.Condition = " '$(Platform)' == '' ";
            platformDefaultingPropertyGroup.AddNewProperty("Platform", solution.GetDefaultPlatformName(), true /* treat as literal */);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new property group with contents of the given solution configuration to the project
        /// Internal for unit-testing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="solutionConfiguration"></param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        internal static void AddPropertyGroupForSolutionConfiguration
            Project msbuildProject,
            SolutionParser solution,
            ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration
            BuildPropertyGroup propertyGroup = msbuildProject.AddNewPropertyGroup(true /* insertAtEndOfProject = true */);
            propertyGroup.Condition = GetConditionStringForConfiguration(solutionConfiguration);
            StringBuilder solutionConfigurationContents = new StringBuilder("<SolutionConfiguration>");
            // add a project configuration entry for each project in the solution
            foreach (ProjectInSolution project in solution.ProjectsInOrder)
                ProjectConfigurationInSolution projectConfiguration;
                if (project.ProjectConfigurations.TryGetValue(solutionConfiguration.FullName, out projectConfiguration))
                        "<ProjectConfiguration Project=\"{0}\">{1}</ProjectConfiguration>",
            propertyGroup.AddNewProperty("CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents", solutionConfigurationContents.ToString(), true /* treat as literal */);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the default Venus configuration property based on the selected solution configuration.
        /// Unfortunately, Venus projects only expose one project configuration in the IDE (Debug) although
        /// they allow building Debug and Release from command line. This means that if we wanted to use
        /// the project configuration from the active solution configuration for Venus projects, we'd always
        /// end up with Debug and there'd be no way to build the Release configuration. To work around this,
        /// we use a special mechanism for choosing ASP.NET project configuration: we set it to Release if
        /// we're building a Release solution configuration, and to Debug if we're building a Debug solution
        /// configuration. The property is also settable from the command line, in which case it takes
        /// precedence over this algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static void AddVenusConfigurationDefaults
            Project msbuildProject
            BuildPropertyGroup propertyGroup = msbuildProject.AddNewPropertyGroup(true /* insertAtEndOfProject = true */);
            propertyGroup.Condition = " ('$(AspNetConfiguration)' == '') ";
            propertyGroup.AddNewProperty("AspNetConfiguration", "$(Configuration)");
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds solution related build event macros and other global properties to the wrapper project
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static void AddGlobalProperties(Project msbuildProject, SolutionParser solution)
            BuildPropertyGroup propertyGroup = msbuildProject.AddNewPropertyGroup(true /* insertAtEndOfProject = true */);
            string directoryName = solution.SolutionFileDirectory;
            if (!directoryName.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                directoryName += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
            propertyGroup.AddNewProperty("SolutionDir", directoryName, true /* treat as literal */);
            propertyGroup.AddNewProperty("SolutionExt", Path.GetExtension(solution.SolutionFile), true /* treat as literal */);
            propertyGroup.AddNewProperty("SolutionFileName", Path.GetFileName(solution.SolutionFile), true /* treat as literal */);
            propertyGroup.AddNewProperty("SolutionName", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(solution.SolutionFile), true /* treat as literal */);
            propertyGroup.AddNewProperty("SolutionPath", Path.Combine(solution.SolutionFileDirectory, Path.GetFileName(solution.SolutionFile)), true /* treat as literal */);
            // Add other global properties
            BuildPropertyGroup propertyGroup2 = msbuildProject.AddNewPropertyGroup(true /* insertAtEndOfProject = true */);
            // Set the property "TargetFrameworkVersion". This is needed for the GetFrameworkPath target.
            // If TargetFrameworkVersion is already set by the user, use that value.
            // Otherwise if MSBuildToolsVersion is 2.0, use "v2.0"
            // Otherwise if MSBuildToolsVersion is 3.5, use "v3.5"
            // Otherwise use "v4.0".
