File: src\Shared\HttpSys\RequestProcessing\NativeRequestContext.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Shared\test\Shared.Tests\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Shared.Tests.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Shared.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Security.Principal;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.HttpSys;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives;
using Windows.Win32;
using Windows.Win32.Networking.HttpServer;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpSys.Internal;
#pragma warning disable CA1852 // Seal internal types
internal unsafe class NativeRequestContext : IDisposable
#pragma warning restore CA1852 // Seal internal types
    private const int AlignmentPadding = 8;
    private const int DefaultBufferSize = 4096 - AlignmentPadding;
    private IntPtr _originalBufferAddress;
    private readonly bool _useLatin1;
    private HTTP_REQUEST_V1* _nativeRequest;
    private readonly IMemoryOwner<byte>? _backingBuffer;
    private MemoryHandle _memoryHandle;
    private readonly int _bufferAlignment;
    private readonly bool _permanentlyPinned;
    private bool _disposed;
    private IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>? _requestInfo;
    [MemberNotNullWhen(false, nameof(_backingBuffer))]
    private bool PermanentlyPinned => _permanentlyPinned;
    // To be used by HttpSys
    internal NativeRequestContext(MemoryPool<byte> memoryPool, uint? bufferSize, ulong requestId, bool useLatin1)
        // TODO:
        // Apparently the HttpReceiveHttpRequest memory alignment requirements for non - ARM processors
        // are different than for ARM processors. We have seen 4 - byte - aligned buffers allocated on
        // virtual x64/x86 machines which were accepted by HttpReceiveHttpRequest without errors. In
        // these cases the buffer alignment may cause reading values at invalid offset. Setting buffer
        // alignment to 0 for now.
        // _bufferAlignment = (int)(requestAddress.ToInt64() & 0x07);
        _bufferAlignment = 0;
        var newSize = (int)(bufferSize ?? DefaultBufferSize) + AlignmentPadding;
        if (newSize <= memoryPool.MaxBufferSize)
            _backingBuffer = memoryPool.Rent(newSize);
            // No size limit
            _backingBuffer = MemoryPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(newSize);
        _memoryHandle = _backingBuffer.Memory.Pin();
        _nativeRequest = (HTTP_REQUEST_V1*)((long)_memoryHandle.Pointer + _bufferAlignment);
        RequestId = requestId;
        _useLatin1 = useLatin1;
    // To be used by IIS Integration.
    internal NativeRequestContext(HTTP_REQUEST_V1* request, bool useLatin1)
        _useLatin1 = useLatin1;
        _nativeRequest = request;
        _bufferAlignment = 0;
        _permanentlyPinned = true;
    public IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> RequestInfo => _requestInfo ??= GetRequestInfo();
    public ReadOnlySpan<long> Timestamps
                Below is the definition of the timing info structure we are accessing the memory for.
                ULONG is 32-bit and maps to int. ULONGLONG is 64-bit and maps to long.
                typedef struct _HTTP_REQUEST_TIMING_INFO
                    ULONG RequestTimingCount;
                    ULONGLONG RequestTiming[HttpRequestTimingTypeMax];
            if (!RequestInfo.TryGetValue((int)HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE.HttpRequestInfoTypeRequestTiming, out var timingInfo))
                return ReadOnlySpan<long>.Empty;
            var timingCount = MemoryMarshal.Read<int>(timingInfo.Span);
            // Note that even though RequestTimingCount is an int, the compiler enforces alignment of data in the struct which causes 4 bytes
            // of padding to be added after RequestTimingCount, so we need to skip 64-bits before we get to the start of the RequestTiming array
            return MemoryMarshal.CreateReadOnlySpan(
                ref Unsafe.As<byte, long>(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(timingInfo.Span[sizeof(long)..])),
    internal HTTP_REQUEST_V1* NativeRequest
            Debug.Assert(_nativeRequest != null || _backingBuffer == null, "native request accessed after ReleasePins().");
            return _nativeRequest;
    internal HTTP_REQUEST_V2* NativeRequestV2
            Debug.Assert(_nativeRequest != null || _backingBuffer == null, "native request accessed after ReleasePins().");
            return (HTTP_REQUEST_V2*)_nativeRequest;
    internal ulong RequestId
        get { return NativeRequest->RequestId; }
        set { NativeRequest->RequestId = value; }
    internal ulong ConnectionId => NativeRequest->ConnectionId;
    internal ulong RawConnectionId => NativeRequest->RawConnectionId;
    internal HTTP_VERB VerbId => NativeRequest->Verb;
    internal ulong UrlContext => NativeRequest->UrlContext;
    internal ushort UnknownHeaderCount => NativeRequest->Headers.UnknownHeaderCount;
    internal SslStatus SslStatus
            return NativeRequest->pSslInfo == null ? SslStatus.Insecure :
                NativeRequest->pSslInfo->SslClientCertNegotiated == 0 ? SslStatus.NoClientCert :
    internal bool IsHttp2 => (NativeRequest->Flags & PInvoke.HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_HTTP2) != 0;
    internal bool IsHttp3 => (NativeRequest->Flags & PInvoke.HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_HTTP3) != 0;
    // Assumes memory isn't pinned. Will fail if called by IIS.
