File: LocalProvider\SharedMemory.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Deprecated\Engine\Microsoft.Build.Engine.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Engine)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine.Shared;
namespace Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine
    internal enum SharedMemoryType
    /// <summary>
    /// The shared memory is used to transmit serialized LocalCallDescriptors.
    /// These local call descriptors encapsulate commands and data that needs
    /// to be communicated between the parent and child objects. This enumeration
    /// is used by the shared memory to mark what kind of LocalCallDescriptor
    /// object is in the shared memory so it can be correctly deserialized.
    /// This marker is placed at the front of object in the shared memory.
    /// Enumeration of LocalCallDescriptor Types
    /// </summary>
    internal enum ObjectType
        // Has the object been serialized using .net serialization (binary formatter)
        NetSerialization = 1,
        // Used to mark that the next int read represents how many bytes are in the
        // large object which is about to be sent
        FrameMarker = 2,
        // Mark the end of the batch in sharedMemory.
        EndMarker = 3,
        // Below are the enumeration values are for messages / commands which are
        // passed between the child and the parent processes
        PostBuildRequests = 4,
        PostBuildResult = 5,
        PostLoggingMessagesToHost = 6,
        UpdateNodeSettings = 7,
        RequestStatus = 8,
        PostStatus = 9,
        InitializeNode = 10,
        InitializationComplete = 11,
        ShutdownNode = 12,
        ShutdownComplete = 13,
        PostIntrospectorCommand = 14,
        GenericSingleObjectReply = 15,
        PostCacheEntriesToHost = 16,
        GetCacheEntriesFromHost = 17
    /// <summary>
    /// This class is responsible for providing a communication channel between
    /// a child process and a parent process. Each process (child or parent) will
    /// have two SharedMemory class instances, one for reading and one for writing.
    /// For example, a parent will have one shared memory class to "read" data
    /// sent from the child and one "write" shared The shared memory communicates
    /// through named shared memory regions.
    /// </summary>
    internal class SharedMemory : IDisposable
        #region Construction
        private SharedMemory()
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">
        /// The name the shared memory will be given, this is combination of node,
        /// username, admin status, and some other ones,
        /// see LocalNodeProviderGlobalNames.NodeInputMemoryName for greater detail.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="type">
        ///  This type determines which lock and stream needs to be instantiated
        ///  within the shared memory class. For example,
        ///  read only means, only create a memory stream,
        ///  a read lock and a backing byte array and a binary reader. A write
        ///  only type means,  create a memory stream, write lock and a binary writer.
        ///  This type however does not set the type of the memory mapped section,
        ///  the memory mapped section itself is created
        ///  with READWRITE access.
        /// <param name="allowExistingMapping">
        ///  The shared memory is given a parameter to determine whether or not to
        ///  reuse an existing mapped memory secion. When the node is first created
        ///  this is false, however when the shared memory threads are created this
        ///  is true. We do this because we create the shared memory when the node
        ///  is created, at this point the there should be no shared memory with the
        ///  same name. However when we create the reader and writer threads
        ///  (which happens on node reuse) we want to reuse the memory.
        internal SharedMemory(string name, SharedMemoryType type, bool allowExistingMapping)
            this.type = type;
            InitializeMemoryMapping(name, allowExistingMapping);
            writeBytesRemaining = 0;
            readBytesRemaining = 0;
            readBytesTotal = 0;
            largeObjectsQueue = null;
            // Has the shared memory been properly created and is ready to use
            if (IsUsable)
                // Setup the structures for either a read only or write only stream
                    // This could fail if two different administrator accounts try and
                    // access each others nodes as events and semaphores are protected
                    // against cross account access
                catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    if (writeStream != null)
                        // Closes binary writer and the underlying stream
                    if (readStream != null)
                        // Closes binary reader and the underlying stream
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the shared memory region and map a view to it.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeMemoryMapping(string memoryMapName, bool allowExistingMapping)
            // Null means use the default security permissions
            IntPtr pointerToSecurityAttributes = NativeMethods.NullPtr;
            IntPtr pSDNative = IntPtr.Zero;
                // Check to see if the user is an administrator, this is done to prevent non
                // administrator processes from accessing the shared memory. On a vista machine
                // the check does not differentiate beween the application being elevated to have
                // administrator rights or the application being started with administrator rights.
