File: ExpressionTreeExpression_Tests.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Build.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.Engine.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Engine.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Build.Collections;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation;
using Microsoft.Build.Exceptions;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.FileSystem;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.UnitTests
    public class ExpressionTest : IDisposable
        private readonly ITestOutputHelper output;
        private static readonly string[] FilesWithExistenceChecks = { "a", "c", "a;b", "a'b", ";", "'" };
        private readonly Expander<ProjectPropertyInstance, ProjectItemInstance> _expander;
        public static readonly IEnumerable<object[]> TrueTests = new[]
            "true or (SHOULDNOTEVALTHIS)", // short circuit
            "(true and false) or true",
            "false or true or false",
            "(true) and (true)",
            "false or !false",
            "($(a) or true)",
            "('$(c)'==1 and (!false))",
            "@(z -> '%(filename).z', '$')=='xxx.z$yyy.z'",
            "@(w -> '%(definingprojectname).barproj') == 'foo.barproj'",
            "false or (false or (false or (false or (false or (true)))))",
            "!(true and false)",
            "$(b)== True",
            "44==+44.0 and -44==-44.0",
            "_a== _a",
            "@(y -> '%(filename)')=='xxx'",
            "@(z -> '%(filename)', '!')=='xxx!yyy'",
            "'xxx!yyy'==@(z -> '%(filename)', '!')",
            "-1  <  0",
            "(true) and ($(a)==off)",
            "(true) and ($(d)==xxx)",
            "(false)     or($(d)==xxx)",
            "true or true or false",
            "false or true or !true or'1'",
            "$(a) or $(b)",
            "$(a) or true",
            "true or 1",
            "'%(culture) fries' == 'FRENCH FRIES' ",
            @"'%(HintPath)' == ''",
            @"%(HintPath) != 'c:\myassemblies\foo.dll'",
            "exists('a%3bb')", /* semicolon */
            "exists('a%27b')", /* apostrophe */
            "exists('a;c')", /* items */
            "'59264.59264' == '59264.59264'",
            "1" + new String('0', 500) + "==" + "1" + new String('0', 500), /* too big for double, eval as string */
            "'1" + new String('0', 500) + "'=='" + "1" + new String('0', 500) + "'" /* too big for double, eval as string */
        }.Select(s => new[] { s });
        public static readonly IEnumerable<object[]> FalseTests = new[] {
            "false and SHOULDNOTEVALTHIS", // short circuit
            "false or false or false",
            "false and !((true and false))",
            "on and off",
            "(true) and (false)",
            "false or (false or (false or (false or (false or (false)))))",
            "!$(b)and true",
            "$(a) and true",
            "%(culture) == 'english'",
            "'%(culture) fries' == 'english fries' ",
            @"'%(HintPath)' == 'c:\myassemblies\foo.dll'",
            @"%(HintPath) == 'c:\myassemblies\foo.dll'",
            "exists(' ')",
            "exists($(nonexistent))",  // DDB #141195
            "exists('$(nonexistent)')",  // DDB #141195
            "exists(@(nonexistent))",  // DDB #141195
            "exists('@(nonexistent)')",  // DDB #141195
            "exists('a;b;c')", /* a and c exist but b does not */
            "'59264.59264' == '59264.59265'",
            "1" + new String('0', 500) + "==2", /* too big for double, eval as string */
            "'1" + new String('0', 500) + "'=='2'", /* too big for double, eval as string */
            "'1" + new String('0', 500) + "'=='01" + new String('0', 500) + "'" /* too big for double, eval as string */
        }.Select(s => new[] { s });
        public static readonly IEnumerable<object[]> ErrorTests = new[] {
            "exists( )",
            "1 > 'x'",
            "1> =0",
            "or true",
            "1 and",
            "not true",
            "1= =1",
            "@(a) @(x)!=1",
            "true $(and) true",
            "a==b or $(d)",
            "false or $()",
            "$(d) or true",
            "%(Culture) or true",
            "@(nonexistent) and true",
            "$(nonexistent) and true",
            "@(z) and true",
            "@() and true",
            "1 or true",
            "false or 1",
            "1 and true",
            "true and 1",
            "false or !1",
            "false or 'aa'",
            "true blah",
        }.Select(s => new[] { s });
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up expression tests by creating files for existence checks.
        /// </summary>
        public ExpressionTest(ITestOutputHelper output)
            this.output = output;
            ItemDictionary<ProjectItemInstance> itemBag = new ItemDictionary<ProjectItemInstance>();
            // Dummy project instance to own the items.