    internal uint Size
            Debug.Assert(_backingBuffer != null);
            return (uint)_backingBuffer.Memory.Length - AlignmentPadding;
    // ReleasePins() should be called exactly once.  It must be called before Dispose() is called, which means it must be called
    // before an object (Request) which closes the RequestContext on demand is returned to the application.
    internal void ReleasePins()
        Debug.Assert(_nativeRequest != null, "RequestContextBase::ReleasePins()|ReleasePins() called twice.");
        _originalBufferAddress = (IntPtr)_nativeRequest;
        _memoryHandle = default;
        _nativeRequest = null;
    public bool TryGetTimestamp(HttpSysRequestTimingType timestampType, out long timestamp)
        var index = (int)timestampType;
        var timestamps = Timestamps;
        if (index < timestamps.Length && timestamps[index] > 0)
            timestamp = timestamps[index];
            return true;
        timestamp = default;
        return false;
    public bool TryGetElapsedTime(HttpSysRequestTimingType startingTimestampType, HttpSysRequestTimingType endingTimestampType, out TimeSpan elapsed)
        if (TryGetTimestamp(startingTimestampType, out var startTimestamp) && TryGetTimestamp(endingTimestampType, out var endTimestamp))
            elapsed = Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(startTimestamp, endTimestamp);
            return true;
        elapsed = default;
        return false;
    public virtual void Dispose()
        if (!_disposed)
            _disposed = true;
            Debug.Assert(_nativeRequest == null, "RequestContextBase::Dispose()|Dispose() called before ReleasePins().");
    // These methods require the HTTP_REQUEST to still be pinned in its original location.
    internal string? GetVerb()
        var verb = NativeRequest->Verb;
        Debug.Assert((int)HTTP_VERB.HttpVerbMaximum == HttpVerbs.Length);
        if (verb > HTTP_VERB.HttpVerbUnknown && verb < HTTP_VERB.HttpVerbMaximum)
            return HttpVerbs[(int)verb];
        else if (verb == HTTP_VERB.HttpVerbUnknown && !NativeRequest->pUnknownVerb.Equals(null))
            // Never use Latin1 for the VERB
            return HeaderEncoding.GetString(NativeRequest->pUnknownVerb, NativeRequest->UnknownVerbLength, useLatin1: false);
        return null;
    // Maps HTTP_VERB to strings
    internal static readonly string?[] HttpVerbs =
    internal string? GetRawUrl()
        if (!NativeRequest->pRawUrl.Equals(null) && NativeRequest->RawUrlLength > 0)
            return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)NativeRequest->pRawUrl.Value, NativeRequest->RawUrlLength);
        return null;
    internal Span<byte> GetRawUrlInBytes()
        if (!NativeRequest->pRawUrl.Equals(null) && NativeRequest->RawUrlLength > 0)
            return new Span<byte>(NativeRequest->pRawUrl, NativeRequest->RawUrlLength);
        return default;
    internal CookedUrl GetCookedUrl()
        return new CookedUrl(NativeRequest->CookedUrl);
    internal Version GetVersion()
        if (IsHttp3)
            return HttpVersion.Version30;
        if (IsHttp2)
            return HttpVersion.Version20;
        var major = NativeRequest->Version.MajorVersion;
        var minor = NativeRequest->Version.MinorVersion;
        if (major == 1 && minor == 1)
            return HttpVersion.Version11;
        else if (major == 1 && minor == 0)
            return HttpVersion.Version10;
        return new Version(major, minor);
    internal bool CheckAuthenticated()
        var requestInfo = NativeRequestV2->pRequestInfo;
        var infoCount = NativeRequestV2->RequestInfoCount;
        for (var i = 0; i < infoCount; i++)
            var info = &requestInfo[i];
            if (info != null
                && info->InfoType == HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE.HttpRequestInfoTypeAuth)
                var authInfo = (HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_INFO*)info->pInfo;
                if (authInfo->AuthStatus == HTTP_AUTH_STATUS.HttpAuthStatusSuccess)
                    return true;
        return false;
    internal WindowsPrincipal GetUser()
        var requestInfo = NativeRequestV2->pRequestInfo;
        var infoCount = NativeRequestV2->RequestInfoCount;
        for (var i = 0; i < infoCount; i++)
            var info = &requestInfo[i];
            if (info != null
