1 write to nodePostfix
Microsoft.Build.Engine (1)
LocalProvider\LocalNodeProviderGlobalNames.cs (1)
161nodePostfix = engineVersion + accountTypePostfix + usernamePostFix;
16 references to nodePostfix
Microsoft.Build.Engine (16)
LocalProvider\LocalNodeProviderGlobalNames.cs (16)
27if (nodePostfix == null) 31return "Node_" + nodeNumber + "_ActiveReady_" + nodePostfix; 41if (nodePostfix == null) 45return "Node_" + nodeNumber + "_InUse_" + nodePostfix; 56if (nodePostfix == null) 60return "Node_" + nodeNumber + "_ErrorShutdown_" + nodePostfix; 72if (nodePostfix == null) 76return "Node_" + nodeNumber + "_ProviderMutex_" + nodePostfix; 88if (nodePostfix == null) 92return "Node_" + nodeNumber + "_InitiateActivation_" + nodePostfix; 102if (nodePostfix == null) 106return "Node_" + nodeNumber + "_Activated_" + nodePostfix; 119if (nodePostfix == null) 123return "Node_" + nodeNumber + "_In_SharedMemory_" + nodePostfix; 133if (nodePostfix == null) 137return "Node_" + nodeNumber + "_Out_SharedMemory_" + nodePostfix;