            ProjectRootElement xml = ProjectRootElement.Create();
            xml.FullPath = @"c:\abc\foo.proj";
            ProjectInstance parentProject = new ProjectInstance(xml);
            itemBag.Add(new ProjectItemInstance(parentProject, "u", "a'b;c", parentProject.FullPath));
            itemBag.Add(new ProjectItemInstance(parentProject, "v", "a", parentProject.FullPath));
            itemBag.Add(new ProjectItemInstance(parentProject, "w", "1", parentProject.FullPath));
            itemBag.Add(new ProjectItemInstance(parentProject, "x", "true", parentProject.FullPath));
            itemBag.Add(new ProjectItemInstance(parentProject, "y", "xxx", parentProject.FullPath));
            itemBag.Add(new ProjectItemInstance(parentProject, "z", "xxx", parentProject.FullPath));
            itemBag.Add(new ProjectItemInstance(parentProject, "z", "yyy", parentProject.FullPath));
            PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance> propertyBag = new PropertyDictionary<ProjectPropertyInstance>();
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("a", "no"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("b", "true"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("c", "1"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("d", "xxx"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("e", "xxx"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("f", "1.9.5"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("and", "and"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("a_semi_c", "a;c"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("a_apos_b", "a'b"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("foo_apos_foo", "foo'foo"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("a_escapedsemi_b", "a%3bb"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("a_escapedapos_b", "a%27b"));
            propertyBag.Set(ProjectPropertyInstance.Create("has_trailing_slash", @"foo\"));
            Dictionary<string, string> metadataDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            metadataDictionary["Culture"] = "french";
            StringMetadataTable itemMetadata = new StringMetadataTable(metadataDictionary);
            _expander = new Expander<ProjectPropertyInstance, ProjectItemInstance>(propertyBag, itemBag, itemMetadata, FileSystems.Default);
            foreach (string file in FilesWithExistenceChecks)
                using (File.CreateText(file)) { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Clean up files created for these tests.
        /// </summary>
        public void Dispose()
            foreach (string file in FilesWithExistenceChecks)
                if (File.Exists(file))
        /// <summary>
        /// A whole bunch of conditionals that should be true
        /// (many coincidentally like existing QA tests) to give breadth coverage.
        /// Please add more cases as they arise.
        /// </summary>
        public void EvaluateAVarietyOfTrueExpressions(string expression)
            Parser p = new Parser();
            GenericExpressionNode tree = p.Parse(expression, ParserOptions.AllowAll, ElementLocation.EmptyLocation);
            ConditionEvaluator.IConditionEvaluationState state =
                new ConditionEvaluator.ConditionEvaluationState<ProjectPropertyInstance, ProjectItemInstance>(
            Assert.True(tree.Evaluate(state), "expected true from '" + expression + "'");
        /// <summary>
        /// A whole bunch of conditionals that should be false
        /// (many coincidentally like existing QA tests) to give breadth coverage.
        /// Please add more cases as they arise.
        /// </summary>
        public void EvaluateAVarietyOfFalseExpressions(string expression)
            Parser p = new Parser();
            GenericExpressionNode tree = p.Parse(expression, ParserOptions.AllowAll, ElementLocation.EmptyLocation);
            ConditionEvaluator.IConditionEvaluationState state =
                new ConditionEvaluator.ConditionEvaluationState<ProjectPropertyInstance, ProjectItemInstance>(
            Assert.False(tree.Evaluate(state), "expected false from '" + expression + "' and got true");
        /// <summary>
        /// A whole bunch of conditionals that should produce errors
        /// (many coincidentally like existing QA tests) to give breadth coverage.
        /// Please add more cases as they arise.
        /// </summary>
        public void EvaluateAVarietyOfErrorExpressions(string expression)
            // If an expression is invalid,
            //      - Parse may throw, or
            //      - Evaluate may throw, or
            //      - Evaluate may return false causing its caller EvaluateCondition to throw
            bool caughtException = false;
                Parser p = new Parser();
                var tree = p.Parse(expression, ParserOptions.AllowAll, ElementLocation.EmptyLocation);
                ConditionEvaluator.IConditionEvaluationState state =
                    new ConditionEvaluator.ConditionEvaluationState<ProjectPropertyInstance, ProjectItemInstance>(
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException ex)
                output.WriteLine(expression + " caused '" + ex.Message + "'");
                caughtException = true;
                "expected '" + expression + "' to not parse or not be evaluated");