20 instantiations of FormReader
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Test (3)
FacebookTests.cs (1)
394var form = new FormReader(body);
GoogleTests.cs (1)
1033var form = new FormReader(body);
MicrosoftAccountTests.cs (1)
300var form = new FormReader(body);
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Twitter (2)
TwitterHandler.cs (2)
277var responseParameters = new FormCollection(new FormReader(responseText).ReadForm()); 308var responseParameters = new FormCollection(new FormReader(responseText).ReadForm());
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities.Microbenchmarks (1)
FormReaderBenchmark.cs (1)
21var formReader = new FormReader(stream);
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities.Tests (14)
FormReaderTests.cs (14)
18var formCollection = await ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body)); 30var formCollection = await ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body)); 43var formCollection = await ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body)); 55var formCollection = await ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body)); 68var formCollection = await ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body) { ValueCountLimit = 3 }); 84() => ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body) { ValueCountLimit = 3 })); 96() => ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body) { ValueCountLimit = 3 })); 107var formCollection = await ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body) { KeyLengthLimit = 10 }); 123() => ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body) { KeyLengthLimit = 10 })); 134var formCollection = await ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body) { ValueLengthLimit = 10 }); 150() => ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body) { ValueLengthLimit = 10 })); 161var reader = new FormReader(body); 183var reader = new FormReader(body); 200var form = await ReadFormAsync(new FormReader(body));
29 references to FormReader
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Test (3)
FacebookTests.cs (1)
394var form = new FormReader(body);
GoogleTests.cs (1)
1033var form = new FormReader(body);
MicrosoftAccountTests.cs (1)
300var form = new FormReader(body);
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Endpoints (2)
FormMapping\FormDataMapperOptions.cs (2)
43internal int MaxCollectionSize { get; set; } = FormReader.DefaultValueCountLimit; 49internal int MaxKeyBufferSize { get; set; } = FormReader.DefaultKeyLengthLimit;
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http (3)
Features\FormOptions.cs (3)
65public int ValueCountLimit { get; set; } = FormReader.DefaultValueCountLimit; 72public int KeyLengthLimit { get; set; } = FormReader.DefaultKeyLengthLimit; 79public int ValueLengthLimit { get; set; } = FormReader.DefaultValueLengthLimit;
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions (2)
src\Components\Endpoints\src\FormMapping\FormDataMapperOptions.cs (2)
43internal int MaxCollectionSize { get; set; } = FormReader.DefaultValueCountLimit; 49internal int MaxKeyBufferSize { get; set; } = FormReader.DefaultKeyLengthLimit;
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Core (2)
MvcOptions.cs (2)
25internal const int DefaultMaxModelBindingCollectionSize = FormReader.DefaultValueCountLimit; 311/// <value>The default value is <c>1024</c>, matching <see cref="FormReader.DefaultValueCountLimit"/>.</value>
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing (5)
Builder\RoutingEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions.cs (5)
170/// <param name="maxCollectionSize">The maximum number of elements allowed in a form collection. Defaults to <see cref="FormReader.DefaultValueCountLimit"/>>.</param> 172/// <param name="maxKeySize">The maximum size of the buffer used to read form data keys. Defaults to <see cref="FormReader.DefaultKeyLengthLimit"/></param> 194/// <param name="valueCountLimit">Limit for the number of form entries to allow. Defaults to <see cref="FormReader.DefaultValueCountLimit"/>.</param> 195/// <param name="keyLengthLimit">Limit on the length of individual keys. Defaults to <see cref="FormReader.DefaultKeyLengthLimit"/>.</param> 196/// <param name="valueLengthLimit">Limit on the length of individual form values. Defaults to <see cref="FormReader.DefaultValueLengthLimit"/>.</param>
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities (5)
FormReader.cs (5)
47/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="FormReader"/>. 56/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="FormReader"/>. 70/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="FormReader"/>. 79/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="FormReader"/>. 89/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="FormReader"/>.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities.Microbenchmarks (1)
FormReaderBenchmark.cs (1)
21var formReader = new FormReader(stream);
Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities.Tests (6)
FormReaderAsyncTest.cs (2)
10protected override async Task<Dictionary<string, StringValues>> ReadFormAsync(FormReader reader) 15protected override async Task<KeyValuePair<string, string>?> ReadPair(FormReader reader)
FormReaderTests.cs (4)
161var reader = new FormReader(body); 183var reader = new FormReader(body); 205protected virtual Task<Dictionary<string, StringValues>> ReadFormAsync(FormReader reader) 210protected virtual Task<KeyValuePair<string, string>?> ReadPair(FormReader reader)