                && info->InfoType == HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE.HttpRequestInfoTypeAuth)
                var authInfo = (HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_INFO*)info->pInfo;
                if (authInfo->AuthStatus == HTTP_AUTH_STATUS.HttpAuthStatusSuccess)
                    // Duplicates AccessToken
                    var identity = new WindowsIdentity(authInfo->AccessToken, GetAuthTypeFromRequest(authInfo->AuthType));
                    // Close the original
                    return new WindowsPrincipal(identity);
        return new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetAnonymous()); // Anonymous / !IsAuthenticated
    internal HTTP_SSL_PROTOCOL_INFO GetTlsHandshake()
        var requestInfo = NativeRequestV2->pRequestInfo;
        var infoCount = NativeRequestV2->RequestInfoCount;
        for (var i = 0; i < infoCount; i++)
            var info = &requestInfo[i];
            if (info != null
                && info->InfoType == HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE.HttpRequestInfoTypeSslProtocol)
                var authInfo = *(HTTP_SSL_PROTOCOL_INFO*)info->pInfo;
                return authInfo;
        return default;
    private static void SetSslProtocol(HTTP_SSL_PROTOCOL_INFO* protocolInfo)
        var protocol = protocolInfo->Protocol;
        // The OS considers client and server TLS as different enum values. SslProtocols choose to combine those for some reason.
        // We need to fill in the client bits so the enum shows the expected protocol.
        // Compare to,8905d1bf17729de3
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
        if ((protocol & (uint)SslProtocols.Ssl2) != 0)
            protocol |= (uint)SslProtocols.Ssl2;
        if ((protocol & (uint)SslProtocols.Ssl3) != 0)
            protocol |= (uint)SslProtocols.Ssl3;
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or Prmember is obsolete
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0039 // TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are obsolete
        if ((protocol & (uint)SslProtocols.Tls) != 0)
            protocol |= (uint)SslProtocols.Tls;
        if ((protocol & (uint)SslProtocols.Tls11) != 0)
            protocol |= (uint)SslProtocols.Tls11;
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0039
        if ((protocol & (uint)SslProtocols.Tls12) != 0)
            protocol |= (uint)SslProtocols.Tls12;
        if ((protocol & (uint)SslProtocols.Tls13) != 0)
            protocol |= (uint)SslProtocols.Tls13;
        protocolInfo->Protocol = protocol;
    private static string GetAuthTypeFromRequest(HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE input)
        return input switch
            HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE.HttpRequestAuthTypeBasic => "Basic",
            HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE.HttpRequestAuthTypeNTLM => "NTLM",
            // case HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE.HttpRequestAuthTypeDigest => "Digest";
            HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE.HttpRequestAuthTypeNegotiate => "Negotiate",
            HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE.HttpRequestAuthTypeKerberos => "Kerberos",
            _ => throw new NotImplementedException(input.ToString()),
    internal bool HasKnownHeader(HttpSysRequestHeader header)
        if (PermanentlyPinned)
            return HasKnowHeaderHelper(header, 0, _nativeRequest);
            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = _backingBuffer.Memory.Span)
                var request = (HTTP_REQUEST_V1*)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment);
                var fixup = pMemoryBlob - (byte*)_originalBufferAddress;
                return HasKnowHeaderHelper(header, fixup, request);
    private bool HasKnowHeaderHelper(HttpSysRequestHeader header, long fixup, HTTP_REQUEST_V1* request)
        var headerIndex = (int)header;
        var pKnownHeader = request->Headers.KnownHeaders.AsSpan()[headerIndex];
        // For known headers, when header value is empty, RawValueLength will be 0 and
        // pRawValue will point to empty string ("\0")
        if (pKnownHeader.RawValueLength > 0)
            return true;
        return false;
    // These methods are for accessing the request structure after it has been unpinned. They need to adjust addresses
    // in case GC has moved the original object.
