File: .packages\microsoft.extensions.hostfactoryresolver.sources\10.0.0-preview.3.25155.12\contentFiles\cs\netstandard2.0\HostFactoryResolver.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Hosting\TestHost\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
    internal sealed class HostFactoryResolver
        private const BindingFlags DeclaredOnlyLookup = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly;
        public const string BuildWebHost = nameof(BuildWebHost);
        public const string CreateWebHostBuilder = nameof(CreateWebHostBuilder);
        public const string CreateHostBuilder = nameof(CreateHostBuilder);
        private const string TimeoutEnvironmentKey = "DOTNET_HOST_FACTORY_RESOLVER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS";
        // The amount of time we wait for the diagnostic source events to fire
        private static readonly TimeSpan s_defaultWaitTimeout = SetupDefaultTimeout();
        private static TimeSpan SetupDefaultTimeout()
            if (Debugger.IsAttached)
                return Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan;
            if (uint.TryParse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(TimeoutEnvironmentKey), out uint timeoutInSeconds))
                return TimeSpan.FromSeconds((int)timeoutInSeconds);
            return TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
        public static Func<string[], TWebHost>? ResolveWebHostFactory<TWebHost>(Assembly assembly)
            return ResolveFactory<TWebHost>(assembly, BuildWebHost);
        public static Func<string[], TWebHostBuilder>? ResolveWebHostBuilderFactory<TWebHostBuilder>(Assembly assembly)
            return ResolveFactory<TWebHostBuilder>(assembly, CreateWebHostBuilder);
        public static Func<string[], THostBuilder>? ResolveHostBuilderFactory<THostBuilder>(Assembly assembly)
            return ResolveFactory<THostBuilder>(assembly, CreateHostBuilder);
        // This helpers encapsulates all of the complex logic required to:
        // 1. Execute the entry point of the specified assembly in a different thread.
        // 2. Wait for the diagnostic source events to fire
        // 3. Give the caller a chance to execute logic to mutate the IHostBuilder
        // 4. Resolve the instance of the applications's IHost
        // 5. Allow the caller to determine if the entry point has completed
        public static Func<string[], object>? ResolveHostFactory(Assembly assembly,
                                                                 TimeSpan? waitTimeout = null,
                                                                 bool stopApplication = true,
                                                                 Action<object>? configureHostBuilder = null,
                                                                 Action<Exception?>? entrypointCompleted = null)
            if (assembly.EntryPoint is null)
                return null;
                // Attempt to load hosting and check the version to make sure the events
                // even have a chance of firing (they were added in .NET >= 6)
                var hostingAssembly = Assembly.Load("Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting");
                if (hostingAssembly.GetName().Version is Version version && version.Major < 6)
                    return null;
                // We're using a version >= 6 so the events can fire. If they don't fire
                // then it's because the application isn't using the hosting APIs
                // There was an error loading the extensions assembly, return null.
                return null;
            return args => new HostingListener(args, assembly.EntryPoint, waitTimeout ?? s_defaultWaitTimeout, stopApplication, configureHostBuilder, entrypointCompleted).CreateHost();
        private static Func<string[], T>? ResolveFactory<T>(Assembly assembly, string name)
            var programType = assembly?.EntryPoint?.DeclaringType;
            if (programType == null)
                return null;
            var factory = programType.GetMethod(name, DeclaredOnlyLookup);
            if (!IsFactory<T>(factory))
                return null;
            return args => (T)factory!.Invoke(null, new object[] { args })!;
        // TReturn Factory(string[] args);
        private static bool IsFactory<TReturn>(MethodInfo? factory)
            return factory != null
                && typeof(TReturn).IsAssignableFrom(factory.ReturnType)
                && factory.GetParameters().Length == 1
                && typeof(string[]).Equals(factory.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType);
        // Used by EF tooling without any Hosting references. Looses some return type safety checks.
        public static Func<string[], IServiceProvider?>? ResolveServiceProviderFactory(Assembly assembly, TimeSpan? waitTimeout = null)
            // Prefer the older patterns by default for back compat.