                // If the user is an administator create a new set of securityAttributes which make
                // the shared memory only accessable to administrators.
                if (NativeMethods.IsUserAdministrator())
                    NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES saAttr = new NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES();
                    uint pSDLength = 0;
                    if (!NativeMethods.ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(NativeMethods.ADMINONLYSDDL, NativeMethods.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION, ref pSDNative, ref pSDLength))
                        throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception();
                    saAttr.bInheritHandle = 0;
                    saAttr.nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES));
                    saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = pSDNative;
                    pointerToSecurityAttributes = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeMethods.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(saAttr, pointerToSecurityAttributes, true);
                // The file mapping has either the default (current user) security permissions or
                // permissions restricted to only administrator users depending on the check above.
                // If pointerToSecurityAttributes is null the default permissions are used.
                this.pageFileMapping =
                         size + 4,
                // If only new mappings are allowed and the current one has been created by somebody else
                // delete the mapping. Note that we would like to compare the GetLastError value against
                // ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS but CLR sometimes overwrites the last error so to be safe we'll
                // not reuse the node for any unsuccessful value.
                if (!allowExistingMapping && Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != NativeMethods.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                    if (!pageFileMapping.IsInvalid && !pageFileMapping.IsClosed)
            if (!this.pageFileMapping.IsInvalid && !pageFileMapping.IsClosed)
                // Maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of the calling process so that we can use the
                // view to read and write to the shared memory region.
                this.pageFileView =
                        NativeMethods.FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // Give the map read, write, and copy access
                        0,  // Start mapped view at high order offset 0
                        0,  // Start mapped view at low order offset 0
                            // The size of the shared memory plus some extra space for an int
                            // to write the number of bytes written
                        (IntPtr)(size + 4)
                // Check to see if the file view has been created on the fileMapping.
                if (this.pageFileView == NativeMethods.NullPtr)
                    // Make the shared memory not usable.
           = memoryMapName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the MemoryStreams which will be used to contain the serialized data from the LocalCallDescriptors.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeStreams(SharedMemoryType streamType)
            // Initialize the .net binary formatter in case we need to use .net serialization.
            this.binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            this.loggingTypeCache = new Hashtable();
            if (streamType == SharedMemoryType.ReadOnly)
                this.readBuffer = new byte[size];
                this.readStream = new MemoryStream(this.readBuffer);
                this.binaryReader = new BinaryReader(this.readStream);
                readLock = new object();
            else if (streamType == SharedMemoryType.WriteOnly)
                this.writeStream = new MemoryStream();
                writeLock = new object();
                this.binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(this.writeStream);
                ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(false, "Unknown shared memory type.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the synchronization variables which will be used to communicate the status of the shared memory between processes.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeSynchronization()
            this.unreadBatchCounter = new Semaphore(0, size, + "UnreadBatchCounter");
            this.fullFlag = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset, + "FullFlag");
            this.notFullFlag = new EventWaitHandle(true, EventResetMode.ManualReset, + "NotFullFlag");
            this.readActionCounter = new Semaphore(0, size + /* for full-flag */ 1, + "ReadActionCounter");
            // Make sure the count of unread batches is 0
            while (NumberOfUnreadBatches > 0)
        #region Disposal
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposed)
                if (IsUsable)
                if (writeStream != null)
                    // Closes binary writer and the underlying stream
                if (readStream != null)
                    // Closes binary reader and the underlying stream
                // Set the sentinel.
                disposed = true;
                // Suppress finalization of this disposed instance.
                if (disposing)
        public void Dispose()
        #region Properties
        /// <summary>
        ///  Indicates the shared memory region been created and initialized properly.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool IsUsable
                return !pageFileMapping.IsInvalid &&
                    !pageFileMapping.IsClosed &&
                    (pageFileView != NativeMethods.NullPtr);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the readActionCounter as a WaitHandle. This WaitHandle is used
        /// to notify the SharedMemory reader threads that there is something ready
        /// in the shared memory to be read. The ReadFlag will remain set as long as
        /// the number of times the shared memory has been read is less than the
        /// number of times writer thread has written to the shared memory.