    internal string? GetKnownHeader(HttpSysRequestHeader header)
        if (PermanentlyPinned)
            return GetKnowHeaderHelper(header, 0, _nativeRequest);
            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = _backingBuffer.Memory.Span)
                var request = (HTTP_REQUEST_V1*)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment);
                var fixup = pMemoryBlob - (byte*)_originalBufferAddress;
                return GetKnowHeaderHelper(header, fixup, request);
    private string? GetKnowHeaderHelper(HttpSysRequestHeader header, long fixup, HTTP_REQUEST_V1* request)
        var headerIndex = (int)header;
        string? value = null;
        var pKnownHeader = request->Headers.KnownHeaders.AsSpan()[headerIndex];
        // For known headers, when header value is empty, RawValueLength will be 0 and
        // pRawValue will point to empty string ("\0")
        if (pKnownHeader.RawValueLength > 0)
            value = HeaderEncoding.GetString((byte*)pKnownHeader.pRawValue + fixup, pKnownHeader.RawValueLength, _useLatin1);
        return value;
    internal void GetUnknownKeys(Span<string> destination)
        if (PermanentlyPinned)
            PopulateUnknownKeys(_nativeRequest, 0, destination);
            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = _backingBuffer.Memory.Span)
                var request = (HTTP_REQUEST_V1*)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment);
                var fixup = pMemoryBlob - (byte*)_originalBufferAddress;
                PopulateUnknownKeys(request, fixup, destination);
    private void PopulateUnknownKeys(HTTP_REQUEST_V1* request, long fixup, Span<string> destination)
        if (request->Headers.UnknownHeaderCount == 0)
        var pUnknownHeader = (HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER*)(fixup + (byte*)request->Headers.pUnknownHeaders);
        for (var index = 0; index < request->Headers.UnknownHeaderCount; index++)
            if (!pUnknownHeader->pName.Equals(null) && pUnknownHeader->NameLength > 0)
                var headerName = HeaderEncoding.GetString((byte*)pUnknownHeader->pName + fixup, pUnknownHeader->NameLength, _useLatin1);
                destination[index] = headerName;
    internal int CountUnknownHeaders()
        if (PermanentlyPinned)
            return CountUnknownHeaders(_nativeRequest, 0);
            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = _backingBuffer.Memory.Span)
                var request = (HTTP_REQUEST_V1*)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment);
                var fixup = pMemoryBlob - (byte*)_originalBufferAddress;
                return CountUnknownHeaders(request, fixup);
    private int CountUnknownHeaders(HTTP_REQUEST_V1* request, long fixup)
        if (request->Headers.UnknownHeaderCount == 0)
            return 0;
        var count = 0;
        var pUnknownHeader = (HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER*)(fixup + (byte*)request->Headers.pUnknownHeaders);
        for (var index = 0; index < request->Headers.UnknownHeaderCount; index++)
            // For unknown headers, when header value is empty, RawValueLength will be 0 and
            // pRawValue will be null.
            if (!pUnknownHeader->pName.Equals(null) && pUnknownHeader->NameLength > 0)
        return count;
    internal void GetUnknownHeaders(IDictionary<string, StringValues> unknownHeaders)
        if (PermanentlyPinned)
            GetUnknownHeadersHelper(unknownHeaders, 0, _nativeRequest);
            // Return value.