            BuildProperty v20Property = propertyGroup2.AddNewProperty("TargetFrameworkVersion", "v2.0", true /* treat as literal */);
            BuildProperty v35Property = propertyGroup2.AddNewProperty("TargetFrameworkVersion", "v3.5", true /* treat as literal */);
            BuildProperty v40Property = propertyGroup2.AddNewProperty("TargetFrameworkVersion", "v4.0", true /* treat as literal */);
            v20Property.Condition = "'$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == '' and '$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' == '2.0'";
            v35Property.Condition = "'$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == '' and ('$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' == '3.5' or '$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' == '3.0')";
            v40Property.Condition = "'$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == '' and '$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' == '4.0'";
        /// <summary>
        /// Special hack for web projects. It can happen that there is no Release configuration for solutions
        /// containing web projects, yet we still want to be able to build the Release configuration for
        /// those projects. Since the ASP.NET project configuration defaults to the solution configuration,
        /// we allow Release even if it doesn't actually exist in the solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static void AddFakeReleaseSolutionConfigurationIfNecessary(SolutionParser solution)
            if (solution.ContainsWebProjects)
                bool solutionHasReleaseConfiguration = false;
                foreach (ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration in solution.SolutionConfigurations)
                    if (string.Equals(solutionConfiguration.ConfigurationName, "Release", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        solutionHasReleaseConfiguration = true;
                if ((!solutionHasReleaseConfiguration) && (solution.SolutionConfigurations.Count > 0))
                    solution.SolutionConfigurations.Add(new ConfigurationInSolution("Release", solution.GetDefaultPlatformName()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the initial target to the solution wrapper project, necessary for a few message/error tags
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msbuildProject"></param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static void AddInitialTargets(Project msbuildProject)
            Target initialTarget = msbuildProject.Targets.AddNewTarget("ValidateSolutionConfiguration");
            BuildTask errorTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(initialTarget, XMakeElements.error, false /* do not treat as literal */,
                "SolutionInvalidSolutionConfiguration", "$(Configuration)|$(Platform)");
            errorTask.Condition = "('$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' == '') and ('$(SkipInvalidConfigurations)' != 'true')";
            BuildTask warningTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(initialTarget, XMakeElements.warning, false /* do not treat as literal */,
                "SolutionInvalidSolutionConfiguration", "$(Configuration)|$(Platform)");
            warningTask.Condition = "('$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' == '') and ('$(SkipInvalidConfigurations)' == 'true')";
            BuildTask messageTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(initialTarget, XMakeElements.message, false /* do not treat as literal */,
                "SolutionBuildingSolutionConfiguration", "$(Configuration)|$(Platform)");
            messageTask.Condition = "'$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents)' != ''";
            Target validateToolsVersionsTarget = msbuildProject.Targets.AddNewTarget("ValidateToolsVersions");
            BuildTask toolsVersionErrorTask = AddErrorWarningMessageElement(validateToolsVersionsTarget, XMakeElements.error, false /* do not treat as literal */,
                "SolutionToolsVersionDoesNotSupportProjectToolsVersion", "$(MSBuildToolsVersion)");
            toolsVersionErrorTask.Condition = "'$(MSBuildToolsVersion)' == '2.0' and ('$(ProjectToolsVersion)' != '2.0' and '$(ProjectToolsVersion)' != '')";
            msbuildProject.InitialTargets = initialTarget.Name + ";" + validateToolsVersionsTarget.Name;
        /// <summary>
        /// Normally the active solution configuration/platform is determined when we build the solution
        /// wrapper project, not when we create it. However, we need to know them to scan project references
        /// for the right project configuration/platform. It's unlikely that references would be conditional,
        /// but still possible and we want to get that case right.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        internal static string PredictActiveSolutionConfigurationName(SolutionParser solution, Engine parentEngine)
            string candidateFullSolutionConfigurationName = DetermineLikelyActiveSolutionConfiguration(solution, parentEngine);
            // Now check if this solution configuration actually exists
            string fullSolutionConfigurationName = null;
            foreach (ConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration in solution.SolutionConfigurations)
                if (String.Equals(solutionConfiguration.FullName, candidateFullSolutionConfigurationName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    fullSolutionConfigurationName = solutionConfiguration.FullName;
            return fullSolutionConfigurationName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Figure out what solution configuration we are going to build, whether or not it actually exists in the solution
        /// file.
