// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Extensions.Proxy;
// This duplicates and updates the proxying logic in SpaServices so that we can update
// the project templates without waiting for 2.1 to ship. When 2.1 is ready to ship,
// remove the old ConditionalProxy.cs from SpaServices and replace its usages with this.
// Doesn't affect public API surface - it's all internal.
internal static class SpaProxy
private const int DefaultWebSocketBufferSize = 4096;
private const int StreamCopyBufferSize = 81920;
// https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/16797
private static readonly HashSet<string> NotForwardedHttpHeaders = new HashSet<string>(
new[] { "Connection" },
// Don't forward User-Agent/Accept because of https://github.com/aspnet/JavaScriptServices/issues/1469
// Others just aren't applicable in proxy scenarios
private static readonly HashSet<string> NotForwardedWebSocketHeaders = new HashSet<string>(
new[] { "Accept", "Connection", "Host", "User-Agent", "Upgrade", "Sec-WebSocket-Key", "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", "Sec-WebSocket-Version" },
// In case the connection to the client is HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 and to the server HTTP/1.1 or less, let's get rid of the HTTP/1.1 only headers
private static readonly HashSet<string> InvalidH2H3Headers = new HashSet<string>(
new[] { "Connection", "Transfer-Encoding", "Keep-Alive", "Upgrade", "Proxy-Connection" },
public static HttpClient CreateHttpClientForProxy(TimeSpan requestTimeout)
var handler = new HttpClientHandler
AllowAutoRedirect = false,
UseCookies = false,
return new HttpClient(handler)
Timeout = requestTimeout
public static async Task<bool> PerformProxyRequest(
HttpContext context,
HttpClient httpClient,
Task<Uri> baseUriTask,
CancellationToken applicationStoppingToken,
bool proxy404s)
// Stop proxying if either the server or client wants to disconnect
var proxyCancellationToken = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(
// We allow for the case where the target isn't known ahead of time, and want to
// delay proxied requests until the target becomes known. This is useful, for example,
// when proxying to Angular CLI middleware: we won't know what port it's listening
// on until it finishes starting up.
var baseUri = await baseUriTask;
var baseUriAsString = baseUri.ToString();
var targetUri = new Uri((baseUriAsString.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? baseUriAsString[..^1] : baseUriAsString)
+ context.Request.Path
+ context.Request.QueryString);
if (context.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest)
await AcceptProxyWebSocketRequest(context, ToWebSocketScheme(targetUri), proxyCancellationToken);
return true;
using (var requestMessage = CreateProxyHttpRequest(context, targetUri))
using (var responseMessage = await httpClient.SendAsync(
if (!proxy404s)
if (responseMessage.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
// We're not proxying 404s, i.e., we want to resume the middleware pipeline
// and let some other middleware handle this.
return false;
await CopyProxyHttpResponse(context, responseMessage, proxyCancellationToken);
return true;
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// If we're aborting because either the client disconnected, or the server
// is shutting down, don't treat this as an error.
return true;
catch (IOException)
// This kind of exception can also occur if a proxy read/write gets interrupted
// due to the process shutting down.