        /// </summary>
        internal WaitHandle ReadFlag
                return readActionCounter;
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates when the SharedMemory is full
        /// </summary>
        private bool IsFull
                // If the flag is set true is returned
                // A timeout of 0 means the WaitOne will time out
                // instantly and return false if the flag is not set.
                return fullFlag.WaitOne(0, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// The NumberOfUnreadBatches is the number of "batches" written to shared
        /// memory which have not been read yet by the ReaderThread. A batch
        /// contains one or more serialized objects.
        /// </summary>
        private int NumberOfUnreadBatches
                // Relese the semaphore, this will return the number of times the
                // semaphore was entered into. This value reflects the count before
                // the release is taken into account.
                int numberOfUnreadBatches = unreadBatchCounter.Release();
                // Decrement the semaphore to offset the increment used to get the count.
                return numberOfUnreadBatches;
        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// The shared memory is now full, set the correct synchronization variables to
        /// inform the reader thread of this situation.
        /// </summary>
        private void MarkAsFull()
        /// <summary>
        /// The shared memory is no longer full. Set the correct synchronization variables
        /// to inform the writer thread of this situation.
        /// </summary>
        private void MarkAsNotFull()
        /// <summary>
        /// A batch is now in the shared memory and is ready to be read by the reader thread.
        /// </summary>
        private void IncrementUnreadBatchCounter()
            // Release increments a semaphore
        /// <summary>
        /// A batch has just been read out of shared memory.
        /// </summary>
        private void DecrementUnreadBatchCounter()
            // WaitOne decrements the semaphore
        /// <summary>
        /// This function write out a set of objects into the shared buffer.
        /// In normal operation all the objects in the queue are serialized into
        /// the buffer followed by an end marker class. If the buffer is not big
        /// enough to contain a single object the object is broken into
        /// multiple buffers as follows - first a frame marker is sent containing
        /// the size of the serialized object + size of end marker. The reader makes
        /// sure upon receiving the frame marker that its buffer is large enough
        /// to contain the object about to be sent. After the frame marker the object
        /// is sent as a series of buffers until all of it is written out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectsToWrite"> Queue of objects to be sent (mostly logging messages)</param>
        /// <param name="objectsToWriteHiPriority">Queue of high priority objects (these are commands and statuses) </param>
        /// <param name="blockUntilDone"> If true the function will block until both queues are empty</param>
        internal void Write(DualQueue<LocalCallDescriptor> objectsToWrite, DualQueue<LocalCallDescriptor> objectsToWriteHiPriority, bool blockUntilDone)
            Debug.Assert(type == SharedMemoryType.WriteOnly, "Should only be calling Write from a writeonly shared memory object");
            lock (writeLock)
                // Loop as long as there are objects availiable and room in the shared memory.
                // If blockUntilDone is set continue to loop until all of the objects in both queues are sent.
                while ((objectsToWrite.Count > 0 || objectsToWriteHiPriority.Count > 0) &&
                       ((blockUntilDone && notFullFlag.WaitOne()) || !IsFull))
                    bool isFull = false;
                    long writeStartPosition = writeStream.Position;
                    bool writeEndMarker = false;
                    // Put as many LocalCallDescriptor objects as possible into the shared memory
                    while (!isFull && (objectsToWrite.Count > 0 || objectsToWriteHiPriority.Count > 0))
                        long writeResetPosition = writeStream.Position;
                        DualQueue<LocalCallDescriptor> currentQueue = objectsToWriteHiPriority.Count > 0 ? objectsToWriteHiPriority : objectsToWrite;
                        // writeBytesRemaining == 0 is when we are currently not sending a multi part object through
                        // the shared memory
                        if (writeBytesRemaining == 0)
                            // Serialize the object to the memory stream
                            // If the size of the serialized object plus the end marker fits within the shared memory
                            // dequeue the object as it is going to be sent.