        /// </summary>
        private static string DetermineLikelyActiveSolutionConfiguration(SolutionParser solution, Engine parentEngine)
            string activeSolutionConfiguration;
            string activeSolutionPlatform;
            BuildProperty configurationProperty = parentEngine.GlobalProperties["Configuration"];
            BuildProperty platformProperty = parentEngine.GlobalProperties["Platform"];
            if (configurationProperty != null)
                activeSolutionConfiguration = configurationProperty.FinalValue;
                activeSolutionConfiguration = solution.GetDefaultConfigurationName();
            if (platformProperty != null)
                activeSolutionPlatform = platformProperty.FinalValue;
                activeSolutionPlatform = solution.GetDefaultPlatformName();
            ConfigurationInSolution configurationInSolution = new ConfigurationInSolution(activeSolutionConfiguration, activeSolutionPlatform);
            return configurationInSolution.FullName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads each MSBuild project in this solution and looks for its project-to-project references so that
        /// we know what build order we should use when building the solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        private static void ScanProjectDependencies(SolutionParser solution, Engine parentEngine, string childProjectToolsVersion, string fullSolutionConfigurationName, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext)
            // Don't bother with all this if the solution configuration doesn't even exist.
            if (fullSolutionConfigurationName == null)
            foreach (ProjectInSolution project in solution.ProjectsInOrder)
                // Skip the project if we don't have its configuration in this solution configuration
                if (!project.ProjectConfigurations.ContainsKey(fullSolutionConfigurationName))
                string message;
                if ((project.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.ManagedProject) ||
                    ((project.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.Unknown) && (project.CanBeMSBuildProjectFile(out message))))
                        //Will fail to load a throw an error if the tools version is incorrect.
                        Project msbuildProject = new Project(parentEngine, childProjectToolsVersion);
                        msbuildProject.IsLoadedByHost = false;
                        // this is before building the solution wrapper project, so the current directory may be not set to
                        // the one containing the solution file, and we'd get the relative path wrong
                        // Project references for MSBuild projects could be affected by the active configuration,
                        // so set it before retrieving references.
                            project.ProjectConfigurations[fullSolutionConfigurationName].ConfigurationName, true /* treat as literal */);
                            project.ProjectConfigurations[fullSolutionConfigurationName].PlatformName, true /* treat as literal */);
                        BuildItemGroup references = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("ProjectReference");
                        foreach (BuildItem reference in references)
                            string referencedProjectGuid = reference.GetEvaluatedMetadata("Project");   // Need unescaped data here.
                            AddDependencyByGuid(solution, project, parentEngine, projectBuildEventContext, referencedProjectGuid);
                        // ProjectDependency items work exactly like ProjectReference items from the point of
                        // view of determining that project B depends on project A.  This item must cause
                        // project A to be built prior to project B.
                        references = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedItemsByName("ProjectDependency");
                        foreach (BuildItem reference in references)
                            string referencedProjectGuid = reference.GetEvaluatedMetadata("Project");   // Need unescaped data here.
                            AddDependencyByGuid(solution, project, parentEngine, projectBuildEventContext, referencedProjectGuid);
                        // If this is a web deployment project, we have a reference specified as a property
                        // "SourceWebProject" rather than as a ProjectReference item.  This has the format
                        // {GUID}|PATH_TO_CSPROJ
                        // where
                        // GUID is the project guid for the "source" project
                        // PATH_TO_CSPROJ is the solution-relative path to the csproj file.
                        // NOTE: This is obsolete and is intended only for backward compatability with
                        // Whidbey-generated web deployment projects.  New projects should use the
                        // ProjectDependency item above.