            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = _backingBuffer.Memory.Span)
                var request = (HTTP_REQUEST_V1*)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment);
                var fixup = pMemoryBlob - (byte*)_originalBufferAddress;
                GetUnknownHeadersHelper(unknownHeaders, fixup, request);
    private void GetUnknownHeadersHelper(IDictionary<string, StringValues> unknownHeaders, long fixup, HTTP_REQUEST_V1* request)
        int index;
        // unknown headers
        if (request->Headers.UnknownHeaderCount != 0)
            var pUnknownHeader = (HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER*)(fixup + (byte*)request->Headers.pUnknownHeaders);
            for (index = 0; index < request->Headers.UnknownHeaderCount; index++)
                // For unknown headers, when header value is empty, RawValueLength will be 0 and
                // pRawValue will be null.
                if (!pUnknownHeader->pName.Equals(null) && pUnknownHeader->NameLength > 0)
                    var headerName = HeaderEncoding.GetString((byte*)pUnknownHeader->pName + fixup, pUnknownHeader->NameLength, _useLatin1);
                    string headerValue;
                    if (!pUnknownHeader->pRawValue.Equals(null) && pUnknownHeader->RawValueLength > 0)
                        headerValue = HeaderEncoding.GetString((byte*)pUnknownHeader->pRawValue + fixup, pUnknownHeader->RawValueLength, _useLatin1);
                        headerValue = string.Empty;
                    // Note that Http.Sys currently collapses all headers of the same name to a single coma separated string,
                    // so we can just call Set.
                    unknownHeaders[headerName] = headerValue;
    internal SocketAddress? GetRemoteEndPoint()
        return GetEndPoint(localEndpoint: false);
    internal SocketAddress? GetLocalEndPoint()
        return GetEndPoint(localEndpoint: true);
    private SocketAddress? GetEndPoint(bool localEndpoint)
        if (PermanentlyPinned)
            return GetEndPointHelper(localEndpoint, _nativeRequest, (byte*)0);
            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = _backingBuffer.Memory.Span)
                var request = (HTTP_REQUEST_V1*)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment);
                return GetEndPointHelper(localEndpoint, request, pMemoryBlob);
    private SocketAddress? GetEndPointHelper(bool localEndpoint, HTTP_REQUEST_V1* request, byte* pMemoryBlob)
        var source = localEndpoint ? (byte*)request->Address.pLocalAddress : (byte*)request->Address.pRemoteAddress;
        if (source == null)
            return null;
        var address = (IntPtr)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment - (byte*)_originalBufferAddress + source);
        return SocketAddress.CopyOutAddress(address);
    internal uint GetChunks(ref int dataChunkIndex, ref uint dataChunkOffset, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)
        // Return value.
        if (PermanentlyPinned)
            return GetChunksHelper(ref dataChunkIndex, ref dataChunkOffset, buffer, offset, size, 0, _nativeRequest);
            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = _backingBuffer.Memory.Span)
                var request = (HTTP_REQUEST_V1*)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment);
                var fixup = pMemoryBlob - (byte*)_originalBufferAddress;
                return GetChunksHelper(ref dataChunkIndex, ref dataChunkOffset, buffer, offset, size, fixup, request);
    private uint GetChunksHelper(ref int dataChunkIndex, ref uint dataChunkOffset, byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, long fixup, HTTP_REQUEST_V1* request)
        uint dataRead = 0;
        if (request->EntityChunkCount > 0 && dataChunkIndex < request->EntityChunkCount && dataChunkIndex != -1)
            var pDataChunk = (HTTP_DATA_CHUNK*)(fixup + (byte*)&request->pEntityChunks[dataChunkIndex]);
            fixed (byte* pReadBuffer = buffer)
                var pTo = &pReadBuffer[offset];
                while (dataChunkIndex < request->EntityChunkCount && dataRead < size)
                    if (dataChunkOffset >= pDataChunk->Anonymous.FromMemory.BufferLength)
                        dataChunkOffset = 0;
                        var pFrom = (byte*)pDataChunk->Anonymous.FromMemory.pBuffer + dataChunkOffset + fixup;
                        var bytesToRead = pDataChunk->Anonymous.FromMemory.BufferLength - (uint)dataChunkOffset;
                        if (bytesToRead > (uint)size)
                            bytesToRead = (uint)size;
                        for (uint i = 0; i < bytesToRead; i++)
                            *(pTo++) = *(pFrom++);
                        dataRead += bytesToRead;
                        dataChunkOffset += bytesToRead;
        // we're finished.
