File: Construction\WhiteSpacePreservation_Tests.cs
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Project: ..\..\..\src\Build.OM.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.Engine.OM.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.Engine.OM.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using Xunit;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.UnitTests.OM.Construction
    public class WhitespacePreservation_Tests
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
  <ItemGroup />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
  <ItemGroup />
        public void AddEmptyParent(string projectContents, string updatedProject)
            AssertWhiteSpacePreservation(projectContents, updatedProject, (pe, p) =>
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
        public void AddParentAndChild(string projectContents, string updatedProject)
            AssertWhiteSpacePreservation(projectContents, updatedProject, (pe, p) =>
                var itemGroup = pe.AddItemGroup();
                itemGroup.AddItem("i2", "b");
        // no new lines are added
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
        // new lines between parents are preserved
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
        // parent has no indentation but has leading whitespace. Indentation is the whitespace after the last new line in the parent's entire leading whitespace
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
  </ItemGroup>                           <ItemGroup>
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
  </ItemGroup>                           <ItemGroup>
  <i2 Include=`b` />
        // parent has no leading whitespace
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
  <i2 Include=`b` />
        // empty parent has no whitespace in it; append new line and the parent's indentation
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
        // the initial whitespace in the empty parent gets replaced with newline + parent_indentation
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
        public void AddFirstChildInExistingParent(string projectContents, string updatedProject)
            AssertWhiteSpacePreservation(projectContents, updatedProject,
                (pe, p) => { pe.ItemGroups.ElementAt(1).AddItem("i2", "b"); });
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
    <i2 Include=`b` />
        // AddItem ends up calling InsertAfterChild
        public void AddChildWithExistingSiblingsViaAddItem(string projectContents, string updatedProject)
            AssertWhiteSpacePreservation(projectContents, updatedProject,
                (pe, p) => { pe.ItemGroups.First().AddItem("i2", "b"); });
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i2 Include=`b` />
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i2 Include=`b` />
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i2 Include=`b` />
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i Include=`a` />
@"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
    <i2 Include=`b` />
    <i Include=`a` />
        public void AddChildWithExistingSiblingsViaInsertBeforeChild(string projectContents, string updatedProject)
            AssertWhiteSpacePreservation(projectContents, updatedProject,
                (pe, p) =>
                    var itemGroup = pe.ItemGroups.First();
                    var existingItemElement = itemGroup.FirstChild;
                    var newItemElement = itemGroup.ContainingProject.CreateItemElement("i2", "b");
                    itemGroup.InsertBeforeChild(newItemElement, existingItemElement);
        public void VerifySaveProjectContainsCorrectLineEndings()
            var project = @"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
  <ItemGroup> <!-- comment here -->
    <i Include=`a` /> <!--
multi-line comment here
            string expected = @"<Project xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
  <ItemGroup> <!-- comment here -->
    <i2 Include=`b` />
    <i Include=`a` /> <!--
multi-line comment here
            // Use existing test to add a sibling and verify the output is as expected (including comments)
            AddChildWithExistingSiblingsViaInsertBeforeChild(project, expected);
        private void AssertWhiteSpacePreservation(
            string projectContents,
            string updatedProject,
            Action<ProjectRootElement, Project> act)
            // Each OS uses its own line endings. Using WSL on Windows leads to LF on Windows which messes up the tests. This happens due to git LF <-> CRLF conversions.
            if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows)
                projectContents = Regex.Replace(projectContents, @"(?<!\r)\n", "\r\n", RegexOptions.Multiline);
                updatedProject = Regex.Replace(updatedProject, @"(?<!\r)\n", "\r\n", RegexOptions.Multiline);
                projectContents = Regex.Replace(projectContents, @"\r\n", "\n", RegexOptions.Multiline);
                updatedProject = Regex.Replace(updatedProject, @"\r\n", "\n", RegexOptions.Multiline);
            // Note: This test will write the project file to disk rather than using in-memory streams.
            // Using streams can cause issues with CRLF characters being replaced by LF going in to
            // ProjectRootElement. Saving to disk mimics the real-world behavior so we can specifically
            // test issues with CRLF characters being normalized. Related issue: #1340
            var file = FileUtilities.GetTemporaryFileName();
            var expected = ObjectModelHelpers.CleanupFileContents(updatedProject);
            string actual;
                // Write the projectConents to disk and load it
                File.WriteAllText(file, ObjectModelHelpers.CleanupFileContents(projectContents));
                var projectElement = ProjectRootElement.Open(file, ProjectCollection.GlobalProjectCollection, true);
                var project = new Project(projectElement);
                act(projectElement, project);
                // Write the project to a UTF8 string writer to compare against
                var writer = new EncodingStringWriter();
                actual = writer.ToString();
            VerifyAssertLineByLine(expected, actual);
        private void VerifyAssertLineByLine(string expected, string actual)
            Helpers.VerifyAssertLineByLine(expected, actual, false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensure that all line-endings in the save result are correct for the current OS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectResults">Project file contents after save.</param>
        private void VerifyLineEndings(string projectResults)
            if (Environment.NewLine.Length == 2)
                // Windows, ensure that \n doesn't exist by itself
                var crlfCount = Regex.Matches(projectResults, @"\r\n", RegexOptions.Multiline).Count;
                var nlCount = Regex.Matches(projectResults, @"\n").Count;
                // Compare number of \r\n to number of \n, they should be equal.
                Assert.Equal(crlfCount, nlCount);
                // Ensure we did not add \r\n
                Assert.Empty(Regex.Matches(projectResults, @"\r\n", RegexOptions.Multiline));