                        string referencedWebProjectGuid = msbuildProject.GetEvaluatedProperty("SourceWebProject");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referencedWebProjectGuid))
                            // Grab the guid with its curly braces...
                            referencedWebProjectGuid = referencedWebProjectGuid.Substring(0, 38);
                            AddDependencyByGuid(solution, project, parentEngine, projectBuildEventContext, referencedWebProjectGuid);
                    // We don't want any problems scanning the project file to result in aborting the build.
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e))
                        parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogWarning(projectBuildEventContext, "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(project.RelativePath),
                            "SolutionScanProjectDependenciesFailed", project.RelativePath, e.Message);
                else if (project.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.VCProject)
                        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                        project.IsStaticLibrary = VCProjectParser.IsStaticLibrary(doc, project.ProjectConfigurations[fullSolutionConfigurationName].FullName);
                        // this is before building the solution wrapper project, so the current directory may be not set to
                        // the one containing the solution file, and we'd get the relative path wrong
                        List<string> referencedProjectGuids = VCProjectParser.GetReferencedProjectGuids(doc);
                        foreach (string referencedProjectGuid in referencedProjectGuids)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referencedProjectGuid))
                                if (solution.ProjectsByGuid.ContainsKey(referencedProjectGuid))
                                    parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogWarning(projectBuildEventContext, "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile),
                                        "SolutionParseProjectDepNotFoundError", project.ProjectGuid, referencedProjectGuid);
                    // We don't want any problems scanning the project file to result in aborting the build.
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e))
                        parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogWarning(projectBuildEventContext, "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(project.RelativePath),
                            "SolutionScanProjectDependenciesFailed", project.RelativePath, e.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a dependency to the project based on the specified guid string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If the string is null or empty, no dependency is added and this is not considered an error.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="solution">The solution in which the project exists</param>
        /// <param name="project">The project to which the dependency will be added</param>
        /// <param name="parentEngine">The engine handling the conversion</param>
        /// <param name="projectBuildEventContext">The build event context</param>
        /// <param name="dependencyGuid">The guid, in string form, of the dependency project</param>
        private static void AddDependencyByGuid(SolutionParser solution, ProjectInSolution project, Engine parentEngine, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext, string dependencyGuid)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyGuid))
                if (solution.ProjectsByGuid.ContainsKey(dependencyGuid))
                    parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogWarning(projectBuildEventContext, "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile),
                        "SolutionParseProjectDepNotFoundError", project.ProjectGuid, dependencyGuid);
        /// <summary>
        /// For MSBuild projects, project dependencies you can set in the IDE only represent build order constraints.
        /// If both projects are VC however, the VC project system treats dependencies as regular P2P references.
        /// This behavior is a carry-over from the days of VC5/6, that's how P2P refs were done back then. Tricky.
        /// To compensate for that, we need to add a P2P reference for every dependency between two VC projects.
        /// MSBuild -> VC, VC -> MSBuild dependencies are not affected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="parentEngine"></param>
        /// <owner>LukaszG</owner>
        internal static void ConvertVcToVcDependenciesToReferences(SolutionParser solution, Engine parentEngine, BuildEventContext projectBuildEventContext)
            // Go through the list of the projects in solution looking for VC projects
            foreach (ProjectInSolution project in solution.ProjectsInOrder)
                if (project.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.VCProject)
                    // Found a VC project. Does it have any dependencies on other VC projects?
                    foreach (string dependentProjectGuid in project.Dependencies)
                        if (solution.ProjectsByGuid.ContainsKey(dependentProjectGuid))
                            ProjectInSolution dependentProject = (ProjectInSolution)solution.ProjectsByGuid[dependentProjectGuid];
                            // Found a dependency on another VC project. If there's not already a P2P reference between
                            // the two, add it.
