File: Internal\NamedPipeTransportFactory.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Servers\Kestrel\Transport.NamedPipes\src\Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.NamedPipes.csproj (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.NamedPipes)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectPool;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.NamedPipes.Internal;
internal sealed class NamedPipeTransportFactory : IConnectionListenerFactory, IConnectionListenerFactorySelector
    private const string LocalComputerServerName = ".";
    private readonly ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory;
    private readonly ObjectPoolProvider _objectPoolProvider;
    private readonly NamedPipeTransportOptions _options;
    public NamedPipeTransportFactory(
        ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
        IOptions<NamedPipeTransportOptions> options,
        ObjectPoolProvider objectPoolProvider)
        Debug.Assert(OperatingSystem.IsWindows(), "Named pipes transport requires a Windows operating system.");
        _loggerFactory = loggerFactory;
        _objectPoolProvider = objectPoolProvider;
        _options = options.Value;
    public ValueTask<IConnectionListener> BindAsync(EndPoint endpoint, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        if (endpoint is not NamedPipeEndPoint namedPipeEndPoint)
            throw new NotSupportedException($"{endpoint.GetType()} is not supported.");
        if (namedPipeEndPoint.ServerName != LocalComputerServerName)
            throw new NotSupportedException($@"Server name '{namedPipeEndPoint.ServerName}' is invalid. The server name must be ""{LocalComputerServerName}"".");
        var listener = new NamedPipeConnectionListener(namedPipeEndPoint, _options, _loggerFactory, _objectPoolProvider);
        // Start the listener and create NamedPipeServerStream instances immediately.
        // The first server stream is created with the FirstPipeInstance flag. The FirstPipeInstance flag ensures
        // that no other apps have a running pipe with the configured name. This check is important because:
        // 1. Some settings, such as ACL, are chosen by the first pipe to start with a given name.
        // 2. It's easy to run two Kestrel app instances. Want to avoid two apps listening on the same pipe and creating confusion.
        //    The second launched app instance should immediately fail with an error message, just like port binding conflicts.
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
            throw new AddressInUseException($"Named pipe '{namedPipeEndPoint.PipeName}' is already in use.", ex);
        return new ValueTask<IConnectionListener>(listener);
    public bool CanBind(EndPoint endpoint)
        return endpoint is NamedPipeEndPoint;