File: ObjectModelRemoting\RemoteProjectsProviderMock\LinkedObjectsMap.cs
Web Access
Project: ..\..\..\src\Build.OM.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.Engine.OM.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Engine.OM.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.UnitTests.OM.ObjectModelRemoting
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    internal sealed class LinkedObjectsMap<KeyType> : IDisposable
        private static object Lock { get; } = new object();
        private static UInt32 nextCollectionId = 0;
        private UInt32 nextLocalId = 0;
        // internal fore debugging
        internal object GetLockForDebug => Lock;
        internal IEnumerable<LinkedObject> GetActiveLinks()
            lock (Lock)
                foreach (var h in activeLinks.Values)
                    if (h.IsValid && h.RemoterWeak.TryGetTarget(out var result))
                        yield return result;
        private static Dictionary<UInt32, LinkedObjectsMap<KeyType>> collections = new Dictionary<UInt32, LinkedObjectsMap<KeyType>>();
        private Dictionary<UInt32, WeakHolder> activeLinks = new Dictionary<UInt32, WeakHolder>();
        private Dictionary<KeyType, WeakHolder> indexByKey = new Dictionary<KeyType, WeakHolder>();
        private static void Remove(UInt32 collectionId, UInt32 id)
            if (id != 0)
                lock (Lock)
                    if (collections.TryGetValue(collectionId, out var collection))
                        if (collection.activeLinks.TryGetValue(id, out var holder))
                            if (holder.IsValid)
        private bool TryGetUnderLock(KeyType key, out LinkedObject result)
            if (!indexByKey.TryGetValue(key, out var holder))
                result = null;
                return false;
            if (!holder.IsValid)
                result = null;
                return false;
            if (holder.RemoterWeak.TryGetTarget(out result))
                return true;
            // Remove stale reference, it is Collected but Finalizer is not called yet.
            // clear the index
            // but keep id entry (so no other remoter can reclaim it until existing one is finalized.
            return false;
        private void AddUnderLock(LinkedObject ro, Action<UInt32> setter)
            while (nextLocalId == 0 || activeLinks.ContainsKey(nextLocalId));
            var holder = new WeakHolder(ro);
            activeLinks.Add(holder.LocalLinkId, holder);
            indexByKey.Add(holder.Key, holder);
        private LinkedObject GetOrAdd(LinkedObject ro, Action<UInt32> setter)
            lock (Lock)
                if (this.CollectionId == 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name);
                if (!TryGetUnderLock(ro.Key, out var result))
                    result = ro;
                    AddUnderLock(ro, setter);
                return result;
        private LinkedObjectsMap(UInt32 id)
            this.CollectionId = id;
        private UInt32 CollectionId { get; set; }
        public static LinkedObjectsMap<KeyType> Create()
            lock (Lock)
                } while (nextCollectionId == 0 || collections.ContainsKey(nextCollectionId));
                var result = new LinkedObjectsMap<KeyType>(nextCollectionId);
                collections[nextCollectionId] = result;
                return result;
        public void GetActive<SourceType>(UInt32 localId, out SourceType active)
            where SourceType : class
            if (localId == 0)
                active = null;
            lock (Lock)
                if (!this.activeLinks.TryGetValue(localId, out var holder))
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(typeof(SourceType).Name);
                active = (SourceType)holder.StrongReference;
        public bool GetOrCreate<LinkType, SourceType>(SourceType source, object context, out LinkType linked, bool slow = false)
            where SourceType : ISourceWithId
            where LinkType : LinkedObject<SourceType>, new()
            if (source == null || source.IsNull)
                linked = null;
                return false;
            return GetOrCreate(source.Key, source, context, out linked, slow);
        public bool GetOrCreate<LinkType, SourceType>(KeyType key, SourceType source, object context, out LinkType linked, bool slow = false) where LinkType : LinkedObject<SourceType>, new()
            if (source == null)
                linked = null;
                return false;
            lock (Lock)
                if (this.CollectionId == 0)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name);
                if (TryGetUnderLock(key, out var r))
                    linked = (LinkType)r;
                    return false;
                else if (!slow)
                    linked = new LinkType();
                    linked.Initialize(key, source, context);
                    return true;
            linked = new LinkType();
            linked.Initialize(key, source, context);
            linked = (LinkType)linked.ActivateSlow(this);
            return true;
        public void Dispose()
            lock (Lock)
                CollectionId = 0;
        public interface ISourceWithId
            KeyType Key { get; }
            bool IsNull { get; }
        public class LinkedObject<SourceType> : LinkedObject
            public virtual void Initialize(KeyType key, SourceType source, object context)
                this.Key = key;
                this.Source = source;
            public override object StrongReference => this.Source;
            public SourceType Source { get; protected set; }
        public class LinkedObject : ISourceWithId
            public void ActivateFast(LinkedObjectsMap<KeyType> map)
                this.CollectionId = map.CollectionId;
                map.AddUnderLock(this, (id) => this.LocalId = id);
            public LinkedObject ActivateSlow(LinkedObjectsMap<KeyType> map)
                this.CollectionId = map.CollectionId;
                return map.GetOrAdd(this, (id) => this.LocalId = id);
                if (LocalId != 0)
                    Remove(CollectionId, LocalId);
            private UInt32 CollectionId { get; set; }
            public UInt32 LocalId { get; private set; }
            public virtual object StrongReference => null;
            public KeyType Key { get; protected set; }
            public virtual bool IsNull => false;
        private sealed class WeakHolder
            public WeakHolder(LinkedObject ro)
                this.StrongReference = ro.StrongReference;
                this.LocalLinkId = ro.LocalId;
                this.Key = ro.Key;
                this.RemoterWeak = new WeakReference<LinkedObject>(ro);
            public object StrongReference { get; private set; }
            public UInt32 LocalLinkId { get; private set; }
            public KeyType Key { get; private set; }
            public WeakReference<LinkedObject> RemoterWeak { get; private set; }
            public bool IsValid => LocalLinkId != 0;
            public void Invalidate()
                this.StrongReference = null;
                this.LocalLinkId = 0;
                this.Key = default(KeyType);
                this.RemoterWeak = null;