// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Internal;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Protocol;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.StackExchangeRedis;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Tests;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using StackExchange.Redis;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Microbenchmarks;
public class RedisHubLifetimeManagerBenchmark
private RedisHubLifetimeManager<TestHub> _manager1;
private RedisHubLifetimeManager<TestHub> _manager2;
private TestClient[] _clients;
private object[] _args;
private readonly List<string> _excludedConnectionIds = new List<string>();
private readonly List<string> _sendIds = new List<string>();
private readonly List<string> _groups = new List<string>();
private readonly List<string> _users = new List<string>();
private const int ClientCount = 20;
[Params(2, 20)]
public int ProtocolCount { get; set; }
// Re-enable micro-benchmark when https://github.com/aspnet/SignalR/issues/3088 is fixed
// [GlobalSetup]
public void GlobalSetup()
var server = new TestRedisServer();
var logger = NullLogger<RedisHubLifetimeManager<TestHub>>.Instance;
var protocols = GenerateProtocols(ProtocolCount).ToArray();
var options = Options.Create(new RedisOptions()
ConnectionFactory = _ => Task.FromResult<IConnectionMultiplexer>(new TestConnectionMultiplexer(server))
var resolver = new DefaultHubProtocolResolver(protocols, NullLogger<DefaultHubProtocolResolver>.Instance);
_manager1 = new RedisHubLifetimeManager<TestHub>(logger, options, resolver);
_manager2 = new RedisHubLifetimeManager<TestHub>(logger, options, resolver);
async Task ConnectClient(TestClient client, IHubProtocol protocol, string userId, string groupName)
await _manager2.OnConnectedAsync(HubConnectionContextUtils.Create(client.Connection, protocol, userId));
await _manager2.AddToGroupAsync(client.Connection.ConnectionId, "Everyone");
await _manager2.AddToGroupAsync(client.Connection.ConnectionId, groupName);
// Connect clients
_clients = new TestClient[ClientCount];
var tasks = new Task[ClientCount];
for (var i = 0; i < _clients.Length; i++)
var protocol = protocols[i % ProtocolCount];
_clients[i] = new TestClient(protocol: protocol);
string group;
string user;
if ((i % 2) == 0)
group = "Evens";
user = "EvenUser";
group = "Odds";
user = "OddUser";
tasks[i] = ConnectClient(_clients[i], protocol, user, group);
_ = ConsumeAsync(_clients[i]);
_args = new object[] { "Foo" };
private IEnumerable<IHubProtocol> GenerateProtocols(int protocolCount)
for (var i = 0; i < protocolCount; i++)
yield return ((i % 2) == 0)
? new WrappedHubProtocol($"json_{i}", new NewtonsoftJsonHubProtocol())
: new WrappedHubProtocol($"messagepack_{i}", new MessagePackHubProtocol());
private async Task ConsumeAsync(TestClient testClient)
while (await testClient.ReadAsync() != null)
// Just dump the message
public async Task SendAll()
await _manager1.SendAllAsync("Test", _args);
public async Task SendGroup()
await _manager1.SendGroupAsync("Everyone", "Test", _args);
public async Task SendUser()
await _manager1.SendUserAsync("EvenUser", "Test", _args);
public async Task SendConnection()
await _manager1.SendConnectionAsync(_clients[0].Connection.ConnectionId, "Test", _args);
public async Task SendConnections()
await _manager1.SendConnectionsAsync(_sendIds, "Test", _args);
public async Task SendAllExcept()
await _manager1.SendAllExceptAsync("Test", _args, _excludedConnectionIds);
public async Task SendGroupExcept()
await _manager1.SendGroupExceptAsync("Everyone", "Test", _args, _excludedConnectionIds);
public async Task SendGroups()
await _manager1.SendGroupsAsync(_groups, "Test", _args);
public async Task SendUsers()
await _manager1.SendUsersAsync(_users, "Test", _args);
public class TestHub : Hub
private sealed class WrappedHubProtocol : IHubProtocol
private readonly string _name;
private readonly IHubProtocol _innerProtocol;
public string Name => _name;
public int Version => _innerProtocol.Version;
public TransferFormat TransferFormat => _innerProtocol.TransferFormat;
public WrappedHubProtocol(string name, IHubProtocol innerProtocol)
_name = name;
_innerProtocol = innerProtocol;
public bool TryParseMessage(ref ReadOnlySequence<byte> input, IInvocationBinder binder, out HubMessage message)
return _innerProtocol.TryParseMessage(ref input, binder, out message);
public void WriteMessage(HubMessage message, IBufferWriter<byte> output)
_innerProtocol.WriteMessage(message, output);
public ReadOnlyMemory<byte> GetMessageBytes(HubMessage message)
return HubProtocolExtensions.GetMessageBytes(this, message);
public bool IsVersionSupported(int version)
return _innerProtocol.IsVersionSupported(version);