File: MSBuildServer_Tests.cs
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Project: ..\..\..\src\MSBuild.UnitTests\Microsoft.Build.CommandLine.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.Build.CommandLine.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Experimental;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.Debugging;
using Microsoft.Build.UnitTests;
using Microsoft.Build.UnitTests.Shared;
using Microsoft.IO;
using System.IO;
using Shouldly;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using Path = System.IO.Path;
namespace Microsoft.Build.Engine.UnitTests
    public class SleepingTask : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task
        public int SleepTime { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Sleep for SleepTime milliseconds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Success on success.</returns>
        public override bool Execute()
            return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
    public class ProcessIdTask : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task
        public int Pid { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Log the id for this process.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute()
            Pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
            return true;
    public class MSBuildServer_Tests : IDisposable
        private readonly ITestOutputHelper _output;
        private readonly TestEnvironment _env;
        private static string printPidContents = @$"
<UsingTask TaskName=""ProcessIdTask"" AssemblyFile=""{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location}"" />
    <Target Name='AccessPID'>
            <Output PropertyName=""PID"" TaskParameter=""Pid"" />
        <Message Text=""[Work around Github issue #9667 with --interactive]Server ID is $(PID)"" Importance=""High"" />
        private static string sleepingTaskContentsFormat = @$"
<UsingTask TaskName=""SleepingTask"" AssemblyFile=""{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location}"" />
    <Target Name='Sleep'>
        <!-- create a marker file that represents the build is started. -->
        <WriteLinesToFile File=""{{0}}"" />
        <SleepingTask SleepTime=""100000"" />
        public MSBuildServer_Tests(ITestOutputHelper output)
            _output = output;
            _env = TestEnvironment.Create(_output);
        public void Dispose() => _env.Dispose();
        public void MSBuildServerTest()
            TransientTestFile project = _env.CreateFile("testProject.proj", printPidContents);
            _env.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "1");
            string output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out bool success, false, _output);
            int pidOfInitialProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is ");
            int pidOfServerProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            pidOfInitialProcess.ShouldNotBe(pidOfServerProcess, "We started a server node to execute the target rather than running it in-proc, so its pid should be different.");
            output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out success, false, _output);
            int newPidOfInitialProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is ");
            newPidOfInitialProcess.ShouldNotBe(pidOfServerProcess, "We started a server node to execute the target rather than running it in-proc, so its pid should be different.");
            newPidOfInitialProcess.ShouldNotBe(pidOfInitialProcess, "Process started by two MSBuild executions should be different.");
            pidOfServerProcess.ShouldBe(ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is "), "Node used by both the first and second build should be the same.");
            // Prep to kill the long-lived task we're about to start.
            TransientTestFile markerFile = _env.ExpectFile();
            string? dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(markerFile.Path);
            using var watcher = new System.IO.FileSystemWatcher(dir!);
            watcher.Created += (o, e) =>
                _output.WriteLine($"The marker file {markerFile.Path} was created. The build task has been started. Ready to kill the server.");
                // Kill the server
                _output.WriteLine($"The old server was killed.");
            watcher.Filter = Path.GetFileName(markerFile.Path);
            watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
            // Start long-lived task execution
            TransientTestFile sleepProject = _env.CreateFile("napProject.proj", string.Format(sleepingTaskContentsFormat, markerFile.Path));
            RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, sleepProject.Path, out _);
            // Ensure that a new build can still succeed and that its server node is different.
            output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out success, false, _output);
            newPidOfInitialProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is ");
            int newServerProcessId = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            // Register process to clean up (be killed) after tests ends.
            newPidOfInitialProcess.ShouldNotBe(pidOfInitialProcess, "Process started by two MSBuild executions should be different.");
            newPidOfInitialProcess.ShouldNotBe(newServerProcessId, "We started a server node to execute the target rather than running it in-proc, so its pid should be different.");
            pidOfServerProcess.ShouldNotBe(newServerProcessId, "Node used by both the first and second build should not be the same.");
        public void VerifyMixedLegacyBehavior()
            TransientTestFile project = _env.CreateFile("testProject.proj", printPidContents);
            _env.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "1");
            string output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out bool success, false, _output);
            int pidOfInitialProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is ");
            int pidOfServerProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            // Register process to clean up (be killed) after tests ends.
            pidOfInitialProcess.ShouldNotBe(pidOfServerProcess, "We started a server node to execute the target rather than running it in-proc, so its pid should be different.");
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "");
            output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out success, false, _output);
            pidOfInitialProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is ");
            int pidOfNewserverProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            pidOfInitialProcess.ShouldBe(pidOfNewserverProcess, "We did not start a server node to execute the target, so its pid should be the same.");
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "1");
            output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out success, false, _output);
            pidOfInitialProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is ");
            pidOfNewserverProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            pidOfInitialProcess.ShouldNotBe(pidOfNewserverProcess, "We started a server node to execute the target rather than running it in-proc, so its pid should be different.");
            pidOfServerProcess.ShouldBe(pidOfNewserverProcess, "Server node should be the same as from earlier.");
            if (pidOfServerProcess != pidOfNewserverProcess)
                // Register process to clean up (be killed) after tests ends.