        if (dataChunkIndex == request->EntityChunkCount)
            dataChunkIndex = -1;
        return dataRead;
    internal IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> GetRequestInfo()
        if (PermanentlyPinned)
            return GetRequestInfo((IntPtr)_nativeRequest, (HTTP_REQUEST_V2*)_nativeRequest);
            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = _backingBuffer.Memory.Span)
                var request = (HTTP_REQUEST_V2*)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment);
                return GetRequestInfo(_originalBufferAddress, request);
    private IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> GetRequestInfo(IntPtr baseAddress, HTTP_REQUEST_V2* nativeRequest)
        var count = nativeRequest->RequestInfoCount;
        if (count == 0)
            return ImmutableDictionary<int, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>.Empty;
        var info = new Dictionary<int, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>(count);
        var fixup = (byte*)nativeRequest - (byte*)baseAddress;
        var pRequestInfo = (HTTP_REQUEST_INFO*)((byte*)nativeRequest->pRequestInfo + fixup);
        for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
            var requestInfo = pRequestInfo[i];
            var memory = PermanentlyPinned
                ? new PointerMemoryManager<byte>((byte*)requestInfo.pInfo, (int)requestInfo.InfoLength).Memory
                : _backingBuffer.Memory.Slice((int)((long)requestInfo.pInfo - (long)baseAddress), (int)requestInfo.InfoLength);
            info.Add((int)requestInfo.InfoType, memory);
        return new ReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyMemory<byte>>(info);
    internal X509Certificate2? GetClientCertificate()
        if (PermanentlyPinned)
            return GetClientCertificate((IntPtr)_nativeRequest, (HTTP_REQUEST_V2*)_nativeRequest);
            fixed (byte* pMemoryBlob = _backingBuffer.Memory.Span)
                var request = (HTTP_REQUEST_V2*)(pMemoryBlob + _bufferAlignment);
                return GetClientCertificate(_originalBufferAddress, request);
    // Throws CryptographicException
    private X509Certificate2? GetClientCertificate(IntPtr baseAddress, HTTP_REQUEST_V2* nativeRequest)
        var request = nativeRequest->Base;
        var fixup = (byte*)nativeRequest - (byte*)baseAddress;
        if (request.pSslInfo == null)
            return null;
        var sslInfo = (HTTP_SSL_INFO*)((byte*)request.pSslInfo + fixup);
        if (sslInfo->SslClientCertNegotiated == 0 || sslInfo->pClientCertInfo == null)
            return null;
        var clientCertInfo = (HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO*)((byte*)sslInfo->pClientCertInfo + fixup);
        if (clientCertInfo->pCertEncoded == null)
            return null;
        var clientCert = clientCertInfo->pCertEncoded + fixup;
        var certEncoded = new byte[clientCertInfo->CertEncodedSize];
        Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)clientCert, certEncoded, 0, certEncoded.Length);
        return new X509Certificate2(certEncoded);
    // Copied from
    private sealed unsafe class PointerMemoryManager<T> : MemoryManager<T> where T : struct
        private readonly void* _pointer;
        private readonly int _length;
        internal PointerMemoryManager(void* pointer, int length)
            _pointer = pointer;
            _length = length;
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        public override Span<T> GetSpan()
            return new Span<T>(_pointer, _length);
        public override MemoryHandle Pin(int elementIndex = 0)
            throw new NotSupportedException();
        public override void Unpin()