File: Utilities_Tests.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Build.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.Engine.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Engine.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using Shouldly;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using InternalUtilities = Microsoft.Build.Internal.Utilities;
using InvalidProjectFileException = Microsoft.Build.Exceptions.InvalidProjectFileException;
using MSBuildApp = Microsoft.Build.CommandLine.MSBuildApp;
using ProjectCollection = Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ProjectCollection;
using Toolset = Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Toolset;
using XmlDocumentWithLocation = Microsoft.Build.Construction.XmlDocumentWithLocation;
using XmlElementWithLocation = Microsoft.Build.Construction.XmlElementWithLocation;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.UnitTests
    public class UtilitiesTestStandard : UtilitiesTest
        private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;
        public UtilitiesTestStandard(ITestOutputHelper output)
            this.loadAsReadOnly = false;
            _output = output;
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment5()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement>&lt;<!-- bar; baz; --><x/><!-- bar --></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            // Should get XML; note space after x added
            Assert.Equal("&lt;<!-- bar; baz; --><x /><!-- bar -->", xmlContents);
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment6()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement><x/><!-- bar; baz; --><!-- bar --></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            // Should get XML; note space after x added
            Assert.Equal("<x /><!-- bar; baz; --><!-- bar -->", xmlContents);
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment7()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement><!-- bar; baz; --><!-- bar --><x/></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            // Should get XML; note space after x added
            Assert.Equal("<!-- bar; baz; --><!-- bar --><x />", xmlContents);
    public class UtilitiesTestReadOnlyLoad : UtilitiesTest
        public UtilitiesTestReadOnlyLoad()
            this.loadAsReadOnly = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Comments should not be stripped when doing /pp.
        /// This is really testing msbuild.exe but it's here because it needs to
        /// call the internal reset method on the engine
        /// </summary>
        public void CommentsInPreprocessing()
            using TestEnvironment env = TestEnvironment.Create();
            TransientTestFile inputFile = env.CreateFile("tempInput.tmp", ObjectModelHelpers.CleanupFileContents(@"
<Project DefaultTargets='Build'>
<Import Project='$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets'/>
            TransientTestFile outputFile = env.CreateFile("tempOutput.tmp");
            env.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDLOADALLFILESASWRITEABLE", "1");
            MSBuildApp.Execute(@"c:\bin\msbuild.exe """ + inputFile.Path +
                (NativeMethodsShared.IsUnixLike ? @""" -pp:""" : @""" /pp:""") + outputFile.Path + @"""")
                    new[] { @"c:\bin\msbuild.exe", '"' + inputFile.Path + '"',
                '"' + (NativeMethodsShared.IsUnixLike ? "-pp:" : "/pp:") + outputFile.Path + '"'}));
            bool foundDoNotModify = false;
            foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(outputFile.Path))
                line.ShouldNotContain("<!---->", customMessage: "This is what it will look like if we're loading read/only");
                if (line.Contains("DO NOT MODIFY")) // this is in a comment in our targets
                    foundDoNotModify = true;
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment5()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement>&lt;<!-- bar; baz; --><x/><!-- bar --></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            // Should get XML; note space after x added
            Assert.Equal("&lt;<!----><x /><!---->", xmlContents);
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment6()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement><x/><!-- bar; baz; --><!-- bar --></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            // Should get XML; note space after x added
            Assert.Equal("<x /><!----><!---->", xmlContents);
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment7()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement><!-- bar; baz; --><!-- bar --><x/></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            // Should get XML; note space after x added
            Assert.Equal("<!----><!----><x />", xmlContents);
    public abstract class UtilitiesTest
        public bool loadAsReadOnly;
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify Condition is illegal on ProjectExtensions tag
        /// </summary>
        public void IllegalConditionOnProjectExtensions()
            Assert.Throws<InvalidProjectFileException>(() =>
                <Project ToolsVersion=`msbuilddefaulttoolsversion` xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
                    <ProjectExtensions Condition=`'a'=='b'`/>
                    <Import Project=`$(MSBuildBinPath)\\Microsoft.CSharp.Targets` />
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify ProjectExtensions cannot exist twice
        /// </summary>
        public void RepeatedProjectExtensions()
            Assert.Throws<InvalidProjectFileException>(() =>
                <Project ToolsVersion=`msbuilddefaulttoolsversion` xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
                    <Import Project=`$(MSBuildBinPath)\\Microsoft.CSharp.Targets` />
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that we can correctly pass a CDATA tag containing less-than signs into a property value.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetCDATAWithLessThanSignFromXmlNode()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement><![CDATA[<invalid<xml&&<]]></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("<invalid<xml&&<", xmlContents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that we can correctly pass an Xml element named "CDATA" into a property value.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetLiteralCDATAWithLessThanSignFromXmlNode()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement>This is not a real <CDATA/>, just trying to fool the reader.</MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            // Notice the extra space after "CDATA" because it normalized the XML.