                            if ((writeStream.Position + sizeof(byte)) <= size)
                                writeEndMarker = true;
                                // The serialized object plus the end marker is larger than the shared memory buffer
                                // Check if it necessary break down the object into multiple buffers
                                // If the memoryStream was empty before trying to serialize the object
                                // create a frame marker with the size of the object and send through the shared memory
                                if (writeResetPosition == 0)
                                    // We don't want to switch from low priority to high priority queue in the middle of sending a large object
                                    // so we make a record of which queue contains the large object
                                    largeObjectsQueue = currentQueue;
                                    // Calculate the total number of bytes that needs to be sent
                                    writeBytesRemaining = (int)(writeStream.Position + sizeof(byte));
                                    // Send a frame marker out to the reader containing the size of the object
                                    writeStream.Position = 0;
                                    // Write the frameMarkerId byte and then the amount of bytes for the large object
                                    writeEndMarker = true;
                                    // Some items were placed in the shared Memory buffer, erase the last one which was too large
                                    // and say the buffer is full so it can be sent
                                    writeStream.Position = writeResetPosition;
                                isFull = true;
                            if (writeStream.Position == 0)
                                // Serialize the object which will be split across multiple buffers
                    // If a multi-buffer object is being sent and the large object is still larger or equal to the shard memory buffer - send the next chunk of the object
                    if (writeBytesRemaining != 0 && writeStream.Position >= size)
                        // Set write Length to an entire buffer length  or just the remaining portion
                        int writeLength = writeBytesRemaining > size ? size : writeBytesRemaining;
                        //Write the length of the buffer to the memory file
                        Marshal.WriteInt32((IntPtr)pageFileView, (int)writeLength);
                            writeStream.GetBuffer(), // Source Buffer
                            (int)(writeStream.Position - writeBytesRemaining), // Start index
                            (IntPtr)((int)pageFileView + 4), //Destination (+4 because of the int written to the memory file with the write length)
                            (int)writeLength // Length of bytes to write
                        writeBytesRemaining -= writeLength;
                        // Once the object is fully sent - remove it from the queue
                        if (writeBytesRemaining == 0)
                        isFull = true;
                    if (writeEndMarker)
                        // Need to verify the WriteInt32 and ReadInt32 are always atomic operations
                        // Write the size of the buffer to send to the memory stream
                        Marshal.WriteInt32((IntPtr)pageFileView, (int)writeStream.Position);
                            writeStream.GetBuffer(), // Buffer
                            (int)writeStartPosition, // Start Position
                            (IntPtr)((int)pageFileView + writeStartPosition + 4), // Destination + 4 for the int indicating the size of the data to be copied to the memory file
                            (int)(writeStream.Position - writeStartPosition) // Length of data to copy to memory file
                    if (isFull)
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the first object in the queue to the a memory stream which will be copied into shared memory.
        /// The write stream which is being written to is not the shared memory itself, it is a memory stream from which
        /// bytes will be copied and placed in the shared memory in the write method.
        /// </summary>
        private void SerializeCallDescriptorToStream(DualQueue<LocalCallDescriptor> objectsToWrite)
            // Get the object by peeking at the queue rather than dequeueing the object. This is done
            // because we only want to dequeue the object when it has completely been put in shared memory.
            // This may be done right away if the object is small enough to fit in the shared memory or
            // may happen after a the object is sent as a number of smaller chunks.
            object objectToWrite = objectsToWrite.Peek();
            Debug.Assert(objectToWrite != null, "Expect to get a non-null object from the queue");
            if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForPostBuildResult)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForPostBuildRequests)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForPostLoggingMessagesToHost)
                ((LocalCallDescriptorForPostLoggingMessagesToHost)objectToWrite).WriteToStream(binaryWriter, loggingTypeCache);
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForInitializeNode)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForInitializationComplete)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForUpdateNodeSettings)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForRequestStatus)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForPostingCacheEntriesToHost)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForGettingCacheEntriesFromHost)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForShutdownComplete)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForShutdownNode)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForPostIntrospectorCommand)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalReplyCallDescriptor)
            else if (objectToWrite is LocalCallDescriptorForPostStatus)
                // If the object is not one of the well known local descriptors, use .net Serialization to serialize the object
                binaryFormatter.Serialize(writeStream, objectToWrite);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function reads data from the shared memory buffer and returns a list
        /// of deserialized LocalCallDescriptors or null. The method will return null
        /// if the object being sent accross is a multi buffer object. Read needs to
        /// be called multiple times until the entire large object has been recived.
