4 instantiations of EncodedKey
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session (4)
DistributedSession.cs (4)
135return _store.TryGetValue(new EncodedKey(key), out value); 145var encodedKey = new EncodedKey(key); 167_isModified |= _store.Remove(new EncodedKey(key)); 348var key = new EncodedKey(ReadBytes(content, keyLength));
23 references to EncodedKey
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session (23)
DefaultDistributedSessionStore.cs (7)
11private readonly Dictionary<EncodedKey, byte[]> _store = new Dictionary<EncodedKey, byte[]>(); 15public ICollection<EncodedKey> Keys => _store.Keys; 17public bool TryGetValue(EncodedKey key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out byte[] value) 20public void SetValue(EncodedKey key, byte[] value) => _store[key] = value; 22public bool Remove(EncodedKey encodedKey) 28public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<EncodedKey, byte[]>> GetEnumerator()
DistributedSession.cs (2)
145var encodedKey = new EncodedKey(key); 348var key = new EncodedKey(ReadBytes(content, keyLength));
EncodedKey.cs (2)
42var otherKey = obj as EncodedKey;
IDistributedSessionStore.cs (5)
8internal interface IDistributedSessionStore : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<EncodedKey, byte[]>> 12ICollection<EncodedKey> Keys { get; } 14bool TryGetValue(EncodedKey key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out byte[] value); 16void SetValue(EncodedKey key, byte[] value); 18bool Remove(EncodedKey encodedKey);
NoOpSessionStore.cs (7)
12public void SetValue(EncodedKey key, byte[] value) 20public ICollection<EncodedKey> Keys { get; } = Array.Empty<EncodedKey>(); 26public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<EncodedKey, byte[]>> GetEnumerator() => Enumerable.Empty<KeyValuePair<EncodedKey, byte[]>>().GetEnumerator(); 28public bool Remove(EncodedKey key) => false; 30public bool TryGetValue(EncodedKey key, [MaybeNullWhen(false)] out byte[] value)