                            if ((dependentProject.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.VCProject) &&
                            parentEngine.LoggingServices.LogWarning(projectBuildEventContext, "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(solution.SolutionFile),
                                "SolutionParseProjectDepNotFoundError", project.ProjectGuid, dependentProjectGuid);
        /// <summary>
        /// Figure out the dependency level of the given project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project"></param>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="projectsByDependencyLevel"></param>
        private static void AssignDependencyLevel(ProjectInSolution project, SolutionParser solution, Dictionary<int, List<ProjectInSolution>> projectsByDependencyLevel)
            // if we ever try to recurse into a project whose dependency level we're calculating above,
            // we have a circular dependency.
            if (project.DependencyLevel == ProjectInSolution.DependencyLevelBeingDetermined)
                ProjectErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProject(false, null, "SolutionCircularDependencyError", project.ProjectName);
            if (project.DependencyLevel == ProjectInSolution.DependencyLevelUnknown)
                project.DependencyLevel = ProjectInSolution.DependencyLevelBeingDetermined;
                int maxDependencyLevel = 0;
                // First, go through dependencies and ensure they have their dependency level set correctly.
                foreach (string dependencyGuid in project.Dependencies)
                    ProjectInSolution referencedProject = (ProjectInSolution)solution.ProjectsByGuid[dependencyGuid];
                    AssignDependencyLevel(referencedProject, solution, projectsByDependencyLevel);
                    if (referencedProject.DependencyLevel + 1 > maxDependencyLevel)
                        maxDependencyLevel = referencedProject.DependencyLevel + 1;
                // Our dependency level is the highest dependency level of all our dependencies plus 1, or 0 if we had
                // no dependencies.
                project.DependencyLevel = maxDependencyLevel;
                if (!projectsByDependencyLevel.ContainsKey(maxDependencyLevel))
                    projectsByDependencyLevel.Add(maxDependencyLevel, new List<ProjectInSolution>());
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point for figuring out the dependency levels. A dependency level is a set of projects that
        /// have no intra-dependencies and depend only on projects fron dependency level N-1. Dependency level 0
        /// projects have no dependencies whatsoever.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        /// <param name="projectsByDependencyLevel"></param>
        private static void AssignDependencyLevels(SolutionParser solution, Dictionary<int, List<ProjectInSolution>> projectsByDependencyLevel)
            foreach (ProjectInSolution project in solution.ProjectsInOrder)
                AssignDependencyLevel(project, solution, projectsByDependencyLevel);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add virtual references for reference chains containing VC static library projects.
        /// Since static libraries have no link step, any references they have to be passed
        /// to their parent project, if any. So for example, in a chain like
        /// native dll -> native static lib1 -> native static lib2
        /// we need to add a virtual reference between the native dll and the static lib2
        /// to maintain parity with the IDE behavior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="solution"></param>
        private static void AddVirtualReferencesForStaticLibraries(SolutionParser solution)
            foreach (ProjectInSolution project in solution.ProjectsInOrder)
                GatherChildReferencesForStaticLibraries(solution, project);
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive helper for AddVirtualReferencesForStaticLibraries
        /// </summary>
        private static void GatherChildReferencesForStaticLibraries(SolutionParser solution, ProjectInSolution project)
            // We don't need to worry about cycles since we've already run the dependency level assignment
            // which already checked for them.
            if (!project.ChildReferencesGathered)
                List<string> referenceGuidsToAdd = new List<string>();
                foreach (string referenceGuid in project.ProjectReferences)
                    ProjectInSolution referencedProject = (ProjectInSolution)solution.ProjectsByGuid[referenceGuid];
                    // Gather references for all child projects recursively...
                    GatherChildReferencesForStaticLibraries(solution, referencedProject);
                    // ... and pass on references from any static lib children we have to ourselves
                    if (referencedProject.IsStaticLibrary)
                        foreach (string childReferenceGuid in referencedProject.ProjectReferences)
                            if (!project.ProjectReferences.Contains(childReferenceGuid) &&
                project.ChildReferencesGathered = true;