        public void BuildsWhileBuildIsRunningOnServer()
            _env.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "1");
            TransientTestFile project = _env.CreateFile("testProject.proj", printPidContents);
            TransientTestFile markerFile = _env.ExpectFile();
            TransientTestFile sleepProject = _env.CreateFile("napProject.proj", string.Format(sleepingTaskContentsFormat, markerFile.Path));
            int pidOfServerProcess;
            Task t;
            // Start a server node and find its PID.
            string output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out bool success, false, _output);
            pidOfServerProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            string? dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(markerFile.Path);
            using var watcher = new System.IO.FileSystemWatcher(dir!);
            ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            watcher.Created += (o, e) =>
                _output.WriteLine($"The marker file {markerFile.Path} was created. The build task has been started.");
            watcher.Filter = Path.GetFileName(markerFile.Path);
            watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
            t = Task.Run(() =>
                RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, sleepProject.Path, out _, false, _output);
            // The server will soon be in use; make sure we don't try to use it before that happens.
            _output.WriteLine("Waiting for the server to be in use.");
            _output.WriteLine("It's OK to go ahead.");
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "0");
            output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out success, false, _output);
            ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ").ShouldBe(ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is "), "There should not be a server node for this build.");
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "1");
            output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out success, false, _output);
            pidOfServerProcess.ShouldNotBe(ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is "), "The server should be otherwise occupied.");
            pidOfServerProcess.ShouldNotBe(ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is "), "There should not be a server node for this build.");
            ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ").ShouldBe(ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is "), "Process ID and Server ID should coincide.");
            // Clean up process and tasks
            // 1st kill registered processes
            // 2nd wait for sleep task which will ends as soon as the process is killed above.
        public void CanShutdownServerProcess(bool byBuildManager)
            _env.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "1");
            TransientTestFile project = _env.CreateFile("testProject.proj", printPidContents);
            // Start a server node and find its PID.
            string output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path, out bool success, false, _output);
            int pidOfServerProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            var serverProcess = Process.GetProcessById(pidOfServerProcess);
            if (byBuildManager)
                bool serverIsDown = MSBuildClient.ShutdownServer(CancellationToken.None);
        public void CanShutdownServerProcessWhenNotRunning()
            bool serverIsDown = MSBuildClient.ShutdownServer(CancellationToken.None);
        public void ServerShouldNotRunWhenNodeReuseEqualsFalse()
            TransientTestFile project = _env.CreateFile("testProject.proj", printPidContents);
            _env.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "1");
            string output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path + " /nodereuse:false", out bool success, false, _output);
            int pidOfInitialProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is ");
            int pidOfServerProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            pidOfInitialProcess.ShouldBe(pidOfServerProcess, "We started a server node even when nodereuse is false.");
        public void ServerShouldNotStartWhenBuildIsInteractive()
            TransientTestFile project = _env.CreateFile("testProject.proj", printPidContents);
            _env.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "1");
            string output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, project.Path + " -interactive", out bool success, false, _output);
            int pidOfInitialProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Process ID is ");
            int pidOfServerProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            pidOfInitialProcess.ShouldBe(pidOfServerProcess, "We started a server node even when build is interactive.");
        public void PropertyMSBuildStartupDirectoryOnServer()
            // This test seems to be flaky, lets enable better logging to investigate it next time
            // TODO: delete after investigated its flakiness
            string reportMSBuildStartupDirectoryProperty = @$"
    <UsingTask TaskName=""ProcessIdTask"" AssemblyFile=""{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location}"" />
	<Target Name=""DisplayMessages"">
            <Output PropertyName=""PID"" TaskParameter=""Pid"" />
        <Message Text=""[Work around Github issue #9667 with --interactive]Server ID is $(PID)"" Importance=""High"" />
		<Message Text=""[Work around Github issue #9667 with --interactive]:MSBuildStartupDirectory:$(MSBuildStartupDirectory):"" Importance=""high"" />
            TransientTestFile project = _env.CreateFile("testProject.proj", reportMSBuildStartupDirectoryProperty);
            _env.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDUSESERVER", "1");
            // Start on current working directory
            string output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, $"/t:DisplayMessages {project.Path}", out bool success, false, _output);
            int pidOfServerProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            // Start on transient project directory
            output = RunnerUtilities.ExecMSBuild(BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath, $"/t:DisplayMessages {project.Path}", out success, false, _output);
            int pidOfNewServerProcess = ParseNumber(output, "Server ID is ");
            if (pidOfServerProcess != pidOfNewServerProcess)
                // Register process to clean up (be killed) after tests ends.
        private int ParseNumber(string searchString, string toFind)
            Regex regex = new(@$"{toFind}(\d+)");
            Match match = regex.Match(searchString);
            return int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);