            var webHostFactory = ResolveWebHostFactory<object>(assembly);
            if (webHostFactory != null)
                return args =>
                    var webHost = webHostFactory(args);
                    return GetServiceProvider(webHost);
            var webHostBuilderFactory = ResolveWebHostBuilderFactory<object>(assembly);
            if (webHostBuilderFactory != null)
                return args =>
                    var webHostBuilder = webHostBuilderFactory(args);
                    var webHost = Build(webHostBuilder);
                    return GetServiceProvider(webHost);
            var hostBuilderFactory = ResolveHostBuilderFactory<object>(assembly);
            if (hostBuilderFactory != null)
                return args =>
                    var hostBuilder = hostBuilderFactory(args);
                    var host = Build(hostBuilder);
                    return GetServiceProvider(host);
            var hostFactory = ResolveHostFactory(assembly, waitTimeout: waitTimeout);
            if (hostFactory != null)
                return args =>
                    static bool IsApplicationNameArg(string arg)
                        => arg.Equals("--applicationName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                            arg.Equals("/applicationName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    if (!args.Any(arg => IsApplicationNameArg(arg)) && assembly.GetName().Name is string assemblyName)
                        args = args.Concat(new[] { "--applicationName", assemblyName }).ToArray();
                    var host = hostFactory(args);
                    return GetServiceProvider(host);
            return null;
        private static object? Build(object builder)
            var buildMethod = builder.GetType().GetMethod("Build");
            return buildMethod?.Invoke(builder, Array.Empty<object>());
        private static IServiceProvider? GetServiceProvider(object? host)
            if (host == null)
                return null;
            var hostType = host.GetType();
            var servicesProperty = hostType.GetProperty("Services", DeclaredOnlyLookup);
            return (IServiceProvider?)servicesProperty?.GetValue(host);
        private sealed class HostingListener : IObserver<DiagnosticListener>, IObserver<KeyValuePair<string, object?>>
            private readonly string[] _args;
            private readonly MethodInfo _entryPoint;
            private readonly TimeSpan _waitTimeout;
            private readonly bool _stopApplication;
            private readonly TaskCompletionSource<object> _hostTcs = new();
            private IDisposable? _disposable;
            private readonly Action<object>? _configure;
            private readonly Action<Exception?>? _entrypointCompleted;
            private static readonly AsyncLocal<HostingListener> _currentListener = new();
            public HostingListener(string[] args, MethodInfo entryPoint, TimeSpan waitTimeout, bool stopApplication, Action<object>? configure, Action<Exception?>? entrypointCompleted)
                _args = args;
                _entryPoint = entryPoint;
                _waitTimeout = waitTimeout;
                _stopApplication = stopApplication;
                _configure = configure;
                _entrypointCompleted = entrypointCompleted;
            public object CreateHost()
                using var subscription = DiagnosticListener.AllListeners.Subscribe(this);
                // Kick off the entry point on a new thread so we don't block the current one
                // in case we need to timeout the execution
                var thread = new Thread(() =>
                    Exception? exception = null;
                        // Set the async local to the instance of the HostingListener so we can filter events that
                        // aren't scoped to this execution of the entry point.
                        _currentListener.Value = this;
                        var parameters = _entryPoint.GetParameters();
                        if (parameters.Length == 0)
                            _entryPoint.Invoke(null, Array.Empty<object>());
                            _entryPoint.Invoke(null, new object[] { _args });
                        // Try to set an exception if the entry point returns gracefully, this will force
                        // build to throw
                        _hostTcs.TrySetException(new InvalidOperationException("The entry point exited without ever building an IHost."));
                    catch (TargetInvocationException tie) when (tie.InnerException?.GetType().Name == "HostAbortedException")
                        // The host was stopped by our own logic
                    catch (TargetInvocationException tie)
                        exception = tie.InnerException ?? tie;
                        // Another exception happened, propagate that to the caller
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        exception = ex;
                        // Another exception happened, propagate that to the caller
                        // Signal that the entry point is completed
                    // Make sure this doesn't hang the process
                    IsBackground = true
                // Start the thread
                    // Wait before throwing an exception
                    if (!_hostTcs.Task.Wait(_waitTimeout))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Timed out waiting for the entry point to build the IHost after {s_defaultWaitTimeout}. This timeout can be modified using the '{TimeoutEnvironmentKey}' environment variable.");
                catch (AggregateException) when (_hostTcs.Task.IsCompleted)
                    // Lets this propagate out of the call to GetAwaiter().GetResult()
                return _hostTcs.Task.GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            public void OnCompleted()
            public void OnError(Exception error)
            public void OnNext(DiagnosticListener value)
                if (_currentListener.Value != this)
                    // Ignore events that aren't for this listener
                if (value.Name == "Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting")
                    _disposable = value.Subscribe(this);
            public void OnNext(KeyValuePair<string, object?> value)
                if (_currentListener.Value != this)
                    // Ignore events that aren't for this listener
                if (value.Key == "HostBuilding")
                if (value.Key == "HostBuilt")
                    if (_stopApplication)
                        // Stop the host from running further
            // HostFactoryResolver is used by tools that explicitly don't want to reference Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting assemblies.
            // So don't depend on the public HostAbortedException directly. Instead, load the exception type dynamically if it can
            // be found. If it can't (possibly because the app is using an older version), throw a private exception with the same name.
            private void ThrowHostAborted()
                Type? publicHostAbortedExceptionType = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostAbortedException, Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions", throwOnError: false);
                if (publicHostAbortedExceptionType != null)
                    throw (Exception)Activator.CreateInstance(publicHostAbortedExceptionType)!;
                    throw new HostAbortedException();
            private sealed class HostAbortedException : Exception