37 references to Closed
ClientSample (1)
HubSample.cs (1)
71connection.Closed += e =>
JwtClientSample (1)
Program.cs (1)
40hubConnection.Closed += e =>
Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.Core (2)
HubConnection.cs (2)
104/// The following example attaches a handler to the <see cref="Closed"/> event, and checks the provided argument to determine 1780var closed = Closed;
Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.FunctionalTests (6)
HubConnectionTests.cs (6)
324connection.Closed += async e => 724connection.Closed += e => 1364connection.Closed += (ex) => { closedTcs.TrySetResult(ex); return Task.CompletedTask; }; 1418connection.Closed += (ex) => { closedTcs.TrySetResult(ex); return Task.CompletedTask; }; 2775connection.Closed += ex => 2882connection.Closed += (_) =>
Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.Tests (26)
HubConnectionTests.ConnectionLifecycle.cs (5)
270connection.Closed += exception => 364connection.Closed += (e) => 389connection.Closed += (e) => 428connection.Closed += (e) => 618hubConnection.Closed += e =>
HubConnectionTests.cs (6)
71hubConnection.Closed += e => 359hubConnection.Closed += ex => 387hubConnection.Closed += ex => 728hubConnection.Closed += _ => 898hubConnection.Closed += e => 930hubConnection.Closed += e =>
HubConnectionTests.Protocol.cs (2)
149hubConnection.Closed += e => 178hubConnection.Closed += e =>
HubConnectionTests.Reconnect.cs (13)
54hubConnection.Closed += error => 145hubConnection.Closed += error => 244hubConnection.Closed += error => 339hubConnection.Closed += error => 421hubConnection.Closed += error => 519hubConnection.Closed += error => 594hubConnection.Closed += error => 653hubConnection.Closed += error => 708hubConnection.Closed += error => 782hubConnection.Closed += error => 889hubConnection.Closed += error => 1013hubConnection.Closed += error => 1091hubConnection.Closed += error =>
Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Tests (1)
EndToEndTests.cs (1)
554connection.Closed += e =>