1 implementation of IGroupManager
Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Core (1)
Internal\GroupManager.cs (1)
6internal sealed class GroupManager<THub> : IGroupManager where THub : Hub
12 references to IGroupManager
Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Core (10)
Hub.cs (2)
18private IGroupManager _groups = default!; 57public IGroupManager Groups
IHubContext.cs (4)
17/// Gets a <see cref="IGroupManager"/> that can be used to add and remove connections to named groups. 19IGroupManager Groups { get; } 33/// Gets a <see cref="IGroupManager"/> that can be used to add and remove connections to named groups. 35IGroupManager Groups { get; }
IHubContext`T.cs (2)
25/// Gets a <see cref="IGroupManager"/> that can be used to add and remove connections to named groups. 27IGroupManager Groups { get; }
Internal\HubContext.cs (1)
20public IGroupManager Groups { get; }
Internal\HubContext`T.cs (1)
25public IGroupManager Groups { get; }
Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Tests (2)
AddSignalRTests.cs (2)
247public IGroupManager Groups => throw new System.NotImplementedException(); 256public IGroupManager Groups => throw new System.NotImplementedException();