            Assert.Equal("This is not a real <CDATA />, just trying to fool the reader.", xmlContents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that we can correctly pass a simple CDATA tag into a property value.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetCDATAFromXmlNode()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement><![CDATA[whatever]]></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("whatever", xmlContents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that we can correctly pass a literal string called "CDATA" into a property value.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetLiteralCDATAFromXmlNode()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement>This is not a real CDATA, just trying to fool the reader.</MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("This is not a real CDATA, just trying to fool the reader.", xmlContents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that we can correctly parse a property that is Xml containing a CDATA tag.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetCDATAOccurringDeeperWithMoreXml()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement><RootOfPropValue><![CDATA[foo]]></RootOfPropValue></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("<RootOfPropValue><![CDATA[foo]]></RootOfPropValue>", xmlContents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that we can correctly pass CDATA where the CDATA tag itself is surrounded by whitespace
        /// </summary>
        public void GetCDATAWithSurroundingWhitespace()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement>    <![CDATA[foo]]>    </MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("foo", xmlContents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that we can correctly parse a property that is some text concatenated with some XML.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetTextContainingLessThanSignFromXmlNode()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement>This is some text contain a node <xml a='&lt;'/>, &amp; an escaped character.</MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            // Notice the extra space in the xml node because it normalized the XML, and the
            // change from single quotes to double-quotes.
            Assert.Equal("This is some text contain a node <xml a=\"&lt;\" />, &amp; an escaped character.", xmlContents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that we can correctly parse a property containing text with an escaped character.
        /// </summary>
        public void GetTextFromXmlNode()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement>This is some text &amp; an escaped character.</MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("This is some text & an escaped character.", xmlContents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests that comments are removed if there is no other XML in the value.
        /// In other words, .InnerText is used even if there are comments (as long as nothing else looks like XML in the string)
        /// </summary>
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement>foo; <!-- bar; baz; -->biz; &amp; boz</MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("foo; biz; & boz", xmlContents);
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment2()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement><!-- bar; baz; -->xyz<!-- bar --></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("xyz", xmlContents);
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment3()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement><!----></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("", xmlContents);
        public void GetTextFromTextNodeWithXmlComment4()
            string xmlText = "<MyXmlElement>--></MyXmlElement>";
            string xmlContents = GetXmlContents(xmlText);
            Assert.Equal("-->", xmlContents);
        /// <summary>
        /// Check creating the tools version list for an error message
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateToolsVersionString()
            List<Toolset> toolsets = new List<Toolset>();
            using var colletionX = new ProjectCollection();
            using var colletionY = new ProjectCollection();
            toolsets.Add(new Toolset("66", "x", colletionX, null));
            toolsets.Add(new Toolset("44", "y", colletionY, null));
            string result = InternalUtilities.CreateToolsVersionListString(toolsets);
            Assert.Equal("\"66\", \"44\"", result);
        protected string GetXmlContents(string xmlText)
            XmlDocumentWithLocation xmldoc = new XmlDocumentWithLocation(loadAsReadOnly);
            XmlElementWithLocation rootElement = (XmlElementWithLocation)xmldoc.FirstChild;
            Console.WriteLine("originalxml = " + xmlText);
            Console.WriteLine("innerText   = " + rootElement.InnerText);
            Console.WriteLine("innerXml    = " + rootElement.InnerXml);
            string xmlContents = InternalUtilities.GetXmlNodeInnerContents(rootElement);
            return xmlContents;