        /// Once this has happened the large object is deserialized and returned in
        /// the Ilist. Read is used by the shared memory reader threads in the LocalNode
        /// (child end) and the LocalNodeProvider(ParentEnd) to read LocalCallDescriptors
        /// from the shared memory. Read is called from loops in the SharedMemoryReaderThread
        /// </summary>
        internal IList Read()
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(type == SharedMemoryType.ReadOnly, "Should only be calling Read from a readonly shared memory object");
            ArrayList objectsRead = null;
            lock (readLock)
                if (NumberOfUnreadBatches > 0)
                    // The read stream is a memory stream where data read from the shared memory section
                    // will be copied to. From  this memory stream LocalCallDescriptors are deserialized.
                    // Stream position may not be 0 if we are reading a multipart object
                    int readStartPosition = (int)readStream.Position;
                    // Read the first int from the memory file. This indicates the number of bytes written to
                    // shared memory by the write method.
                    int endWritePosition = Marshal.ReadInt32((IntPtr)((int)pageFileView));
                    // Copy the bytes written into the shared memory section into the readStream memory stream.
                        (IntPtr)((int)pageFileView + 4 + readStream.Position), // Source
                        readBuffer, //Destination
                        (int)(readStream.Position + (readBytesTotal - readBytesRemaining)), // Start Index
                        (int)(endWritePosition - readStream.Position) //Length of data
                    // If a multi buffer object is being read - decrement the bytes remaining
                    if (readBytesRemaining != 0)
                        readBytesRemaining -= endWritePosition;
                    // If a multi buffer object is not being read (or just completed) - try
                    // deserializing the data from the buffer into a set of objects
                    if (readBytesRemaining == 0)
                        objectsRead = new ArrayList();
                        int objectId;
                        // Deserialize the object in the read stream to a LocalCallDescriptor. The objectId
                        // is the "ObjectType" which was written to the head of the object when written to the memory stream.
                        // It describes which kind of object was serialized
                        object objectRead = DeserializeFromStream(out objectId);
                        // Check if the writer wants to sent a multi-buffer object, by checking
                        // if the top object is a frame marker.
                        if (readStartPosition == 0)
                            if ((int)ObjectType.FrameMarker == objectId)
                                int frameSizeInPages = (int)((((int)objectRead) + NativeMethods.PAGE_SIZE)
                                                        / NativeMethods.PAGE_SIZE);
                                // Read the end marker off the stream
                                objectId = binaryReader.ReadByte();
                                // Allocate a bigger readStream buffer to contain the large object which will be sent if necessary
                                if (readBuffer.Length < frameSizeInPages * NativeMethods.PAGE_SIZE)
                                    // Close the binary reader and the underlying stream before recreating a larger buffer
                                    this.readBuffer = new byte[frameSizeInPages * NativeMethods.PAGE_SIZE];
                                    this.readStream = new MemoryStream(this.readBuffer);
                                    this.readStream.Position = 0;
                                    // ReCreate the reader on the new stream
                                    binaryReader = new BinaryReader(readStream);
                                readBytesRemaining = (int)objectRead;
                                readBytesTotal = (int)objectRead;
                                readBytesTotal = 0;
                        // Deserialized the objects in the read stream and add them into the arrayList as long as
                        // we did not encounter a frameMarker which says a large object is next or the end marker
                        // which marks the end of the batch.
                        while (((int)ObjectType.EndMarker != objectId) && ((int)ObjectType.FrameMarker != objectId))
                            objectRead = DeserializeFromStream(out objectId);
                    readStream.Position = 0;
            return objectsRead;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method first reads the objectId as an int from the stream,
        /// this int should be found in the "ObjectType" enumeration. This
        /// objectId informs the method what kind of object should be
        /// deserialized and returned from the method. The objectId is an
        /// output parameter. This parameter is also returned so it can be
        /// used in the read and write methods to determine if
        /// a frame or end marker was found.