return true;
catch (HttpRequestException ex)
throw new HttpRequestException(
$"Failed to proxy the request to {targetUri.ToString()}, because the request to " +
$"the proxy target failed. Check that the proxy target server is running and " +
$"accepting requests to {baseUri.ToString()}.\n\n" +
$"The underlying exception message was '{ex.Message}'." +
$"Check the InnerException for more details.", ex);
private static HttpRequestMessage CreateProxyHttpRequest(HttpContext context, Uri uri)
var request = context.Request;
var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage();
var requestMethod = request.Method;
if (!HttpMethods.IsGet(requestMethod) &&
!HttpMethods.IsHead(requestMethod) &&
!HttpMethods.IsDelete(requestMethod) &&
var streamContent = new StreamContent(request.Body);
requestMessage.Content = streamContent;
// Copy the request headers
foreach (var header in request.Headers)
if (NotForwardedHttpHeaders.Contains(header.Key))
if (!requestMessage.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(header.Key, header.Value.ToArray()) && requestMessage.Content != null)
requestMessage.Content?.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(header.Key, header.Value.ToArray());
requestMessage.Headers.Host = uri.Authority;
requestMessage.RequestUri = uri;
requestMessage.Method = new HttpMethod(request.Method);
return requestMessage;
private static async Task CopyProxyHttpResponse(HttpContext context, HttpResponseMessage responseMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)responseMessage.StatusCode;
foreach (var header in responseMessage.Headers)
if ((HttpProtocol.IsHttp2(context.Request.Protocol) || HttpProtocol.IsHttp3(context.Request.Protocol))
&& InvalidH2H3Headers.Contains(header.Key))
context.Response.Headers[header.Key] = header.Value.ToArray();
foreach (var header in responseMessage.Content.Headers)
context.Response.Headers[header.Key] = header.Value.ToArray();
// SendAsync removes chunking from the response. This removes the header so it doesn't expect a chunked response.
using (var responseStream = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(cancellationToken))
await responseStream.CopyToAsync(context.Response.Body, StreamCopyBufferSize, cancellationToken);
private static Uri ToWebSocketScheme(Uri uri)
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(uri);
if (string.Equals(uriBuilder.Scheme, "https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
uriBuilder.Scheme = "wss";
else if (string.Equals(uriBuilder.Scheme, "http", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
uriBuilder.Scheme = "ws";
return uriBuilder.Uri;
private static async Task<bool> AcceptProxyWebSocketRequest(HttpContext context, Uri destinationUri, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
using (var client = new ClientWebSocket())
foreach (var protocol in context.WebSockets.WebSocketRequestedProtocols)
foreach (var headerEntry in context.Request.Headers)
if (!NotForwardedWebSocketHeaders.Contains(headerEntry.Key))
client.Options.SetRequestHeader(headerEntry.Key, headerEntry.Value);
catch (ArgumentException)
// On net462, certain header names are reserved and can't be set.
// We filter out the known ones via the test above, but there could
// be others arbitrarily set by the client. It's not helpful to
// consider it an error, so just skip non-forwardable headers.
// The perf implications of handling this via a catch aren't an
// issue since this is a dev-time only feature.
// Note that this is not really good enough to make Websockets work with
// Angular CLI middleware. For some reason, ConnectAsync takes over 1 second,
// on Windows, by which time the logic in SockJS has already timed out and made
// it fall back on some other transport (xhr_streaming, usually). It's fine
// on Linux though, completing almost instantly.
// The slowness on Windows does not cause a problem though, because the transport
// fallback logic works correctly and doesn't surface any errors, but it would be
// better if ConnectAsync was fast enough and the initial Websocket transport
// could actually be used.
await client.ConnectAsync(destinationUri, cancellationToken);
catch (WebSocketException)
context.Response.StatusCode = 400;
return false;
using (var server = await context.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync(client.SubProtocol))
var bufferSize = DefaultWebSocketBufferSize;
await Task.WhenAll(
PumpWebSocket(client, server, bufferSize, cancellationToken),
PumpWebSocket(server, client, bufferSize, cancellationToken));
return true;
private static async Task PumpWebSocket(WebSocket source, WebSocket destination, int bufferSize, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
while (true)
// Because WebSocket.ReceiveAsync doesn't work well with CancellationToken (it doesn't
// actually exit when the token notifies, at least not in the 'server' case), use
// polling. The perf might not be ideal, but this is a dev-time feature only.
var resultTask = source.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer), cancellationToken);
while (true)
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
if (resultTask.IsCompleted)
await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken);
var result = resultTask.Result; // We know it's completed already
if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
if (destination.State == WebSocketState.Open || destination.State == WebSocketState.CloseReceived)
await destination.CloseOutputAsync(source.CloseStatus!.Value, source.CloseStatusDescription, cancellationToken);
await destination.SendAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer, 0, result.Count), result.MessageType, result.EndOfMessage, cancellationToken);