        /// </summary>
        private object DeserializeFromStream(out int objectId)
            object objectRead = null;
            objectId = readStream.ReadByte();
            switch ((ObjectType)objectId)
                case ObjectType.NetSerialization:
                    objectRead = binaryFormatter.Deserialize(readStream);
                case ObjectType.FrameMarker:
                    objectRead = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
                case ObjectType.PostBuildResult:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForPostBuildResult();
                case ObjectType.PostBuildRequests:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForPostBuildRequests();
                case ObjectType.PostLoggingMessagesToHost:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForPostLoggingMessagesToHost();
                    ((LocalCallDescriptorForPostLoggingMessagesToHost)objectRead).CreateFromStream(binaryReader, loggingTypeCache);
                case ObjectType.InitializeNode:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForInitializeNode();
                case ObjectType.InitializationComplete:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForInitializationComplete();
                case ObjectType.UpdateNodeSettings:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForUpdateNodeSettings();
                case ObjectType.RequestStatus:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForRequestStatus();
                case ObjectType.PostCacheEntriesToHost:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForPostingCacheEntriesToHost();
                case ObjectType.GetCacheEntriesFromHost:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForGettingCacheEntriesFromHost();
                case ObjectType.ShutdownComplete:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForShutdownComplete();
                case ObjectType.ShutdownNode:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForShutdownNode();
                case ObjectType.PostIntrospectorCommand:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForPostIntrospectorCommand(null, null);
                case ObjectType.GenericSingleObjectReply:
                    objectRead = new LocalReplyCallDescriptor();
                case ObjectType.PostStatus:
                    objectRead = new LocalCallDescriptorForPostStatus();
                case ObjectType.EndMarker:
                    return null;
                    ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(false, "Should not be here, ObjectId:" + objectId + "Next:" + readStream.ReadByte());
            return objectRead;
        /// <summary>
        /// Reset the state of the shared memory, this is called when the node is
        /// initialized for the first time or when the node is activated due to node reuse.
        /// </summary>
        internal void Reset()
            if (readStream != null)
                readStream.Position = 0;
            if (writeStream != null)
                Marshal.WriteInt32((IntPtr)pageFileView, (int)writeStream.Position);
            largeObjectsQueue = null;
        #region Member data
        private const int size = 100 * 1024;
        private string name;
        private SafeFileHandle pageFileMapping;
        private IntPtr pageFileView;
        private BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter;
        // Binary reader and writer used to read and write from the memory streams used to contain the deserialized LocalCallDescriptors before and after they are copied
        // to and from the shared memory region.
        private BinaryWriter binaryWriter;
        private BinaryReader binaryReader;
        /// <summary>
        /// Memory stream to contain the deserialized objects before they are sent accross the shared memory region
        /// </summary>
        private MemoryStream writeStream;
        // Backing byte array of the readStream
        private byte[] readBuffer;
        private MemoryStream readStream;
        // The count on a semaphore is decremented each time a thread enters the semaphore,
        // and incremented when a thread releases the semaphore.
        // When the count is zero, subsequent requests block until other threads release the semaphore.
        // A semaphore is considered siginaled when the count > 1 and not siginaled when the count is 0.
        // unreadBatchCounter is used to track how many batches are remaining to be read from shared memory.
        private Semaphore unreadBatchCounter;
        //Used to inform the shared memory reader threads the writer thread has written something in shared memory to read.
        //The semaphore is incremented when the shared memory is full and when there is an unreadBatch availiable to be read or the shared memory is full.
        //The semaphore is decremented when the shared memory reader thread is about to read from the shared memory.
        private Semaphore readActionCounter;
        // Whether or not the shared memory is full
        private EventWaitHandle fullFlag;
        private EventWaitHandle notFullFlag;
        private object writeLock;
        private object readLock;
        // How many bytes remain to be written for the large object to be fully written to shared memory
        private int writeBytesRemaining;
        // How many bytes remain to be read for the large object to be fully read to shared memory
        private int readBytesRemaining;
        // How many bytes is the large object in size
        private int readBytesTotal;
        // Have we disposed this object yet;
        private bool disposed;
        // Is the memory read only or write only
        private SharedMemoryType type;
        // Because we are using reflection to get the writeToStream and readFromStream methods from the classes in the framework assembly we found
        // we were spending a lot of time reflecting for these methods. The loggingTypeCache, caches the methodInfo for the classes and then look them
        // up when serializing or deserializing the objects.
        private Hashtable loggingTypeCache;
        // Keep a pointer to the queue which contains the large object which is being deserialized. We do this because we want to make sure
        // after the object is properly sent we dequeue off the correct queue.
        private DualQueue<LocalCallDescriptor> largeObjectsQueue;